Rss feed items get pulled in several times - javascript

I'm having a problem pulling in a RSS feed in my phonegap application. The code works and the feed gets pulled in correctly, but each item is displayed 3 times. What am I doing wrong here?
function getEvents() {
url: '',
success: function(feed) {
var html = '';
for(var i = 0; i < feed.items.length; i++) {
var item = feed.items[i];
html += '<li><p><a class="title" href="#">' + item.title + '</a>' + item.description + '</p></li>';

I tested your code. It works fine. Ps, comics.xml is
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="eventscount"></div>
<div id="eventsfeed"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
url: 'comics.xml',
success: function(feed) {
var html = '';
for(var i = 0; i < feed.items.length; i++) {
var item = feed.items[i];
html += '<li><p><a class="title" href="#">' + item.title + '</a>' + item.description + '</p></li>';
Money in Sight!submitted by imasif [link] [11 comments]
From my sketchbook: Evolutionary stages of Redditsubmitted by
Schaafwond [link] [55 comments]
Basically, every sports column I read on Monday...submitted by milk4dh
[link] [21 comments]


Searching name using JS and AJAX

I am making name searching bar with JS and AJAX.
If write name on searching bar, only searched member must be shown.
And these are my code.
<input type="text" id="searchName" name="searchName" placeholder="Search name..." onkeyup="nameFilter()" >
<ul class="invite-list03"></ul>
<ul id="memberList" class="member-list-group"></ul>
for (let i in {
let familyUserSn =[i].familyUserSn;
let familyMemberNm =[i].familyMemberNm;
let userProflPhotoCn =[i].userProflPhotoCn;
let memberCreatDt =[i].memberCreatDt;
let today = common_getTodayWithHyphen();
let family;
let hideDeleteBtn = '<div class="button-area"><button type="button" class="button-member-hide">hide</button><button type="button" class="button-member-delete" id="memberDeletePopUp">delete</button></div>';
// If today is invited day, show New icon up side of family member image
if(memberCreatDt == today) {
if(!userProflPhotoCn && userProflPhotoCn < 1) {
family = '<li class="family" id="'+ familyUserSn+'"><div class="member-profile"><figure class="default-bg"><img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' + DATA_NO_PROFILE + '" alt="profilePicture"></figure><label class="new">N</label></div><p class="member-name">'+familyMemberNm+'</p>'+ hideDeleteBtn + '</li>';
} else {
family = '<li class="family" id="'+ familyUserSn+'"><div class="member-profile"><figure class="default-bg"><img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' + userProflPhotoCn + '" alt="profilePicture"></figure><label class="new">N</label></div><p class="member-name">'+familyMemberNm+'</p>'+ hideDeleteBtn + '</li>';
} else {
if(!userProflPhotoCn && userProflPhotoCn < 1) {
family = '<li class="family" id="'+ familyUserSn+'"><div class="member-profile"><figure class="default-bg"><img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' + DATA_NO_PROFILE + '" alt="profilePicture"></figure></div><p class="member-name">'+familyMemberNm+'</p>'+ hideDeleteBtn + '</li>';
} else {
family = '<li class="family" id="'+ familyUserSn+'"><div class="member-profile"><figure class="default-bg"><img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' + userProflPhotoCn + '" alt="profilePicture"></figure></div><p class="member-name">'+familyMemberNm+'</p>'+ hideDeleteBtn + '</li>';
// append to memberList
// I am first member of list
function nameFilter() {
let searchNameSave = $('#searchName').val();
if(searchNameSave.length > 0) {
$("ul#memberList > li > .member-name:contains('" + searchNameSave + "')").parent().show();
What should I write in javascript? Now it doesn't working.
Thank you for your help.
Hi there are a few things you need to do
Ajax get source information
Filter the source data according to the search criteria
Remove the old data and replace the filtered data
You can set your code according to this idea
The following is an example of using jquery-ui + ajax + autocomplete for your reference
source: function(request, response) {
type: 'get',
url: "",
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
const matcher = new RegExp(request.term, "i");
const datas = data['data'];
response($.map(datas, function(item) {
if (matcher.test( {
return {
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<input type='text' id='queryname' name='queryname' placeholder='Enter some text' />

.replacewith not working when called a second time

I have the following markup:
<legend>Headline Events...</legend>
<div style="width:100%; margin-top:10px;">
<div style="width:100%; float:none;" class="clear-fix">
<div style="width:400px; float:left; margin-bottom:8px;">
<div style="width:150px; float:left; text-align:right; padding-top:7px;">
Team Filter:
<div style="width:250px; float:left;">
<input id="teamFilter" style="width: 100%" />
<div style="width:400px; float:left; margin-bottom:8px;">
<div style="width:150px; float:left; text-align:right; padding-top:7px;">
Type Filter:
<div style="width:250px; float:left;">
<input id="typeFilter" style="width: 100%" />
<div id="diaryTable" name="diaryTable" class="clear-fix">
Getting latest Headlines...
I also have the following scripts
function teamFilterChange(e) {
setCookie('c_team', this.value(), 90);
$c1 = getCookie('c_team');
$c2 = getCookie('c_type');
var param = "true|" + $c1 + "|" + $c2;
function typeFilterChange(e) {
setCookie('c_type', this.value(), 90);
$c1 = getCookie('c_team');
$c2 = getCookie('c_type');
var param = "true|" + $c1 + "|" + $c2;
// This optional function html-encodes messages for display in the page.
function htmlEncode(value) {
var encodedValue = $('<div />').text(value).html();
return encodedValue;
function outputHLDiaryEntries(param) {
var url = "Home/DiaryEntries/";
var data = "id=" + param;
$.post(url, data, function (json) {
var n = json.length;
alert(n + ' ' + json);
if(n == 0){
//json is 0 length this happens when there were no errors and there were no results
$('#diaryTable').replaceWith("<span style='color:#e00;'><strong>Sorry: </strong> There are no headline events found. Check your filters.</span>");
} else {
//json has a length so it may be results or an error message
//if jsom[0].dID is undefined then this mean that json contains the error message from an exception
if (typeof json[0].dID != 'undefined') {
//json[0].dDI has a value so we
//output the json formatted results
var out = "";
var i;
var a = "N" //used to change the class for Normal and Alternate rows
for (i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
out += '<div class="dOuter' + a + '">';
out += '<div class="dInner">' + json[i].dDate + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dInner">' + json[i].dRef + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dInner">' + json[i].dTeam + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dInner">' + json[i].dCreatedBy + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dType ' + json[i].dType + '">' + json[i].dType + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dServer">' + json[i].dServer + '</div>';
out += '<div class="dComment">' + htmlEncode(json[i].dComment) + '</div></div>';
//toggle for normal - alternate rows
if (a == "N") {
a = "A";
} else {
a = "N";
//output our formated data to the diaryTable div
} else {
//error so output json string
}, 'json');
$(document).ready(function () {
//Set User Preferences
//First check cookies and if null or empty set to default values
var $c1 = getCookie('c_team');
if ($c1 == "") {
//team cookie does not exists or has expired
setCookie('c_team', 'ALL', 90);
$c1 = "ALL";
var $c2 = getCookie('c_type');
if ($c2 == "") {
//type cookie does not exists or has expired
setCookie('c_type', "ALL", 90);
$c2 = "ALL";
// create DropDownList from input HTML element
dataTextField: "SupportTeamText",
dataValueField: "SupportTeamValue",
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
dataType: "json",
url: "Home/SupportTeams?i=1",
var teamFilter = $("#teamFilter").data("kendoDropDownList");
teamFilter.bind("change", teamFilterChange);
dataTextField: "dTypeText",
dataValueField: "dTypeValue",
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
dataType: "json",
url: "Home/DiaryTypes?i=1",
var typeFilter = $("#typeFilter").data("kendoDropDownList");
typeFilter.bind("change", typeFilterChange);
// Save the reference to the SignalR hub
var dHub = $.connection.DiaryHub;
// Invoke the function to be called back from the server
// when changes are detected
// Create a function that the hub can call back to display new diary HiLights.
dHub.client.addNewDiaryHiLiteToPage = function (name, message) {
// Add the message to the page.
$('#discussion').append('<li><strong>' + htmlEncode(name)
+ '</strong>: ' + htmlEncode(message) + '</li>');
// Start the SignalR client-side listener
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
// Do here any initialization work you may need
var param = "true|" + $c1 + "|" + $c2;
On initial page load the outputHLDiaryEntries function is called when the signalR hub is started. If I then change any of the dropdownlists this calls the outputHLDiaryEntries but the $('#diaryTable').replaceWith(); does not work. If I refresh the page the correct data is displayed.
Based on A.Wolff's comments I fixed the issue by wrapping the content I needed with the same element I was replacing... by adding the following line at the beginning of the outputHLDiartEntries function...
var outStart = '<div id="diaryTable" name="diaryTable" class="clear-fix">';
var outEnd = '</div>';
and then changing each of the replaceWith so that they included the wrappers e.g.
$('#diaryTable').replaceWith(outStart + out + outEnd);
replaceWith() replaces element itself, so then on any next call to $('#diaryTable') will return empty matched set.
You best bet is to replace element's content instead, e.g:
$('#diaryTable').html("<span>New content</span>");
I had the same problem with replaceWith() not working when called a second time.
This answer helped me figure out what I was doing wrong.
The change I made was assigning the same id to the new table I was creating.
Then when I would call my update function again, it would create a new table, assign it the same id, grab the previous table by the id, and replace it.
let newTable = document.createElement('table'); = "sameId";
//do the work to create the table here
let oldTable = document.getElementById('sameId');

How do I insert an object data array into a database with AJAX

I want to insert data from an array into a database table in the submit() function where the sql syntax is at. I want to insert the data then redirect to another page after successful. I don't know how to do this with ajax.
I tried to make ajax syntax but I don't know if i'm passing the data correctly for and obj.books corresponding to their own values in the array.
function submit(){
var arr = [];
for(i = 1; i <= authors; i++){
var obj = {}; = $("#author" + i).val();
obj.books = [];
$(".auth" + i).each(function(){
var data = $(this).val();
//sql = ("INSERT INTO table (author, book) VALUES ('', 'obj.books')");
//I tried this:
type: "POST",
data: {arr: arr},
url: "next.php",
success: function(){
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">
<!-- #main {
max-width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
<div id="main">
<h1>Add or Remove text boxes with jQuery</h1>
<div class="my-form">
<form action"next.php" method="post">
<button onclick="addAuthor()">Add Author</button>
<div id="addAuth"></div>
<button onclick="submit()">Submit</button>
<div id="result"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var authors = 0;
function addAuthor() {
var str = '<br/>' + '<div id="auth' + authors + '">' + '<input type="text" name="author" id="author' + authors + '" placeholder="Author Name:"/>' + '<br/>' + '<button onclick="addMore(\'auth' + authors + '\')" >Add Book</button>' + '</div>';
var count = 0;
function addMore(id) {
var str = '<div id="bookDiv' + count + '">' + '<input class="' + id + '" type="text" name="book' + id + '" placeholder="Book Name"/>' + '<span onclick="removeDiv(\'bookDiv' + count + '\')" style="font-size: 20px; background-color: red; cursor:pointer; margin-left:1%;">Remove</span>' + '</div>';
$("#" + id).append(str);
function removeDiv(id) {
//var val = confirm("Are you sure ..?");
$("#" + id).slideUp(function() {
$("#" + id).remove();
function submit() {
var arr = [];
for (i = 1; i <= authors; i++) {
var obj = {}; = $("#author" + i).val();
obj.books = [];
$(".auth" + i).each(function() {
var data = $(this).val();
// sql = ("INSERT INTO table (author, book) VALUES ('', 'obj.books')");
// mysqli_query(sql);
Send your array to server ,stringify array before sending it to server so in server you can decode json and recover your array, and then insert received data to database
function submit(){
var arr = [];
for(i = 1; i <= authors; i++){
var obj = {}; = $("#author" + i).val();
obj.books = [];
$(".auth" + i).each(function(){
var data = $(this).val();
//sql = ("INSERT INTO table (author, book) VALUES ('', 'obj.books')");
function sendToServer(data) {
type: "POST",
data: {arr: JSON.stringify(data)},
url: "next.php",
success: function(){
PHP (next.php)
$data = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['arr']));
foreach($data as $item){
echo $d;
// insert to db
Please Keep the following in mind
Javascript/JQuery is client side and hence cannot access the database which is on the server.
You can Send data via AJAX to next.php and then use this data to insert into your database.
To improve debugging, use the following code to ensure the correct data is being delivered in next.php
Your SQL statements must be executed in next.php using the data passed by $_POST (since your "type" of AJAX request is post).

getJSON JSON Array - Search Functionality Crashing Client

I'm running into a problem when trying to add in the search functionality, showList().
It seems to bog down the client so much that Chrome wants to kill the page each time I type into the input field. I'm clearly a novice JS writer, so could I be running an infinite loop somewhere I don't see? Also, any advice to get the search functionality working properly would be hugely appreciated. I don't think I'm using the correct selectors below for the show/hide if statement, but I can't think what else to use.
function showList() {
$.getJSON("data.json", function(data){
var json = data;
$("show-list").append("<table class='specialists'>")
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var obj = json[i],
tableFormat = "</td><td>";
$("#show-list").append("<tr><td class=1>" +
obj.FIELD1 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD2 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD3 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD4 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD5 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD6 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD7 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD8 + "</td></tr>");
//end getJSON inner function
//end click function
//end showList()
function searchBar() {
$.getJSON("data.json", function(data){
//gathering json Data, sticking it into var json
var json = data;
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
//putting the json objects into var obj
var obj = json[i];
function contains(text_one, text_two) {
if (text_one.indexOf(text_two) != -1)
return true;
//whenever anything is entered into search bar...
$('#search').keyup(function(obj) {
//grab the search bar content values and...
var searchEntry = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
//grab each td and check to see if it contains the same contents as var searchEntry - if they dont match, hide; otherwise show
$("td").each(function() {
if (!contains($(this).text().toLowerCase(), searchEntry)) {
} else {
body {
background-color: lightblue;
tr:first-child {
font-weight: bold;
td {
padding: 3px;
/*margin: 10px;*/
text-align: center;
td:nth-child(6) {
padding-left: 50px;
td:nth-child(7) {
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
#filter-count {
font-size: 12px;
<script language="javascript" src=""></script>
<script language="javascript" src="process.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./mystyle.css">
<a href="#" id='show-records'>Show Records</a><br>
<label id="searchBar">Search: <input id="search" placeholder="Enter Specialist Name"></label>
<span id="search-count"></span>
<div id="show-list"></div>
Problem appears to be that you can't treat append as if it was a text editor and you are writing html.
Anything that gets inserted needs to be a proper element ... not a start tag, then some text...then a close tag.
We can however modify your code slightly to produce html strings and then add that at the end
$.getJSON("data.json", function(data){
var json = data;
var html="<table class='specialists'>")
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
var obj = json[i],
tableFormat = "</td><td>";
html+= "<tr><td class=1>" +
obj.FIELD1 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD2 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD3 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD4 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD5 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD6 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD7 + tableFormat +
obj.FIELD8 + "</td></tr>";
html+= '</table>';
//end getJSON inner function

problems trying to get tweets from different zip codes

I am trying to get tweets from different zip codes.For doing this, I am using latitude and longitude values for each zip code. So far I want to get 3 tweets for each zip code(I have 2 zip codes), but it is working only for one zip code.
Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Here is my code:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var lat=[41.9716,42.0411];
var lng=[-87.7026,-87.6900];
$(document).ready(function() {
for(var i=1; i<2; i++)
$.getJSON(''+lat[i]+','+lng[i]+',5mi&lang=en&callback=?', function(data) {
var data = data.results;
var html = "";
for(var j=0; j<3;j++){
html += "<div style='width:600px;border:solid thin blue'><img src='"+data[j].profile_image_url+"'/><a href='" + data[j].from_user + "'>#"+ data[j].from_user + "</a>: " + data[j].text + "</div>";
}); }
<div class="content1"></div>
<div class="content2"></div>
I found 2 problems with your code:
1) If you want to iterate 2 times, your for function should be like this: for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
2) You must have in consideration that the function that gets called in $.getJSON runs asynchronously, so when that function gets called the for will have already finished, therefore you can't use the i value with that purpose inside that function.
So, after correcting those 2 things in your code you should be able to get what you want. Try with something like this:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var lat = [41.9716, 42.0411];
var lng = [-87.7026, -87.6900];
var count = 1;
$(document).ready(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
$.getJSON('' + lat[i] + ',' + lng[i] + ',5mi&lang=en&callback=?', function (data) {
var data = data.results;
var html = "";
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
html += "<div style='width:600px;border:solid thin blue'><img src='" + data[j].profile_image_url + "'/><a href='" + data[j].from_user + "'>#" + data[j].from_user + "</a>: " + data[j].text + "</div>";
$('.content' + count++).html(html);
<div class="content1"></div>
<div class="content2"></div>

