How to loop through JSON array? - javascript

I have some JSON-code which has multiple objects in it:
"MNGR_NAME": "Mark",
"MGR_ID": "M44",
"EMP_ID": "1849"
"MNGR_NAME": "Steve",
"PROJ_ID": "88421",
My JSON loop snippet is:
function ServiceSucceeded(result)
for(var x=0; x<result.length; x++)
Could you please let me know how to check there is no occurence of "MNGR_NAME" in the array. (It appears twice in my case.)

You need to access the result object on iteration.
for (var key in result)
if (result.hasOwnProperty(key))
// here you have access to
var MNGR_NAME = result[key].MNGR_NAME;
var MGR_ID = result[key].MGR_ID;

You could use jQuery's $.each:
var exists = false;
$.each(arr, function(index, obj){
if(typeof(obj.MNGR_NAME) !== 'undefined'){
exists = true;
return false;
alert('Does a manager exists? ' + exists);
Returning false will break the each, so when one manager is encountered, the iteration will stop.

Note that your object is an array of JavaScript objects.
Could you use something like this?
var array = [{
"MNGR_NAME": "Mark",
"MGR_ID": "M44",
"EMP_ID": "1849"
"MNGR_NAME": "Steve",
"PROJ_ID": "88421",
var numberOfMngrName = 0;
for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++){
if(array[i].MNGR_NAME != null){

This will find the number of occurrences of the MNGR_NAME key in your Object Array:
var numMngrName = 0;
$.each(json, function () {
// 'this' is the Object you are iterating over
if (this.MNGR_NAME !== undefined) {

Within the loop result[x] is the object, so if you wanted to count a member that may or may not be present;
function ServiceSucceeded(result)
var managers = 0
for(var x=0; x<result.length; x++)
if (typeof result[x].MNGR_NAME !== "undefined")

You can iterate over the collection and check each object if it contains the property:
var count = 0;
var i;
for(i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; i += 1) {
if(jsonObj[i]["MNGR_NAME"]) {
Working example:

You could use $.each or $.grep, if you also want to get the elements that contain the attribute.
filtered = $.grep(result, function(value) {
return (value["MNGR_NAME"] !== undefined)
count = filtered.length

Use ES6... =>
if(items.MNGR_NAME) {
return items.MNGR_NAME;
}else {
//do want you want.


json comparison with in the object

I have got sample json object has format like this below ..
var result = [{"value":"S900_Aru","family":"S400"},
if you see first two values are related to same family and the third one is belongs to other family ...
How can i loop through this complete json object and i need to alert the customer saying that these three are not related to same family ...
Would any one please help on this issue..
Many thanks in advance
You could just use Array.prototype.every():
var test = result.every(function(item, index, array){
return === array[0].family;
}); // true if all items in array have same family property set
var result = [{"value":"S900_Aru","family":"S400"},
var test = result.every(function(item, index, array){
return === array[0].family;
A simple loop with comparisons will do.
for (var i= 1, first = result[0].family; i< result.length; i++) {
if (result[i].family !== first) {
alert('Family mismatch')
You can try something like
var jsonString = '[{"value":"S900_Aru","family":"S400"},{"value":"S500_Aru","family":"S400"},{"value":"2610_H","family":"A650"}]';
var jsonData = $.parseJSON(jsonString);
var valueArray = new Array();
$.each(jsonData, function (index, value) {
if ($.inArray(value['value'], valueArray)) {
alert('Duplicate Item');
} else {
// Continue
I will store the first value of family and use every to check for every elements of the array.
value = result[0].family;
function isSameFamily(element) {
return == value;
a = result.every(isSameFamily);
alert("Same family")
alert("Not Same family")
You can use two for loops to check each object with each other object and log the message when two families don't match.
for(var i=0;i<result.length-1;i++) {
for(var j=1;j<result.length;j++) {
if(result[i].family !== result[j].family)
console.log("Families do not match");
var result = [{"value":"S900_Aru","family":"S400"},
var itemFamily = result[0].family;
var differs = false;
if (itemFamily != {
differs = true;
alert((differs)?"Not related to the same family":"Related to the same family");
You can check every element with the first element and return the result of Array#every().
var result = [{ "value": "S900_Aru", "family": "S400" }, { "value": "S500_Aru", "family": "S400" }, { "value": "2610_H", "family": "A650" }],
related = result.every(function (a, i, aa) {
return aa[0] === a;

How to remove element from array if values matched?

If i find values in object i want to delete those values from array.
What would be the best solution to accompolished this task ?
var selectedOwners = [];
$scope.deleteOwner = function(dataItem){
var workerKey;
var fullName;
workerKey = val.workerKey;
fullName = val.fullName;
if(dataItem.workeyKey === workerKey || dataItem.fullName === fullName){
Array and Object
Array selectedOwners = [{"fullName":"Johnson, Rocio","workerKey":3506},{"fullName":"Johnson, John S.","workerKey":571},{"fullName":"Johnson, Camille A.","workerKey":1368}]
Object {
"workerKey": 3506,
"fullName": "Johnson, Rocio",
Should be as simple as this:
var selectedOwners = [{
"fullName": "Johnson, Rocio",
"workerKey": 3506
}, {
"fullName": "Johnson, John S.",
"workerKey": 571
}, {
"fullName": "Johnson, Camille A.",
"workerKey": 1368
var obj = {
"workerKey": 3506,
"fullName": "Johnson, Rocio",
for (var i = 0; i < selectedOwners.length; i++) {
if (selectedOwners[i].workerKey === obj.workerKey) {
selectedOwners.splice(i, 1);
Keep in mind the for loop assumes that the workerKey is unique in the array. That's is why we only need to compare on the workerKey property only and we also break out of the for loop after find a match.
Here's the loop if the workerKey is not unique:
for (var i = 0; i < selectedOwners.length; i++) {
if (selectedOwners[i].workerKey === obj.workerKey &&
selectedOwners[i].fullName === obj.fullName) {
selectedOwners.splice(i, 1);
// we need to decrement i by one because
// we just removed an element from the array
Use indexOf to get the position for the splice;
Since you're passing the object as dataItem you can do as follow:
$scope.deleteOwner = function(dataItem){
selectedOwners.splice(indexOf(dataItem), 1);
You could use lodash _.remove which is very simple
_.remove(selectedOwners , {
"fullName": "Johnson, Rocio",
"workerKey": 3506 //where condition
You might use grep function, like below:
$scope.deleteOwner = function(dataItem){
selectedOwners = $.grep(selectedOwners, function(value) {
return value.workerKey != dataItem.workerKey
&& value.fullName!= dataItem.fullName;
I think the best idea is to use just the filter array's method. No external JS dependencies.
var selectedOwners = [{"fullName":"Johnson, Rocio","workerKey":3506},{"fullName":"Johnson, John S.","workerKey":571},{"fullName":"Johnson, Camille A.","workerKey":1368}]
var item = {
"workerKey": 3506,
"fullName": "Johnson, Rocio",
var resultArray = selectedOwners.filter(function(i){
return !(i.fullname == item.fullname && i.workerKey == item.workerKey)

show nested json data in treeview in javascript

i have nested json data. i used the blow function.
var jsonSource={"error_code":0, "ext_info":{"name":{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Jonson","nickName":"JJ"}}};
var obj=JSON.parse(jsonSource),returnValue;
function showJson(obj){
for(var key in obj){
if(typeof obj[key]==='object'){
} else{
as i said before , i have a large nested json data and when i parse it to showJson function ,it just shows one level of json data and puts others deep level of dataJson undefined.
what should i do to resolve the problem?
Recursive approach works more intuitively when done with actual return values. Have a look at
var jsonSource='{"error_code":0, "ext_info":{"name":{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Jonson","nickName":"JJ"}}}';
var obj=JSON.parse(jsonSource);
function showJson(obj){
var returnValue='';
for(var key in obj){
if(typeof obj[key]==='object'){
} else{
return returnValue;
document.getElementById('data').innerHTML= showJson(obj);
jsonSource should be a string to be properly parsable as JSON data
typo in docoument.getElementById('data').innerHTML=returnValue;
Some of your problems:
jsonSource is already an object
you try to assign the returnValue in every call of showJson
Better to use a clean approach for looping and returning of the items:
var obj = { "error_code": 0, "ext_info": { "name": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Jonson", "nickName": "JJ" } } };
function showObj(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(function (k) {
if (typeof obj[k] === 'object') {
return k + ':<br><div style="margin-left: 25px;">' + showObj(obj[k]) + '</div>';
return k + ': ' + obj[k];
document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = showObj(obj);
<div id="data"></div>
// obj is the object to loop, ul is the ul to append lis to
function loop(obj, ul) {
$.each(obj, function(key, val) {
if(val && typeof val === "object") { // object, call recursively
var ul2 = $("<ul>").appendTo(
loop(val, ul2);
} else {
var ul = $("<ul>");
var jsonSource={"error_code":0, "ext_info":{"name":{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Jonson","nickName":"JJ"}}};
var data=JSON.parse(jsonSource)
loop(data, ul);

get specific text from value with javascript

I have a json.json file like this
And this script im using to read the file
<script type='text/javascript'>
$.getJSON("json.json", function(person){
This script is made to point out all of the data from "name3" but i need only "dr3" value from "name3" to be stored to be written.
How to do that?
You can store it like this using combination of split() calls.
var dr3val = person.name3.split("&")[2].split("=")[1];
console.log(dr3val); // "Sting3"
The above will work if the order is same. Else you can use the below
var dr3val = person.name3.replace(/.*?dr3=(.+)?&.*/,"$1");
console.log(dr3val); // "Sting3"
You should change your json to this:
"ts1" : "Hallo",
"ts2" : "Hillarry",
"ts3" : "Sting",
"ts4" : "Storm"
this way it makes your jsonstring much easier to use.
Get the data from it like this:
var json = {
var name3 = json.name3.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < name3.length; i++) {
if (name3[i].indexOf("dr3=") > -1) {
var value = name3[i].replace("dr3=", "");
Implement this jQuery plugin i made for a similar case i had to solve some time ago. This plugin has the benefit that it handles multiple occurring variables and gathers them within an array, simulating a webserver behaviour.
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function($) {
$.StringParams = function(string) {
if (string == "") return {};
var result = {},
matches = string.split('&');
for(var i = 0, pair, key, value; i < matches.length; i++) {
pair = matches[i].split('=');
key = pair[0];
if(pair.length == 2) {
value = decodeURIComponent(pair[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
} else {
value = null;
switch($.type(result[key])) {
case 'undefined':
result[key] = value;
case 'array':
result[key] = [result[key], value];
return result;
Then in your code do:
<script type='text/javascript'>
var attributes3;
$.getJSON("json.json", function(person){
attributes3 = $.StringParams(person.name3)
Underscore solution:, function(query) { //map the value of each property in json object
return _.object( //to an object created from array
query.split('&') //resulting from splitting the query at &
.map(function(keyval) { //and turning each of the key=value parts
return keyval.split('='); //into a 2-element array split at the equals.
The result of the query.split... part is
[ [ 'ts1', 'Hallo'], ['ts2', 'Hillarry'], ... ]
Underscore's _.object function turns that into
{ ts1: 'Hallo', ts2: 'Hillarry', ... }
The end result is
name1: { ts1: 'hHallo', ts2: 'Hillarry, ...},
name2: { ...
Now result can be obtained with object.name3.dr3.
Avoiding Underscore
However, if you hate Underscore or don't want to use it, what it's doing with and _.object is not hard to replicate, and could be a useful learning exercise. Both use the useful Array#reduce function.
function object_map(object, fn) {
return Object.keys(object).reduce(function(result, key) {
result[key] = fn(object[key]);
return result;
}, {});
function object_from_keyvals(keyvals) {
return keyvals.reduce(function(result, v) {
result[v[0]] = v[1];
return result;
}, {});
var person={
var pN = person.name3;
var toSearch = 'dr3';
var ar = pN.split('&');
var result = '';
for(var i=0; i< ar.length; i++)
if(ar[i].indexOf(toSearch) >= 0 )

Get name of key in key/value pair in JSON using jQuery?

Say I have this JSON:
"ID": "1",
"title": "Title 1",
"ID": "2",
"title": "Title 2",
How would I return the set of key names that recur for each record? In this case, ID, title.
I tried:
$.getJSON('testing.json', function(data) {
var items = [];
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
items.push(key +', ');
$('<p/>', {
html: items.join('')
without success.
This is a JSON "database", and every "record" has the same keys. I just want a script that will tell me what the keys are, not test whether or not they occur in every entry.
This will give you an array of all the string properties that match across an array of objects. Is that what you are looking for?
$.getJSON('testing.json', function(data) {
var propertiesThatExistInAll = getPropertiesThatExistInAll(data);
var getPropertiesThatExistInAll = function(arr) {
var properties = $.map(data[0], function (prop, value) {
return prop;
var propertiesThatExistInAll = [];
$.each(properties, function (index, property) {
var keyExistsInAll = true;
// skip the first one since we know it has all the properties
for (var i = 1, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
if (!data[i].hasOwnProperty(property)) {
keyExistsInAll = false;
if (keyExistsInAll) {
return propertiesThatExistInAll;
Something like this, perhaps?
items = [];
for (key in jsonobj) {
if (!itemExists(items, key)) {
items[items.length] = key
function itemExists(items, value) {
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i] == value) {
return true
return false;
Of course, that will return items that exist in any one of the objects, not that exist in all. It's not entirely clear from your question if this is the solution you want.
This can probably be made more efficient/concise, but the function below will do it.
var testJson = [ {'oi' : 1, 'arf': 2, 'foo' : 0}, {'oi': 5, 'arf': 7}];
function commonKeys(j)
var fillUp = [];
for(var i in j[0])
for(var i = 1; i < j.length; i++)
var cur = j[i]; var curArr = [];
for (var i in cur) {curArr.push(i)};
fillUp = fillUp.filter(function(x) {return (curArr.indexOf(x) != -1);});
return fillUp;
alert(commonKeys(testJson)); //oi,arf (not foo)

