Google Safebrowsing checking JavaScript - javascript

Is it possible to extract a website safebrowsing info by javascript? This can be with Google Safe Browsing API, is there any code, or any article?

Related to your comment: This is not a code repository. You'll need to do your own development.
Back to your question: I would like to warn you that you will be exposing your API key to the general public when using javascript (as it's a client-side technology). Furthermore, you're opening the door to abusers. In the end, your "secret" API key might get suspended by Google quicker than you think.
In short: it could be done using the GET request examples the API documentation provides, but if I were you, I would think twice if javascript is really the best option you have.


Limit Azure API usage to my domain

I use some of Azure's Cognitive Services via JavaScript on my website. How can I avoid that anybody grabs the key and uses up my quotas? Other API providers I've worked with allow the user to limit the key to certain domains but I just can't find such a setting in the Azure backend.
How can I avoid that anybody grabs the key and uses up my quotas?
Open door: Don't put your key in a plain text readable file.
Whatever JavaScript trickery you want to use, the code is available. So the key is out there.
Obvious answer: Keep the key server-side and solve it this way. Yes, it's an extra trip. But you can beef up the filtering of requests a lot more. Like you said, you could fake a host. So use this to make sure nobody is using up your quota.
"I still want it clientside" then Steven Legett has some ideas for you.

Is it possible to retrieve data from using objective-c and show it in website?

I have an iOS app in which I use as backend service. Now, I hired someone to do a website interface using HTML and CSS. I want to share the same data between iOS app and website, I know offers me a few ways to do this, including creating a javaScriptapplication. The problem is, my programmer doesn't have any experience in JavaScript, nor do I.
My question is: Is it possible to use what I have (objective-c, xcode) as far as retrieving data from and showing on website? Even if I need to code something new, is it possible to use objective-c together with HTML and CSS?
Parse has several APIs, one of which is REST. Your web developer should use the REST API to get data from Parse
If there is will there is way, but you'll be making something really specific to your use and will be non standard and will be immediately hard to maintain, I recommend that you hire another developer and do things properly using the technologies given to you by parse !. if the cost will be high now I can promise you it'll be much higher if you went the path you're going to now.
So my answer is:
Yes, everything is possible and no, don't do it ! :)
Edit: Added an example to a possible way to do it to actually answer OP's question.
Example case:
1-Create a simple Mac Application in Xcode that fetches data exactly like you do it on iOS, and store the needed data into a database of your choice on your server
2-You now have access to the data you needed from parse, but on a local mirror. you will need some tool to fetch that data though, I recommend a simple PHP script.
Note that this will require an OSX server to always be running to fetch that data, you'll also need of find a way to fetch data on demand when a user needs it Vs. polling at specified intervals, this will hardly scale and will be costly as I said.

Accessing javascript open source API

how can i communicate with They claim that they are using a open source java-script project that we (developers) can use to communicate with their server. But how does someone begin? I would really appreciate if i can get some tips on this.
API's are mostly designed for third-party developers' use so they usually provide documentations on how to connect to it (e.g. which URL's to call, what parameters to pass and what is the expected response.) Most of the time, you can find it on their website, if not, you should ask them for it.
As it states on the developer page the API specification has not been documented yet. You would have to reverse engineer the HTML and javascript on the site to learn how to use it. Or wait until full documentation is available.

Simple Cloud Save to Google Docs

I need a way to save data to a user's Google Docs so that it can be accessed from any computer.
I'm writing a game in javascript/Canvas that will be downloaded as a stored application from the chrome store. All I need to do is save a small text file containing high scores and settings to the user's account, however the authentication process is extremely confusing to me, and I haven't found any javascript sample code that does this.
What is the simplest way to access and modify a user's Google Docs with javascript?
Edit: Is there an easy to way to use Google forms/other API's to save data? Could I use PHP or python with javascript?
I've also asked this a while ago.
Google doesn't have released a JavaScript API for Google Docs yet. But since it is a RESTful API, you could implement it by your own.
You can find the protocol documentation here:
I decided to not do it, because expenditure would be too big for what I wanted to do.

Hiding unique API keys in webOS (Enyo/JavaScript)

How do I hide my private API keys in/for my webOS - Enyo based apps?
My development has basically come to a halt because of this issue.
Since webOS Enyo (as well as Mojo) is coded in Javascript, any user can plug their device in and easily view my source code. So obviously I can't just stick my keys in there. Even if they are encrypted, my app would have to include the mechanism for decrypting them to make any use of them. I'm looking to hide my private web service API keys (mainly OAuth Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.) and maybe my AWS private keys.
So far the answers I found have stated that you can't secure anything like a private API key in Javascript. But all of those discussions have been dealing with web applications which have easy alternatives to using Javascript. webOS apps don't really have a pretty alternative to coding simple apps in Javascript.
The only path I see possible is to create a proxy that all of my API calls would pass through. Is that the only feasible or ideal option? If it is, would node.js do the trick for me here?
Any leads, resources, examples, tips, etc. would be greatly appreciated. I feel like the answer should be starring me in the face since so many apps connect to these services nowadays, but I have had no leads. Thanks.
No application of any kind that has client-side private keys like this (other than one that is entirely server-wide) is safe from prying eyes. This is true of a compiled C++ app for Windows too. If the application is going to use the private keys directly, then they're in the code or available to the code. Prying eyes can find them. Yes, Javascript might make the code a little more accessible, but this not a problem that's new to webOS or Javascript apps. If Enyo was a PC/Mac cross platform tool, wouldn't you have the same issue with your Twitter keys?
Usually, what is done is the keys are put in some sort of storage mechanism at install time. On a PC, that might be the registry or some config file. Does webOS have an install mechanism? It looks like they have HTML5-type storage - can you store them in there at install time. They won't be hack-proof (nor would they be on any other platform), but they also won't be lying in your Javascript code either.
The other solution to this is to require your developers to get their own keys to public services like Twitter rather than everyone using your own. That keeps you from risking your whole platform when there's one bad customer.
If I've misunderstood your situation, feel free to clarify and help me understand better.
My feeling is that having a proxy is a great idea. The proxy gives you additional benefits of adding user authentication and other functionality without changing the client side.
Take a look at the Key Manager service, which you can use to store your keys without having to code them into your JS files.

