Can element width/height be less than min-width/min-height? - javascript

I have defined min-width for div elements (float:left). I set their actual width from JavaScript based on window size using $('div.element').css('width','123')
This arrangement works well most of the time but breaks when the browser introduces a vertical scroll-bar, resizing the elements to less than min-width.
Can the elements be re-sized to less than min-width from JavaScript by changing just their width?

You should not be able to change an element's width to less than its specified min-width value. Here is a jsfiddle showing how this works, click on the divs to see their width after having it set in JavaScript:


jquery get real table height when tbody has lot of elements

I have a <table> element with a lot of rows and a max-height attribute.
I need to find the real height displayed for the <tbody> element. Normally I can just take the difference between <table> height and <thead> height
var tbodyDispalyHeight = $("table").height() - $("thead").height();
This works unless horizontal content is too much and an horizontal scrollbar appears (and can't remove it because... I need it!). I should remove its height from tbodyDispalyHeight but... how can I do?
First problem: I don't really know when this bar is displayed
Second prolbem: Each browser implement scrollbar in a different way
Here is a JSBIN example to understand what I mean. Try to resize page horizontally until the scrollbar appears, there the dislayed tbody height should be lower...
Sounds like you are looking for the clientHeight.
(But this seems to be to easy.)
Have a look to MDN
The Element.clientHeight read-only property is zero for elements with no CSS or inline layout boxes, otherwise it's the inner height of an element in pixels, including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin.
You may try:
Currently you have your table with overflow:auto. But you could wrap it with a DIV with "overflow:auto". Then you can simply determine if you have a horizontal scrollbar by comparing the width of your div with the width of your table.

How to obtain clientWidth & clientHeight before DIV is visible

I want to obtain the dimensions of a DIV element (used to display a popup menu at the cursor position) while it's style.display='none;', however the dimensions of the DIV always return 0. The only way I seem to be able to get the dimensions is to make the DIV style.display='block;' at 0,0 and then move it to the required position, but that looks jumpy.
I've tried making the DIV visible outside of the visible screen area but that doesn't work. Is there a way to get the clientWidth and clientHeight values whilst the DIV is hidden?
If your DIV is not visible, you won't be able to get its dimensions.
However, there is a workaround. Your div has to be "visible", but that doesn't mean it's opacity and position have to be 1 and relative.
Set the opacity to 0 and the position to "absolute" and you'll be able to get the DIV dimensions.
Since I think more people will have a similar problem, I feel I should explain my answer a little more.
If you try to get the size of a hidden element with JavaScript, you will always get 0.
So there are techniques to get the real size without displaying the element to the user. My favourite is the one I already wrote about above. Here are the more detailed steps:
you set the elements opacity to 0. This way it won't be displayed to the end user while you are getting the dimensions.
you set the element position to "absolute". This way it won't take up any space.
now it's safe to set the display to "inline-block".
you read the elements dimensions. This time you'll get the real values.
You set the display back to "hidden" and set the opacity and position back to its original values.
And now you have the size of a hidden element.
If you'd like to know the size of an element onscreen without it being visible you need it to be painted to the screen but not shown.
In order to get clientHeight and clientWidth you need it to be rendered so the calculations can be performed based on the screens current state (unless you have pre-programmed width and height, which I'm guessing you don't)
you can find out more information at MDN here
So you have options:
create your div offscreen using positioning (fixed or absolute) combined with z-index or opacity
use width: 0 and height: 0 and overflow: hidden then use scrollHeight and scrollWidth to find the overflow size
choose which option is best for your site, considering things like responsiveness and screen reflows and repaints

Use div's height to determine another div's padding or margin-top

I am using the following jQuery to work out the width of a div (thats in %), to then tell another div to set it's height to that in pixels.
It's working really well. Now my next problem is, that I want my div called 'wrapper' to have a padding-top or margin-top of the pixel value it returns for the height. I tried changing 'height' to 'padding-top', but that didn't seem to work.
The end result is a web page with a series of 4 black div acting as a border around the edge, it calculates 5% of the with of the window, and that determine's the pixel value for how how the top and bottom black div's are. That way it's exactly even. Now I want my inside wrapper div, to start exactly that far down the web page too.
Use the jQuery outerWidth function to retrieve the width inclusive of padding, borders and optionally margin as well (if you send true as the only argument to the outerWidth method).
Tested Solution: Find height of a div and use it as margin top of another div.
$('.topmargindiv').css('margin-top', function() {
return $('.divheight').height();

width of dynamically inserted div containing text

I have a script that dynamically inserts a div containing text in the dom. The text content is not known in advance.
I need to know the width of this div, but it seems that that the return value of document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, "").getPropertyValue("width") or node.offsetWidth cannot be trusted.
I used setInterval to log it, and the value changes over time. For instance, in my case it starts with 929px and then changes to 908px.
This div is in position absolute, it has whitespace nowrap, so I don't think it is being "pushed" by other dom elements or that it somehow changes once inserted.
Is there an elegant way to retrieve the width, or do I have to use an ugly setTimeout to retrieve it once the return value is stable ?
This will return an object with top, left, right, bottom, height and width attributes. This should be cross-browser.
Note: If you are going to work with the position attributes (top, left, right, bottom, height) of the returned, take into account scroll offset if necessary.
Update: To ensure this works on older browsers that don't have the width/height attribute, calculate it subtracting right/bottom from left/top.
The viewport can change its size because of the scrollbar. Once the scrollbar appears, its width can no longer be used by the document. Force the scrollbar to exist before you measure the size by adding overflow: scroll or overflow-y:scroll to the <html> element.
The size of a block-level element is, by default, its container width minus margins and padding (even if it's positioned absolutely), which is ultimately the wiewport width unless you set a fixed width somewhere along the way.
Using jQuery, you should be able to do this:
var width = $("div-selector").width();
this is fairly easy?
open the page in a browser and press f12. With firefox there is a button "inspect element" on top and in chrome it's on the bottom. Click it and hover your mouse over it. This should give you the height and width in px. Never been wrong for me.
if it still doesn't show, click it and you can see it in the css panel of the console.

Switching font-family while retaining width

Is it possible to keep the exact width of a <span> while changing the font-family of the text inside ? I am thinking about balancing this width with font-size or font-size-adjust because letter-spacing will not render gracefully.
I chose deliberately two very different typefaces: Times and Verdana.
Rollover the demo:
It is possible, but only using JavaScript.
Store the container's width in a variable
Change the font in the container
Set the font size so the container matches the previous width again using one of the methods shown in these questions:
How to auto resize text in fixed DIV according to the text's length?
JavaScript Scale Text to Fit in Fixed Div (this is the best one IMO)

