supersized api.nextSlide();? - javascript

I am using the supersized plugin:
But it is troubling me, the documentation is not very clear or not to me at least.
I am trying to load different images via my menu items, the doc says to insert the following but I do not understand where I should be adding this:
I tried to put it anywhere with no luck, anyone?

I had to include any css files that came with supersized. And i missed them, that what the issue was.


Bootstrap don't have effect in angular 10.2.1

im trying to use some stuffs from bootstrap, but dont work at all, i realized that only buttons get effect , but the major things ins't work. for example i tried to add this dropdowlist bellow
but the result is that:
i add the cdn link direct in html page, and i already install boostrap via npm, but both cases the style boostrap and behavior isn't work properly.
try to add code below to your style.css
#import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
like the image below
enter image description here

How to remove these letters at the top of the page

Today I found that my Wordpress website has encountered a problem. There are two unexpected letters at the top of the page which can be found in the screen shot below. I can't find where it is from the raw files of Wordpress. I don't know what happened. Could somebody help me please?
Heya :)You might be using some website screenshot plugin. Deactivate that plugin and then check the output. :)
i've had the same problem a while ago only instead of an n or two n's in your case i had a v just at the same place as yours is. What helped for me where the following steps.
Check all files, header.php, template files, etc.
Deactivate and activate your plug-ins. Maybe even try the Wordpress Re-install function from the updates page. Don't worry none of your contents like pages, posts, etc will be lost.
Check your widgets, sidebars and other content blocks from the back-end but also the corresponding template files.
If you have a decent editor like in my case PHPstorm make use of the show history function. It makes searching a lot easier.
I hope just like i had your problem will be solved after taking these steps.

Issue with jQuery UI in Blogspot

I'm trying to have a div appearing in a dialog using the jQuery-UI function. It will be a contact form in my blogspot site. However I keep getting the notorious 'Undefined is not a function' error. I searched a lot without eventually being able to address the issue and I have no idea about what's going on.
Below is a fiddle EXACTLY as in the blogspot code (even same id names). You can see that in the fiddle the code functions perfectly.
<a id='emailform' href='#'>Click here!</a>
<div id='contform' style='background-color:red;width:200px; height:200px;display:none;'>Blablabla</div>
$(document).ready(function () {
function () {
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Changed the line #4 to a simple alert message and it worked. So I think that this narrowed the problem down to the jQuery UI library.
I don't know why but I have found that jQuery sometimes has some trouble working with Blogger, what mostly solved the issue was wrapping it like this:
jquery here
I find that blogger will sometimes encode some elements within my script and this will prevent blogger from doing so, thus the script is executed properly.
Maybe it'll solve your problem as well.
Ok, issue tracked down. It seems that the problem caused by a duplicate 'include' of the jquery-ui library. The template I've used was making a second reference to a jquery-ui library (which was also an older one from what I've used) and caused a conflict. Removing the second reference just solved the problem.

Ticker not working on selected pages?

My website is
If you look at the home page, it is perfect, but when you go to another page, it is big and looks weird. How do I fix it, and what is wrong? Thanks! If you need some code, I will be glad to post some, or you can view it on my site.
I just looked at chrome developer tools, and found this error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
How do I fix this?
You have jQuery included after your jQuery code on your other pages (it needs to be included before). So you end up with just a block of code that isn't functioning as a ticker. Put the call before it and you'll be good.
its because the ticker expands the height as more content gets added and everything is positioned absolute, you need to position something other then absolute, maybe relative , or arrange the elements so they have room to expand
I think you forget add ticker-active class to your other pages. And make sure you call the initialize javascript function.

Fancybox is not a function

Hello I am using the jQuery plugin fancybox to display bing maps when somebody enters an address into a textbox and hits the submit button beside it. And a fancybox is loaded and a map for that address is displayed. This is working well with my application, but the problem is, it is only working well on one page and on the other one, when I load it, it is giving me an error saying fancybox is not a function. I get to see this error in the error console and in the firebug console. I am not sure what could the problem. The same code works in another page, but it doesn't on this one?
$("Map").fancybox is not a function
I am pretty sure it is not re-usability issue. But when I test to see if fancybox's original files have been loaded, they are loaded with the dom, so it might not be actual problem. But I am unable to understand what else could the problem be.
This is my code
abbr: is just a text bit. I have different divs based on what the user selects. And each div would have its own controls, which would start with that text and are appended with their own definitions such as mapresults, decValLat, decValLon etc.
ex: abbr>>east
and then the ids would be eastmapresults, eastdecValLat, eastdecValLon etc.
function showMapFancybox(abbr){
var abbr;
overlayShow: true,
onClosed: function() {
map_latdec = $('#decValLat').attr('value');
map_longdec = $('#decValLon').attr('value');
map_latdeg = $('#degValLat').attr('value');
map_longdeg = $('#degValLon').attr('value');
I already had this type of errors because i was reloading jQuery after the plugin import, check you don't reimport jquery by mistake (sometimes included in a package like jQuery tools).
I just had this issue, it seem some versions of jQuery are not compatible with versions of FancyBox, for example Fancybox 1.3.4 is buggy with jQuery versions below 1.7 and doesn't work on version higher than 1.8.
Possible Solutions:
1) have you already loaded jQuery? If not, then load it before any $ commands start.
2) Check, probably you are loading jquery library (.js) several times during the page. Try to load only one.
3) In the end of file, you can execute this javascript command: $ = jQuery.noConflict(); and it might solve. If not, then anywhere use the word jQuery instead of $, and it will work too.
You need to load the extensions like easing.js and mousewheel.js BEFORE the main fancybox plugin. That solves the problem.
If "fancybox" as a function does not exist, it is likely that either the jQuery source or the plugin source are failing to load into your page. Make sure that the pathing, file names, and extension are all correct.
EDIT: Make sure that you link to jQuery Source before you link to any plugins. If a plugin is loaded into your HTML before jQuery is, the plugin fails.
In my case it was jQuery.noConflict(); row in another jQuery plugin ... when I removed everything started to work.
If you are using a plugin which includes JQuery into your header tag, this trouble can arise.
I recently added 'TheThe Slider' to my blog, all my FancyBoxes stopped working. There are easy fixes for this situation though. basically, go to the plugin directory, search for the call to jquery and make it's usage conditional. If you would like to see my implementation of this I did blog about it with screen-capture.
I got this issue in my WordPress web site and I found the issue was happening due to fancybox.js presenting twice in the code from two plugins which I installed. So check your code and make sure to load from one source.

