How to find the selection text beginning and end positions in Javascript? - javascript

I am trying to find the textual start and end of the selection. So, in the following text, if I selected "world! What a fine" from within "Hello, world! What a fine day it is!", I should get 7 as the start coordinate, and 24 as the end coordinate assuming a zero based index.
How is this achievable?
I am looking to find the selection of text that is not inside any <input> or <textarea> elements.
Decided the solution to use disabled <textarea>s

I use this:
/* Returns 3 strings, the part before the selection, the part after the selection and the selected part */
function getSelected()
var u = editor.val();
var start = editor.get(0).selectionStart;
var end = editor.get(0).selectionEnd;
return [u.substring(0, start), u.substring(end), u.substring(start, end)];
where editor is $("#editor") or whatever ID your textarea / input field may have.
var select = getSelected()
editor.val(select[0] + '<h1>'+ select[2] + '</h1>' + select[1]);
Will wrap selected text in H1. If nothing is selected it will just add empty H1, but you can add checks and functionality to your liking.
** Not tested in all browsers, works in Chrome though **

This is possible but slightly complicated with contenteditable HTML content (as opposed to text within an <input> or <textarea> element). Here's a simple cross-browser implementation:

But I know a jQuery plugin that aims your problem and much more -


How do I get the start and end character indices of an HTML element?

Trying to figure out how to get the range of characters affected by an element in an overall HTML document using JavaScript. I only need webkit compatible code.
I'm thinking I'm just not searching for the right terms?
Here is an example of what I'll be working with:
This is the way we
<span class="highlight"><img src="image.png" />
search the <span class="heavy">text</span>
search the text, search the text,
early in the morning!
If I get a reference to the span with the class highlight...
I want to know the start and end index of the characters that the highlight span contains, including the text in it's child spans, but, of course, NOT the characters that are part of the element declarations themselves, such as "<", ">" or anything between them.
A simple approach is to use a DOM Range. This approach is not perfect: offsets will include white space text nodes, text nodes within script elements and text in elements that are hidden by CSS, and will not include line breaks implied by block elements and <br> elements, but may be good enough for your requirements.
function getOffsetWithinBodyText(node) {
var range = document.createRange();
var start = range.toString().length;
return {
start: start,
end: start + node.textContent.length
If you just want to grab that text:

How can I create tags using Rangy.js without a class attribute?

I've been playing with Rangy.js for selection ranges and so far really like it. I'm looking to wrap a selection range's text nodes within a certain tag and toggle this upon button click. I have it working great using the cssClassApplierModule with the exception of (and it makes sense due to the name) I HAVE to also give the dom element a class that it's applying to itself.
So right now when I select a range and apply for instance a strong tag, my end result is:
Text text text <strong class="test"> selected text </strong> text text text
And I'd like it to be:
Text text text <strong> selected text </strong> text text text
The code I have so far is as follows:
function gEBI(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
var action;
function toggleAction() {
// Enable buttons
var cssClassApplierModule = rangy.modules.CssClassApplier;
// Next line is pure paranoia: it will only return false if the browser has no support for ranges,
// selections or TextRanges. Even IE 5 would pass this test.
if (rangy.supported && cssClassApplierModule && cssClassApplierModule.supported) {
action = rangy.createCssClassApplier("test", {
elementTagName: "strong",
elementProperties: { }
var toggleActionButton = gEBI(nsID);
toggleActionButton.disabled = false;
toggleActionButton.ontouchstart = toggleActionButton.onmousedown = function () {
return false;
I tried "" and null instead of "text" as the css class being passed, and it will toggle, but no longer toggle off and is obviously not the correct solution.
Any help appreciated.. Thanks!
Rangy's CSS class applier won't let you do this, unfortunately. The fundamental problem is that it relies on the CSS class to decide which elements and text nodes to surround or add/remove classes from. It's considerably simpler to detect the presence of a class than the more general case of detecting a style, such as boldness.
I did some work last year on a more ambitious and generic execCommand module that would do what you want. It got as far as a working demo but I got bogged down in tricky edge cases and stopped working on it. I do intend to go back to it but it's likely to be months before anything is ready.

How to append text to '<textarea>'?

I have <textarea> where user can type in his message to the world! Below, there are upload buttons... I would love to add link to uploaded file (don't worry, I have it); right next to the text that he was typing in.
Like, he types in 'Hello, world!', then uploads the file (its done via AJAX), and the link to that file is added in next line to the content of <textarea>. Attention! Is it possible to keep cursor (place where he left to type) in the same place?
All that may be done with jQuery... Any ideas? I know that there are method 'append()', but it won't be for this situation, right?
var myTextArea = $('#myTextarea');
myTextArea.val(myTextArea.val() + '\nYour appended stuff');
This took me a while, but the following jQuery will do exactly what you want -- it not only appends text, but also keeps the cursor in the exact same spot by storing it and then resetting it:
var selectionStart = $('#your_textarea')[0].selectionStart;
var selectionEnd = $('#your_textarea')[0].selectionEnd;
$('#your_textarea').val($('#your_textarea').val() + 'The text you want to append');
$('#your_textarea')[0].selectionStart = selectionStart;
$('#your_textarea')[0].selectionEnd = selectionEnd;
You should probably wrap this in a function though.
You may take a look at the following answer which presents a nice plugin for inserting text at the caret position in a <textarea>.
You can use any of the available caret plugins for jQuery and basically:
Store the current caret position
Append the text to the textarea
Use the plugin to replace the caret position
If you want an "append" function in jQuery, one is easy enough to make:
valAppend: function(text){
return this.each(function(i,e){
var $e = $(e);
$e.val($e.val() + text);
Then you can use it by making a call to .valAppend(), referencing the input field(s).
You could use my Rangy inputs jQuery plugin for this, which works in all major browsers.
var $textarea = $("your_textarea_id");
var sel = $textarea.getSelection();
$textarea.insertText("\nSome text", sel.end).setSelection(sel.start, sel.end);

select created element

$(iframe).bind('keypress', function (e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
var range = iframe.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
var nodeText = $(range.startContainer, iframe).parent().html();
var leftPart = nodeText.substr(0, range.endOffset);
var rightPart = nodeText.substr(range.endOffset);
$(range.startContainer, iframe).parent().replaceWith('<big>' + leftPart + '</big><p>' + rightPart + '</p>');
return false;
I've got iframe with some content, e.g:
When i place cursor between "some" and "text", and press enter, i want it to be splitted into this:
everything seems to be working ok, but I also need to change cursor position to the beginnings of this: <p>Text</p>
I know how to set cursor position, but I need to select that element. just $('p', iframe) won't work, because I can have multiply <p> items in iframe. any ideas?
This is an unholy mix of DOM, which considers everything in terms of nodes and offsets, and jQuery-ish HTML-as-strings. The two do not mix well. You've misunderstood the endOffset and startOffset properties of DOM Ranges: they're not offsets within the innerHTML of the container. I suggest looking at MDC or the spec and refactoring your code to only use DOM nodes and not strings of HTML.
Denis ,
Give a common class name to all of them , so that it will effect on the elements.
I would add a dynamic id attribute (or use the metadata plugin) using jQuery to identify the split paragraph. And based on the identified split string place the cursor before the <p> tag. Do make sure to remove the id attribute (or some metadata) once you are done placing the cursor, so that any other splits or a backspace on the same <p> doesn't result in unintended consequences
Hope that helps
I found a nice solution without adding id or class to element. i changed this:
$(range.startContainer, iframe).parent().replaceWith('<big>'+leftPart+'</big><p>'+rightPart+'</p>');
to this:
var leftObject = $('<big>'+leftPart+'</big>');
var rightObject = $('<p>'+rightPart+'</p>');
$(range.startContainer, iframe).parent().replaceWith(leftObject);
now i got both elements selected in leftObject and rightObject

how to highlight part of textarea html code

I want to achieve a python version web regexbuddy,and i encounter a problem,how to highlight match values in different color(switch between yellow and blue) in a textarea,there has a demo what exactly i want on,but i was a newbie on js,i didn't understand his code meaning.
any advice is appreciated
To save time you should consider using an existing library for this requirement.
Quote from here:
As textarea elements can’t render HTML, this plugin allows you to highlight text inside textarea elements.
jQuery highlightTextarea.
Demo: Codepen
There is a pre element over the textarea. So when you type anything it is copying the input on the pre element, applying some filters.
For example:
<pre id="view"></pre>
<textarea id="code"></textarea>
When you type on #code it is copying the value, applying filters and adding the HTML to the #view.
var code = document.getElementById("code");
var pre = document.getElementById("pre");
(code).onkeyup = function (){
val = this.value;
val = YourRegex(val);
(pre).innerHTML = val;
YourRegex would be a method to match the regex and return some parsed content to the pre, allowing you to customize the appearance of the textarea (that is actually an element over it).
function YourRegex(val)
// This function add colors, bold, whatever you want.
if (/bbcc/i.test("bbcc"))
return "<b>" + val + "</b>";
#BrunoLM's solution is excellent, but might require more hacking than you're comfortable with. If you're interested (and if jQuery is already in your stack), the following plugin may be worth taking a look at:

