Dhtmlx widgets with emberjs library - javascript

I have been reading about emberjs in order to use dhtmlx components (http://dhtmlx.com/) with emberjs. What should I do to be able to use dhtmlx grid or combobox components along with emberjs?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

there is a updated version of the article ghempton have posted : http://www.lukemelia.com/devblog/archives/2012/03/10/using-ember-js-with-jquery-ui/
Perhaps you can apply the same technique.
Good luck, currently I am trying to mix jq mobile and emberjs... But I have some issues ;-)

Not familiar with dhtmlx, but if its anything like jQuery UI, the following link will help: http://yehudakatz.com/2011/06/11/using-sproutcore-2-0-with-jquery-ui/


Re-arrangeable, Draggable , Sortable divs within grid

So think if a dashboard view, which contains different divs for lets say text blocks. I want the client(user) to be able to rearrange them in a X by Y grid system.
I have an idea about how to achieve this, but I am mainly looking for a library or a specific framework that can do this. Is anyone aware of any built solution?
I dont care about css framework bootstrap etc I can use any of them.
I think React JS is well suited for this.
Link to get started with sorting: http://webcloud.se/sortable-list-component-react-js/
Link to get started with dragging:
This seems to be exactly what you're looking for: https://github.com/STRML/react-grid-layout
Something like this?
jQuery Sortable UI:
Apart from the great and quick answer from Turk. There are more options such as http://packery.metafizzy.co and http://gridster.net

Isotope in Angular Js

I want to create Isotope design in javascript or angular JS. But not in jquery. So can anyone tell me how I do this?
This design is purely based on an array. i.e using this array isotope design is created in html page.
I know isotope metafizzy(http://isotope.metafizzy.co/) but this is external Library. I required isotope design without any use of external library. So can anyone help me?
Thanks in Advance
You may have a look at this project
which implements just what you're looking for.

Custom Scrollbars in ExtJS

I've been looking into implementing custom scrollbars into ExtJS. I've tried the ExtJS Scrollpane port found here: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?86071-Ext.ux.ScrollPane, as well as trying to use jQuery along with ExtJS like shown here: Changing scroll-bars in ExtJs.
I haven't been able to get it working though and was wondering if there is anyone has experience getting custom scrollbars into Ext JS that can lead me in the right direction.
You shouldn't apply the
$(function(){ $('.x-grid-view').jScrollPane(); });
in the render or afterrender listeners. At that point the store of the grid has not loaded yet. You have to put this code where the store has already loaded the data.
The reason why in firebug you could make it work is because at the time the store is already loaded.
Btw, I got this working in Extjs 4.2.
Here's an example of someone who got iScroll integrated with ExtJS. It includes code samples and a working demo.
you can try FleXcroll or jsscroll bar work well with Ext js

Client grid to work with javascript array

I need a client side grid to work with javascript arrays. I need editing, filtering and sorting functionality with minimal configuration. An example would be appreciated.
I don't know how much easier you want these guys to make it for you.
Here's a fiddle with an editable KendoUI grid and the data is set in the JS code.
I didn't hook up the save methods but you can find out how to do that at the KendoUI site here.

Is there a Grid Alignment System in JavaScript?

I was wondering whether anyone knew of a JavaScript alignment system like the one on this page: http://trilancer.com/jpolite2/index1.html where you can drag the modules on the page into place? Thanks in advance.
jQuery UI Sortable provides something pretty close to this.
See the portlets demo here.

