Google oauth javascript cross domain - javascript

On this page: Google gives instructions for doing oauth with client side applications that talk to their apis.
One step is to call their token validation api. But if I want to do this from javascript, it would require an ajax request which is cross domain.
It seems like with all the improvements to cross domain stuff recently this should be possible, but I'm not figuring it out. Any pointers would be helpful.

If you want a completely browser-based solution, you should consider using the Google APIs JavaScript client. Here is the documentation on how to do auth using that library:


Does the BigQuery JS SDK support CORS?

Is there support for CORS in the BigQuery client-side JavaScript SDK? Specifically, can a user make a request inside of my app that their gets data from BigQuery, without having to proxy the request to avoid CORS?
The BigQuery API is a normal Google API, and Google APIs support CORS. If you use the full Google APIs JavaScript client, then this will be handled for you, and it will just work.
If for some reason you don't want to use the complete Google APIs JavaScript client, this page discusses how to do CORS manually, using just the auth portion of the library:
But using the complete JavaScript library will be easier, so I recommend you do that.

How to do OAuth authentication via AJAX / jQuery?

I've worked a bit with Twitter web API, I know it works with OAuth, I've consumed the API using a python library. I've also tried a bit of Instagram API using a Java Script small library.
I know those perform web REST requests in the background, authenticating first and then querying requests as I code.
However, what if I want to perform the requets using jQuery $.ajax from a web application?
I've read some docs and sites and it seems it's just possible. Like only ajaxing to the API routes, starting with the authentication route.
But, how does this process work? I mean, I query by AJAX to the auth route and then how do I keep track of that authentication. How to keep that communication? Will the redirect URL play its role then?
Reading this site for Instagram API I start getting a clue about it, but got the doubts mentioned above.
I want to perform all AJAX requests in the Java Script server background (I'm using node.js), assuming I will provide my apps OAuth in the $.ajax. Is that OK or I can actually code it on client site keeping my OAuth tokens save?
And, if it's concern of this same question, when it comes to bytes (pictures, sound, etc) how to catch the response from API.
Okay, if I understand what you are trying to do is to make an Ajax call from a web page to the Twitter API and post/retrieve tweets and other info from Twitter.
Since the release of the API v1.1, Twitter has deprecated the v1.0 API and one of the major changes in 1.1 was Authentication Required on all Endpoints
And to do this from JavaScript and jQuery is quite possible (albeit very cumbersome, difficult and requires the use of many 3rd party JS libraries to HMAC Hash your data and keys and calculate content lengths on the client side before making your Request. Twitter API does not support CORS but does support JSONP for these kind of Ajax requests. But this is not recommended - since doing this on the client side will require you to have your Twitter App Access Keys - Private keys - embedded in your script files - which is basically a big NO-NO. And hence a server side solutions to generate your oAuth tokens is recommended. But once you have achieved that, it may be easier to get the token on your script and make Ajax calls using that from the browser. But I haven't gone that far in my research.
Also, this is based off of my research in Mid 2013 when my Twitter Ajax widgets stopped working because of this change and I gave up trying to fix it using that route after I realized it would compromise my security keys. Things may have changed since then.
If you are still interested to find a solution, this walkthrough would be a good place to start learning about Twitter's oAuth and how the Access Tokens are generated:

Server-side flow for Google Drive API authorization of a javascript Chrome extension

I was reading #Nivco answer to Authorization of Google Drive using JavaScript and saw:
"...all you have to do it is use server-side code to process the authorization code returned after the Drive server-side flow (you need to exchange it for an access token and a refresh token). That way, only on the first flow will the user be prompted for authorization. After the first time you exchange the authorization code, the auth page will be bypassed automatically.
Server side samples to do this is available in our documentation."
Having read the documentation I am still pretty confused about how to process the authorization code and ultimately pass the access and refresh tokens to my Chrome extension so that it can proceed without the server for future requests. Can someone provide an example of the server-side code to do this?
As background I have a Chrome Extension with several thousand users that is built on the Google DocList API but I am trying to transition to the Drive API since the other one is being deprecated. Ideally my code would be entirely stand alone as an extension but I'm willing to accept the single authorization request through my server that Nivco's answer requires.
We've just ported our JavaScript application from using server to client flow. We've removed the server part entirely, it's not needed any longer.
You can see the source code that we used online, it's available uncompressed.

How can I create javascript on my server that uses backend on that server and will be used on another web site?

I need to offer a web service that my clients can use on their web sites with AJAX. They are not able to call my web service because of XSS preventions. The clients can not make a proxy to access my web service.
I am trying to make a javascript library on my server that they could include in their site, which would in turn call the web service on the server. Somehow it does not seem to work.
The server is located at Google App Engine.
So the question is: How can I make a javascript library on my server that uses backend on that server and remote users can use it? Much like google maps js API works?
You should use Cross Origin Resource Sharing instead, just set CORS http headers for your web service.
Same origin policy is dependant on document origin therefore providing a JavaScript library will not help.
Two possibilities:
have your javascript library create an iframe pointed at your server. Communicate between the code running in that iframe and the 3rd-party site via the best crosspage communication for the browser you're on. Google's Closure library has a class called CrossPageChannel that works very well for this. Put the bulk of your logic in the iframe. This can be nice because it'll prevent the 3rd-party site from doing anything that isn't well-defined by the messages you pass across the iframe boundary.
use JSONP to get data from your server and keep all the logic in the javascript library.

Consuming an authenticated RIA Domain Service via JSONP

I'm writing an HTML5/JavaScript application that needs to consume data from an existing WCF RIA Services Domain Service. Requests will always be cross-domain so I have added a JSONP endpoint onto the service using the solution I posted in this stackoverflow question.
Using jQuery.ajax() I can successfully retrieve data from the service when authentication is off. With authentication on I get this error:
Cross domain javascript callback is not supported in authenticated services.
This is by-design behaviour so I need a workaround!
The possible solution I'm looking at is to try and use OAuth. My current thinking is to use the JavaScript library and DotNetOpenAuth code referred to on I'm hoping to implement the service in a seperate server instance with OAuth authentication (instead of forms/windows) and tack on the relevant request headers to my jQuery calls.
So my reason for posting is, does this sound reasonable and is this the best approach? And if so does anyone have any experience, tips or samples they want to share? :)

