POST manipulation, Tamper Data and AJAX security issues - javascript

Frequently when I work on AJAX applications, I'll pass around parameters via POST. Certain parts of the application might send the same number of parameters or the same set of data, but depending on a custom parameter I pass, it may do something completely different (such as delete instead of insert or update). When sending data, I'll usually do something like this:
$.post("somepage.php", {action: "complete", somedata: data, moredata: anotherdata}, function(data, status) {
if(status == "success") {
//do something
On another part of the application, I might have similar code but instead setting the action property to deny or something application specific that will instead trigger code to delete or move data on the server side.
I've heard about tools that let you modify POST requests and the data associated with them, but I've only used one such tool called Tamper Data for Firefox. I know the chances of someone modifying the data of a POST request is slim and even slimmer for them to change a key property to make the application do something different on the backend (such as changing action: "complete" to action: "deny"), but I'm sure it happens in day to day attacks on web applications. Can anyone suggest some good ways to avoid this kind of tampering? I've thought of a few ways that consist of checking if the action is wrong for the event being triggered and validating that along with everything else, but I can see that being an extra 100 lines of code for each part of the application that needs to have these kinds of requests protected.

You need to authorize clients making the AJAX call just like you would with normal requests. As long as the user has the rights to do what he is trying to do, there should be no problem.
You should also pass along an authentication token that you store in the users session, to protect against CSRF.

Your server can't trust anything it receives from the client. You can start establishing trust using sessions and authentication (make sure the user is who she says she is), SSL/TLS (prevent tampering from the network) and XSRF protection (make sure the action was carried out from html that you generated) as well as care to prevent XSS injection (make sure you control the way your html is generated). All these things can be handled by a server-side framework of good quality, but there are still many ways to mess up. So you should probably take steps to make sure the user can't do anything overly destructive for either party.


How "secure" is the ASP .NET Controller

I am still very new to the concepts and design of ASP .NET's MVC and AJAX and I was wondering how secure the Controller is to unwanted user's when webdeployed.
I ask because for fun I made a little admin panel that requires a user name and password. Once input is entered the information is AJAX submitted to a ActionResult method in the Controller that just compares the strings to see if they match, then returns the response back to the AJAX.
My question is, how easy is it for someone to get into my Controller and see the hard-coded password?
No professional-type person will ever try to break into this, as it is a free site for a university club, but I want to make sure that the average Computer Science student couldn't just "break in" if they happen to "rage" or get mad about something (you never know! haha).
Question: Is having a password validation within the Controller "decently" secure on a ASP .NET MVC web-deployed application? Why or why not?
Here is the actual code in case the use of it matters for the answer (domain is omitted for privacy)
Note: I understand this use of Javascript might be bad, but I am looking for an answer relative to AJAX and Controller security of the password check.
View (Admin/)
//runs preloadFunc immediately
window.onpaint = preloadFunc();
function preloadFunc() {
var prompting = prompt("Please enter the password", "****");
if (prompting != null) {
url: "/Admin/magicCheck",
type: "POST",
data: "magic=" + prompting,
success: function (resp) {
if (resp.Success) {
//continue loading page
else {
//wrong password, re-ask
error: function () {
else {
// Hitting cancel
Controller (ActionResult Snippet)
public ActionResult magicCheck(string magic)
bool success = false;
if (magic == "pass")
success = true;
success = false;
return Json(new { Success = success });
Again I am new to MVC and AJAX, let alone anything dealing with security so I am just wondering how secure the Controller is, specifically on webdeploy for this simple password setup.
During normal operation, there is no concern as your code is compiled, the DLL prevented from being served, and there is no way for the browser to request the controller to divulge its own code.
However, it is not impossible (but quite rare) that unforeseen bugs, vulnerabilities, or misconfigurations of the server could lead to the server divulging compiled code, web.config, etc., whereby someone could disassemble the code (IL is easily decompiled) and reveal your secret.
More worrisome would be someone having physical access to the server just grabbing the binaries directly and disassembling to find your secret.
Another thing to consider is who, during normal situations, might see that secret and whether or not they should know it. A developer, tester, or reviewer may be allowed to write or inspect code, but you may not want them to know the secret.
One way to handle this is not store secrets in plain text. Instead, create a hash of the valid value, then update your application to hash the user's input in the same manner, and compare the results. That way if the user ever gets your source code, they can't read the original plain text value or even copy/paste it into your UI. You can roll your own code to do the hashing, use the FormsAuthentication API, or something else.
Finally, do not rely on client-side enforcement of security. You can check security on the client side to have the UI react appropriately, but all server-side requests should be doing checks to make sure the user's security claims are valid.
The question really goes out of scope from here, regarding how to manage identities, passwords, and make security assertions. Spend a little time looking through the myriad articles on the subject. Also, the Visual Studio ASP.NET project templates include a lot of the security infrastructure already stubbed out for you to give you a head start.
Never leaving things to chance is an important policy. Learning about ASP.NET and MVC's various facilities for authentication and authorization is a worthwhile effort. Plus, there are numerous APIs you can plug in to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.
As has already been pointed out if you can get a hold of the binaries for an app (or for that matter ANY .NET application not just MVC) then it's definately game over.
Just sat in front of me here and now I have 3 applications that make it child's play to see what's inside.
Telerick - Just Decompile
Are both freely downloadable in seconds, and the former of the two will take an entire compiled assembly, and actually not just reverse engineer the code, but will create me a solution file and other project assets too, allowing me to load it immediately back into Visual Studio.
Visual Studio meanwhile, will allow me to reference the binaries in another project, then let me browse into them to find out their calling structure using nothing more than the simple object browser.
You can obfuscate your assemblies, and there are plenty of apps to do this, but they still stop short of stopping you from de-compiling the code, and instead just make the reverse engineered code hard to read.
on the flip side
Even if you don't employ anything mentioned above, you can still use command line tools such as "Strings" or editors such as "Ultra Edit 32" and "Notepad++" that can display hex bytes and readable ASCII, to visually pick out interesting text strings (This approach also works well on natively compiled code too)
If your just worried about casual drive by / accidental intrusions, then the first thing you'll want to do is to make sure you DON'T keep your source code in the server folder.
It's amazing just how many production MVC sites Iv'e come accross where the developer has the active project files and development configuration actually on the server that's serving live to the internet.
Thankfully, in most cases, IIS7 is set with sensible defaults, which means that things like '*.CS' files, or 'web.config' files are refused when an attempt is made to download them.
It's by no means however an exact science, just try the following link to see what I mean!!
filetype:config inurl:web.config inurl:ftp
(Don't worry it's safe, it's just a regular Google Search link)
So, to avoid this kind of scenario of leaking documents, a few rules to follow:
Use the web publishing wizard, that will ensure that ONLY the files needed to run end up on the server
Don't point your live web based FTP root at your project root, in fact if you can don't use FTP at all
DO double check everything, and if possible get a couple of trusted friends to try and download things they shouldn't, even with a head start they should struggle
Moving on from the server config, you have a huge mountain of choices for security.
One thing I definitely don't advocate doing though, is rolling your own.
For years now .NET has had a number of very good security based systems baked into it's core, with the mainstay being "ASP.NET Membership" and the current new comer being "ASP.NET simple membership"
Each product has it's own strengths and weaknesses, but every one of them has something that the method your using doesn't and that's global protection
As your existing code stands, it's a simple password on that controller only.
However, what if I don't give it a password.
What happens if I instead, decide to try a few random url's and happen to get lucky.
and, oh look I have the banned users page up.
This is EXACTLY the type of low hanging entry point that unskilled script kiddies and web-vandals look for. They wander around from site to site, trying random and pseudo random URL's like this, and often times they do get lucky, and find an unprotected page that allows them to get just far enough in, to run an automated script to do the rest.
The scary part is, small college club sites like yours are exactly the type of thing they look for too, a lot of them do this kind of thing for the bragging rights, which they then parade in front of friends with even less skill than themselves, who then look upon them as "Hacking Heroes" because they broke into a "College Site"
If however, you employ something like ASP.NET membership, then not only are you using security that's been tried and tested, but your also placing this protection on every page in your site without having to add boiler plate code to each and every controller you write.
Instead you use simple data annotations to say "This controller is Unprotected" and "This one lets in users without admin status" letting ASP.NET apply site wide security that says "NO" to everything you don't otherwise set rules for.
Finally, if you want the last word in ASP.NET security, MVC or otherwise, then go visit I guarantee, if you weren't scared before hand, you will be afterwards.
It looks like you are sending a password via AJAX POST. To your question, my answer would be that you should consider using SSL or encrypt the password prior to sending it via POST. See this answer for an example and explanation SSL Alternative - encrypt password with JavaScript submit to PHP to decrypt
As HackedByChinese said, the actual code being stored in your compiled files (DLL) wouldn't be too big of a deal. If you want to be extra paranoid, you can also store the password in your web.config and encrypt it there. Here's an example and explanation of that How to encrypt username and password in Web.config in C# 2.0
This code is not secure at all. Your JavaScript code can be replaced with EVERYTHING user wants. So someone can just get rid of your preloadFunc. Average computer sience student will execute this code directly from console:
if (resp.Success) {
//continue loading page
//this code can be executed by hand, from console
And that will be all when it comes to your security.
Authentication and authorization info should go to server with every request. As a simple solution, you could use FormsAuthentication, by calling
in /Admin/magicCheck, only if password is correct.
Then you should decorate data retrieval methods with [Authorize] attribute to check if cookie is present.
Using SSL to secure communication between browser and server would be wise too, otherwise password travels in clear text.

Browser-based caching for remote resources

I have two REST-ful resources on my server:
someInfoAboutEntry: ...,
entryTypeUrl: "/entryType/12345"
someInfoAboutEntryType: ...
The entryTypeUrl is used to fetch additional data about the type of this entry from the different URL. It will be bound to some "Detailed information" button near each entry. There can be many (let's say 100) entries, while there are only 5 types (so most entries point to same entryTypeUrl.
I'm building a Javascript client to access those resources. Should I cache entryType results in my Javascript code, or should I rely on the browser to cache the data for me and dispatch XHR requests every time user clicks the "Detailed information" button?
As far as I see it, both approaches should work just fine. The second one (always dispatching requests) will result in clearer code though. Should I stick to it, or are there some points I'm not aware of?
Thanks in advance.
I would definitely let the browser manage the caching, rather than writing a custom caching layer yourself.
This way you have less code to write and maintain, and you allow the server to dictate (via its HTTP headers) whether the response should be cached or not. If you write your own caching code you remove the ability to refetch stale data - which you would get for free from the browser.

Protecting my REST service, which I will use on the client side, from others to use

Let's assume that I have created my REST service smoothly and I am returning json results.
I also implemented API key for my users to communicate for my service.
Then Company A started using my service and I gave them an API key.
Then they created an HttpHandler for bridge (I am not sure what is the term here) in order not to expose API key (I am also not sure it is the right way).
For example, lets assume that my service url is as follows :{key_comes_here}
Company A is using this service from client side like below :
Then they start using it on the client side.
Company A protected the api key here. That's fine.
But there is another problem here. Somebody else can still grab url and starts using my service.
What is the way of preventing others from doing that?
For the record, I am using WCF Web API in order to create my REST services.
Company A's HttpHandler (second link) only looks at the host header in order to see if it is coming from or not. but in can be faked easily I guess.
Is there any known way of implementing a Token for the url. For example, lets say that will carry a querystring parameter representing a TOKEN in order for HttpHandler to check if the request is the right one.
But there are many things here to think about I guess.
You could always require the client to authenticate, using HTTP Basic Auth or some custom scheme. If your client requires the user to login, you can at least restrict the general public from obtaining the URL, since they will need to login to find out about it.
It gets harder if you are also trying to protect the URL from unintended use by people who legitimately have access to the official client. You could try changing the service password at regular intervals, and updating the client along with it. That way a refresh of the client in-browser would pull the new password, but anyone who built custom code would be out of date. Of course, a really determined user could just write code to rip the password from the client JS programmatically when it changes, but you would at least protect against casual infringers.
With regard to the URL token idea you mentioned in update 2, it could work something like this. Imagine every month, the URL requires a new token to work, e.g. Once it's February, 'January' will stop working. The server will have to know to only accept current month, and client will have to know to send a token (determined at the time the client web page loads from the server in the browser)
(All pseudo-code since I don't know C# and which JS framework you will use)
Server-side code:
if (request.urlVars.token == then
render "This is the real data: [2,5,3,5,3]"
render "401 Unauthorized"
Client code (dynamic version served by your service)
var dataUrl = '' + <%= %>
// below is JS code that does ajax call using dataUrl
So now we have service code that will only accept the current month as a token, and client code that when you refresh in the browser gets the latest token (set dynamically as current month). Since this scheme is really predictable and could be hacked, the remaining step is to salted hash the token so no one can guess what it is going to be .
if (request.urlVars.token == mySaltedHashMethod( then
var dataUrl = '' + <%= mySaltedHashMethod( %>
Which would leave you with a URL like and would change tokens every month.
You would probably want to expire faster than every month as well, which you could do my using epoch hour instead of month.
I'd be interested to see if someone out there has solved this with some kind of encrypted client code!
What you're describing is generally referred to as a "proxy" -- companyA's public page is available to anyone, and behind the scenes, it makes the right calls to your system. It's not uncommon for applications to use proxies to get around security -- for example, the same-origin policy means that your javascript can't make Ajax calls to, say, Amazon -- but if you proxy it on your own system, you can get around this.
I can't really think of a technical way to prevent this; once they've pulled data from your service, they can use that data however they want. You have legal options, of course; you can make it a term of service that proxying isn't allowed, and pull their API key if they don't comply. But most likely, if you haven't already included that in the TOS, you'd have to wait for, say, a renewal of their subscription to your service.
Presumably if they're making server-side HTTP requests to your service, those requests are all coming from the same IP address, so you could block that address. You'd probably want to tell them first, and they could certainly get around that if they wanted to.
With the second link exposed by Company A I don't think you can do much. As I understand it, you can only check whether the incoming request comes from Company A or not.
But each request issued to can't be distinguished from original request from Company A. Everyone they let in uses their referrer as a disguise.

How to prevent direct access to my JSON service?

I have a JSON web service to return home markers to be displayed on my Google Map.
Essentially, calls the web service to find out the location of all map markers to display like so:
And it returns a JSON string such as:
{"address": "321 Main St, Mountain View, CA, USA", ...}
So on my index.html page, I take that JSON string and place the map markers.
However, what I don't want to have happen is people calling out to my JSON web service directly.
I only want to be able to call my web service ... and not some random dude calling the /json/ directly.
Quesiton: how do I prevent direct calling/access to my web service?
To give more clarity, call ... and the JSON service
- returns semi-sensitive data,
- returns a JSON array,
- responds to GET requests,
- the browser making the request has JavaScript enabled
Again, what I don't want to have happen is people simply look at my index.html source code and then call the JSON service directly.
There are a few good ways to authenticate clients.
By IP address. In Apache, use the Allow / Deny directives.
By HTTP auth: basic or digest. This is nice and standardized, and uses usernames/passwords to authenticate.
By cookie. You'll have to come up with the cookie.
By a custom HTTP header that you invent.
I didn't catch at first that your web service is being called by client-side code. It is literally NOT POSSIBLE to prevent people from calling your web service directly, if you let client-side Javascript do it. Someone could just read the source code.
Some more specific answers here, but I'd like to make the following general point:
Anything done over AJAX is being loaded by the user's browser. You could make a hacker's life hard if you wanted to, but, ultimately, there is no way of stopping me from getting data that you already freely make available to me. Any service that is publicly available is publicly available, plain and simple.
If you are using Apache you can set allow/deny on locations.
or here is a link to the apache docs on the Deny directive
EDITS (responding to the new info).
The Deny directive also works with environment variables. You can restrict access based on browser string (not really secure, but discourages casual browsing) which would still allow XHR calls.
I would suggest the best way to accomplish this is to have a token of some kind that validates the request is a 'good' request. You can do that with a cookie, a session store of some kind, or a parameter (or some combination).
What I would suggest for something like this is to generate a unique url for the service that expires after a short period of time. You could do something like this pretty easily with Memcache. This strategy could also be used to obfuscate the service url (which would not provide any actual security, but would raise the bar for someone wanting to make direct calls).
Lastly, you could also use public key crypto to do this, but that would be very heavy. You would need to generate a new pub/priv key pair for each request and return the pubkey to the js client (here is a link to an implementation in javascript)
You can add a random number as a flag to determine whether the request are coming from the page just sent:
1) When generates index.html, add a random number to the JSON request URL:
Add this number to the Session Context as well.
2) The client browser renders the index.html and request JSON data by the new URL.
3) Your server gets the json request and checks the flag number with Session Context. If matched, response data. Otherwise, return an error message.
4) Clear Session Context by the end of response, or timeout triggered.
Accept only POST requests to the JSON-yielding URL. That won't prevent determined people from getting to it, but it will prevent casual browsing.
I know this is old but for anyone getting here later this is the easiest way to do this. You need to protect the AJAX subpage with a password that you can set on the container page before calling the include.
The easiest way to do this is to require HTTPS on the AJAX call and pass a POST variable. HTTPS + POST ensures the password is always encrypted.
So on the AJAX/sub-page do something like
if ($_POST["access"] == "makeupapassword")
echo "You can't access this directly";
When you call the AJAX make sure to include the POST variable and password in your payload. Since it is in POST it will be encrypted, and since it is random (hopefully) nobody will be able to guess it.
If you want to include or require the PHP directly on another page, just set the POST variable to the password before including it.
$_POST["access"] = "makeupapassword";
This is a lot better than maintaining a global variable, session variable, or cookie because some of those are persistent across page loads so you have to make sure to reset the state after checking so users can't get accidental access.
Also I think it is better than page headers because it can't be sniffed since it is secured by HHTPS.
You'll probably have to have some kind of cookie-based authentication. In addition, Ignacio has a good point about using POST. This can help prevent JSON hijacking if you have untrusted scripts running on your domain. However, I don't think using POST is strictly necessary unless the outermost JSON type is an array. In your example it is an object.

Propagate Permissions to Javascript

I'm debating the best way to propagate fairly complex permissions from the server to an AJAX application, and I'm not sure the best approach to take.
Essentially, I want my permissions to be defined so I can request a whole set of permissions in one shot, and adjust the UI as appropriate (the UI changes can be as low level as disabling certain context menu items). Of course, I still need to enforce the permissions server side.
So, I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for the best way to
maintain the permissions and use them in server code
have easy access to the permissions in javascript
not have to make a round-trip request to the server for each individual permission
If you have a clear set of permissions, like a "user level" or "user type", you could just pass the value down in a hidden field and access the value through the DOM. You could still do this if your permissions were more granular, but you would either have a lot of hidden fields or you would have to encode the information into XML or JSON or some other format.
You might set them as bit flags so that you could OR a single numeric value with a mask to see if the user had the permission for a specific activity. That would be very flexible and as long as you don't have more than 32 or so specific "rights", that would allow for any permutation of those rights in a very small package (basically an unsigned int).
For example:
0x00000001 //edit permission
0x00000002 //create new thing permission
0x00000004 //delete things permission
0x00000008 //view hidden things permission
0x80000000 //total control of the server and everyone logged in
Then a user with a permission of 0x000007 could edit, create, and delete, but nothing else.
In either case, I think you're on the right track - make the request once per page invocation, store the permissions in a global JavaScript data structure, and go from there. AJAX is nice, but you don't want to query the server for every specific permission all over your page. You would do it once on the page load, set up the presentation of your page and save the value in a global variable, then reference the permission(s) locally for event functions.
If you transmit the permission structure to the client as a JSON object (or XML, if you prefer), you can manipulate that object with the client-side code, and send it back to the server, which can do whatever it needs to validate the data and persist it.
I don't necessarily see it as the most "correct" solution, but would it be possible to keep all the permission stuff on the server side, and just serve the updated UI rather than some kind of JSON permissions system?
You'd have to make the decision based on how busy and intensive your app expects to be, but definitely a decision worth making either way
Encode them as JSON.

