Creating a "sticky" fixed-position item that works on iOS Safari - javascript

On iOS safari, one-finger panning doesn’t generate any events until the user stops panning. An onscroll event is only generated when the page stops moving and redrawn.
I need a way to detect real time scrolling. Specifically, I want to make a sticky menu that will also work on iOS safari. On non-mobile browsers, sticky menu can be done by switching between "position relative" to "position fixed" on the element while listening to the onscroll events. This method won't work on mobile browser because onscroll events are not continuously fired. What can I do?

Answering my own question. iOS7 now support position:sticky

I've recently spent many hours trying to come up with a practical solution for the same problem. There's no right way to do this, although there are a few decent hacks (most of them mentioned already). The problem is that JavaScript is paused while the user is scrolling. It makes sense when you consider the implications, but it makes it damn hard to implement fixed positioned element.
The best thing that I've been able to find is this wonderful post by the folks at Google. You can check out in mobile safari to see it in action.
Hope this helps.

I had a similar issue and bound handlers to touchstart/touchmove/touchend using jquery to detect the single finger scrolling and it worked perfectly. In my case I needed to move another element the same amount as the attempted move of another element and it updated nicely as the scroll was attempted so it ought to be suitable for your requirement.

If all you want is a sticky menu, you can save yourself some headaches by using an existing library. I've had success with iScroll:
At the very least, you can take a look at how this works and base your solution around that.
Happy hacking!

Old topic for sure, but I can see alot of visits here. If all you want, is a sticky menu, you can use fixed positioning. No need for iScroll there.


FullCalendar V3 more events pop over scroll bar not working

I am interested in hearing from anyone who has experienced this problem in the past or has any idea what the cause might be.
I am using the FullCalendar V3 library and when I click on the more events pop over the scrollbar does not work and I cannot scroll down to see all of the events.
The scroll bar does not work on Google Chrome Version 87.0.4280.141 however I have checked it on Firefox 84.0.2 and it scrolls ok on that browser.
I have not changed any of the library code and I have the impression it is some JavaScript that is the cause but would not know where to start.
Thank you in advance for any ideas.
Below is the popover in question:
This is caused due to a chrome smooth scrolling issue. Assuming you have no control over the browser side and therefor cannot disable that feature. Applying this to the scrolling container inside the popup should fix the issue.
pointer-events: auto !important
Note the selector I used was.
.fc-more-popover .fc-body.fc-widget-content .fc-event-container

Animation of gets choppy on Android

I just found out about this really cool plugin (new for me, old for some of you maybe) and it works like a charm upon implementation, but only in regular computer browsers. When I try it on my android phone, the css3 animation of the dropdown moves really really choppy, just like its dropping frames. How can I fix this problem?
Here is the plugin I am reffering to:
They seem to have done a really nice job with the plugin, I would say the largest cause of the drop of frame rate may be because you are repainting the entire screen. If you would like, roll your own side navigation but make it go over the existing web page rather than move all the elements on the screen.
As a further step you can also get rid of the javascript and just do plain CSS and see how that works for you, an example of using checkboxes and labels to control the side nav can be found on my site (just inspect the code) - . Hope this helps!

Enable and disable touch

The last days I'm working on a webapp for tablets, pc's, phones etc.. I have noticed that the user experience of this app is greatly improved in some cases by disabling the elastic effect of for example the iPad.
(Elastic effect meaning; when you touch the page on a plane that does
nothing, it will follow your finger and move the complete webpage,
even beyond de borders of the screen and on release launch it back to
the original position.)
Anyway! I have a little javascript code which does the trick, and I have been able to adapt it so most touch sensitive part do still work, whilst the page they are on is 'un'-touchable.
This is the piece of code: $(document).bind('touchmove', false);
Is there an easy way to apply this to the whole page, but make an exception for a div? I have tried some stuff but I'm not getting anywhere. Any help is appreciated! :D
I'm not sure whether this will work but its worth a shot. You select all elements on the page, then you remove your div from the list and bind the event to all these elements.
$('*').not('#yourdivId').bind('touchmove', false);

How can I style the scroll bar for a <div>?

How can I make my scroll bar black for a <div>?
Is there anything that will work in Webkit, IE7 to IE9 and Firefox?
You cannot do this in Firefox. Only IE and webkit browsers support modifying the scrollbar.
See on how to do it in MSIE and on how to do it in webkit.
You cannot style the scrollbar of the browser. It's not universally supported (although IE did try to implement it).
Also, it's a bad idea to do so from an accessibility perspective. Think of (old) people who cannot see your very slim, almost invisible custom scroll bar or don't know that what you have there is actually a scroll bar.
You can use custom scrollbar plugins in JS like this one. It's all over the place
As Pez Cuckow said:
I imagine that custom scrollbar is implemented in javascript, it looks
very slick and you can't make a browsers scrollbar look that good!
Find an example I just put together for you at: - note check the resources tab as this
includes four external files (3x Js and 1x CSS)
Have a look at this website for a further example (looks like exactly
what you want) with Javascript and jQuery:
You can find the plugin's home at
Along with a how to use it section!
I agree you shouldn't tamper with the visibility (I'm looking at you Apple) of the scrollbar of a scrollable region. Sometimes, a box with scrollable text fits just inside the boundaries and there is no visual clue letting a user know that it scrolls thereby confusing the user. Is it really a good idea to prevent the user from being able to use your application? Most likely not, but you can also argue back that your target demographic wont have any problems; an application for extreme inline competition is probably not going to be used by people who aren't able to see very well. However there are accessibility/usability concerns that go beyond visual hinderances; cognitively impaired, or non tech-savvy, individuals might be very good at said aggressive inline and want to compete in your upcoming event but wont be able to because the black-on-black scrollbar looks awesome.
That all said, do what make you happy. That's what I do.

iPhone Safari: Scroll a list inside a html container

I did a lot of research about this topic and didn't yet find a satisfying answer:
How can I make a scrollable list (iPhone SDK Dashboard List) inside some other html content? If I create a list inside a html body and I try to scroll the whole page is scrolled. I know there is this "double finger" scrolling, but that's not what i want.
Is there some way to prevent the whole iPhone Safari Webpage from scrolling and instead letting other lists inside scroll? Like redirecting java script events?
Background: the idea is to mimic a real native application behavior with tabs at the bottom and a selection list in the body.
Appreciate any hints!
there is yet another possibility, with slightly nicer scrolling simulation:
Ok, after consulting some friends, I found the answer to this question:
have fun.
this is a really great script!! It's smaller than the doctyper version and easier to work with since it doesn't have so many elements being repositioned. It also allows contained elements to be touched easier by the user. and even cooler, when you touch into a text field and the close the type panel the divs being positioned by this script snap right back into place (where as the doctyper version just has them floating out of place after the type screen retracts).
A very nice script.
A new scrolling library to keep an eye on: Scrollability.

