I'm trying to find a way to record the state of the different objects on the canvas (image, shape, select box) so it can all be serialized into XML or JSON. I've tried placing each object into a global array:
var shapeState = { //Example of a shape being recorded
totalState.push(shapeState); //State of shape data has been stored in global array
But this only works if the shape (or other object) is static. If, for example, i move the element (after clicking the 'move' button), how can i update the xPos property? The shape object would have already been placed inside the array and unidentifiable by name. Say there are 100+ shapes in the global array, how would i be able to find a specific one to update? Please help.
here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/RymyY/5/
Here's one approach:
var AllShapeStates = {};
function Shape() {
var SerializedState = {},
AllShapeStates[UNIQUE_IDENTIFYING_ATTRIBUTE] = SerializedState;
//Shape Business
this.updateState = function(){
SerializedState.number = number;
SerializedState.id = thisCanvas;
In this model, when a Shape is instantiated, it adds a reference to its SerializedState into the global AllShapestates var; Whenever the Shape updates it's state, it should call updateState, which updates its SerializedState object;
So essentially, I have a function that draws a colored rectangle at every globe coordinate point via coordinate and color arrays. (Frequency means new rectangle every x coordinates)
//Given an array of coordinates, respective colors, and level of detail,
//Draws heatmap on the globe
function DrawMapGivenArrays(CoordinateArray, Colors, frequency)
var instances = [];
for(var i = 0; i < CoordinateArray.length; i++)
var Cartesian1 = new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(CoordinateArray[i].lon,
var Cartesian2 = new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(CoordinateArray[i].lon+frequency,
var CartesianArray = Array();
var newPrim = new Cesium.GeometryInstance
geometry : new Cesium.RectangleGeometry
rectangle : Cesium.Rectangle.fromCartesianArray(CartesianArray),
vertexFormat: Cesium.PerInstanceColorAppearance.VERTEX_FORMAT
attributes :
color : Cesium.ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.fromColor(Colors[i])
id: "Rectangle" + i,
var primitive = new Cesium.Primitive
releaseGeometryInstances : false,
geometryInstances : instances,
appearance : new Cesium.PerInstanceColorAppearance(),
scene.primitives._primitives[1] = primitive;
That works fine.. After I draw the map, I'm using this small function below to individually edit the color of one rectangle. (I call this for every rectangle to change all of them).
//Changes the color of a rectangle primitive given its unique id and a color value
function setPrimitiveRectangle(id, color)
var CesiumColor = Cesium.ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.toValue(color);
scene.primitives._primitives[1].getGeometryInstanceAttributes(id).color = CesiumColor; //this line is 10x slower for every instance after it runs the 1st time
//".getGeometryInstanceAttributes(id)" This specific phrase runs 10x slower after 1st instance
That works as well. But, for some reason, it has issues.
For example, when I re-color all of the rectangles the first time, it runs very fast. However, every time I re-fun that function again after the first time, it's 10x slower. I narrowed it down to the phrase that was giving me problems( ".getGeometryInstanceAttributes(id)" ).
I tried to circumvent calling the get function by modifying color values directly with this: (Where i is iterating over every rectangle).
viewer.scene.primitives._primitives[1].geometryInstances[i].attributes.color.value[0] = 0;
viewer.scene.primitives._primitives[1].geometryInstances[i].attributes.color.value[1] = 0;
viewer.scene.primitives._primitives[1].geometryInstances[i].attributes.color.value[2] = 0;
viewer.scene.primitives._primitives[1].geometryInstances[i].attributes.color.value[3] = 0;
Once I do this, I can check in chrome and see that the values located at those areas changed, however, the colors of the rectangles do not update.
I don't understand why ".getGeometryInstanceAttributes(id)" runs 10x slower after it's called the first time, and why I cannot directly modify viewer.scene.primitives._primitives[1].geometryInstances[i].attributes.color.value[0].
So, I'm making a game on HTML5 canvas. It's a top down shooter, and I need to create a bullet every time you click to make the character shoot.
Initially, I just prevented the player from firing another bullet until it went out of bounds or it hit an enemy, as seen here. This worked percetly, but of course, makes for uninteresting gameplay.
Then, I began researching about JS classes, and I thought that it would be the key to the problem. I created a bullet class, and moved all the logic for the bullet to the class. Then, I created an instance of it, and called it in other parts of the code to execute its logic. This worked exactly as it did before, which is good, because it meant I could translate the thing I had before to a class, but it had a similar issue.
This is how the class is defined:
class bullet{
constructor(_img, _piercing){
this.bulletPic = document.createElement("img");
this.img = this.bulletPic.src = _img;
this.piercing = _piercing;
this.bulletAngle = playerAngle;
this.bulletX = playerX;
this.bulletY = playerY;
bulletShot = true;
shots = 0;
canvasContext.translate(this.bulletX, this.bulletY);
canvasContext.drawImage(this.bulletPic, -this.bulletPic.width / 2, -this.bulletPic.height / 2);
this.bulletX += Math.sin(this.bulletAngle) * BULLET_SPEED;
this.bulletY -= Math.cos(this.bulletAngle) * BULLET_SPEED;
And here is the object definition:
let bullet1 = new bullet("Textures/player.png", true);
If I want to shoot another bullet at the same time, I need to have already defined a new instance of the bullet class, is there any way for me to define a new instance every time I click?
Edit: The shoot and draw methods are called in another file that follow logic that's not shown here. Mainly what this other code does, is detect when it hits an enemy or when it goes out of bounds to set "bulletShot" to false, that makes it "despawn", and I can shoot another bullet. This is part of the 1 bullet at a time limitation I'm trying to remove here, but that can go once this central issue is fixed.
If I understand your situation, you could use a function that returns a new class:
function bulletFactory( className ) {
return new className();
If you want to achieve that there could be several bullets in "mid-air", after a series of fast consecutive clicks, then create an array of bullets. You would initialise that array like this:
const bullets = Array({length: ammo}, () => new Bullet());
ammo would be the number of bullets that the user can shoot in total.
NB: I simplified the call of the constructor. Add the arguments you want to pass. Secondly, it is common practice to start class names with a capital.
Then add a state property in the Bullet instances that indicates whether the bullet is:
Hidden: it is not visible yet, but part of the total ammunition that can still be used in the future
Ready: it is the one bullet that is visible at the start location, ready to be fired by the user
Shot: a bullet that has been shot and is currently flying through the game area
At first this state is "hidden":
constructor(_img, _piercing){
this.state = "hidden";
// ...
draw() {
if (this.state === "hidden") return; // Don't draw bullets that are not available
// ...
Then at the start of the game, make one bullet visible (where it should be clicked):
bullets[0].state = "ready"; // From now on it will be drawn when `draw()` is called
In the click handler do the following:
// Fire the bullet the user clicked on:
bullets.find(bullet => bullet.state === "ready").shoot(playerAngle, playerX, playerY);
// See if there is a next bullet remaining in the user's ammo:
const nextBullet = bullets.find(bullet => bullet.state === "hidden");
if (nextBullet) nextBullet.state = "ready"; // Otherwise ammo is depleted.
The shoot method should not rely on global variables, but get the necessary external info as arguments:
shoot(playerAngle, playerX, playerY) {
this.bulletAngle = playerAngle;
this.bulletX = playerX;
this.bulletY = playerY;
this.state = "shot";
Don't use global variables inside your class methods (shot, ammo,...). Instead use arguments or other instance properties.
The draw method should also work with that state:
draw() {
if (this.state === "hidden") return; // Don't draw bullets that are not available
// ...
if(this.state === "shot") {
this.bulletX += Math.sin(this.bulletAngle) * BULLET_SPEED;
this.bulletY -= Math.cos(this.bulletAngle) * BULLET_SPEED;
In your animation loop, you should call draw on all bullets. Something like:
bullets.forEach(bullet => bullet.draw());
I did not see any code for when a bullet has left the game area, either by hitting something or just flying out of range. In such case the bullet should be removed from the bullets array to avoid that the draw method keeps drawing things without (visual) significance.
Here is how you could delete a specific bullet:
function deleteBullet(bullet) {
const i = bullets.indexOf(bullet);
if (i > -1) bullets.splice(i, 1);
I hope this gets you going on your project.
I ended up making an array that contains multiple instances of the class. I defined a variable that I used as a limit and then set up a for statement to create all the objects, then, I can call them using the array name and the position.
for(var i = 0; i < arraySize; i++){
arrayName[i] = new className(parameters);
Examples of usage:
I'm using my own custom connector implementation and i want to be able to consider other connectors to the same elements in order to calculate the source and target points better.
joint.connectors.custom = function (sourcePoint, targetPoint, vertices) {
// I want to calculate the "middle" point while considering other links that might interrupt
var sourceMiddleX = this.sourceBBox.x + this.sourceBBox.width / 2;
var d = ['M', sourcePoint.x, sourcePoint.y, targetPoint.x, targetPoint.y];
return d.join(' ');
So far i couldn't find anything helpful under the function context nor under the VElement..
Unless anyone has a better idea, i'll pass the total links per element in each model which doesn't feels right.
Thanks in advance!
Connector functions in JointJS are called with a value of this equal to a joint.dia.LinkView instance. Each linkView has access to the paper it's rendered in.
var paper = this.paper; // an instance of `joint.dia.Paper`
var graph = this.paper.model; // an instance of `joint.dia.Graph`
var link = this.model; // an instance of `joint.dia.Link`
// an instance of `joint.dia.Element` or `null`
var sourceElement = link.getSourceElement();
var sourceElementLinks = sourceElement
// an array of `joint.dia.Link` including the link
// these are connecting the same source element as the link
? graph.getConnectedLinks(sourceElement, { outbound: true })
// the link is not connected to a source element
: [];
// an instance of `joint.dia.Element` or `null`
var targetElement = link.getTargetElement();
var targetElementLinks = targetElement
// an array of `joint.dia.Link` including the link
// these are connecting the same target element as the link
? graph.getConnectedLinks(targetElement, { inbound: true })
// the link is not connected to a target element
: [];
You can also check the jumpOver connector, that implements a similar logic.
I wonder how to create a d3js binding to simplify animations. I trying to use something similar to a dynamic version of TikZ coordinates, where you simply define a 2d coordinate and refer to it for positioning elements. Here I simply want to define an object M that encapsulate one value and some bindings to objects-attributes, e.g., radius of circle, x-position, y-position, ... . Every change of the value of M should animate the objects-attributes of attached objects at the same time.
I created a jsFiddle:
In this example:
test.addBinding(dot2,["cy1"],[function(v){return 2*v;}]);
I wanted to animate the x1, x2 attribute of a line, the cx1 attribute of a dot and the cy1 of dot2 when I call test.setValue(30);.
Basically I thought it should work like
// on value changes
this.setValue = function(x){
// update the value itself
this.v = x;
// update each binded-object
for(var i=0;i<this.entry.length;i++){
var bindObject = this.entry[i];
// update each binded-attribute of this object
for(var j=0;j<bindObject.property.length;j++){
// how to update?
// identify
var modifier = function(x){return x;};
// or a custom function ?
if(typeof bindObject.function[j] !== "undefined"){
modifier = bindObject.function[j];
var to = modifier(x);
var attrName = bindObject.property[j];
// update
.attr(attrName, to);
My main idea is to use a wrapper for this value which knows which svg-attributes have to be changed.
I would like to use
// bind some svg elements
var test = new d3jsbinding();
test.addBinding(dot2,["cx1"],[function(v){return 2*v;}]);
// update them (at the same time)
Unfortunately I found no way to enqueue the attributes-updates (or better assign the new values of each attribute) before calling .transition().duration(2000)
Have a look at my bl.ocks
Essentially, you need to write the loop into:
.each(function() {
... HERE ...
I'm writing a 2D gravity simulation game and I'm trying to add save/load functionality. In the game I store all of the current planets in an array. Each planet is represented by a Body object which contains the coordinates, mass, and motion vector of the planet. It also stores an array of the last 100 coordinates of the planet in order to draw the planet's trail on the screen.
I want to use JSON.stringify() to serialize the planets array. I'd like to save the first attributes of each planet (mass, location, motion) but I don't need to save the last 100 coordinates (the trail array). I don't want to completely delete the coordinates otherwise the trails will disappear from the screen. Can I stringify only a portion of each object? If not, can I remove that portion of the JSON string after it's been encoded? Or should I move the coordinates elsewhere during the save process then copy them back into each planet once it's been saved?
In modern web browsers you can use Array#map.
var serialized = JSON.stringify(planets.map(function(planet){
return {
mass: planet.mass,
location: planet.location,
motion: planet.motion
Or, the equivalent using a for loop.
try it this way
var saved = JSON.stringify( {mass:body.mass,location:body.location,motion:body.motion} );
it shall give you just the three parts as a json string.
A bit more extended you could provide your body class such an export function.
For example:
Bodyclass.export = function( toexport ) {
if ( undefined === toexport || toexport.constructor != Array ) {
var toexport = [ 'mass', 'location', 'motion' ];
var export = {};
for ( var i = 0; i < toexport; i++) {
export[ toexport[ i ] ] = this[ toexport[ i ] ];
var saved = JSON.stringify( body.export() );
The best would be to create both a serialization and deserialization method. This will allow you to create the most efficient storage format while still allowing you to reconstruct as much of the objects as you deem necessary.
You can use export/import, save/restore, serialize/deserialize terminology, whichever you see fit.
Having methods like this will increase you maintainability in the long run as well.
You can use second parameter of JSON.stringify (replacer)
const planet = {
name: "Pluto",
lastCoords: [[0, 0], [1,1,]]
const json = JSON.stringify(planet, (key, value) => key === "lastCoords" ? undefined : value)
// json === {"name":"Pluto"}