Resolving Javascript/jQuery memory leak issues in $.post - javascript

I have an issue with a memory leak I'm trying to trace in a webapp, using jQuery-1.7.1. The app is making a POST request to the server to retrieve some search results using an elaborate form. After I eliminated most of the js code (for leak trace purposes), the bare function looks like this:
$(function() {
// bind the search action
$('#search-button').unbind('click').click(function() { doSearch(); });
function doSearch() {
// get the query string from the search form
var query = $('#search-form').serialize();
// perform search and render results
$.post('/search', query, function(data){
// nothing here now (trying to debug)
data = null;
}, 'json');
query = null;
I can see that the memory consumption accumulates an extra ~1MB every time I hit the search button, even though, in effect, it does nothing. This is a real issue since the app has an "auto-refresh" search mode, where that call is made about once a minute - so if left active it'll jam the browser after a while.
The data object returned from the server contains a boolean for success/failure, and an html string to render (pretty big if successful, around 1Mb or so):
data = {
success : true/false,
html : "<div id='results'>.....</div>"
Since I'm down to performing zilch in the actual body of the callback, I suspect that somehow this data is not being eliminated from the scope and is aggregated in memory. I've tried setting it to null at the end of the callback, but that didn't do the trick. This was tested on both chrome and firefox (earlier and latest releases for both). Am I missing something? Any thoughts will help - thanks.

There really is no reliable way to force javascript to do a garbage collection.
You can try adding this line along with the your other line intended to free up memory:
query = null;
delete query;

JSON format needs to have quotes for each key
data = {
"success" : true/false,
"html" : "<div id='results'>.....</div>"
I am talking about the serverside string output


Send message from WeChat mini-program to web-view

I'm building WeChat Mini-Program that on one of it's pages has web-view control. For example:
<web-view src="https://..." bindmessage="onWebViewMessage"></web-view>
const app = getApp();
onWebViewMessage:function(e) {
onLoad:function() {
In web-view an HTML page is loaded (index.html), that includes jweixin-1.3.2.js lib from WeChat, for connecting with WeChat API as well as connect to parent Mini-program. Page is empty, no DOM elements, just javascript that will execute when document is loaded.
It has it's javascript something like this:
I am able to post messages from this document to mini-program without issues. Also can send some mini-program navigation commands such as wx.miniProgram.navigateTo({url:'path/to/page'}); so all seems fine. I can also get callback in Mini-program when web-view has completed loading.
How can I post message from Mini-program to web-view? For example, to pass a string or an Object to the web-view.
I have been googling for hours and can't seem to find anyone doing it, but I can't believe it's just one-way communication possible.
Any help or idea is appreciated!
I have found an effective way to pass data from mini-program to web-view content, and it seems at this moment in time, this is the only possible way to do it.
1. Base64 module
You will need to be able to convert normal String into Base64 string. Mini-program API has a method for converting byte array into base64 string, but that won't be usable for this purpose. So, create your own module that does that:
File: lib/b64.js
var string2base64 = function(str) {
.... here put your js code for making b64 string ....
return result;
module.exports = {
2. Page with Web-View
In the page that has web-view control, prepare DOM element in wxml file like this:
File: pages/xxx/index.wxml
<web-view src="{{webURL}}" bindload="onWebLoad" binderror="onWebError"></web-view>
Notice that src parameter is now bound to page's webURL property. Whenever page sets value to this property, will automatically be applied to the DOM elemenet.
In file pages/xxx/index.js you will need to add base64 module:
const b64 = require('../../lib/b64.js')
note that require path may vary depending how you have setup your project
and in page's data object, add webURL and webBaseURL properties, like this:
data: {
.... other page properties go here ....
..... rest of your page code goes here .....
Notice that webURL is set to be empty. This means that when page loads, an empty string will be set to DOM object by default.
webBaseURL will explain just in a bit.
messageQueue is an Array that will store pending messages to be sent to web-view.
messageQueueSize is just Array length. Used for better performance, to avoid reading Array.length.
3. Start Message Queue
In onShow callback of the page, set webURL and start interval that will read messageQueue Array every 250ms. You can change the way this is done if you dislike using intervals, this was just simplest way to do theory test.
onShow: function(){
// This will start loading of the content in web-view
this.setData({webURL: } );
// Sends message from message queue to web-view
let _this = this;
setInterval(function(e) {
if( < 1 ) return; --;
let msg =,1);
You can see that message is appended to web-view source (url) as a hash.
webBaseURL is used to generate final URL with hash, that is then send to web-view.
4. Add a Message to the Queue
To create a message in message queue, just define following method in your page:
addMessageToQueue: function(obj) {
obj.unique = Math.round(Math.random()*100000);
let msg = b64.string2base64(JSON.stringify(obj));;;
Whenever you call this method, just pass an Object with whatever properties you need it to have, and it will be converted into JSON string, then to base64 string, and finally appended to the message queue.
unique property is added to make generated base64 result always different even if the rest of object properties are the same - I just needed this for the purpose of my project. You can ignore it / remove it if you do not need it.
Since there's interval running and checking on the message queue, all messages added like this will be sent to web-view in the same order they were added to the queue.
Now there's only one thing left - to add hash change listening in the HTML page we have loaded into the web-view:
HTML Web-app
1. Listen to hash change
let messageBase64 = window.location.hash.substr(1);
let json = window.atob( messageBase64 );
let data = JSON.parse(json);
console.log("Received data from mini-program:",data);
Tested on Xiaomi Mi8 Pro. I am yet to test on other devices sold in China.

Backbone fails unless evaluated in DevTools console first

I have this function in a Backbone view:
updateToServer: function(e) {
var id ='data-id');
var file = this.collection.get(id);
var data = {};
$( {data[] = x.value;});;
If I allow this to run naturally, I get undefined is not a function on However, if I set a breakpoint in Chrome DevTools at and evaluate that function manually in the console before resuming, both save functions work.
Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
Here's the entire view in case you need additional context:
Update: New discovery: On the second run, this works. I have an even listener on form submit. When I click the submit button the first time, I get the error. If I click again, the model saves.
Can you try this
updateToServer: function(e) {
var id ='data-id');
var file = this.collection.get(id);
var data = {};
$( {data[] = x.value;});
}, 200); //try with different values for timer
I have added a 200 millisecond timer.
This might not be your actual solution but at least you will come to know if there is some asynchronous stuff going on before 'file' is actually formed.
Try different values for the timer. I mean keep increasing the timer and see if you are still not able to get rid of the error.
Once you are sure that 'file' is formed asynchronously then you can look into why that's happening.
And try console.logs instead of debuggers for debugging so that you can test without pausing the execution.
Hope that helps.
This was not at all what I suspected, and I hadn't given enough information in the question without realizing it. The line in my code that triggered the exception was, but the actual exception was happening inside Backgrid.
I provide a form to allow users to update models from the collection displayed in a grid. A particular column is defined as an integer column, but I hadn't converted the value coming from the form to an integer. As a result, Backgrid was trying to run toFixed on a string. I modified my form serialization code to convert strings containing only integers into integers. Now, everything works as expected.
Here's that serialization code:
$( {
data[] = x.value === 'on' ? true : x.value;
if (!isNaN(parseInt(data[])) && isFinite(data[])) {
data[] = parseInt(data[]);
If I had to guess, I'd say that's probably a bit naive, but it seems to be working well in my application.
Thanks to everyone for the help!

Parsing a large JSON array in Javascript

I'm supposed to parse a very large JSON array in Javascipt. It looks like:
mydata = [
{'a':5, 'b':7, ... },
{'a':2, 'b':3, ... },
Now the thing is, if I pass this entire object to my parsing function parseJSON(), then of course it works, but it blocks the tab's process for 30-40 seconds (in case of an array with 160000 objects).
During this entire process of requesting this JSON from a server and parsing it, I'm displaying a 'loading' gif to the user. Of course, after I call the parse function, the gif freezes too, leading to bad user experience. I guess there's no way to get around this time, is there a way to somehow (at least) keep the loading gif from freezing?
Something like calling parseJSON() on chunks of my JSON every few milliseconds? I'm unable to implement that though being a noob in javascript.
Thanks a lot, I'd really appreciate if you could help me out here.
You might want to check this link. It's about multithreading.
Basically :
var url = '';
var f = '(function() {
send = function(e) {
importScripts("' + url + '?format=json&callback=send");
var _blob = new Blob([f], { type: 'text/javascript' });
_worker = new Worker(window.URL.createObjectURL(_blob));
_worker.onmessage = function(e) {
//Do what you want with your JSON
Haven't tried it myself to be honest...
EDIT about portability: Sebastien D. posted a comment with a link to mdn. I just added a ref to the compatibility section id.
I have never encountered a complete page lock down of 30-40 seconds, I'm almost impressed! Restructuring your data to be much smaller or splitting it into many files on the server side is the real answer. Do you actually need every little byte of the data?
Alternatively if you can't change the file #Cyrill_DD's answer of a worker thread will be able to able parse data for you and send it to your primary JS. This is not a perfect fix as you would guess though. Passing data between the 2 threads requires the information to be serialised and reinterpreted, so you could find a significant slow down when the data is passed between the threads and be back to square one again if you try to pass all the data across at once. Building a query system into your worker thread for requesting chunks of the data when you need them and using the message callback will prevent slow down from parsing on the main thread and allow you complete access to the data without loading it all into your main context.
I should add that worker threads are relatively new, main browser support is good but mobile is terrible... just a heads up!

Recieving a stream from rails 4.0 in JS callback

I'm trying transmit an image file from the server to the client, but my javascript callback becomes active before the stream closes I doing this because sending it in a traditional render json: times out and takes way to long anyway. The stream takes much less time, but i keep can't get all the data before the callback fires up.
controller code
def mytest image.export_pixels(0, 0, image.columns, image.rows, 'RGBA').to_s
var getStream, runTest;
runTest = function() {
return $.post('/dotest', getStream);};
getStream = function(params) {
return document.getElementById('whatsup2').innerHTML =
"stream is here " + params.length;};
the response is an array, I can make it an array of arrays by adding a "[" at the front and a "],['finish'] at the end to be able to detect the end of the data, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get javascript to wait until the end of stream to run. I assume i need to set up some kind of pole to check for the end, but how do I attach it to the callback?
Okay, here's a blog that describes this pretty well
But i decided to forgo a stream and use .to_s. Since you can pipe several actions tougher
render object.method.method.to_s you get all the server side benefits of using a stream without the complexity. If you have a slow process where you need to overlap the client and server actions, then go to the blog and do it. Otherwise to_s covers it pretty well

Strange issue with socket.on method

I am facing a strange issue with calling socket.on methods from the Javascript client. Consider below code:
for(var i=0;i<2;i++) {
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:5000/');
socket.on('cpuUsage',function(data) {
Here basically I am calling a cpuUsage event which is emitted by socket server, but for each iteration I am getting the same value. This is the output:
Edit: Server side code, basically I am using node-usage library to calculate CPU usage:
socket.on('getLoad', function (data) {
usage.lookup(pid, function(err, result) {
cpuUsage = result.cpu;
memUsage = result.memory;
console.log("Cpu Usage1: " + cpuUsage);
console.log("Cpu Usage2: " + memUsage);
Where as in the server side, I am getting different values for each emit and socket.on. I am very much feeling strange why this is happening. I tried setting data = null after each socket.on call, but still it prints the same value. I don't know what phrase to search, so I posted. Can anyone please guide me?
Please note: I am basically Java developer and have a less experience in Javascript side.
You are making the assumption that when you use .emit(), a subsequent .on() will wait for a reply, but that's not how works.
Your code basically does this:
it emits two getLoad messages directly after each other (which is probably why the returning value is the same);
it installs two handlers for a returning cpuUsage message being sent by the server;
This also means that each time you run your loop, you're installing more and more handlers for the same message.
Now I'm not sure what exactly it is you want. If you want to periodically request the CPU load, use setInterval or setTimeout. If you want to send a message to the server and want to 'wait' for a response, you may want to use acknowledgement functions (not very well documented, but see this blog post).
But you should assume that for each type of message, you should only call socket.on('MESSAGETYPE', ) once during the runtime of your code.
EDIT: here's an example client-side setup for a periodic poll of the data:
var socket = io.connect(...);
socket.on('connect', function() {
// Handle the server response:
socket.on('cpuUsage', function(data) {
// Start an interval to query the server for the load every 30 seconds:
setInterval(function() {
}, 30 * 1000); // milliseconds
Use this line instead:
var socket = io.connect('iptoserver', {'force new connection': true});
Replace iptoserver with the actual ip to the server of course, in this case localhost.
That is, if you want to create multiple clients.
Else you have to place your initiation of the socket variable before the for loop.
I suspected the call returns average CPU usage at the time of startup, which seems to be the case here. Checking the node-usage documentation page (average-cpu-usage-vs-current-cpu-usage) I found:
By default CPU Percentage provided is an average from the starting
time of the process. It does not correctly reflect the current CPU
usage. (this is also a problem with linux ps utility)
But If you call usage.lookup() continuously for a given pid, you can
turn on keepHistory flag and you'll get the CPU usage since last time
you track the usage. This reflects the current CPU usage.
Also given the example how to use it.
var pid =;
var options = { keepHistory: true }
usage.lookup(pid, options, function(err, result) {

