Want to display "True" and "False" buttons - javascript

I have a grid of buttons where user opens up the gird by clicking on the (Open Grid) link and then clicking on a button in that grid. What I want to do is that if user clicks on the "True or False" button, then it should output buttons "True" and "False" underneath the "Number of Answers" textbox. But it is not displaying anything. What am I doing wrong?
The code is here:
$(".gridBtns").click(function() {
var clickedNumber = this.value;
$('.answerBtns').each(function (index) {
if (index < clickedNumber)
if (document.getElementsByClassName("gridBtns").value == "True or False")
document.getElementId("answerTrue").style.display = "block";
Full code is in jsfiddle, click here

Instead of this:
if (document.getElementsByClassName("gridBtns").value == "True or False")
document.getElementId("answerTrue").style.display = "block";
Try this:
if (this.id=='btnTrueorFalse') {
Besides the 1/many error already mentioned in another post, it looks like the original is just looking for the wrong property in the wrong place.

getElementsByClassName returns a NodeList (which acts like an array), not a single Element.

The jQuery code to equal your code above would be
if($('.gridBtns').val() == 'True or False'){
$('#answerTrue').show(); //you may also use .css() for it, but show() has the same result

I've been seeing this code here for a while now:
If you use jQuery, use it. Doing document.getElementById(..) suddenly is just nonsensical. Just use jQuery selectors everywhere, and methods (f.i. .addClass(..) instead of .className = ..). jQuery is the way you access your DOM, using a mix is just confusing.
Also, I notice most of your problems with this Ui stem from the fact that:
It is a bad UI (no offense, just think about it)
You use the UI for storing state. Don't do that. UI should be dependent on state, not the other way around.


Detecting when clicking anywhere outside of element when the clicked element has been removed from the DOM?

I have a notifications dropdown menu that should be closed when you click anywhere outside of it. The following code was working great until I ran into a new situation:
$(document).click(function(e) {
var target = e.target;
if (!$(target).is('.notification-area') && !$(target).parents().is('.notification-area')) {
$('.notification-area .flyout').removeClass('flyout-show');
However (and I'm using Backbone if that's relevant), some elements cause part of the menu to re-render. That is to say: remove and rebuild a part of the DOM.
Obviously you can't tell where an element is within the DOM if it's already been removed. So now, if there's a click that causes part of that view to re-render then that bit of code that checks the parents() of the element returns no parents.
Then I thought I might be able to solve it by checking if the length of parents() is greater than 0.
if (!$(target).is('.notification-area')
&& !$(target).parents().is('.notification-area')
&& $(target).parents().length > 0)
And this works but I wonder what side effects it could have. Is this the best way to do this?
Hope I understood your question correct. You want some simple way of not shutting the notification area if clicked upon it. But close it when clicked on body?
One way to do these kind of things is somewhat like this.
mouseOverArea = false; // This will be globally set, right away
mouseOverArea = true;
mouseOverArea = false;
And then when you click on body or whatever, you simply check if mouseOverArea == false... If so, close the notification box, otherwise return false, e.preventDefault(); or whatever fits your coding.
You can simplify this using closest() since it includes both the target and ancestors.
It turns :
!$(target).is('.notification-area') && !$(target).parents().is('.notification-area')
Into a simpler to read:
reference: closest() docs

toggleClass() only toggling to one class

I'm having trouble with a jQuery/Angular function being executed on click.
<a ng-click="like()" href="#" class="like like--yes"></a>
Basically, when a click occurs on a like button, I want to toggle the like--yes and the like--no classes. I've inspected the DOM while clicking, and once it has been set to like--no, it refuses to change back.
$scope.like = function() {
$('.like--no').toggleClass('like--no like--yes');
$('.like--yes').toggleClass('like--yes like--no');
I need two different functions so to speak, as I'm adding different animations depending on whether it's a like/unlike.
Any idea where I'm going wrong? There's more to it, but I've stripped some of the unnecessary code out for clarity.
I see that you are using AngularJS so instead of using jQuery, why not use ngClass?
Like this:
<a ng-click="toggleLike()" ng-class="{'like--yes': like, 'like--no': !like}">Hello World!</a>
It seems there is a logical issue
$scope.like = function() {
$('.like--no').toggleClass('like--no like--yes');
$('.like--yes').toggleClass('like--yes like--no');
Case:- first line changes like--no to like--yes and after that second line changes like--yes to like-- no again.
You should try .hasClass() function to check whether element has class then use toggle.
It seems like the second line is overwritting the first one.
It sets the class to like--yes and the second line catches the like--yes and set it to like--no everytime.
Try something like:
$scope.like = function() {
if( $('.like').hasClass( 'like--yes' ) ) {
$('.like').removeClass( 'like--yes' );
$('.like').addClass( 'like--no' );
} else {
Maybe you need change $('.link') to $(this) to get the actually clicked element.
It's generally frown upon to deal with DOM jQuery-style inside an Angular's controller, which is what you attempted to do and the other answers suggested.
Just have a variable that reflects the like state (you can set it directly in the View or inside the $scope.like() function and use ng-class to toggle the class:
<a ng-click="like=!like" href="#" ng-class="like ? 'like--yes':'like--no'"></a>
try this
$(this).toggleClass('like--no like--yes');
if($(this).text() == 'like'){
and html

jQuery syntax for if checking if class along with keydown

I am writing an interaction and need a bit of syntax help on one element:
Need to check "IF" a class is present on a div
<div class="something">
and the "Enter" key is pressed (key 13)
switch (window.event.keyCode) {
case 13:
window.location.href = 'http://google.com';
then run a function
What would proper jQuery or JS Syntax be for something like this?
So to clear things up: I have a div with classes that are changing. I am trying to get the browser to detect when said class is present on the dive "AND" the enter button is pressed, then run a function.
Here is a working JSFiddle
You can check for the class within your keypress function:
$(function() {
if ((event.keyCode == 13) && ($('div').hasClass('this')))
You may want to change the generic div to check whether a certain div has the class by its id
if($('#thing').hasClass('that')) { // your code };
Simple as that. Check out the jQuery docs some time. Usually if you need to do anything, there's a function for it already.
You are probably looking for the jquery function .hasClass()
I don't completely understand understand what you are trying to do to incorporate it in your code.

checkbox running script onclick before actually setting the checked flag

I have a combobox with checkboxes. I am using jQuery to add a Click event to all of the checkboxes. When the checkbox is checked, a script is supposed to run and check an attribute of the checked box to determine it's type and then perform functions accordingly:
function () {
$('.RcbTag').find('input[type="checkbox"]').click(function () {
var evtCB = $(this);
var id = $(this).closest(".rcbSlide").siblings(".RcbTag").attr("id");
var rcbObject = $find(id);
function (item, index) {
if (item.get_attributes().getAttribute('GUIDType') == 'group' &&
item.get_checked()) {
The problem right now is that it appears that the script is running before the checkbox is actually flipped to "checked". So in this example, it looks to see if the item attribute is 'group' and if it's checked. This always returns false, but will return true when I uncheck it. So I'm missing some order of events here. How do I fix this?
I think you're mixing jQuery click handlers and the Telerik code. Let's try and just stick with the Telerik-sanctioned events and I think everything will work like you're expecting.
On your RadComboBox, add an event handler declaritively like this:
OnClientItemChecked = "ComboBoxRowClick"
Then declare the JS function as you have it now (except we want to name it and not keep it anonymous):
function ComboBoxRowClick(sender, args) {
if (args.get_item().get_attributes().getAttribute('GUIDType') == 'group' &&
args.get_item().get_checked()) {
For more info on the client side functions from Telerik, you can check this link: http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/listboxitem-client-api.html
Also, you might run into this small annoyance where you have to click in the little checkbox itself, and not anywhere on the row (as one might expect). You can find a workaround for that one here: http://www.msigman.com/2010/07/telerik-radlistbox-fix/
try using change instead of click? that way you will catch changes made via keybord as well. and it will solve ypur problem.

jQuery slideUp() content when clicked for a second time

How would I slideUp() the content only when '.areaCodeList' is clicked a second time?
$(".areaCodeList").on('click', function() {
You should use slideToggle()
$(".areaCodeList").on('click', function() {
You may use some class to indicate it already clicked before running the code
$(".areaCodeList").on('click', function() {
if (!$(this).is('.clicked')){
return false;
You also may consider using attributes ($(el).attr('clicked')) instead of class and check for it later in a similar way.
The question title is really confusing and it seems that only many of us (answering the question) don't got it from the start:
Initially I got it like this:
Slide the element up if it clicked for the second time.
If it's the case than the sample I've provided is correct.
But it looks like the question is more like this:
Slide the element down on every even click and slide it up on every odd click.
If this is the case that slideToggle is the solution (as explained in epascarello's answer)
You can check if the .churchList is visible (slided down):
$(".areaCodeList").on('click', function() {
if( $(this).next('.churchList').is(':visible') === true){

