Wrapping webSql executeSql calls in a jQuery Deferred / Promise - javascript

The html5 spec for executeSql includes a success callback and a fail callback:
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE CategoryField = ?',
[ selectedCategory ],
function (tx, rs) { displayMyResult(rs); },
function (tx, err) { displayMyError(err); } );
If I were using jQuery, is there a way to implement this using the new jQuery promise/deferred hotness?

I just wanted to add one more example.
(function () {
// size the database to 3mb.
var dbSize = 3 * 1024 * 1024,
myDb = window.openDatabase('myDb', '1.0', 'My Database', dbSize);
function runQuery() {
return $.Deferred(function (d) {
myDb.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql("select ? as Name", ['Josh'],
successWrapper(d), failureWrapper(d));
function successWrapper(d) {
return (function (tx, data) {
function failureWrapper(d) {
return (function (tx, error) {
$.when(runQuery()).done(function (dta) {
alert('Hello ' + dta.rows.item(0).Name + '!');
}).fail(function (err) {
alert('An error has occured.');

Stumbled across this question while looking for something else, but I think I have some template code that will get you started wrapping webSql queries in jQuery Promises.
This is a sample sqlProviderBase to $.extend onto your own provider. I've got an example with a taskProvider and a page that would call to the taskProvider on the page show event. It's pretty sparse, but I hope it helps point others in the right direction for wrapping queries in a promise for better handling.
var sqlProviderBase = {
_executeSql: function (sql, parms) {
parms = parms || [];
var def = new $.Deferred();
// TODO: Write your own getDb(), see http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webdatabase/todo/
var db = getDb();
db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql(sql, parms,
// On Success
function (itx, results) {
// Resolve with the results and the transaction.
def.resolve(results, itx);
// On Error
function (etx, err) {
// Reject with the error and the transaction.
def.reject(err, etx);
return def.promise();
var taskProvider = $.extend({}, sqlProviderBase, {
getAllTasks: function() {
return this._executeQuery("select * from Tasks");
var pageThatGetsTasks = {
show: function() {
.then(function(tasksResult) {
for(var i = 0; i < tasksResult.rows.length; i++) {
var task = tasksResult.rows.item(i);
// TODO: Do some crazy stuff with the task...
renderTask(task.Id, task.Description, task.IsComplete);
}, function(err, etx) {
alert("Show me your error'd face: ;-[ ");

I've been waiting for an answer, but nothing so far, so I'll take a shot. I can't run this so I apologize for any mistakes.
Are you looking for something like:
function deferredTransaction(db,transaction,transactionFunction(transaction)) {
return $.Deferred(function(deferedObject){
function(tx,rs) { me.resolve(tx,rs); },
function(tx,err) { me.reject(tx,err); } );
dtx=deferredTransaction(db,tx,function(tx) {
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE CategoryField = ?',
[ selectedCategory ]);
dtx.then(function (tx, rs) { displayMyResult(rs); },
function (tx, err) { displayMyError(err); } );

I find that wrapping the deferred transaction in a function and returning the promise creates a clean looking and reusable implementation of the deferred/promise pattern.
var selectCategory = function() {
var $d = $.Deferred();
function(tx) {
"SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE CategoryField = ?"
, [selectedCategory]
, success
, error
function success(tx, rs) {
function error(tx, error) {
return $d.promise();


How to do a callback in nodeJS

I'm working on a nodeJS script and I would like to know how to execute a function after an another one.
Because actually i need to save in my database some data and then retrieve them. However for the moment my retrieve is executed before my save :/
Have already looked on internet there is a lot of example I tried them but for the moment no one worked ... I should probably do something wrong if somebody could help me on it :)
function persistMAP(jsonData, callback) {
//Deck persistance
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
(function(i) {
var rowData = new DeckDatabase({
_id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
DeckNumber: Number(jsonData.Deck[i].DeckNumber),
x: Number(jsonData.Deck[i].x),
y: Number(jsonData.Deck[i].y),
rowData.save(function(err) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
for (var i = 0; j = jsonData.Units.length, i < j; i++) {
(function(i) {
var unit = new MapDatabase({
//UnitID: mongoose.ObjectId(jsonData.Units[i].UnitID),
UnitID: jsonData.Units[i].UnitID,
TypeID: Number(jsonData.Units[i].TypeID),
x: Number(jsonData.Units[i].x),
y: Number(jsonData.Units[i].y),
_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(jsonData.Units[i].Code + 'dd40c86762e0fb12000003'),
MainClass: jsonData.Units[i].MainClass,
Orientation: jsonData.Units[i].Orientation,
Postion: jsonData.Units[i].Postion,
Deck: String(rowData._id)
unit.save(function(err) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
app.get("/Map", function(req, res) {
var urlTempBox = 'http://localhost:3000/MapCreate';
DeckDatabase.find(null, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
throw (err);
if (data.length != 0) {
.exec(function(err, finalData) {
} else {
request(urlTempBox, data, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
throw (error);
} else {
var jobj = JSON.parse(response.body);
console.log("persist begin");
persistMAP(jobj, function() {
console.log('retrieve Done');
You can use javascript callbacks like this:
//Inside this you can call another function.
console.log("Hello"); //this statement won't wait for the above statement
The more good approach would be use promises.
You can also use async await function to handle asynchronus tasks.
Async Await Style
async function getData(){
let user_data=await User.findById(user_id);
let user_videos=await Videos.findById(user_data._id); //user_data._id is coming from the above statement
But you can only use await in async methods.
Hope it helps.

Javascript Execute at end of Async Loop

I'm awful with Async code in Javascript and have been stuck on something for a while now.
I'm working with WebSql and just going through database initialization steps but one of the loops is not executing in the way I expect it to.
$(document).ready(function() {
function initdatabase() {
var db = window.openDatabase("nothing", "1.0", "nothing", 2 * 1024 * 1024);
db.transaction(function(trans) {
trans.executeSql("CREATE TABLE", [], function(trans, result) {
// success
}, function(error) {
// failed
function defaultdata(db) {
db.transaction(function(trans) {
var lo_data = [
{code:"CODE01", desc:"Code 01 Desc"},
{code:"CODE02", desc:"Code 02 Desc"},
{code:"CODE03", desc:"Code 03 Desc"}
for(i = 0; i < lo_data.length; i++) {
trans.executeSql("INSERT", [lo_data[i].code, lo_data[i].desc], function(trans, result) {
// success
console.log("INS : " + i);
}, function(error) {
// failed
But the log to indicate the end is executing before the for loop has finished. If I try validate that the data has been inserted I always get fails because the loop hasn't completed the inserts.
Google says that async code should be handled with promises but I can't find examples of promises being used in an instance like this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Convert each callback into a promise, and then use Promise.all
const loDataPromises = lo_data.map(({ code, desc }) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
[code, desc],
function(trans, result) {
function(error) {
.then(() => {
console.log('all done');
I haven't been able to find any clear code examples on the internet so I wanted to post the working version here as the answer. Hopefully it can benefit someone also trying to understand promises and promise loops.
After a complete overhaul I've managed to get it working in a way that makes sense. I've change it to be executed as a promise chain and then the function with the for loop is utilizing the promise all logic.
$(document).ready(function() {
// promise chain
f_initdatabase().then(function(result) {
return f_defaultdata(result.db);
}).then(function(result) {
}).catch(function(result) {
// abandon all hope
// single promise usage
function f_initdatabase() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
console.log(" INIT DB");
var lo_result = {db:null};
var lv_db = window.openDatabase("thenothing", "1.0", "The Nothing DB", 2 * 1024 * 1024);
lv_db.transaction(function(trans) {
trans.executeSql ("create table if not exists dummydata (dd_idno integer primary key, dd_code text not null, dd_desc text not null)", [], function(trans, results) {
console.log(" INIT DB : DONE");
lo_result.db = lv_db;
}, function(error) {
lo_result.db = null;
// loop promise all usage
function f_defaultdata(lv_db) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
console.log(" DEF DATA");
var lo_result = {db:null};
lv_db.transaction(function(trans) {
var la_promises = [];
var lo_data = [
{dd_code:"CODE01", dd_desc:"Code 01 Desc"},
{dd_code:"CODE02", dd_desc:"Code 02 Desc"},
{dd_code:"CODE03", dd_desc:"Code 03 Desc"}
for(i = 0; i < lo_data.length; i++) {
console.log(" INS : " + i);
trans.executeSql (" insert into dummydata (dd_code, dd_desc) values (?, ?)", [lo_data[i].dd_code, lo_data[i].dd_desc], function(trans, results) {
}, function(error) {
Promise.all(la_promises).then(function(results) {
console.log(" DEF DATA : DONE");
lo_result.db = lv_db;
}).catch(function() {
lo_result.db = null;
This gives the output according to the flow needed
INS : 0
INS : 1
INS : 2

Parse Promise 'when' returns undefined (Javascript)

I'm trying to follow the 'when' example on Parse JavaScript SDK: Parse.Promise
with the following code:
GetFromDB2 = function(id) {
var DB2 = Parse.Object.extend("DB2");
var q = new Parse.Query(DB2);
q.get(id, {
success: function(res) {
return Parse.Promise.as(10);
error: function(res, err) {
console.log( err);
GetData = function() {
var DB1 = Parse.Object.extend("DB1");
var query = new Parse.Query(DB1);
query.equalTo("param", "close");
query.find().then(function(results) {
var promises = [];
_.each(results, function(res) {
Parse.Promise.when(promises).then(function() {
console.log(arguments); // expect: [10, 10, ...]
The length of the array arguments is correct but not sure why its values are undefined.
As written, GetFromDB2() returns undefined. To deliver a value, it must return either a value or a promise.
At its simplest, to deliver 10, you could write :
function GetFromDB2(id) {
return 10;
But to be asynchronous, and still deliver 10, you need to return a promise that will resolve to 10 :
function GetFromDB2(id) {
return Parse.Promise.as(10);
Or the .get(id) query you really want :
function GetFromDB2(id) {
var DB2 = Parse.Object.extend('DB2');
var q = new Parse.Query(DB2);
return q.get(id).then(function(res) {
return 10;
//omit `.then(...)` entirely to deliver `res`
Now GetData() can be written as follows :
function GetData() {
var DB1 = Parse.Object.extend('DB1');
var query = new Parse.Query(DB1);
query.equalTo('param', 'close');
return query.find().then(function(results) {
var promises = _.map(results, function(res) {
return GetFromDB2(res.get('user'));
Parse.Promise.when(promises).then(function() {
console.log(arguments); // expect: [10, 10, ...]
}, function(err) {
return err;
promises = _.map(...) is more elegant than _.each(...) plus `promises.push(...).
moving the error handler into GetData() allows a greater range of possible errors to be handled, eg an error arising from query.find().
By returning a promise, GetData()'s caller is also informed of the eventual asynchronous outcome.

chain async operations using native JavaScript Promise

I've following two async operations and then final onResult and onFault defined. How can I chain following two async operations getConnection and then select and then finally calling onResult or onFault
Edit need help in promisifying following sequence.
new Promise(this.getConnection)
getConnection: function(resolve, reject) {
console.log('get connection')
if(database = common.model.connections.Sync.getConnection()) {
} else {
reject("Connection Error");
select: function(transaction) {
console.log('select', transaction)
var self = this;
var query = "SELECT * FROM configuration WHERE key = 'schedule'";
self.transaction.executeSql(query, [], function(transaction, resultSet){self.selectTransactionComplete(transaction, resultSet)}, function(){self.selectTransactionError()});
selectTransactionComplete: function(transaction, resultSet) {
console.log('select transaction complete')
if(resultSet.rows.length == 0) {
} else if(new Date().getTime() - new Date(common.Config.getLastSync()).getTime() > resultSet.rows.item(0).value) {
selectTransactionError: function(error) {console.log(this.constructor.NAME, this.selectSQL); console.log(error);},
onResult: function(data) {
onFault: function(info) {
after trying couple of things, is this how it's supposed to be done? please review
.then(this.select, this.getConnectionError)
.then(this.selectTransactionComplete, this.selectTransactionError)
getConnection: function() {
console.log('get connection')
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
try {
database = common.model.connections.Sync.getConnection();
} catch(error) {
reject("Connection Error");
return promise;
getConnectionError: function(info) {
select: function(transaction) {
var self = this;
var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var query = "SELECT * FROM configuration WHERE key = 'schedule'";
transaction.executeSql(query, [], function(transaction, resultSet){resolve(resultSet)}, function(error){reject(error)});
return promise;
selectTransactionComplete: function(resultSet) {
/*if(resultSet.rows.length == 0) {
} else if(new Date().getTime() - new Date(common.Config.getLastSync()).getTime() > resultSet.rows.item(0).value) {
selectTransactionError: function(error) {
//console.log(this.constructor.NAME, this.selectSQL);
onResult: function(data) {
onFault: function(info) {
If you are using a promise library like q, the way you would go about chaining the promises is as below;
getConnection: function() {
var deferred = Q.Defer();
console.log('get connection')
try {
database = common.model.connections.Sync.getConnection();
} catch(error) {
deferred.reject("Connection Error");
return deferred.promise;
when you call you would do something like below;
// handle success or resolve
}, function(error){
// handle rejection.
Also I suggest reading the common js promises specification

Q.js: How can I rewrite an async series flow in Q.js?

In an attempt to grasp Q.js, I'd like to convert the following code using async.series in Q.js. Basically I create a folder if it doesn't exist (using mkdirp), move a file into a backup folder and save a file into a main folder.
var async = require('async');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var sessiondId = new Date().getTime() % 2 == 0 ? new Date().getTime().toString() : '_1234';
var backupFolder = path.join(__dirname,sessiondId);
var backupFullPath = path.join(backupFolder,'a.txt');
var fullPath = path.join(__dirname,'main','a.txt');
var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
createOrSkip: function(callback) {
mkdirp(backupFolder, function (err, dir) {
if(err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
callback(null, {created: !!dir, folderAt: backupFolder});
move: function(callback) {
fs.rename(fullPath, backupFullPath, function(err) {
if(err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
callback(null, {backupAt: backupFullPath});
write: function(callback) {
fs.writeFile(fullPath, 'abc', function(err) {
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
callback(null, {saveAt: fullPath});
}, function(err, result) {
Actually I don't know where to start. Thanks for your help.
The key is to convert the node.js functions to return promises using Q.denodeify before you start, this means the header of your file should look like:
var Q = require('q')
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var sessiondId = new Date().getTime() % 2 == 0 ? new Date().getTime().toString() : '_1234';
var backupFolder = path.join(__dirname,sessiondId);
var backupFullPath = path.join(backupFolder,'a.txt');
var fullPath = path.join(__dirname,'main','a.txt');
var mkdirp = Q.denodeify(require('mkdirp'));
var rename = Q.denodeify(fs.rename);
var writeFile = Q.denodeify(fs.writeFile);
That change wouldn't be needed if node.js natively supported promises.
Option 1
// createOrSkip
.then(function (dir) {
// move
return rename(fullPath, backupFullPath);
.then(function () {
// write
return writeFile(fullPath, 'abc');
.done(function () {
console.log('operation complete')
I don't think it gets much simpler than that. Like #Bergi said though, it's more similar to "waterfall". If you want the exact behavior of series (but with promises) you'll have to use something like Option 2 or Option 3.
Option 2
You could write out the code manually to save the results. I usually find that, although this requires a little extra writing, it's by far the easiest to read:
var result = {}
.then(function (dir) {
result.createOrSkip = {created: !!dir, folderAt: backupFolder};
return rename(fullPath, backupFullPath);
.then(function () {
result.move = {backupAt: backupFullPath};
return writeFile(fullPath, 'abc');
.then(function () {
result.write = {saveAt: fullPath};
return result;
.done(function (result) {
Option 3
If you find yourself using this sort of code all the time, you could write a very simple series helper (I've never found the need to do this personally):
function promiseSeries(series) {
var ready = Q(null);
var result = {};
.forEach(function (key) {
ready = ready.then(function () {
return series[key]();
}).then(function (res) {
result[key] = res;
return ready.then(function () {
return result;
createOrSkip: function () {
return mkdirp(backupFolder).then(function (dir) {
return {created: !!dir, folderAt: backupFolder};
move: function () {
return rename(fullPath, backupFullPath)
.thenResolve({backupAt: backupFullPath});
write: function () {
return writeFile(fullPath, 'abc')
.thenResolve({saveAt: fullPath});
}).done(function (result) {
I'd say once you've written the helper, the code is a lot clearer for promises than with all the error handling cruft required to work with callbacks. I'd say it's clearer still when you either write it by hand or don't keep track of all those intermediate results.
Summing Up
You may or may not think these examples are clearer than the async.series version. Consider how well you might know that function though. It's actually doing something pretty complex in a very opaque manner. I initially assumed that only the last result would be returned (ala waterfall) and had to look it up in the documentation of Async. I almost never have to look something up int the documentation of a Promise library.
Make each of your functions return a promise. Construct them with a Deferred:
function createOrSkip(folder) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
mkdirp(folder, function (err, dir) {
if(err) {
} else {
deferred.resolve({created: !!dir, folderAt: backupFolder});
return deferred.promise;
However, there are helper functions for node-style callbacks so that you don't need to check for the err yourself everytime. With Q.nfcall it becomes
function createOrSkip(folder) {
return Q.nfcall(mkdirp, folder).then(function transform(dir) {
return {created: !!dir, folderAt: backupFolder};
The transform function will map the result (dir) to the object you expect.
If you have done this for all your functions, you can chain them with then:
createOrSkip(backupfolder).then(function(createResult) {
return move(fullPath, backupFullPath);
}).then(function(moveResult) {
return write(fullPath, 'abc');
}).then(function(writeResult) {
console.log("I'm done");
}, function(err) {
console.error("Something has failed:", err);
Notice that this works like async's waterfall, not series, i.e. the intermediate results will be lost. To achieve that, you would need to nest them:
createOrSkip(backupfolder).then(function(createResult) {
return move(fullPath, backupFullPath).then(function(moveResult) {
return write(fullPath, 'abc');.then(function(writeResult) {
return {
createOrSkip: createResult,
move: moveResult,
write: writeResult
}, function(err) {
console.error("Something has failed:", err);

