I am using the Raphael library from http://raphaeljs.com/ and work on a chart library. For this library it is useful when the Y-axis are inverted. Now 0,0 is at the top left but I want it to be at the bottom left.
There is a possibility to apply a scale matrix to an element but I want the coordinates to be inverted for whatever I draw. Any clues?
The only way I could figure out to do this was to apply a negative scaling to the svg element using CSS (see this fiddle). (I used jQuery to add the styles).
This is not without problems, though. For example, text is going to be mirrored, unless you do something to un-mirror it (like applying the invert() method I added to elements using Raphael.el):
Raphael.el.invert = function() {
Also, if you are going to be interacting with the elements using your mouse, you will have to tweak things. Note that the black circle uses a pretty standard mouseMove function, but it doesn't work - it moves in the wrong direction in y. So you have to do something like I did with the other circles:
function cMove(dx, dy, x,y) {
this.attr('cx', x);
this.attr('cy', paperHeight - y);
In short, this is not at all elegant, and no other things I tried were really any better. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I would recommend getting used to the coordinate system as it is, unless you just plan on displaying static charts.
One small issue with Mike C's resolution is that you have to know if the text is going to be inverted in the end when you create the text. If you want to ensure right-side-up text at the end (after applying other transformations) I found it works well to alter the text element's .transform() to flip the scale of text to right side up at the end.
function InvertText(ObjSet){
// This function resets the inversion of text such that it is always right side up
// ObjSet is a raphael paper.set() object
for (var i=0; i<ObjSet.items.length; i++){
var ThisObj = ObjSet.items[i];
if (ThisObj.type == 'text'){
var tArr = ThisObj.transform();
// Find the scaling factor
for (var j=0; j<tArr.length; j++){
if (tArr[j][0] == 's'){
tArr[0][2] = 1;
You can use like this:
var ObjSet = paper.set().push(
//Flip everything on the y-axis
ObjSet.transform('s,1,-1, T,100,100');
// Make the text right-side-up
Here's how to do it just with RaphaelJS transforms, no CSS transforms.
var SCALE = 2;
var paper = Raphael(0, 0, 400, 700);
// box notched at bottom-center and right-center
var p = paper.path("M0,0 L100,0 L100,40 L90,50 L100,60 L100,100 L60,100 L50,90 L40,100 L0,100 Z");
var bounds = p.getBBox();
stroke: 'none',
fill: [90, '#578A6E', '#34573E'].join("-")
.transform("t"+ (-bounds.width/2) +","+ (-bounds.height/2) +
"s"+ SCALE +","+ (-SCALE) +
"t"+ (bounds.width/2) +","+ (-bounds.height/2));
Raphael applies scale transforms from the center of the element's bounding box, rather than its origin. To invert the y-axis, offset before scaling, then offset again after.
I have an SVG visualization of the distribution of CSS4 color keywords in HSL space here: https://meyerweb.com/eric/css/colors/hsl-dist.html
I recently added zooming via the mouse wheel, and panning via mouse clack-and-drag. I’m able to convert a point from screen space to SVG coordinate space using matrixTransform, .getScreenCTM(), and .inverse() thanks to example code I found online, but how do I convert mouse movements during dragging? Right now I’m just shifting the viewBox coordinates by the X and Y values from event, which means the image drag is faster than the mouse movement when zoomed in.
As an example, suppose I’m zoomed in on the image and am dragging to pan, and I jerk the mouse leftwards and slightly downwards. event.movementX returns -37 and event.movementY returns 6. How do I determine how far that equates to in SVG coordinates, so that the viewBox coordinates are shifted properly?
(Note: I’m aware that there are libraries for this sort of thing, but I’m intentionally writing vanilla JS code in order to learn more about both SVG and JS. So please, don’t post “lol just use library X” and leave it at that. Thanks!)
Edited to add: I was asked to post code. Posting the entire JS seems overlong, but this is the function that fires on mousemove events:
function dragger(event) {
var target = document.getElementById('color-wheel');
var coords = parseViewBox(target);
coords.x -= event.movementX;
coords.y -= event.movementY;
If more is needed, then view source on the linked page; all the JS is at the top of the page. Nothing is external except for a file that just contains all the HSL values and color names for the visualization.
My recommendation:
Don't worry about the movementX/Y properties on the event.
Just worry about where the mouse started and where it is now.
(This has the additional benefit that you get the same result even if you miss some events: maybe because the mouse moved out of the window, or maybe because you want to group events so you only run the code once per animation frame.)
For where the mouse started, you measure that on the mousedown event.
Convert it to a position in the SVG coordinates, using the method you were using,
with .getScreenCTM().inverse() and .matrixTransform().
After this conversion, you don't care where on the screen this point is. You only care about where it is in the picture. That's the point in the picture that you're always going to move to be underneath the mouse.
On the mousemove events, you use that same conversion method to find out where the mouse currently is within the current SVG coordinate system. Then you figure out how far that is from the point (again, in SVG coordinates) that you want underneath the mouse. That's the amount that you use to transform the graphic. I've followed your example and am doing the transform by shifting the x and y parts of the viewBox:
function move(e) {
var targetPoint = svgCoords(event, svg);
shiftViewBox(anchorPoint.x - targetPoint.x,
anchorPoint.y - targetPoint.y);
You can also shift the graphic around with a transform on a group (<g> element) within the SVG; just be sure to use that same group element for the getScreenCTM() call that converts from the clientX/Y event coordinates.
Full demo for the drag to pan. I've skipped all your drawing code and the zooming effect.
But the zoom should still work, because the only position you're saving in global values is already converted into SVG coordinates.
var svg = document.querySelector("svg");
var anchorPoint;
function shiftViewBox(deltaX, deltaY) {
svg.viewBox.baseVal.x += deltaX;
svg.viewBox.baseVal.y += deltaY;
function svgCoords(event,elem) {
var ctm = elem.getScreenCTM();
var pt = svg.createSVGPoint();
// Note: rest of method could work with another element,
// if you don't want to listen to drags on the entire svg.
// But createSVGPoint only exists on <svg> elements.
pt.x = event.clientX;
pt.y = event.clientY;
return pt.matrixTransform(ctm.inverse());
svg.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) {
anchorPoint = svgCoords(event, svg);
window.addEventListener("mousemove", move);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", cancelMove);
function cancelMove(e) {
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", move);
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", cancelMove);
anchorPoint = undefined;
function move(e) {
var targetPoint = svgCoords(event, svg);
shiftViewBox(anchorPoint.x - targetPoint.x,
anchorPoint.y - targetPoint.y);
body {
display: grid;
margin: 0;
min-height: 100vh;
svg {
margin: auto;
width: 70vmin;
height: 70vmin;
border: thin solid gray;
cursor: move;
<svg viewBox="-40 -40 80 80">
<polygon fill="skyBlue"
points="0 -40, 40 0, 0 40 -40 0" />
So the script needs something so that the vectors moved by the SVG are coordinated against the vectors moved by the mouse on screen. Despite the event being on your target, your SVG, the MouseEvent properties relate to your screen alone.
The movementX read-only property of the MouseEvent interface provides the difference in the X coordinate of the mouse pointer between the given event and the previous mousemove event. In other words, the value of the property is computed like this: currentEvent.movementX = currentEvent.screenX - previousEvent.screenX.
From https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent/movementX
The screenX read-only property of the MouseEvent interface provides the horizontal coordinate (offset) of the mouse pointer in global (screen) coordinates.
So what you're measuring, and to the best of my knowledge the only thing you can measure direcly without additional libraries or complication, is the movement of the pointer in pixel terms across the screen. The only way to make this work in terms of vector for movement of your SVG is to translate the on screen movement to the dimensions that are relevant to your scaled SVG.
My initial thinking was that you would be able to work out the scaling of the SVG object, using some combination of its viewbox and its actual width on the screen. Naturally what would initially appear sensible is not. This approach won't work, if it appears to it would be purely by chance.
But it turns out that the solution is essentially to use the same type of code you've used in your scaling when you approach your mouse movements. The .getScreenCTM() and .inverse() functions are exactly what you'll need again. But instead of trying to find a single point on the SVG to work from, you need to find out what the on-screen distance translates to in the SVG by comparing two points on the SVG instead.
What I provide here isn't necessarily the most optimal solution but hopefully helps explain and gives you something to work further from...
function dragger(event) {
var target = document.getElementById('color-wheel');
var coords = parseViewBox(target);
//Get an initial point in the SVG to start measuring from
var start_pt = target.createSVGPoint();
start_pt.x = 0;
start_pt.y = 0;
var svgcoord = start_pt.matrixTransform(target.getScreenCTM().inverse());
//Create a point within the same SVG that is equivalent to
//the px movement by the pointer
var comparison_pt = target.createSVGPoint();
comparison_pt.x = event.movementX;
comparison_pt.y = event.movementY;
var svgcoord_plus_movement = comparison_pt.matrixTransform(target.getScreenCTM().inverse());
//Use the two SVG points created from screen position values to determine
//the in-SVG distance to change coordinates
coords.x -= (svgcoord_plus_movement.x - svgcoord.x);
//Repeat the above, but for the Y axis
coords.y -= (svgcoord_plus_movement.y - svgcoord.y);
//Deliver the changes to the SVG to update the view
Sorry for the long winded answer, but hopefully it explains it from the beginning enough that anyone else looking to find an answer can get the whole picture if they've not come as far as you have in this script.
From MouseEvent, we have clientX and movememntX. Taken together, we can deduce our last location. We can then take the transform of our current location and subtract it from the transform of our last location:
element.onpointermove = e => {
const { clientX, clientY, movementX, movementY } = e;
const DOM_pt = svg.createSVGPoint();
DOM_pt.x = clientX;
DOM_pt.y = clientY;
const { x, y } = DOM_pt.matrixTransform(svgs[i].getScreenCTM().inverse());
DOM_pt.x += movementX;
DOM_pt.y += movementY;
const { x: last_x, y: last_y } = DOM_pt.matrixTransform(svgs[i].getScreenCTM().inverse());
const dx = last_x - x;
const dy = last_y - y;
// TODO: use dx & dy
I'm trying to scale and then rotate a triangle and then translate it to a given point in Snap SVG.
I want to rotate the triangle around the top of it not the center, so i can build something like a pie.
So I thought I scale first, then rotate and later translate.
var t = new Snap.Matrix();
t.rotate(45, bbox.cx, (bbox.cy-(bbox.h/2)));
But the scale and rotation somehow are allways a bit off.
I reused a jsfiddle I found and updated it, so you can see what I try:
Somehow the bbox.cx and bbox.cy are not in the center of the triangle.
On my local setup they are.
The strange thing is, just rotation without scaleing works fine,
but scaling and then roation always seems to be a bit off on the y axis, the triangle doesn't stays at the rotation point.
Any ideas how i can fix that?
Ok I found the Solution,thanks to lan, you were right, the center of scaleing is important, and
I thought it was useing the center of the object, but it was the upper left corner. I adjusted it
and now it works greate:
var bbox = obj.getBBox(); //get coords etc. of triangle object
var t = new Snap.Matrix();
var offset = (bbox.cy+(bbox.h)) - centerY; //translate Y to center,
//depends on scaleing factor (0.5 = bbox.h, 0.25 = bbox.h*2)
t.scale(0.5, 0.5, bbox.cx, (bbox.cy+(bbox.h/2))); //scale object
t.translate(0,-offset); //translate to center
t.rotate(45, bbox.cx, (bbox.cy+(bbox.h/2))); //rotate object
obj.transform(t); //apply transformation to object
I wanted to know how to save transformation, so you don't need to apply them every time you use a new transformation. Ian recommended to use element.transform() like so to get the old transformations:
element.transform( element.transform() + 's2,2' )
This is slightly more complicated than one would expect, but you would be animating a matrix, which does some odd things sometimes.
Personally I would use Snaps alternate animate method Snap.animate() and not using a matrix. Set the scale first and then build your animation string.
Something like..
var triangle2 = p.select("#myShape2").transform('s0.5');
Snap.animate(0,90,function( val ) {
triangle2.transform('r'+ val + ',' + bbox.cx+','+(bbox.cy-(bbox.h/2))+'s0.5')
}, 2000)
I want to draw a growing trail behind an moving object. I know this look quite easy :) But there are some constraints :
the trail must have some homogeneous transparency
and i can not use caching methods because of performance issues
I have tested 2 ways :
One with lineTo() and incrementing stroke width, but the alpha transparency is not homogenic...
One with lineTo() and circles to fill the blank, transparency is OK but there is a strange behavior when drawing from left to right, negative space appears...
I also try to use compositeOperation with something like this, but it's messing with my background...
trail.alpha = 0.5;
trail.compositeOperation = 'xor';
for(var i=nb; i>=0; i--) {
I can't find a valid solution to this problem and i am beginning to despair :(
There is probably a better way to do this, but here is an easy way: Use an off-screen canvas to draw the trails, then display that canvas as a bitmap child of the main stage.
Here is a fiddle based on your first one:
// Canvas to draw to:
var offCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas2");
var offStage = new createjs.Stage(offCanvas);
// Add the offStage to the main stage.
var bmp = new createjs.Bitmap(offCanvas);
bmp.alpha = 0.1;
// Still get events from main stage
I've been playing with canvas element and discovered that when I attempt to draw NxN uniform solid-colored cells next to each other, in some width/height configurations, there are blurry white-ish lines between them.
For instance, this canvas is supposed to look black but contains some sort of grid which I conjecture to be a result of faulty antialiasing in the browser.
Suffice to say, this bug appears only in some configurations but I would like to get rid of it for good. Is there any way to circumvent this? Have you ever had problems with antialiasing in canvas?
I have made this fiddle which demonstrates the issue and allows you to play with the dimensions of the canvas and number of cells. It also contains the code I use to draw the cells, so that you can inspect it and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong.
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfCells; ++i) {
for (var j = 0; j < numberOfCells; ++j) {
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
ctx.fillRect(j * cellWidth, i * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight);
Thanks in advance,
jsFiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/ngxjnywz/2/
snippet of javascript
var cellWidth = Math.ceil(canvasWidth / numberOfCells);
var cellHeight = Math.ceil(canvasHeight / numberOfCells);
Depending on the width, height and your numberOfCells you are sometimes getting a... lets say 4.2 which is 4, however this would be displayed wrong and will allow a 1 pixel blank line to appear. So all you need to do is use the Math.ceil function and this will cause your cellWidth and cellHeight to always be the higher number and you won't get blank lines anymore
The best solution is to add a 0.5 pixel wide stroke around all the fills, using the same style as the fill and offsetting all drawing so that you render at the center of pixels rather than the top left.
If you add scaling or translation you will have to adjust the coordinates so that you still give the centers for your drawing coordinates.
In the end you can only reduce the artifacts but for many situations you will not be able to completely remove them.
This answer shows you how to remove the artifacts for an untransformed canvas.
How to fill the gaps
After reading through and trying several approaches, I've decided to come up with my own. I've created another (virtual) canvas which had integer dimensions corresponding to the number of cells in the grid.
After drawing all the cells in there, I call context.drawImage() on the main canvas and pass the virtual canvas as an argument along with offset and scale parameters to make it fit rest of my drawing. Assuming that the browser would scale the virtual canvas's image as a whole (and not as individual cells), I was hoping to get rid of the unwanted separator lines.
In spite of my efforts, the lines are still there. Any suggestions?
Here's the fiddle demonstrating my technique: https://jsfiddle.net/ngxjnywz/5/
I am working on some image viewing tools in KineticJS. I have a rotate tool. When you move the mouse over an image, a line appears from the centre of the image to the mouse position, and then when you click and move, the line follows and the image rotates around that point, in sync with the line. This works great.
My issue is, I have the following set up:
This is because I draw tabs for options on GroupA and regard it as a container for the image. GroupB is used because I flip GroupB to flip the image ( and down the track, any objects like Text and Paths that I add to the image ), so that it flips but stays in place. This all works well. I am also hoping when I offer zoom, to zoom groupb and thus zoom anything drawn on the image, but for groupA to create clipping and continue to support drag buttons, etc.
The object I am rotating, is GroupA. Here is the method I call to set up rotation:
this.init = function(control)
console.log("Initing rotate for : " + control.id());
RotateTool.isMouseDown = false;
RotateTool.startRot = isNaN(control.getRotationDeg()) ? 0 : control.getRotationDeg();
RotateTool.lastAngle = control.parent.rotation() / RotateTool.factor;
RotateTool.startAngle = control.parent.rotation();
this.image = control.parent;
var center = this.getCentrePoint();
RotateTool.middleX = this.image.getAbsolutePosition().x + center.x;
RotateTool.middleY = this.image.getAbsolutePosition().y + center.y;
this.image.x(this.image.x() + center.x - this.image.offsetX());
this.image.y(this.image.y() + center.y - this.image.offsetY());
getCentrePoint is a method that uses trig to get the size of the image, based on the rotation. As I draw a line to the centre of the image, I can tell it's working well, to start with. I've also stepped in to it and it always returns values only slightly higher than the actual width and height, they always look like they should be about what I'd expect, for the angle of the image.
Here is the code I use on mouse move to rotate the image:
this.layerMouseMove = function (evt, layer)
if (RotateTool.isRotating == false)
if (!Util.isNull(this.image) && !Util.isNull(this.line))
if (Item.moving && !RotateTool.isRotating)
console.log("layer mousemove item moving");
RotateTool.layerMouseUp(evt, layer);
var pt = this.translatePoint(evt.x, evt.y);
var x = pt.x;
var y = pt.y;
var end = this.getPoint(x, y, .8);
RotateTool.line.points([this.middleX, this.middleY, end.x, end.y]);
RotateTool.sign.x(x - 20);
RotateTool.sign.y(y - 20);
var angle = Util.findAngle({ x: RotateTool.startX, y: RotateTool.startY }, { x: x, y: y }, { x: RotateTool.middleX, y: RotateTool.middleY });
var newRot = (angle) + RotateTool.startAngle;
Much of this code is ephemeral, it's maintaining the line ( which is 80% of the length from the centre to my mouse, as I also show a rotate icon, over the mouse.
Sorry for the long windedness, I'm trying to make sure I am clear, and that it's obvious that I've done a lot of work before asking for help.
So, here is my issue. After I've rotated a few times, when I click again, the 'centre' point that the line draws to, is way off the bottom right of my screen, and if I set a break point, sure enough, the absolute position of my groups are no longer in sync. This seems to me like my rotation has moved the image in the manner I hoped, but moved my group off screen. When I set offsetX and offsetY, do I need to also set it on all the children ? But, it's the bottom child I can see, and the top group I set those things on, so I don't really understand how this is happening.
I do notice my image jumps a few pixels when I move the mouse over it ( which is when the init method is called ) so I feel like perhaps I am just out slightly somewhere, and it's causing this flow on effect. I've done some more testing, and my image always jumps slightly up and to the right when I move the mouse over it, and the rotate tool continues to work reliably, so long as I don't move the mouse over the image again, causing my init method to call. It seems like every time this is called, is when it breaks. So, I could just call it once, but I'd have to associate the data with the image then, for the simple reason that once I have many images, I'll need to change my data as my selected image changes. Either way, I'd prefer to understand and resolve the issue, than just hide it.
Any help appreciated.