How to use YQL in JavaScript to retrieve web results - javascript

I have been trying the code given in
How to use YQL to retrieve web results?
but it is not working.
Please suggest me something else or rectify that code.
I am just calling a function on page_load
<body onload = "load_content();">
In the load_content() method, I have to get the feed of other web site and display it on my HTML page.
Load_Content method
var query = "select * from html where url=''";
// Define your callback:
var callback = function(data) {
console.log("DATA : " + data);
// Instantiate with the query:
var firstFeedItem = new YQLQuery(query, callback);
// If you're ready then go:
console.log("FEED : " + firstFeedItem.fetch()); // Go!!
Function YQLQuery
function YQLQuery(query, callback)
this.query = query;
this.callback = callback || function(){};
this.fetch = function() {
if (!this.query || !this.callback) {
throw new Error('YQLQuery.fetch(): Parameters may be undefined');
var scriptEl = document.createElement('script'),
uid = 'yql' + +new Date(),
encodedQuery = encodeURIComponent(this.query.toLowerCase()),
instance = this;
YQLQuery[uid] = function(json) {
delete YQLQuery[uid];
scriptEl.src = ''
+ encodedQuery + '&format=json&callback=YQLQuery.' + uid;
Nothing is coming in data variable

A simple get request is an answer to this.
}//end function(data)
);//end getJSON


using javascript to load json data from google maps

So, this is the code I have, console.log gives me the right value, but the function doesn't return the value, even if the return is inside the timeout. I must be doing something wrong.
function countyfinder(address){
var rr =$.getJSON('' + address.replace(" ", "%20")).done(function(data) {
var county = data.results[0].address_components[3].short_name;
//return county;//data is the JSON string
});return rr;};
function calculatetax(address, price){
var j = countyfinder(address);
setTimeout(function(){var k = j["responseJSON"]['results'][0]['address_components'][3]['short_name'];
console.log(k);//return k won't work in here either
}, 1000); return k
this is what I ended up with:
var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.src = "//";
function getCounty(address) {
var country;
var baseApiUrl = "";
var query = "?address=" + encodeURIComponent(address);
var queryUrl = baseApiUrl + query;
url: queryUrl,
async: false,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
county = gmapsExtractByType(data, "administrative_area_level_2 political");
return countr.long_name;
function gmapsExtractByType(json, type) {
return json.results[0].address_components.filter(function(element) {
return element.types.join(" ") === type;
console.log( getCounty("100 wacko lane ohio") );
I had to use a synchronous request by changing some settings in the ajax request. The drawback of this is that the browser will be locked up until you get a request response, which can be bad on a slow connection or a connection with an unreliable server. With google, most of the time, I don't think that will happen.

Identify the caller (or how pass parameter) of a callback (JSON) function in JavaScript

When i request
BASE_URL + 'json/valueone?callback=fnCallBack0'
the response from server is treated in a callback function. This function receives (ASYNCHRONOUS) data (JSON format) but do not include the initial parameter "valueone"
var BASE_URL = ...
function fnCallBack(data){
if (data != null) {
// HERE...I NEED ID <====================
// arguments.callee.caller <==================== dont work
console.log('information', data);
// onclick callback function.
function OnClick(info, tab) {
var arrH = ['valueone', 'valuetwo'];
arrH.forEach(function(value) {
var scrCallBack = document.createElement('script');
scrCallBack.src = BASE_URL + 'json/' + value + '?callback=fnCallBack';
//BASE_URL + 'json/one?callback=fnCallBack0';
My solution is to create an intermediate function correlative name (fnCallBack0, fnCallBack1, ...), a global array, and a counter. Works fine, but this is not OOP, is a fudge.
var BASE_URL = ...
//global array
var arrH = [];
var fnCallBack0 = function(data){
fnCallBack(data, '0');
var fnCallBack1 = function(data){
fnCallBack(data, '1');
function fnCallBack(data, id){
if (data != null) {
console.log('information', data + arrH[id]);
// onclick callback function.
function OnClick(info, tab) {
var i = 0;
arrH = ['valueone', 'valuetwo'];
arrH.forEach(function(value) {
var scrCallBack = document.createElement('script');
scrCallBack.src = BASE_URL + 'json/' + value + '?callback=fnCallBack' + (i++).toString();
//BASE_URL + 'json/one?callback=fnCallBack0';
title: '%s',
contexts: ["selection"],
onclick: function(info) {console.log(info.selectionText)}
var idConsole = chrome.contextMenus.create({
title: 'console',
contexts: ["selection"],
onclick: OnClick
I tried with inject function as code in html page, but i receeived "inline security error", and a lot of similar questions.
Please, NO AJAX and no jQuery.
This is my first post and my first chrome extension
Thanks in advanced.
I don't see how anything of this has to do with OOP, but a solution would be to just create the callback function dynamically so that you can use a closure to pass the correct data:
function fnCallBack(data, value){
if (data != null) {
console.log('information', data + value);
// onclick callback function.
function OnClick(info, tab) {
['valueone', 'valuetwo'].forEach(function(value, index) {
// unique function name
var functionName = 'fnCallback' + index +;
window[functionName] = function(data) {
fnCallBack(data, value);
delete window[functionName]; // clean up
var scrCallBack = document.createElement('script');
scrCallBack.src = BASE_URL + 'json/' + value + '?callback=' + functionName;

returning values from an async delegate function

I am working with the Sharepoint Client Object Model using javascript and looking to make as much of my code as reusable as possible.
Examples of using the COM usually looks like this with a call and then a success delegate function to output the results.
function loadProfile()
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = context.get_web();
var userInfoList = web.get_siteUserInfoList();
camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
this.listItems = userInfoList.getItems(camlQuery);
context.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onProfileSuccessMethod), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onFail));
function onProfileSuccessMethod(sender, args)
var item = listItems.itemAt(0);
var first_name = item.get_item('FirstName');
var last_name = item.get_item('LastName');
alert(first_name + " " + last_name);
function onFail(sender, args)
alert('Error: ' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
What I am trying to achieve is being able return the values after instantiating an object but given that it is asynchronous I am not sure how this is possible, would I need to "listen" for the call to complete before values are returned.
Would it be something like this? Or can you not have a delegate function internal to the function it creates it from. Apologies for my limited understanding!
var profile = new loadProfile("testid");
function loadProfile (id)
this.user_id = id;
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = context.get_web();
var userInfoList = web.get_siteUserInfoList();
camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
this.listItems = userInfoList.getItems(camlQuery);
context.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onProfileSuccessMethod), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onFail));
this.onProfileSuccessMethod = function()
var item = listItems.itemAt(0);
this.first_name = item.get_item('FirstName');
this.last_name = item.get_item('LastName');
return this.first_name
If it is asynchronous, it is impossible to return values from it. You need to use a callback pattern.
function secondStep(data){
var profile = new loadProfile("testid", secondStep);
function loadProfile (id, callback)
this.onProfileSuccessMethod = function(){

Accessing Data from JavaScript Object's Array Member Variable

I'm writing a jQuery plugin for work which pulls in RSS feed data using Google's Feed API. Using this API, I'm saving all of the relevant RSS feed data into an object, then manipulating it through methods. I have a function which is supposed to render the RSS feed onto the webpage. Unfortunately, when I try to display the individual RSS feed entries, I get an error. Here's my relevant code:
var RSSFeed = function(feedTitle, feedUrl, options) {
* An object to encapsulate a Google Feed API request.
// Variables
this.description = "";
this.entries = [];
this.feedUrl = feedUrl; = "";
this.title = feedTitle;
this.options = $.extend({
ssl : true,
limit : 4,
key : null,
feedTemplate : '<article class="rss-feed"><h2>{title}</h1><ul>{entries}</ul></article>',
entryTemplate : '<li><h3>{title}</h3><p>by: {author} # {publishedDate}</p><p>{contentSnippet}</p></li>',
outputMode : "json"
}, options || {});
this.sendFeedRequest = function() {
* Makes the AJAX call to the provided requestUrl
var self = this;
$.getJSON(this.encodeRequest(), function(data) {
// Save the data in a temporary object
var responseDataFeed = data.responseData.feed;
// Now load the data into the RSSFeed object
self.description = responseDataFeed.description; =;
self.entries = responseDataFeed.entries;
this.display = function(jQuerySelector) {
* Displays the RSSFeed onto the webpage
* Each RSSEntry will be displayed wrapped in the RSSFeed's template HTML
* The template markup can be specified in the options
var self = this;
$.rssObj = function(newTitle, newUrl, options) {
return new RSSFeed(newTitle, newUrl, options);
// Code to call the jquery plugin, would normally be found in an index.html file
rss = $.rssObj("Gizmodo", "");
Obviously, my display() function isn't complete yet, but it serves as a good example. The first console.log() will write all of the relevant data to the console, including the entries array. However, when I try to log the entries array by itself, it's returning an empty array. Any idea why that is?
I guess the problem is that display() is called without waiting for the AJAX request to complete. So the request is still running while you already try to access entries - hence the empty array.
In order to solve this you could move the call to display() into the callback of $.getJSON(). You just have to add the required selector as a parameter:
this.sendFeedRequest = function(selector) {
var self = this;
$.getJSON(this.encodeRequest(), function(data) {
var responseDataFeed = data.responseData.feed;
self.entries = responseDataFeed.entries;
If you don't want to move display() into the callback, you could try something like this (untested!):
var RSSFeed = function(feedTitle, feedUrl, options) {
this.loading = false;
this.selector = null;
this.sendFeedRequest = function() {
var self = this;
self.loading = true;
$.getJSON(this.encodeRequest(), function(data) {
self.loading = false;
if (self.selector != null) {
this.display = function(jQuerySelector) {
var self = this;
if (self.loading) {
self.selector = jQuerySelector;
else {

Uncaught TypeError: Object has no method ... Javascript

I'm having an issue where I get an error that says...
"Uncaught TypeError: Object f771b328ab06 has no method 'addLocation'"
I'm really not sure what's causing this. The 'f771b328ab06' is a user ID in the error. I can add a new user and prevent users from being duplicated, but when I try to add their location to the list, I get this error.
Does anybody see what's going wrong? The error occurs in the else statement of the initialize function as well (if the user ID exists, just append the location and do not create a new user). I have some notes in the code, and I'm pretty sure that this is partly due to how I have modified an example provided by another user.
function User(id) { = id;
this.locations = [];
this.getId = function() {
this.addLocation = function(latitude, longitude) {
this.locations[this.locations.length] = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);
alert("User ID:" );
this.lastLocation = function() {
return this.locations[this.locations.length - 1];
this.removeLastLocation = function() {
return this.locations.pop();
function Users() {
this.users = {};
//this.generateId = function() { //I have omitted this section since I send
//return Math.random(); //an ID from the Android app. This is part of
//}; //the problem.
this.createUser = function(id) {
this.users[id] = new User(id);
return this.users[id];
this.getUser = function(id) {
return this.users[id];
this.removeUser = function(id) {
var user = this.getUser(id);
delete this.users[id];
return user;
var users = new Users();
function initialize() {
url: 'api.php',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data){
var user_id = data[0];
var latitude = data[1];
var longitude = data[2];
if (typeof users.users[user_id] === 'undefined') {
users.users[user_id] = "1";
user_id.addLocation(latitude, longitude); // this is where the error occurs
else {
user_id.addLocation(latitude, longitude); //here too
setInterval(initialize, 1000);
Since I get the ID from the phone and do not need to generate it here (only receive it), I commented out the part that creates the random ID. In doing this, I had to add a parameter to the createUser method within Users() so that I can pass the ID as an argument from Initialize(). See the changes to createUser below:
Before, with the generated ID (the part where the number is generated is in the above code block with comments):
this.createUser = function() {
var id = this.generateId();
this.users[id] = new User(id);
return this.users[id];
After, with the ID passed as an argument:
this.createUser = function(id) {
this.users[id] = new User(id);
return this.users[id];
If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Here you're getting user_id by :
var user_id = data[0];
So it's a part of the json answer : maybe a string or another dictionnary, this can't be a user object. You should try to update your code in your success function inside the "if" block by :
user = users.createUser(user_id);
//The following line is a non sense for me you put an int inside
//an internal structure of your class that should contain object
//users.users[user_id] = "1";
user.addLocation(latitude, longitude);

