how to open csv file in IE in by javascript - javascript

In my asp page, I have to open a csv file in IE by java script. The code which I am using is as below:
csvWindow ="/com/csv/"+csvFileName, "datacsv", "toolbar=yes,location=no,directories=yes,status=no,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=790,height=450,screenX=50,screenY=25,left=50,top=25");
Code is running in IIS server.
When I run this code and open csv file it gives below message
Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file
"". There are several possible reasons:
The file name or path does not exist
the file is being used by another program
the workbook you are trying yo save has the same name as a currently open workbook.
But file is being created.So path is correct and i think that file is also not used by another program
Please help me what should I do

The problem is that when Excel is opened it will attempt to fetch the CSV file itself, this a change in behaviour in office apps since 2007. However since Excel runs in a different process it will not send any cookies that would have been generated during the logon. When the website receives the request it will respond with a 401 status.
There are no easy solutions that I know of with entirely satisfactory results. Here are a number of solutions but all have drawbacks.
Make the authentication cookie persistent, this will allow Offices apps to pick up and send the cookie. The down side being the user remains persistently logged even after a client machine reboot (much like how Stackoverflow appears to work).
Use a standard HTTP authentication protocol like "Basic" or "Negotiate". The down side is that this will cause Excel to display a logon box and the user has to logon again. One exception to this drawback is using "Negotiate" or "NTLM" against an IIS box where the site is registered as part of the IE's Intranet Zone, in which case the HTTP stack used by excel will attempt to use the current user credentials.
Have a server side script that can run anonymously send the csv file and include in the URL some unique ID (such as GUID) which is a one off grant of access. Much more complex to set up.

If you want to open the file with MS Excel, you could try not to serve the file directly, but write an ASP page with Content-Type=application/force-download, the real file name ending with .css and the actual file content. In this case, MSIE will first download the file to the local disk cache and then will feed it to MS Excel.
If you just want to show the CSV text in the browser window, maybe the best is to change its extension or to make some proxy page with Content-Type=text/plain and no mention of CSV at all. The association CSV/Excel seems to be hardcoded in MSIE.


Direct Print RDLC report on client PC in ASP.NET

I have read many articles and answers here regarding this but nothing can solve my issue. That's why I am asking this question again.
I develop a Invoice App in I can't print invoice directly on client PC. It always ask printer preview that irritate client. I have successfully develop a code for directly printing but it only execute on local host only.
Please help me and suggest me what to do as soon as possible.
In Javascript or ASP.NET or something else that can help me.
We use SSRS and generate the report in pdf format on the server. Sending it to the client, we send it with a mime-type:application/x-xyz-printpdf - you also have to set the content-disposition: with filename and I can't recall if inline or attachment value, so that the browser will behave and not simply download and save the file, but will kick off the associated program
the client has a slightly modified version of SumatraPDF, which is associated with application/x-xyz-printpdf in the registry (windows clients only - there's ways to do this in other OS's but all our clients run Windows, so we've never bothered)
This modified sumatraPDF never displays the document, all it does is display a print dialog with the previously selected printer for the report selected. This is so, invoices will default to one printer, other reports to a different printer, it's more of a convenience (and emulates our old non-web-based application)
I am in the process of rewriting the report printing subsystem, using a substantially modified version of PDFjs and blobs, but that's in early development so I can't tell you anything about that, except that it looks like it'll work well, without the need for an external program.

Redirect from local drive to server

I am Writing some php files and testing them on local server (xampp)
My problem is that when i directly open a file in browser by double clicking on it. it shows me local drive path like file:///C:/xampp/htdocs/folder/file.php i want to change or redirect url of SELECTIVE FILES to http://localhost/folder/file.php
i think i need some javascript but unable to find how?
PS: i do not want all the files to change url, but SELECTIVE files.
PHP files are supposed to be served up by the server, as such if you want to see the interpreted result of your work you need to access the file as the server outputs the file.
If you are double clicking the file name and a browser is opening up, then you should configure your file editor to open up so that you can work on the php file.
Just to cover the basics you need to go to the xampp control panel and click start where Apache is. Check if your firewall is blocking the Apache process from starting (I had this error when using Comodo firewall). Then if thats ok you should do what Cups said above.
If that does not work you should open up a terminal (in Linux/OSX) or Command Prompt (in Windows) and type:
ping localhost
If that give an error you need to look into your Hosts file.

Client side scripting to make changes in a file

Is there any client-side script that would be able to make changes to a file on the hosts computer? (Intention stated below)
I am creating a packaged app for chrome which can show some online data, and make it available even when offline.
There is a certain thing, for e.g. 'a webpage' i want to show/store (but i cannot get/read its contents due to it being on different origin). To show when online, i can use iframe, but am unable to preserve it for offline.
So i thought i could make an appcache (manifest within the application package) which will cache the file, and on press of an update button a script would run which would make some change to the manifest which would force the cached resource to be reloaded.
I searched a lot, but no results.
Any suggestions as to how it can be done. Or any other way to get it to work?
I don't think so. This could be a huge security problem if it existed.
If you had to, you could send an ajax request to the server to create a file it creates with the current prices, and add it to the appcache file.
Here is a link to another SO quesitob that has a list of APIs you could use to get your stock price.
Webservice to get stock quotes?

JavaScript downloader

I want to allow a web site users to be able to download files from my site, but with the help of a client-side downloader with an ability to continue an interrupted download.
For example, I want to sent a person a file with a size of 30+ Meg. I want the user to have the best downloading experience, so I can't afford him downloading 25 Meg and then getting the download dropped due to the network problems on his side.
Therefore, I want to have a javascript downloader rendered on a download page, that will show the actual client-side file delivery, and when it is downloaded, to give an ability to a user to save the file.
Or is it not possible due to the fact that javascript won't be able to open a save file dialog and save to a file system?
I'm afraid that is not possible with JavaScript and that's why:
To continue downloading from the certain point you should send to the server the position number to start downloading from. And as JavaScript has no access to local file system, you can't get that position.
UPD: it seems that I was too hurrying with the reply.
The file size can be gotten using the HTML5 File API and after getting the file size you can pass it to the server which should support the partial downloading.
But anyway, after downloading another part of the file you should sew two pieces together in some way; standard web browser dialog will only suggest to overwrite the file.
UPD2: to work with files in some Internet Explorers you can use FileSystemObject:
var fso;
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
I'd look into making a plugin or extension. Like those DownloadThemAll extensions for firefox and Google chrome. Another alternative would be to use Flash, either alone or integrating it with javascript like hinted here:

Browser download file prompt using JavaScript

I was wondering if there was any method to implement browser's download file prompt using JavaScript.
My reason - well users will be uploading files to a local fileserver which cannot be accessed from the webserver. In other words, both will be on different domains!
For example, let’s say websites hosted on, but files would reside on local file server with address like \\\Files\file.txt. How am I uploading/transferring file to local fileserver... using ActiveX and VBscript! (don’t ask :-)
So I am storing local file path in my database and binding that data to a grid. When the user clicks on that link, the file opens in a window (using JavaScript).
Problem is certain file types like text, jpg, pdf, etc. open inside browser window. How would I be able to implement content-type or content-disposition using client side scripting? Is that even possible?
the local file server has a window's shared folder on which the files are saved.
"content-disposition: attachment" is pretty much the only way to force that, and this MUST be set in the response header.
If the file is hosted on a web server like in your example, you can do:
.. and the browser will figure out what to do with the file. This works great for most files, such as .xls, .csv, etc, but keep in mind that this isn't full-proof because the user's MIME handler settings will determine what to do with the file... i.e. if it is a .txt file it will most likely just be displayed in the browser and will not be given a "file download" dialogue box.
As of August 2015, adding the "download" attribute to your tag enables the behavior you're looking for, at least in Chrome.
You could try using a plain hyperlink with type="application/octet-stream". Seems to work in FF, but IE and Opera ignore the attribute.

