How can I create a custom "search" for my site? - javascript

On my site, I collect information on items in a game I play. I would like to implement some sort of custom search for the items that is both easier to use, and displays the result in a more aesthetic manner.
Currently, I use a wikidot site which allows tags to be assigned to pages and they can be searched, but searching multiple tags doesn't work as I would like. It will start the list with pages with all the tags, then pages that have one of the tags, and finally pages that just happen to have the tags in the body. Also, the results are presented as the page title, the first few lines of text from each page (without any line breaks making it hard to read), and finish with a link to the page. [See example: ] What I would like for the results are something like the following:, which is an actual page from my site, but it's not dynamic, I must edit that page if I want to keep it up to date; and for any permutations of tags I want to create a page like that for, I need to first find all of the relevant items, organize them how I want, then make the page containing the includes for each of their individual pages (each item has its own page, I just put an [[include item-name]] wherever I want that item to show up on other pages, which just puts the body of the page in.
What I'm looking for is the best plan of action to make this happen. I'm familiar with HTML/CSS/JS, but not much other webdev related stuff. Is there a way I could have a page with a comma separated list that I could parse with JavaScript to search pages? Or if should I look elsewhere, what are some good tutorials or quality sources to read up on how to do this?
Thank you in advanced for any answers you can provide.

If you still require help with this, I'd suggest asking on the Wikidot community wiki instead, as there are more people able to help you with your question there (as you have a Wikidot site).


Why would someone use same id for multiple divs in a single page

I noticed on youtube that replies to each comment are inside a <div id="replies">. So the same id is used for every comment reply group.
When is it a good practice to give same ids to multiple similar elements?
I know ids should be unique, that's why I'm wondering about this.
To check it, go to a youtube video, inspect and select the reply area of a comment. Optionally, Ctrl+F in inspect and search replies.
YouTube uses web components which might be the reason there are multiple of the same IDs. Web components are encapsulated chunks of HTML, javascript, and CSS that you can drop into your pages. You can read more about them here:
So my thinking of why YouTube specifically has multiple of the same ID is that the replies component itself has an ID of replies and is being targeted on a component level rather than a global.
I hope this makes sense? Even if it doesn't, try to avoid ID's that aren't unique like the others mentioned.
One of the reason YouTube can have duplicate IDs, completely invalid looking html and still get away with it, it's because they are generating dynamic content. Remember, even though it is incorrect, the browser will render it just fine. They are not using the ID to mark a unique element, but more as metadata.
Note that Youtube uses custom html tags that I assume helps them reuse code for not just the website, but also for their app.
Read more about custom elements
Update: Just wanted to show an example on how generating content through an application can help you get away with things that could otherwise be a problem.
Writing Inline css is not recommended mainly because it becomes impossible to maintain the larger the css becomes. However, you can code it in an external file during development, then compile it to be inline using an application and have none of the headaches.
See example

How can I search across all pages on my website

I have a search plugin that is more like a filter within a page (it's Swiftfilter and isotope filter). But I want the search to include all the pages on my website.
For example :
I am doing a travel website. When people search on index.html for "Italy". I want the search result directly link to italy.html page.
How can I do that?
What does this call?
Where can I learn/get this plugin?
Can swiftfilter or isotope filter enhance this?
Your problem can get a bit complicated. I'm afraid it's not a simple as finding a single plugin that can do this. It sounds to me like you have a static website, where content is stored across different, hard-coded pages. A static website can get complicated because number one, it would be slow/clunky to search hard-coded files on a website. Number two, you would have to deal with caching systems to speed it up.
If you want to implement a search feature, I suggest that you have a template-driven/database enabled website instead. Why don't you consider moving your site and all its pages over to something like Wordpress?
All your pages would get stored in a database and WP already has its own built-in search functionality. It works really well and I think you should consider it if you have a lot of pages on your website.

Web Page Javascript Objects

newbie question.
I've read some of the W3Schools, I also read a lot from other sources on the internet, however I can't find what I need, and I'm sure it's quite simple to you.
I'm using ASP.Net, and I want to add to my website, multiple items, which every item hold a picture, and some other information, including links. I'm pretty sure I don't need to write the code for every item in the HTML source, and I don't know exactly how to implement my this.
The basic idea is that my items will be imported from a Database that I create in visual studio, and I want to style my webpage so they would appear in a certain formation, I thought I might need to use Javascript or CSS for this, hope I'm not mistaken.
Javascript isn't some sort of magician that will render all your stuff on its own. However, you can use it to attach a template to every of your items.
What you have to do is :
Create a base HTML template for 1 of your item that can be applied to all of them
Create a Javascript function that will attach thoses CSS classes and HTML attributes to every element out of your DB (or you could use a templating frameork .. since there's a lot of them I'll let you look for it on Google. It's pretty easy to use)
On page load or whatever event you want to bind on, you call your function which will attach the CSS and HTML to every element out of your DB and will render it on your page
Enjoy what you've done.
I hope this helps. Good luck ! ;)

Adding hyperlinks into xml file

I purchased a script online that's no longer supported and I just need one last functionality to finish off my project. One detail the client needs is to have a line of text link to another page in the site.
I do not know a whole lot about xml, but I understand it doesn't support html to include hyperlinks.
This is a quiz where users must answer specific questions in order to move on to the next step. It's fed into a div by a js file, I think, but I don't understand how it works. I'm not going to post any code just yet as I'm just reaching out for some advice right now and if what I want to do is even possible.
Is there some kind of a workaround? I've Googled plenty of sites with code chunks and have done a lot of experimenting, but I mostly just break the page the xml displays on.
Dont use the actual xml syntax of tags like <a></a>. Better replace these with other symbols like [a][/a]. When you output the code, simply replace [ and ] with < and >
You replace code before you put it into a div could look like this:
I totally forgot about CDATA.
Forget my previous answer. Just add the <![CDATA[...]]> Tag around the anchor in your XML:

if some parts of the html are repeated in several documents, is it more efficient to load it in the js?

For example, say you have an information box that will be repeated in every single page. if i have this in the HTML, then every time i change it, ill have to change it in every single HTML file.
But if i load it in the javascript (as in the whole thing), then I'll only need to change the javascript. For example,
$("body").append('<div id="infobox">*whatever i need*</div>')
is this a better way or does it create more complications?
or are there more efficient ways to do this?
In short, no. You're on a slippery path there…
It might be more efficient for the person maintaining the page but you should really be doing this on the server-side as mohkhan suggested e.g. through a CMS or pre-processing if you're site is completely static. I assume that on your site, there isn't just an info box that's repeated — what about the navigational elements, the banner etc.?
There's nothing wrong with loading elements through JavaScript (e.g. to show counters, data, etc.) but you shouldn't be doing it for core content. Remember too that you shouldn't assume that everyone will have JavaScript enabled.

