Inserting and executing conditional javascript - javascript

Working on a Mobile First design and want to conditional load and execute some JavaScript based on the browser width.
UPDATE: (more info on what I'm doing)
I'm looking to conditionally load different size Google DFP ads depending on the width of the browser window. So a desktop/iPad might see a 720 pixel wide ad, a wide mobile might see a 480px ad and a basic mobile might see a 320px ad.
Google DFP has an asynchronous method which has the main code in the head. Ad calls are then made via a combination of a div with a numbered id and a function call that has the same number.
So in what I'm trying to accomplish, I need to insert both a numbered div and a specific numbered function call into the div where I want the specific ad call to appear.
Looked around for conditional examples and this worked in my test:
<div id="ad"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ad = document.getElementById("ad");
if (document.documentElement.clientWidth > 640) {
ad.innerHTML = "big";
if (document.documentElement.clientWidth < 640) {
ad.innerHTML = "small";
Obviously just a test of the width checking and not the ad call.
If I understand correctly, innerHTML won't work if I need to dynamically load and execute some JavaScript.
Basically, when I test for the size I have to enter an ad call like this into the #ad div:
<div id='div-gpt-ad-xxxxxxxxxxx-2'
style='width:728px;height:90px;margin:auto'><script type='text/javascript'>
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-xxxxxxxxxxx-2'); });
Notice the "-2" in both the div and function. That will be different for the different ad sizes.
Completely new to DOM manipulation so any help is greatly appreciated.

You are correct that script elements inserted using the innerHTML property aren't executed.
A simple solution is to collect the script elements that were inserted and replace them with new elements where the code will be executed, e.g.
function insertAndExecute(id, markup) {
var sOld, sNew, scripts;
var s;
var el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
s = document.createElement('script');
el.innerHTML = markup;
scripts = el.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i=0, iLen=scripts.length; i<iLen; i++) {
sOld = scripts[i];
sNew = s.cloneNode(true);
sNew.type = sOld.type;
if (sOld.src) {
sNew.src = sOld.src;
} else {
sNew.text = sOld.text;
sOld.parentNode.replaceChild(sNew, sOld);
It is much better if the scripts have a src attribtue and load an external file.
As jfriend00 says, if you can determine the markup to be inserted during page load, document.write is a viable alternative as it will cause included scripts to be executed. But you can't use it after the page has finished loading.
As for getting the width of the window:
var width = window.innerWidth || document.body.clientWidth;
should do. Note that in IE, clientWidth is 20px less than the window width because it allows for a vertical scroll bar. But that shouldn't matter here.
Also, clientWidth shouldn't be measured until the document has finished loading so the layout is complete (use onload or something later), and make sure documents have a DOCTYPE so that IE is in standards mode (or "almost standards mode" or whatever).
You might also be interested in How to Measure the Viewport.

If you're new to DOM manipulation, then stop right now and find a JavaScript library that you like. The DOM is by far the most frustrating part of using JavaScript in the browser, so don't ruin your first experience with the language by not using a library that helps you with it. Two good options are YUI and jQuery. This is important because you can't get the width of the screen reliably with document.documentElement.clientWidth. Different browsers use different properties for it.
Regarding your question, in this case it's just a matter of running the code in your script after inserting the content into the ad container.
<div id="ad"></div>
document.getElementById('ad').innerHTML = '<div id="div-gpt-ad-xxxxxxxxxxx-2" style="width:728px;height:90px;margin:auto"></div>';
if (screenWidth > 640) {
googletag.cmd.push(function() {
} else {
// do something else


How can I resize the iframe without page refresh?

I have some swf embedded in iframe but only if the page is refreshed the iframe is resized, then if I select other one then will show as all swf not only the animation the background as well. This is what I am using
if ( 'resizeIframe' === $('#onPlayAction').val() ) {
var ifrEl = $('div.player-container')[0];
ifrEl.src = htmlPageBrowserUri;
ifrEl.onload = function() {
ifrEl.width = ifrEl.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth;
ifrEl.height = ifrEl.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;
There are three ways to do this.
You can change the size on every window resize
$(window).on('resize', function (){
ifrEl.width = ... ;
ifrEl.height = ... ;
You can use some jQuery plugins like iFrame Resizer
You can use some nifty css tricks. Go search for responsive iframes using css and you will find a ton of good answers.
I hope this all helps you.
I suspect the issue with your code might be thses two lines :
ifrEl.src = htmlPageBrowserUri;
ifrEl.onload = function() {
The problem being that the first line set s the frame address, but second line sets the onload event immediately, probably before the page has loaded ? So when the page does load, the line setting onload event has already run & so doens't get set.
I don't quite understand the text in your question (sorry!) but the code below successfully resizes an iframe - it's run 'onload' in the frame's page:
<body onload="setParent()">
In case it's relevant, the iframe itself has attributes:
<iframe id="neckfinishframe" style="width:100%;overflow-x:hidden" src=".. etc">
In my case I'm only concerned about height. Width is 100%.
In the iFrame page, this code runs from the onload event to amend the iframe height to be whatever the height of the page is, plus a bit. This is intended to avoid showing a set of scroll bars within the iframe.
function setParent() {
// runs onload in iframe page
// in my case I have to run it from the frame page because I need to know the page rendered height in order to set the iframe height
var f;
try {f = parent.getElementById("neckfinishframe")} catch (e) {};
if (f != null)"px";
Note - I haven't tried this cross- browser but I know it works in IE.

Replace text on webpage using javascript

I am trying to replace some text on my sites page using javascript. I must use javascript because the replacement is dependent on the site resolution. However I found that the code bellow doesn't work. Why is it? Does similar things work on iphone (these javascript functions)? Thanks.
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
if ((screen.width<=500))
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace('text to replace', 'replacement');
The screen property does not have a resize cause it's like they built it in the factory :)
You're probably interested in window.innerWidth
probably you're also interested in listening for a resize event so here you go:
function doOnResize() {
var winW = window.innerWidth;
if(winW <= 500) {
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace('text to replace', 'replacement');
doOnResize(); // Do it as soon as you can
window.addEventListener("resize", doOnResize); // and on window resize
Also make sure to place the above <script> right before the closing </body> tag. This will make sure that the JS parser is in known about the DOM content before searching and replacing text.
Your code does not work because it is executed before the DOM is ready.
window.onload = function() { /* Your code here */ };
This will make sure the DOM is ready and everything is loaded.
What about using css and js (well, jquery would probably be best) to change the display attribute of the element on the event that triggers the text change?

Resize a dynamically generated iframe

I have a report generated by Oracle Apex (A UI tool operating against the Oracle database). I have customized it to have a hyperlink on each record, which when clicked opens a detail report in an iframe right under the current record. This, I am doing by using the Javascript insertRow method on the html table element (Condensed Javascript code below. Oracle APEX allows use of JS/Jquery)
var pTable= html_CascadeUpTill(t,'TABLE');
var myNewRow = pTable.insertRow(pTR.rowIndex+1);
var myNewCell = myNewRow.insertCell(0);
myNewCell.innerHTML = '<iframe src="detail report url" height="0"></iframe>';
In order to resize the height of the iFrame that is different for different detail records, I have the following code in the document).ready(function() of the page
setTimeout(iResize, 1000);
function iResize()
// Iterate through all iframes in the page.
for (var i = 0, j = iFrames.length; i < j; i++)
var y=(iFrames[i].contentWindow || iFrames[i].contentDocument);
if (y.document)y=y.document;
var docHt = getDocHeight(y);
if (docHt) iFrames[i].height = docHt + "px";
Without the setTimeout call to iResize function, the iframe resize is not happening. But this setTimeout is adding a delay in the resized iframe to appear which I want to avoid. Is there a way to do this? All the related posts/articles I have seen online deal with iframes that are built into the page but not generated on-the-fly as in my case.
Let me know if you need more information. Please help. Thank you.
You should consider putting the details in a <div> block, then showing or hiding the <div> with JQuery. You can set dimensions for your block with CSS, or just let the content flow normally inside of the block. Sounds like a much simpler way to achieve the same effect.
The issue is that if you perform the resize too soon it will get the dimensions of the child document before it has been fully rendered, hence the use of a timer.
If your detail reports are other APEX pages that you control, then you could call the iResize function from the "Execute when page loads" section of the detail page:
That seems to work for me.
It sounds to me like the iframes don't even exist when the page first loads.
Instead of calling the iResize function on page load and then every second you could place the call to iResize in the code that creates the iframe.

How can we keep OpenX from blocking page load?

We're using OpenX to serve ads on a number of sites. If the OpenX server has problems, however, it blocks page loads on these sites. I'd rather have the sites fail gracefully, i.e. load the pages without the ads and fill them in when they become available.
We're using OpenX's single page call, and we're giving divs explicit size in CSS so they can be laid out without their contents, but still loading the script blocks page load. Are there other best practices for speeding up pages with OpenX?
We load our ads in iframes to avoid the problem you're having. We size div and the iframe the same, with the iframe pointing to a page which just contains the ad snippet (you can pass the zone and other required options as parameters to that page).
We lazy-load OpenX's code. Instead of putting the single-page call at the top of the page, we put it at the bottom. After the page has loaded, the call will get the banner data and a custom code will add the correct banners in the correct zones.
The code below requires a proper DOM. If you have jQuery, DOMAssistant, FlowJS, etc, the DOM should be fixed for you.
This code will work with normal banners with images, flash, or HTML content. It may not work in some cases like when using banners from external providers (adform, etc). For that you may need to hack the code a bit.
How to use it?
add your SinglePageCall code towards the end of your HTML code
add this code under the SPC code.
after half a second or so, your OpenX code should be ready, and the code below will put the banners within the specified DIVs.
Oh, yeah, you need to add to your HTML code some DIVs as place holders for your banners. By default I have these banners set with CSS class "hidden" which totally hides the DIVs (with visibility, display, and height). Then, after the banner in a given DIV is successfully loaded, we remove the hidden class and the DIV (and the banner within) become visible.
Use at your own risk! :) Hope it helps
if (!document || !document.getElementById || !document.addEventListener || !document.removeClass) {
return; // No proper DOM; give up.
var openx_timeout = 1, // limit the time we wait for openx
oZones = new Object(), // list of [div_id] => zoneID
displayBannerAds; // function.
// oZones.<divID> = <zoneID>
// eg: oZones.banner_below_job2 = 100;
// (generated on the server side with PHP)
oZones.banner_top = 23;
oZones.banner_bottom = 34;
displayBannerAds = function(){
if( typeof(OA_output)!='undefined' && OA_output.constructor == Array ){
// OpenX SinglePageCall ready!
if (OA_output.length>0) {
for (var zone_div_id in oZones){
zoneid = oZones[zone_div_id];
if(typeof(OA_output[zoneid])!='undefined' && OA_output[zoneid]!='') {
var flashCode,
oDIV = document.getElementById( zone_div_id );
if (oDIV) {
// if it's a flash banner..
// extract javascript code
var pre_code_wrap = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[",
post_code_wrap = "// ]]> -->";
flashCode = OA_output[zoneid].substr(OA_output[zoneid].indexOf(pre_code_wrap)+pre_code_wrap.length);
flashCode = flashCode.substr(0, flashCode.indexOf(post_code_wrap));
// replace destination for the SWFObject
flashCode = flashCode.replace(/ox\_swf\.write\(\'(.*)'\)/, "ox_swf.write('"+ +"')");
// insert SWFObject
if( flashCode.indexOf("ox_swf.write")!=-1 ){
}// else: the code was not as expected; don't show it
// normal image banner; just set the contents of the DIV
oDIV.innerHTML = OA_output[zoneid];
} // end of loop
}//else: no banners on this page
// not ready, let's wait a bit
if (openx_timeout>80) {
return; // we waited too long; abort
setTimeout( displayBannerAds, 10*openx_timeout );
OpenX has some documentation on how to make their tags load asynchronously:
I've tested it, and it works well in current Chrome/Firefox.
It takes some manual tweaking of their ad code. Their example of how the ad tags should end up:
Some content here.
Ad goes here.
<!-- Preserve space while the rest of the page loads. -->
<div id="placeholderId" style="width:728px;height:90px">
<!-- Fallback mechanism to use if unable to load the script tag. -->
<iframe id="4cb4e94bd5bb6" name="4cb4e94bd5bb6"
frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="728"
<a href="
<img src="
border="0" alt=""></a></iframe>
<!--Async ad request with multiple parameters.-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var OX_ads = OX_ads || [];
"imp_beacon":"HTML for client-side impression beacon",
"fallback":"HTML for client-side fallback"
<!-- Fetch the Tag Library -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Some other content here.
Following #Rafa excellent answer, i'm using this code to invoke OpenX banners after the page loads. I'm using jquery as well and had to add a new replace call for the "document.write" that flash banners use, and replacing it with "$('#"+ +"').append" instead. I'm using a custom "my_openx()" call, to replace "OA_show()". My banners area called by the zone_id and are wrapped inside a div, like this:
<div id="openx-4"><script>wm_openx(4);</script></div>
It's working :)
<script type="text/javascript">
$is_mobile = false;
$document_ready = 0;
$(document).ready(function() {
$document_ready = 1;
if( $('#MobileCheck').css('display') == 'inline' ) {
$is_mobile = true;
//alert('is_mobile: '+$is_mobile);
function wm_openx($id) {
if($is_mobile) return false;
if(!$document_ready) {
setTimeout(function(){ wm_openx($id); },1000);
return false;
if(typeof(OA_output[$id])!='undefined' && OA_output[$id]!='') {
var flashCode,
oDIV = document.getElementById('openx-'+$id);
if (oDIV) {
// if it's a flash banner..
if(OA_output[$id].indexOf("ox_swf.write")!=-1) {
// extract javascript code
var pre_code_wrap = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA[",
post_code_wrap = "// ]]> -->";
flashCode = OA_output[$id].substr(OA_output[$id].indexOf(pre_code_wrap)+pre_code_wrap.length);
flashCode = flashCode.substr(0, flashCode.indexOf(post_code_wrap));
// replace destination for the SWFObject
flashCode = flashCode.replace(/ox\_swf\.write\(\'(.*)'\)/, "ox_swf.write('"+ +"')");
flashCode = flashCode.replace(/document.write/, "$('#"+ +"').append");
// insert SWFObject
if( flashCode.indexOf("ox_swf.write")!=-1 ) {
}// else: the code was not as expected; don't show it
// normal image banner; just set the contents of the DIV
oDIV.innerHTML = OA_output[$id];
I was looking for this to load advertising from my openX server only when the advertising should be visible. I'm using the iFrame version of openX which is loaded in a div. The answer here put me on my way to solving this problem, but the posted solution is a bit too simple. First of all, when the page is not loaded from the top (in case the user enters the page by clicking 'back') none of the divs are loaded. So you'll need something like this:
also, you'll need to know what defines a visible div. That can be a div that's fully visible or partially visible. If the bottom of the object is greater or equal to the top of the window AND the top of the object is smaller or equal to the bottom of the window it should be visible (or in this case: loaded). Your function lazyload may look like this:
function lazyload(){
var wt = $(window).scrollTop(); //* top of the window
var wb = wt + $(window).height(); //* bottom of the window
var ot = $(this).offset().top; //* top of object (i.e. advertising div)
var ob = ot + $(this).height(); //* bottom of object
if(!$(this).attr("loaded") && wt<=ob && wb >= ot){
$(this).html("here goes the iframe definition");
Tested on all major browsers and even on my iPhone, works like a charm!!

Computing a cross-browser iframe height

One of the most difficult problems in my javascript experience has been the correct (that is "cross-browser") computing of a iframe height.
In my applications I have a lot of dynamically generated iframe and I want them all do a sort of autoresize at the end of the load event to adjust their height and width.
In the case of height computing my best solution is the following (with the help of jQuery):
function getDocumentHeight(doc) {
var mdoc = doc || document;
if (mdoc.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') {
return mdoc.body.offsetHeight;
else {
if ($.browser.msie)
return mdoc.body.scrollHeight;
return Math.max($(mdoc).height(), $(mdoc.body).height());
I searched the internet without success. I also tested Yahoo library that has some methods for document and viewport dimensions, but it's not satisfactory.
My solution works decently, but sometimes it calculates a taller height.
I've studied and tested tons of properties regarding document height in Firefox/IE/Safari: documentElement.clientHeight, documentElement.offsetHeight, documentElement.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, body.scrollHeight, ...
Also jQuery doesn't have a coherent behavior in various browser with the calls $(document.body).height(), $('html', doc).height(), $(window).height()
I call the above function not only at the end of load event, but also in the case of dynamically inserted DOM elements or elements hidden or shown. This is a case that sometimes breaks the code that works only in the load event.
Does someone have a real cross-browser (at least Firefox/IE/Safari) solution? Some tips or hints?
Although I like your solution, I've always found IFRAMEs to be more trouble than they're worth.
Why ? 1. The sizing issue. 2. the iframe has that src attribute to worry about. i.e. absolute path. 3. the extra complexity with the pages.
My solution - DIVs which are dynamically loaded through AJAX calls. DIVs will auto size. Although the AJAX code requires javascript work (which can be done through frameworks) they are relative to where the site is. 3 is a wash, you're trading complexity in pages up to javascript.
Instead of <IFRAME ...> use <DIV id="mystuff" />
Do the ajax call to fill the mystuff div with data and let the browser worry about it.
This has been without an accepted answer for awhile, so I wanted to contribute the solution I ended up going with after some research. This is cross-browser and cross-domain (e.g. when the iframe points to content from a different domain)
I ended up using html5's message passing mechanism wrapped in a jQuery pluging that makes it compatible with older browsers using various methods (some of them described in this thread).
The end solution is very simple.
On the host (parent) page:
// executes when a message is received from the iframe, to adjust
// the iframe's height
function( event ){
$( 'my_iframe' ).css({
// Please note this function could also verify event.origin and other security-related checks.
On the iframe page:
// Sends a message to the parent window to tell it the height of the
// iframe's body
var target = parent.postMessage ? parent : (parent.document.postMessage ? parent.document : undefined);
$('body').outerHeight( true ) + 'px',
I've tested this on Chrome 13+, Firefox 3.6+, IE7, 8 and 9 on XP and W7, safari on OSX and W7. ;)
Since in your example you're accessing the document inside the IFRAME I guess you're talking about knowing the height of the document and not of the frame itself. Also, that means that the content comes from your own website and you have control over it's contents.
So, why don't you simply place a DIV around your content and then use the clientHeight of that DIV?
Code you load in your IFRAME:
<div id="content">
The parent document:
function getDocumentHeight(mdoc) {
return mdoc.getElementById("content").clientHeight;
BTW, this part of your example function does not make sense as "document" does not refer to the IFRAME:
var mdoc = doc || document;
Here is a solution that seems to work. Basically, the scrollHeight is the correct value in most cases. However, in IE (specifically 6 and 7), if the content is simply contained in text nodes, the height is not calculated and just defaults to the height set in CSS or on the "height" attribute on the iframe. This was found through trial and error, so take it for what it is worth.
function getDocumentHeight(doc) {
var mdoc = doc || document;
var docHeight = mdoc.body.scrollHeight;
if ($.browser.msie) {
// IE 6/7 don't report body height correctly.
// Instead, insert a temporary div containing the contents.
var child = $("<div>" + mdoc.body.innerHTML + "</div>", mdoc);
$("body", mdoc).prepend(child);
docHeight = child.height();
return docHeight;
I have found this solution to work in ie 6+, ff 3.5+, safari 4+. I am creating and appending an iframe to the document. The following code is executed at the end of jQuery's load event after some other dom manipulation. The timeout is needed for me because of the additional dom manipulation taking place in the load event.
// sizing - slight delay for good scrollheight
setTimeout(function() {
var intContentHeight = objContentDoc.body.scrollHeight;
var $wrap = $("#divContentWrapper", objContentFrameDoc);
var intMaxHeight = getMaxLayeredContentHeight($wrap);
$this.height(intContentHeight > intMaxHeight ? intMaxHeight : intContentHeight);
// animate
}, 100);
I have some sizing constraints to consider, which is what the getMaxLayeredContentHeight call is checking for me. Hope that helps.
Here's a script that resizes the iFrame depending on the body inside it's height.

