Scripting Photoshop Difference Blendmode - javascript

I regularly have two sets of pictures named the same way and I would like to script the process of checking for differences. I'm looking for a basic check, if there is no differences between the two images, discard one of them, if there is a single pixel difference, keep both. For those who question the wisdom of doing this in photoshop, this is an addition to another script that is already running and this optional check will help reduce the number of files I have to upload. I would appreciate the help.

If you really have to do this in Photoshop, this is how I'd propose it:
var doc1 = File("~/Desktop/test1.bmp"));
var doc2 = File("~/Desktop/test2.bmp"));
app.activeDocument = doc1;
var newLayer = doc1.paste();
newLayer.blendMode = BlendMode.DIFFERENCE;
var histogram = doc1.histogram;
for (var i = 1; i < histogram.length; ++i) {
if (histogram[i] > 0) {
I paste the second picture into the first one and set the resulting layer's blend mode to difference. If the two pictures are identical, the resulting picture should be all black. I therefore check if any color values apart from 0 have any pixels in the histogram.
I assumed the two images have the same size.


JS - How to check if 2 images (their hash) are similar

Finding a good way to check if 2 image are similar compairing their hash profiles. The hash is a simple array containing 0 and 1 values.
I have 2 images. They are the same image but with some little differences: one has a different brightness, rotation and shot.
What I want to do is create a Javascript method to compare the 2 images and calculate a percentage value that tells how much they are similar.
After uploading the 2 images into a html5 canvas to get their image data, I've used the pHash algorithm ( to obtain their hash rapresentation.
The hash is an array containing 0 and 1 values that recreates the image in a "simplified" form.
I've also created a JS script that generates a html table with black cells where the array contains 1.The result is the following screenshot (the image is a Van Gogh picture):
Now, what I should do is to compare the 2 arrays for obtaining a percentage value to know "how much" they are similar.
The most part of the hash Javascript algorithms I've found googling already have a compare algorithm: the hamming distance algorithm. It's very simple and fast, but not very precise. In fact, the hamming distance algorithm says that the 2 images in my screenshot have a 67% of similarity.
Starting with 2 simple arrays, with the same length, filled with 0 and 1 values: what could be a good algorithm to determine similarity more precisely?
- Pure Javascript development, no third party plugins or framework.
- No need of a complex algorithm to find the right similarity when the 2 images are the same but they are very different (strong rotation, totaly different colors, etc.).
// Size is the image size (for example 128px)
var pixels = [];
for (var i=0;i<;i+=4){
var j = (i==0) ? 0 : i/4;
var y = Math.floor(j/size);
var x = j-(y*size);
var pixelPos = x + (y*size);
var r =[i];
var g =[i+1];
var b =[i+2];
var gs = Math.floor((r*0.299)+(g*0.587)+(b*0.114));
pixels[pixelPos] = gs;
var avg = Math.floor( array_sum(pixels) / pixels.length );
var hash = [];
array.forEach(pixels, function(px,i){
if(px > avg){
hash[i] = 1;
} else{
hash[i] = 0;
return hash;
// hash1 and hash2 are the arrays of the "coded" images.
var similarity = hash1.length;
array.forEach(hash1, function(val,key){
if(hash1[key] != hash2[key]){
var percentage = (similarity/hash1.length*100).toFixed(2);
NOTE: array.forEach is not pure javascript. Consider it as a replace of: for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++).
I'm using blockhash, it seems pretty good so far, only false positives I get are when half the pictures are of the same background color, which is to be expected =/
BlockHash may be slower than yours but it should be more accurate.
What you do is just calculate the greyscale of EACH pixels, and just compare it to the average to create your hash.
What BlockHash does is split the picture in small rectangles of equal size and averages the sum of the RGB values of the pixels inside them and compares them to 4 horizontal medians.
So it is normal that it takes longer, but it is still pretty efficient and accurate.
I'm doing it with pictures of a good resolution, at minimum 1000x800, and use 16bits. This gives a 64 character long hexadecimal hash. When using the hamming distance provided by the same library, I see good results when using a 10 similarity threshold.
Your idea of using greyscale isn't bad at all. But you should average out portions of the image instead of comparing each pixels. That way you can compare a thumbnail version to its original, and get pretty much the same phash!
I don't know if this can do the trick, but you can just compare the 0 and 1 similarities between arrays :
const arr1 = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
arr2 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
arr3 = [0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1],
arr4 = [1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1]
const howSimilar = (a1,a2) => {
let similarity = 0
a1.forEach( (elem,index) => {
if(a2[index]==elem) similarity++
let percentage = parseInt(similarity/arr1.length*100) + "%"
howSimilar(arr1,arr2) // 0%
howSimilar(arr1,arr3) // 50%
howSimilar(arr1,arr4) // 80%

How to detect an empty space on a web page

Is there a way to detect an empty area, without text or images within a web page, using JavaScript?
More precisely, how to determine whether point [x,y] is within a blank area, like in the following example (marked in red)
EDIT: I want to make my question clearer, I'm building an extension which supposed to mark search results as trustworthy or as spam, I want to put my marking at the end of the text of a result item URL.
I also want to do it in a generic way, so it wouldn't work only in Google web page. an example is shown below:
You can test for genuine white space like this :
function isWhiteSpace(coords) {
var element = document.elementFromPoint(coords.x, coords.y);
var whitespace = $(document).add("body, html");
return (whitespace.get().indexOf(element) > -1) ? true : false;
where coords is an object with .x and .y properties.
document.elementFromPoint(), documented here, is "an experimental technology", so I wouldn't trust my life to it. Test thoroughly on all target platforms.
For the full detection of all the white you seek, isWhiteSpace() would be the first of two stages. The second stage would be isVisualWhiteSpace() implemented with #remdevtec's approach for example.
As my isWhiteSpace(coords) is inexpensive, you would perform it first and only if it returned false go for the expensive test. You could use the protective property of ||
var isWhite = isWhiteSpace(coords) || isVisualWhiteSpace(coords);
But your real problem will be writing isVisualWhiteSpace(). I can't help with that.
One approach would be to work with a screenshot of the window.
You can use libraries like html2canvas to load a screenshot to a HTML canvas element.
Next, on window.onclick, use the automatic event parameter to get an RGBA array of the clicked coordinate:
var pixelData = canvas.getContext('2d').getImageData(
event.offsetY, 1, 1)
Now if all (or at least the first three) pixelData's items equal 255, it means that this point is white.
if (pixelData[0] == 255 && pixelData[1] == 255 && pixelData[2] == 255) {
// the clicked point is white,
// and if the background-color is white,
// it can be considered an empty point
Of course, the down side is that you have to know the background color of the site you're testing, or the background color of the element you click in.
You can build a matrix with width and length of the page.
Set all matrix cells to zero.
Get all elements of the DOM.
Get x, y, width, and height of each element, this link may help
Retrieve the position (X,Y) of an HTML element
Draw the elements in the matrix
for(k=0;k < dom_elements.length;k++) {
for(i=dom_elements[k].y;i < dom_elements[k].length;i++) {
for(j=dom_elements[k].x;j < dom_elements[k].width;j++) {
matrix[i][j] = 1 ;
And finally check if matrix[i][j] is set to zero or 1

indesign script: remove/hide all empty graphic frames placed in a specific layer

I have a multipage indesign document and in it several layers; one layer is called obrazy and in this layer on every page some frames are placed (the frames are also styled with an object style called obraz), then some of the frames are filled with images and some remain empty; what I need is a script (in javascript) to go through the document end move the empty frames into a different layer (can be new or already existing) which will later be hidden. The script must only manipulate frames in a specific layer or with a specific object style since there are other frames in the other layers.
I have written several versions (and spent hours of experimenting and going through various sources and similar scripts) but still do not have a fully working solution. I guess I am missing some details... Any pointers or suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks.
ok, here is what is now working for me:
var dok = app.activeDocument;
var pocetstran = dok.pages.length;
var vrstvaobrazu = dok.layers.item("obrazy");
for (var j = 0; j<pocetstran; j++) {
for (var i = 0; i < dok.layers.item("obrazy").rectangles.length; i++) {
if ((dok.layers.item("obrazy").rectangles.item(i).images.length == 0)){

Javascript board game: looking for optimization

I'm working on a html/javascript game for android. It's a board game which does the following.
It has tiles of different colors and user can place one tile (chosen programatically) on the board. If we get 4 or more tiles of the same color/shape we score some points and these tiles will disappear. The tiles above the removed tiles will replace them and new tiles will be added to the empty places. The image below shows how it works (this is just an example, the real board can have different dimensions):
The Tiles are <img> elements with their ids stored in an array which I use to check for matches and replacement.
It all works pretty well but once the new tiles are added to board I need to examine the whole board to check if new matches are avalable. And I want some advice here, because examining the whole board can be really slow. Is there a way I can do this efficiently?
Here's what I thought about doing:
Given the previous example,I thought about examining only the elements in the red area, i.e. only the elements that have been moved or added. It can be effective if the tiles move vertically, as I'll only have to check the moved/added tiles and it'll give me the new matches. But in case where I remove tiles horizontally it can be problematic, because if these tiles are at the bottom i'll have to examine the whole board and i confront the same problem.
Any advice or suggestion will be appreciated.
Note: I didn't add any code because it simply consists of checking the lines and columns for a given tile and look for matches. But if needed I can provide it.
EDIT: Before anyone can object I want to inform that I just added this question to Game Development section as I didn't receive any answers here :).
EDIT: Adding my code
function initializeBoard(){
//items is an array which contains tiles/images names
for(var i=0; i < totalItems; i++)
board[i+1] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (items.length - 1)) + 1;
for(var i=0; i < totalItems; i++)
if( !(i % numberShapesXAxis) )
document.write("<img src=\"images/"+ items[board[i+1]]+ ".gif\" style = \"border:0; height:"+ itemSize+ "px; width:"+ itemSize+ "px;\" name=\"t", i+1,"\" onclick = \"replaceAndCheck(", i+1, ")\"><\/a>");
//so basically board contains image ids.
How about checking if there is a new match when you move a stone. So when stone x moves down you check if the new position of X creates a match. That way you can create a recursive kind of method.

How can I stop elements overlapping using JavaScript and the Raphael JavaScript library

I’m generating multiple, random sized, circular elements using the Raphael JavaScript library but because it’s random a lot of the circular elements being generate overlap or cover each other. What I wanted to know, is there any way with JavaScript to tell if one element is in already in particular position so to avoid the overlapping? Essentially, I want to create random elements on a canvas, of a random size that don’t overlap or cover each other.
There's a couple of test files I created here to give you an idea of what I'm doing. The first one generates random objects and the second link sets them to a grid to stop the overlapping.
The easiest way is to create an object and give it a repulsive force that degrades towards zero at it's edge. As you drop these objects onto the canvas the objects will push away from each other until they reach a point of equilibrium.
Your examples aren't working for me, so I cannot visualize your exact scenario.
Before you "drop" an element on the canvas, you could query the positions of your other elements and do some calculations to check if the new element will overlap.
A very simple example of this concept using circle elements might look like this:
function overlap(circ1, circ2) {
var attrs = ["cx", "cy", "r"];
var c1 = circ1.attr(attrs);
var c2 = circ2.attr(attrs);
var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow( - ,2) + Math.pow( -, 2));
return (dist < (c1.r + c2.r));
var next_drop =, y, r);
for (var i in circles) {
if (overlap(next_drop, circles[i])) {
// do something
Of course calculating just where you're going to place a circle after you've determined it overlaps with others is a little more complicated.

