How to basically re-arrange DIVs as jQuery masonry does? - javascript

Masonry is an advanced jQuery plugin with various options. Since my knowledge in jQuery is limited, I cannot understand how it works by reading the masonry code. What is the basic jQuery API behind a plugin like this for re-arrangement of DIVs? I mean how we can basically and simply re-arrange DIVs with the aid of jQuery?
NOTE: As discussed in the comments, Masonry was an example for the behavior I am referring to. I want to know how jQuery can basically re-arrange the position of DIVs.

Ok, so let's say you have 3 divs and you just want them arranged on load. Let's say by height. Let's also say for this example that you don't care to animate them, you just want them arranged by height.
Here's the jsfiddle:
using jquery I sort the elements by height then re-draw them in their new order on the screen.

I am learning how to do the same thing Ali. If you provide an example of specifically what you want to re-arrange, I can post a better answer. In the meantime, this link has been invaluable:
Also, I found that searching google with the terms 'JQuery DOM manipulation' provided lots of good information and some great tutorials.


Generate a masonry layout and then apply gravity to it

Here's a weird one that I've been wracking my brain on.
I want to do two things, in order:
Generate a masonry-style layout from a list of divs, imgs, or whatever. These will utilize images but they can be background images, within the divs, or some other method that works. This can be pure CSS or a jquery plugin.
Once the grid has been generated, apply a physics based plugin like '.throwable' to the individual divs/objects. The objects will fall on each other, but overall retain their structure, much like you'd see in Angry Birds or something.
The goal here is to paste in a list of divs, let a jquery plugin or even pure CSS automatically figure out how to align them, and then apply gravity to the masonry grid.
The problem I've run into over and over is that the masonry grid is generated... but then when I apply a physics system to it, the individual objects snap back to a different position. I think masonry wants them as "relative" while the physics system wants them in "absolute"? Not sure...
I have a rough version of my latest attempt up here if anyone wants to get an idea of what I'm attempting:
Jasper's reply hinted at the solution, although I'm not sure why things seemed to work this time for me. I had tried multiple javascript/jquery based masonry plugins, and nothing had worked. I ended up trying "" and it ended up working for me. I thought I had tried this one already - maybe not? Anyways, I have a more or less working example here, but new issues have arisen:

jQuery plugin: feedback needed

I´m currently developing my first jQuery Plugin. It´s called Fraction Slider and is a Slideshow-Framwork which allows you to animate unlimited elements (with different animations, delay, etc) per slide.
Here you can find a small demo, and also the documentation:
It´s also hosted in the jQuery Plugin repository
So, introduction is over ;)
Now i have a few question:
The general code. What could i improve, what should be replaced, etc.
As you can see, when us different animations, delays, speeds etc. the html tag for each element will have an awfully lot of data-... attributes. I would like to make that a bit more easy and maybe with less markup (damn, i dont know how to say this in english).
How could i do that - any ideas or suggestions?
What should i add to the plugin? I was think about pager/controls, fading and simple show/hide effect and maybe making it responsive.
Last but not least: i would be happy to get some general feedback about the plugin and its realization.
Looks like it doesn't support chaining. e.g.

jQuery content slider with customisable grid of elements

Does anyone know of a jQuery content slider (not just an image slider) that allows you to specify a grid of elements?
As an example, this is the sort of grid that I'm after:
You can see that it's a 2x2 grid. With the controls, when someone clicks on a 'next' link, it should scroll to show the next 4 elements. I'd like to be able to have multiple instances on a page, each having different grids (I may be 3x2, 2x2, 4x1 on the same page)
Also, as an added caveat, I need this to be responsive.
First question is; does anyone know of a solution that already exists which would fit my requirements? If not, that leads to my second question; would anyone like to help me write such a thing? I'm relatively savvy with javascript (more specifically jQuery if I'm being absolutely honest) but by no means an expert.
I've done a fair amount of googling, but came up short. Hopefully someone is way ahead of me and has already written something along these lines.
What say you, Internet?
Have you seen this:
jQuery grid syle slider

entire page image gallery load/resize technique

i'm curious about an effect i've seen on a lot of different wordpress powered sites. i think it might be a plugin, but i'm not entirely sure.
it's basically a page of images of different sizes, and they fit together based on how wide your window is. they also rearrange very stylishly when you resize your window.
the images also load as you scroll down, in sort of an infitie scroll way.
here is a perfect example of what i'm talking about...
how are they doing that? i would like to achieve a similiar effect, but i'm not sure where to begin. any insight would be super helpful, i'm somewhat new at this. thanks!
There are several techniques... I didn't look to see what they are using specifically, but since you mention jQuery, there is a plugin you should check out: Isotope

Alternate Library

I'm wanting to rearrange table columns dynamically.
I can do the actual rearrange but for the dragging of the header cells I'm wanting something that feels like jqueryui's sortable elements with the placeholder (obviously horizontally rather than vertically though)
The problem is that I don't want to use jquery (javascript is fine but jquery is too heavy), does anyone know of something more lightweight that does the same thing?
Anything that can handle the complexities of drag-and-drop is going to be big. JavaScript libraries usually try to solve simple things, like DOM selectors and AJAX, then other UI functionality, like sliders, animation and drag-drop are added on top of these.
So finding small a library that does the drag-and-drop alone is unlikely. There are alternatives, such as Scriptaculous, but you'll find they aren't smaller.
Keep in mind that jQuery isn't all that big - smaller than many images you'd use on your site. It is also cached by the browser, so it doesn't have to be downloaded with every page load.
Check out Type in what you need and it will help you narrow down a list of libraries.
Take a look at this:
It's not horizontal but I'm sure it can be worked with...
[update: Indeed, minor modifications made this work like a charm - code will follow]

