add textarea name to document.form - javascript

Below is the function which dont work... when try to add "newTextArea" to "document.postform.nTextArea"
Can anyone help me?
function AddText(text, newTextArea) {
nTextArea = newTextArea;
var tarea = document.postform.nTextArea;
if (typeof tarea.selectionStart != 'undefined'){ // if it supports DOM2
start = tarea.selectionStart;
end = tarea.selectionEnd;
tarea.value = tarea.value.substr(0,tarea.selectionStart)
+ text + tarea.value.substr(tarea.selectionEnd);
tarea.selectionStart = ((start - end) == 0) ? start + text.length : start;
tarea.selectionEnd = start + text.length;
} else {
if (tarea.createTextRange && tarea.caretPos) {
var caretPos = tarea.caretPos;
caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text + ' ' : text;
else {
tarea.value += text;

Assuming newTextArea is name of textarea element, the correct way to access it is with such code:
var tarea = document.postform.elements[newTextArea];
if (typeof tarea.selectionStart != 'undefined'){ // if it supports DOM2


Regex cleaning some html string

I am trying to parse some html from a website.
The html may contain some invalid html which cause that the parser are not able to parse the html.
this is my regex that I wrote
This will remove all [class] and [id] attr
My above regex work fine with some html but not all
example 1 that works
<div class="par fontsize-16" [class]="'par fontsize-' + fontsize"><p>the two of them left that everyone came back to their senses.</p>
but it dose not work with
</div><span id="saved" hidden>Settings saved..</span><div class="clear"></div><div class="par fontsize-16" [class]="'par fontsize-' + fontsize"><p>It wasn't " until the two of them left that everyone came back to their senses.</p>
This is caused by the string It wasn't " which is removed.
I only want to remove the attr and its content and not the tags content
is it possible
Final solution
Thanx to #IT goldman I ended up with a solution.
I am posting it incase someone needs it.
function cleanHTML(html, attrs) {
try {
attrs.forEach(attr => {
var pos = 0
while ((pos = html.indexOf(attr)) > -1) {
var sep = null;
var state = 0;
for (var i = pos + attr.length; i < html.length; i++) {
var c = html.charAt(i);
if (c == '=') {
state = 1
if (state == 1 && (c.trim() === '"' || c.trim() === "'")) {
sep = c;
} else if (["'", '"', "=", ""].indexOf(c.trim()) === -1)
if (sep) {
const closingPos = html.indexOf(">", pos);
const pos_q = html.indexOf(sep, pos);
let pos_q2 = html.indexOf(sep, pos_q + 1);
if (pos_q2 > closingPos) // none closing attr
pos_q2 = closingPos - 1;
html = html.substring(0, pos) + html.substring(pos_q2 + 1)
} else html = html.substring(0, pos) + html.substring(pos + attr.length + (state == 1 ? 1 : 0));
} catch (e) {
return html;
var src = `<span [class]= [class][class] id="saved" [id]hidden [class] = '"kjhsdf->Settings saved..</span><div class="clear"></div><div class="par fontsize-16" [class]="'par fontsize-' + fontsize"><p>It wasn't " until the two of them left that everyone came back to their senses.</p><a [class]='another'>sasportas</a>`
console.log(cleanHTML(src, ["[class]", "[id]"]));
Here's a little function to remove specific attributes (and their values) from an HTML string.
var src = `</div><span [class] [class][class] id="saved" [id]hidden>Settings saved..</span><div class="clear"></div><div class="par fontsize-16" [class]="'par fontsize-' + fontsize"><p>It wasn't " until the two of them left that everyone came back to their senses.</p><a [class]='another'>sasportas</a>`
function clean_str(src, attributes_to_remove) {
attributes_to_remove.forEach(function(attr) {
var pos
while ((pos = src.indexOf(attr)) > -1) {
var sep;
var state = 0;
for (var i = pos + attr.length; i < src.length; i++) {
var c = src.charAt(i);
if (c == '=') {
state = 1
if (state == 0 && c.trim()) {
sep = null;
if (state == 1 && c.trim()) {
sep = c;
if (sep) {
var pos_q = src.indexOf(sep, pos);
var pos_q2 = src.indexOf(sep, pos_q + 1);
src = src.substring(0, pos) + src.substring(pos_q2 + 1)
} else {
src = src.substring(0, pos) + src.substring(pos + attr.length)
return src;
console.log(clean_str(src, ["[class]", "[id]"]))
This regex should do the trick: /\[(?:class|id)](?:=(["']).*?\1)?/
const regex = /\[(?:class|id)](?:=(["']).*?\1)?/g
const badHtml = `</div><span id="saved" hidden>Settings saved..</span><div class="clear"></div><div class="par fontsize-16" [class]="'par fontsize-' + fontsize"><p>It wasn't " until the two of them left that everyone came back to their senses.</p>`
document.getElementById('input').innerText = badHtml
document.getElementById('output').innerText = regex[Symbol.replace](badHtml, '')
<pre id="input"></pre>
<pre id="output"></pre>

Getting variables outside a bracket and adding it into the variables inside the bracket

i am currently doing a random minterm maxterm mini program.
var totalvar = getRandomInt(3,5);
var main = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= totalvar; i++) {
var test = getRandomInt(1,4);
var myArray = ["A","B","C","D","A&apos;","B&apos;","C&apos;","D&apos;"];
var text ="";
for (var a = 1; a <= test; a++) {
function random(array) {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]
var testing = random(myArray);
if (testing =="A") {
var testing2 ="A&apos;";
} else if (testing =="A&apos;") {
var testing2 ="A";
} else if (testing =="B") {
var testing2 ="B&apos;";
} else if (testing =="B&apos;") {
var testing2 ="B";
}else if (testing =="C") {
var testing2 ="C&apos;";
} else if (testing =="C&apos;") {
var testing2 ="C";
}else if (testing =="D") {
var testing2 ="D&apos;";
} else if (testing =="D&apos;") {
var testing2 ="D";
text += testing
var index = myArray.indexOf(testing);
if (index > -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
var index = myArray.indexOf(testing2);
if (index > -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
var impt = totalvar - i;
var frontbracket = main.split("(").length;
var backbracket = main.split(")").length;
if (impt >= 2) {
var brackets = getRandomInt(1,3);
var chances = getRandomInt(1,3);
var chances1 = getRandomInt(1,3);
var lastLetter = main.charAt(main.length - 1);
if (frontbracket == backbracket) {
if (brackets == 1) {
text = "(" + text;
if (main == "") {
main = text;
main += "+" + text;
} else {
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== 1) {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
else if (frontbracket != backbracket){
text = text + ")";
main += "+" + text;
} else if (frontbracket != backbracket){
text = text + ")";
main += "+" + text;
else {
var brackets = getRandomInt(1,3);
var chances = getRandomInt(1,3);
var lastLetter = main.charAt(main.length - 1);
if (brackets == 1) {
text = "(" + text + ")";
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== '1') {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
} else {
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== 1) {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
Currently i am trying to create random questions like
So based on this 4 questions, i can solve qn 2, qn 3, qn 5 by using the replace function but for qn1 and qn4,
i have to check if there is a plus sign inside the bracket and if there are variables outside the bracket, i will need to add the variables inside.
If there are no variables outside of the bracket like Qn5, i will just remove the brackets.
like this qn5
For example qn4 should look like this after the function is done with it
May i ask for some advice regarding this please?
on a function that checks whether there is a plus sign inside the bracket then check whether there are any variables directly outside the bracket and if there is, the variable outside must be added to the variables inside the bracket

javascript function to add values outside of bracket into values inside the bracket

i am trying to create a function that automatically create questions to do.
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var totalvar = getRandomInt(2,4);
var main = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= totalvar; i++) {
var test = getRandomInt(1,3);
// alert(test);
var myArray = ["A","B","C","A&apos;","B&apos;","C&apos;"];
var text ="";
for (var a = 1; a <= test; a++) {
function random(array) {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]
var testing = random(myArray);
if (testing =="A") {
var testing2 ="A&apos;";
} else if (testing =="A&apos;") {
var testing2 ="A";
} else if (testing =="B") {
var testing2 ="B&apos;";
} else if (testing =="B&apos;") {
var testing2 ="B";
}else if (testing =="C") {
var testing2 ="C&apos;";
} else if (testing =="C&apos;") {
var testing2 ="C";
text += testing
var index = myArray.indexOf(testing);
if (index > -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
var index = myArray.indexOf(testing2);
if (index > -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
var brackets = getRandomInt(1,3);
var chances = getRandomInt(1,3);
var lastLetter = main.charAt(main.length - 1);
if (brackets == 1) {
text = "(" + text + ")";
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== 1) {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
} else {
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== 1) {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
I have manage to get it to display questions that i want
I am stucked as i couldnt get the function for the next step where it multiples the value outside the bracket
The above is what i hope to achieve but im unable to create the function out
any tips guys?
use replace:
var str = "B'C'+(A'C'B')+BCA";
var response = str.replace(/([\(\)]+)/g, '');
// output: "B'C'+A'C'B'+BCA"

char counter doesn't work with paste event

I have written a code bellow for counting the character inside text box.
the code is working just fine the only problem with it is when i past a text into the text box i have to press any key so system start to count.
Could you please help me sort this problem
function GetAlhpa(text) {
var gsm = "#£$¥èéùìòÇØøÅåΔ_ΦΓΛΩΠΨΣΘΞ^{}\[~]|€ÆæßÉ!\"#¤%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?¡ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÄÖÑܧ¿abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöñüà";
var i = 0;
while (i <= String(text).length) {
if (gsm.indexOf(String(String(text).charAt(i))) == -1 && (String(text).charCodeAt(i) != 32) && (String(text).charCodeAt(i) != 27) && (String(text).charCodeAt(i) != 10) && (String(text).charCodeAt(i) != 13)) {
UniCodestring = " Unicode ";
Countsms = 70;
if ($('#SndSms_Message').val().length > 70)
Countsms = 67;
Countsms = 160;
UniCodestring = "";
if ($('#SndSms_Message').val().length > 160)
Countsms = 153;
var Countsms = 160;
var UniCodestring = "";
var CounterSmsLen = 0;
var Two = "|^€{}[]~";
function GetCountSms() {
document.getElementById('SndSms_Message').addEventListener('input', function (e) {
var target = e.SndSms_Message,
position = SndSms_Message.selectionStart;
CounterSmsLen = $('#SndSms_Message').val().length;
var i = 0;
while (i < String(Two).length) {
var oldindex = -1;
while (String($('#SndSms_Message').val()).indexOf(String(String(Two).charAt(i)), oldindex) > -1) {
//if ( String($('#SndSms_Message').val()).indexOf(String(String(Two).charAt(i))) > -1){
CounterSmsLen += 1;
oldindex = String($('#SndSms_Message').val()).indexOf(String(String(Two).charAt(i)), oldindex) + 1;
SndSms_Message.selectionEnd = position; // Set the cursor back to the initial position.
if ($('#SndSms_Message').val().length == 0)
CounterSmsLen = 0;
$('#SndSms_Count').html(' ' + CounterSmsLen + ' Characters' + UniCodestring + ' <br /> ' + Math.ceil(CounterSmsLen / Countsms) + ' Sms');
countsmsnumber=Math.ceil(CounterSmsLen / Countsms);
var greekchar = "ΑΒΕΖΗΙΚΜΝΟΡΤΥΧ";
var englishchar = "ABEZHIKMNOPTYX";
function ConvertGreek() {
var str = $('#SndSms_Message').val();
var i = 0;
while (i < String(greekchar).length) {
str = str.replace(new RegExp(String(greekchar).charAt(i), 'g'), String(englishchar).charAt(i));
If i paste the number into the text box it will count it correct but if i paste character it wont count them..
You need keyup change event in order to handle paste event.
document.getElementById('SndSms_Message').addEventListener("keyup", function() {
//your code here

Angularjs str_pad_left

Is there any angularjs or javascript function similiar to PHP str_pad_left ?
I could not get any result no input was written on screen.
Also i did not now if is it valid to pass the first parameter inside : {{}}.
I try use javascript str_pad function :
var num = str_pad({{ item.ID }}, 10,'','STR_PAD_LEFT')
console.log('num '+num);
From this script :
function str_pad(input, pad_length, pad_string, pad_type) {
var half = '',
var str_pad_repeater = function(s, len) {
var collect = '',
while (collect.length < len) {
collect += s;
collect = collect.substr(0, len);
return collect;
input += '';
pad_string = pad_string !== undefined ? pad_string : ' ';
if (pad_type !== 'STR_PAD_LEFT' && pad_type !== 'STR_PAD_RIGHT' && pad_type !== 'STR_PAD_BOTH') {
pad_type = 'STR_PAD_RIGHT';
if ((pad_to_go = pad_length - input.length) > 0) {
if (pad_type === 'STR_PAD_LEFT') {
input = str_pad_repeater(pad_string, pad_to_go) + input;
} else if (pad_type === 'STR_PAD_RIGHT') {
input = input + str_pad_repeater(pad_string, pad_to_go);
} else if (pad_type === 'STR_PAD_BOTH') {
half = str_pad_repeater(pad_string, Math.ceil(pad_to_go / 2));
input = half + input + half;
input = input.substr(0, pad_length);
return input;

