Where to place JS files for NodeJS to see them - javascript

I've just installed NodeJS on my Mac, and i got it working in the terminal, using inline scripting like "console.log('Hello world'); works fine.
But where do i place JS files for NodeJS to find them? Can i specify the root folder NodeJS to look for file in?
I followed this guide: http://nodeguide.com/beginner.html#learning-javascript
but i cannot get any of the samlpe to work where i reference a script file.

You put them in whatever folder you want. It is common practice to put each application in a different folder.
Then you run node.js like this:
node /path/to/file.js
Or like this:
cd /path/to/
node file.js
Where file.js might look something like this:
console.log('hello world');

You'll have to navigate to the correct folder "manually", in the Node Command Line Interface (CLI).
If you need to change drives, type the drive letter and a colon to switch to that drive, like so;
C:> (<- this is the line prompt, yeah? Just add this after it -> D:
That changes the drive. Now write cd (CD = "Change Directory") and the name of the direcotry you want to go to the directory your stuff is in:
D:> (<- the new prompt. Write something like this after it: ->) cd myprosject\subfoldername
D:\myproject\subfoldername> (<- your new line prompt - if "myproject\subfoldername" exists)
now ask node to execute your script (that is stored in myproject\subfoldername, like so;
D:\myproject\subfoldername> node helloworld.js
Remember to write "node" first - otherwise the command won't go to node, but to the OS, which will probably just open up the js file in a text editior instead of running the goodies inside.

It is very easy.. Go to your command line. navigate to the file location..
then simply run the node helloworld.

I'm not sure I understand. it doesnt 'look' anywhere for your .js files you point at them when you run node. Like so, on the command line:
node mynodeapp.js
If you're meaning where does it look for your .js files as modules, when requirign them, like so:
var mymodule = require("mymodule");
Then it will look inside a folder names node_modules. But I'm sure you're looking for my first example above.


How do I use twitter-text in a browser

I want to count tweet length. Twitter makes this very very hard.
They have this repo: https://github.com/twitter/twitter-text which contains this folder: https://github.com/twitter/twitter-text/tree/master/js which supposedly supports javascript.
When I try to use the script from a cdn like this: https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/twitter-text
it says require is not defined
I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. Why is it using require if it's for javascript?
Install Browserify
Download the latest twitter-text script from this folder: https://github.com/twitter/twitter-text/tree/master/js/pkg
Create index.js with the contents: window.twitter = require('./twitter-text-3.1.0.min.js');
Run browserify index.js -o twitter-text-js.js
The output file can now be run in browser and accessed with the global twitter.
(or just download the prepackaged version here: https://gist.github.com/skeddles/3841236279efebf053dfa39dfdbae2c2#file-twitter-text-js-js)

Convert the ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco model with tensorflow_js

I want to build an app with javascript which integrates object-detection. For this, I wanna use the ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco model and use it in tensorflow.
However this line of code:
C:\Users\Jonas\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\Scripts\tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=tf_saved_model --output_node_names='image_tensor, detection_boxes, detection_scores, detection_classes, num_detections' \saved_model\saved_model \saved_model\web_model
does not work. It gives me file not found error, but the file is actually there unless I'm very dump and turned back into computer beginner.
OSError: SavedModel file does not exist at: \saved_model\saved_model
Also, I'm not quite sure about the output node names but this is secondary.
Thanks for support, hopefully I'm not totally dump :)
This might be because you are using an absolute path instead of a relative path.
On mac or linux, if you are in the directory that contains the downloaded unzipped model, you would run a command of that type :
tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=tf_saved_model --output_node_names='detection_boxes,detection_classes,detection_scores,num_detections' --saved_model_tags=serve ./ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco/saved_model ./ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco/web_model
From what i can see you are on Windows.
If you are running your command from the directory that contains the saved_model folder, you should run the following command :
C:\Users\Jonas\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\Scripts\tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=tf_saved_model --output_node_names='image_tensor, detection_boxes, detection_scores, detection_classes, num_detections' .\saved_model\saved_model .\saved_model\web_model

How to setup a destination path for a custom yeoman generator files?

I'm building a custom yeoman generator, so when it's time to create files they're created one directory above my current location, or at .., so for example if I run:
yo koala
From /home/diegoaguilar/koala the files will be created at /home/diegoaguilar. How am I supposed to tell the path where the generator should copy files? I really thought that would be process.cwd() or simply where yeoman generator is being ran from.
This is the code I got for files generation:
writing: {
app: function () {
{appname: this.appname}
projectfiles: function () {
First, I find it easier to use yeoman's this.template(), instead of using this.fs.copy()/this.fs.copyTpl() that are coming from the included instance of mem-fs-editor, but YMMV
Regardless, you need to set the this.sourceRoot('rel/path/to/source/root') and this.destinationRoot('rel/path/to/dest/root') in the generator before you try to write to make sure you have set the correct template and destination contexts. See yeoman's getting started guide on interacting with the files system from more information. The this.destinationRoot() should be defined relative to the root directory of your current project (I explain this below), while the this.sourceRoot() should be defined relative to the root directory of your generator's files.
You also have to consider that yeoman will try to figure out the root directory of whatever app you are currently in at the command line. It does this by navigating upwards (i.e. /home/diegoaguilar/koala -> /home/diegoaguilar/) until it finds a .yo-rc.json file. Yeoman then takes the directory of the nearest .yo-rc.json to where you ran the command as the intended root directory for your project.
In your case you may want to delete/move/rename /home/diegoaguilar/.yo-rc.json if it exists. Then you can create the directory you want your project to live inside and run the generator there. This would look like
/home/diegoaguilar/ $> mkdir koala
/home/diegoaguilar/ $> cd koala
/home/diegoaguilar/koala/ $> yo koala
If you want or need to leave your /home/diegoaguilar/.yo-rc.json there, you should set the this.destinationRoot() in the generator relative to /home/diegoaguilar/, so to write into /home/diegoaguilar/koala/ you would use this.destinationRoot('koala').

minifying javascript messes up characters

I am trying to minify a .js file that includes code like this:
DIACRITICS = {"\u24B6":"A","\uFF21":"A","\u00C0":"A","\u00C1":"A","\u00C2":"A","\u1EA6":"A","\u1EA4":"A","\u1EAA":"A","\u1EA8":"A","\u00C3":"A","\u0100":"A","\u0102":"A","\u1EB0":"A","\u1EAE":"A","\u1EB4":"A","\u1EB2":"A","\u0226":"A","\u01E0":"A","\u00C4":"A","\u01DE":"A","\u1EA2":"A","\u00C5":"A","\u01FA":"A","\u01CD":"A","\u0200":"A","\u0202":"A","\u1EA0":"A","\u1EAC":"A","\u1EB6":"A","\u1E00":"A","\u0104":"A","\u023A":"A","\u2C6F":"A","\uA732":"AA","\u00C6":"AE", ....
The problem is, when I use a tool like http://javascript-minifier.com/ or http://refresh-sf.com/ to minify it, the above code gets changed to this:
I assume that will cause problems when it executes? Is there any way around this?
Try using Microsoft's AjaxMinifier: http://ajaxmin.codeplex.com/
This is to do with encoding, so use the program with the "-enc:out ascii" command.
Once you download the program, open it. It will appear like a command prompt window. CD to the directory of your JS file, then run:
ajaxminifier file.js -o file.min.js -enc:out ascii

doctorjs(aka jsctags) not work with vim+tagbar

I am using windows 7 64bit...
I've installed nodejs 0.6.11 by MSI installer, the installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs", it was automatically added to my %PATH% by the installer, I installed doctorjs by steps below:
I copied doctorjs files under "C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\doctorjs"
I created jsctags.cmd filled with content copied from https://gist.github.com/1438882
I added following lines in my _vimrc:
let g:tagbar_type_javascript = {
\ 'ctagsbin' : 'C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\jsctags.cmd'
\ }
The problem is, when I run jsctags.cmd "{My js folder}", it generates tags file with only content below:
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format/
!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 0 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Patrick Walton /pwalton#mozilla.com/
!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME jsctags //
!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL http://github.com/pcwalton/jsctags /GitHub repository/
And when I run :tagbaropen in vim, it shows nothing for current js file..
Please kindly guide me where I did wrong, thank you!
Since you're getting some output, it looks like you have the gist implemented correctly. But maybe your expectation of how to use it at a command line is different than the way it really works?
FYI: jsctags.cmd "{my js folder}" returns an empty tags file on my machine too. I don't think the command interface is very mature yet... so it looks like creating a tagfile of a whole folder is not possible - yet...
Try jsctags.cmd "{file}". This should create a populated tag file.
Also note that tagbar calls jsctags like this: jsctags -f - {file}. This streams the output to stdout. So if you're debugging, try this form of the command.
As another debugging tip, modify your batchfile to output debugging info. ie:
Add lines like this:
echo "%~dp0"\"node.exe" "D:\opt\node\doctorjs\bin\jsctags.js" %* > d:\debug.txt
Looking in d:\debug.txt will let you see what the command looks like as it is called from tagbar.
BTW: The gist you're using was mine... I am wondering if I didn't test this batch file well enough with folders that have spaces in them. Do some tests in both folders with and without spaces to see if there is a difference. If you get more insight into where it works/doesn't, let me know and I can investigate further.
Your issue might be related to the commit of narcissus you've cloned for doctorjs. Go into the narcissus folder in the doctorjs folder and run
git checkout 4ae5aff8b3
This should switch the head to the proper version of the file.

