UserScript Timer Error - javascript

Okay, so there is a button on a page that I'm trying to change the text of for a count-down done in Javascript. I'm fairly new to the language (2 days), and am not sure as to what is wrong with my code. Instead of waiting the full second before iterating again, it instantly re-iterates.
var c = 15;
function countDown(e){
if (c!=0){
e.value = 'Reply (' + c + ')';
e.value = 'Reply'}
but it seems that instead of taking 15 seconds like I assumed, it fires off all at once (proven by me adding in an alert('a'); in the if statement I could see the button text changing)
I'm not sure if it's a problem with Greasemonkey or a problem with my javascript.

Your problem is with this line:
countdown(e) is a call to the countdown function that returns void. The setTimeout function accepts a function reference and a timeout, so you need to change it to:
setTimeout(countdown, 1000);
Your current code is calling countdown(e) 15 times recursively and then setTimeout(void, 1000);
If you need setTimeout to pass arguments (like e) to your function you can make use of the optional parameters after the timeout.
setTimeout(countdown, 1000, e);


For Loop Iteration Happening all at Once Rather than By Delay

For one of my elements on my page, I want the text to change every ten seconds, and for the class to be changed. Text changing is easy, as is class changing, but I'm having trouble with my for loop, and I feel like I'm missing something.
I want to have the for loop choose a random faction in an array, and then apply that to the element. For my testing, I've been using console.log rather than DOM manipulation.
First, I set up my array:
var factions = ["Enforcers", "Reapers", "Ular Boys", "Roaches"];
Then, I want a variable that is a number chosen at random in reference to this array:
var x = factions[Math.floor(Math.random()*factions.length)];
From that, I want the ability to run the Math.floor and Math.random functions elsewhere.
function reDefine() {
x = factions[Math.floor(Math.random()*factions.length)];
Finally, I want the for loop to run 200 times (I've chosen 200 times because it's far and beyond the time the user will be staying on the site), so I told it to count to 200 (i = 0; i < 200). After that, I wanted each time it iterated, to wait 10s, so I have a Timeout function with a delay of 10000 (milliseconds). Then, the code to reDefine and then, in the case of testing, console.log the new definition of the x variable.
function reChange() {
for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Chosen faction is now: " + x);
}, 10000);
Instead of counting to 1 (the first iteration), waiting 10000, and then redefining x, it redefines x two hundred times, then logs them all.
Is there something I'm specifically doing wrong here, perhaps with the Timeout function?
Is there something I'm specifically doing wrong here, perhaps with the Timeout function?
Yes! You're scheduling a bunch of deferred callbacks, but not actually waiting until one has finished to schedule the next.
You can fix that with something as simple as:
function reChange(currentIndex) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Chosen faction is now: " + factions[currentIndex]);
// If we haven't gotten to the end of the list, queue up another one
var nextIndex = ++currentIndex;
if (nextIndex < factions.length) {
// Enqueue the next faction
}, 10000);
Make sure to note that the function without the timeout has closure over the value of currentIndex for each call of reChange. That is, the next invocation does not replace currentIndex in any previous timeout, since primitives (including numbers) are passed by value. Closure in JS can be a tricky thing.
The core problem is that your execution right now looks like:
for each item
rather than:
for the current item
Because JS is single-threaded (for most intents and purposes), setTimeout adds a callback to be executed later. It doesn't block until the timeout has expired, like a traditional sleep would do.

Write a function that checks how many times another function will be called in a time interval

Say I have a function that logs "Hello" every 500 ms.
var logHello = function() {
}, 500);
Is there a way to write another function that will check if logHello gets called more than or equal to 1 time every second(without modifying the original logHello function).
In this case it will return true because Hello will get logged 2 times in 1 seconds.
I am assuming you want to do this for debug reasons, so I must warn you not to include this code in any production application, as it's really just meant for debugging. It's very cool that our solution works however it overwrites native javascript functionality which is typically frowned upon because it can cause code to behave differently than expected if you alter a native functions behaviour.
If it's a condition that you are not allowed to modify your code, you can simply overwrite javascript's setInterval, and use it as a "hook" into your function. We will modify setInterval to now track the time difference (seconds) inbetween calls to your method. We will then invoke and return the original setInterval method so that your code still works exactly as expected:
// keep a pointer to the original setInterval function
var oldSetInterval = window.setInterval;
// we will create our own setInterval function and put logging in it
window.setInterval = function(block, interval) {
var lastRunAt;
return oldSetInterval(function() {
// here is where we print how long it's been since the method last ran
if(lastRunAt) {
console.log("the interval last ran " + ( + " seconds ago");
lastRunAt =;
}, interval);
And now running logHello() yields:
the interval last ran 0.504 seconds ago
the interval last ran 0.504 seconds ago
the interval last ran 0.505 seconds ago
This assumes you're running on the web. If you're in node, replace references to window with globals.

setInterval with an Array

I'd like to use the setInterval function in jQuery in order to create an alert with the content of one array every 4 seconds. However my alerts show all the values of my array within a short amount of time and it stops for 4 seconds after having displayed all the values.
$.each(['html5', 'EDM', 'Coca Cola', 'creativity'], function(id,value) {
}, 4000);
In this case, I'd like to display something like : Alert('html5') - 4 seconds - Alert('EDM') - 4 seconds - Alert('Coca Cola') - 4 seconds - Alert('creativity') - 4 seconds - Alert('html5') - 4 seconds - Alert('EDM') - 4 seconds - ...
Move the setInterval from the loop.
var arr = ['html5', 'EDM', 'Coca Cola', 'creativity'];
var index = 0;
setInterval(function() {
console.log(arr[index++ % arr.length]);
}, 4000);​
No jQuery needed.
Use a recursive setTimeout
var arr = ['html5', 'EDM', 'Coca Cola', 'creativity'];
var alertLoop = function(i) {
if (arr[i]) {
setTimeout(function(){alertLoop(i+1);}, 4000);
Use of setInterval is discouraged. For an explanation, read here:
To summarise the problem:
setInterval fires the event at a regular interval, regardless of what else is happening on the page.
However, Javascript is not multi-threaded: it can only run one code sequence at a time. If setInterval is triggered while another code sequence is being run, the new code sequence will be blocked until the previous one is finished, and will wait for it.
If this happens repeatedly, you can end up with a large number of events waiting to be run.
You're using alert() to display your messages. alert() causes the code execution sequence to pause until the user responds to the message, but keeps it locked, so that other events cannot run their code. This is a particular problem for setInterval, because it fires new events at the specified time, regardless of whether something else is blocking the script.
The solution is to use setTimeout instead of setInterval.
setTimeout is only triggered once, but it is easy to tell it to trigger itself again inside its own function, so you can get the same effect as setInterval, but with much more control. Your code can wait until after the alert() has been accepted by the user before triggering the next event, which means that you won't get the problem of cascading events that can happen with setInterval.
Hope that helps explain things. The link I mentioned at the beginning is also very helpful.

Sequentially firing multiple random timeouts in JavaScript

I know at first glance (due to the title) this looks like one of the "Did you try searching Google before posting?" questions, but I can't seem to find an answer for the specific issue I'm experiencing. Sorry if I'm a noob.... still learning :)
I need to simulate a pause in javascript, but the setTimeout(function_call, timeout) function is not working for me. Reason being... when that setTimeout function is called, it then makes the function call asynchronously.
A little background:
I'm trying to simulate text being typed into a div at randomly timed intervals. I want it to appear as if a person is actually typing a message while the user is viewing the page. Since the timeout is a random interval and the function call is made asynchronously, the text ends up being printed in a random order.
Here is a snippet of what I have thus far:
typeString: function(s)
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++)
var c = s.charAt(i);
var temp = setTimeout("MessageType.typeChar('" + c + "')", this.genRandomTime());
Thanks in advance for your help.
UPDATE: By adding the timer delay to a varialbe, it enabled me to offset timeOut for the asynchronous calls. Thank you all for your quick responses. Here is the updated code:
typeString: function(s)
var delay = 0;
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++)
var c = s.charAt(i);
setTimeout("GoogleTyper.typeChar('"+c+"')", delay += this.genRandomTime());
Have you tried cumulatively setting the timeout? Stick a variable outside of your loop and initialize it to 0. Let's call it timeout for now. Add a random amount of time to this variable at the beginning of each iteration of your loop, and make the timeout work off of that. This way, you are ensured that functions are being called in order.
Your problem is you are using one all your times are delayed starting from now - the next timer needs to be fired after the previous. Simply add the previous timer delay to the new timer.
typeString: function(s)
var delay = 0;
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++)
var c = s.charAt(i);
delay = delay + this.genRandomTime();
var temp = setTimeout("MessageType.typeChar('" + c + "')", delay );
Instead of passing to each timer event that character to be displayed, let each event handler grab the next character off of a queue (array, list whatever), so the order is maintained.

Why is setInterval calling a function with random arguments?

So, I am seeing a curious problem. If I have a function
// counter wraps around to beginning eventually, omitted for clarity.
var counter;
cycleCharts(chartId) {
// chartId should be undefined when called from setInterval
console.log('chartId: ' + chartId);
if(typeof chartId == 'undefined' || chartId < 0) {
next = counter++;
else {
next = chartId;
// ... do stuff to display the next chart
This function can be called explicitly by user action, in which case chartId is passed in as an argument, and the selected chart is shown; or it can be in autoplay mode, in which case it's called by a setInterval which is initialized by the following:
var cycleId = setInterval(cycleCharts, 10000);
The odd thing is, I'm actually seeing the cycleCharts() get a chartId argument even when it's called from setInterval! The setInterval doesn't even have any parameters to pass along to the cycleCharts function, so I'm very baffled as to why chartId is not undefined when cycleCharts is called from the setInterval.
setInterval is feeding cycleCharts actual timing data ( so one can work out the actual time it ran and use to produce a less stilted response, mostly practical in animation )
you want
var cycleId = setInterval(function(){ cycleCharts(); }, 10000);
( this behavior may not be standardized, so don't rely on it too heavily )
It tells you how many milliseconds late the callback is called.
var cycleId = setInterval(cycleCharts, 10000, 4242);
From the third parameter and onwards - they get passed into the function so in my example you send 4242 as the chartId. I know it might not be the answer to the question you posed, but it might the the solution to your problem? I think the value it gets is just random from whatever lies on the stack at the time of passing/calling the method.

