Is my text indexed by Google? - javascript

I am making a HTML page, with JavaScript. In the HTML is the first content of a div, but when the user clicks a button, the text changes.
The text in the div is actual content, and needs to be findable by Google. The text is now stored in a simple variable in the JavaScript file.
- Is that text indexed?
- Are there any better ways to store the text?

You can keep the text in a div and then change the visibility to hidden
<div id="content" style="visibility: hidden;">
Div content
Then in javascript,
should make the document visible. Since the text will be there in the source for the page, it will be indexed by google, but will be displayed only when you run that line of javascript.

Storing the text in js variables is generally not a good idea.
You can put this text in a hidden div instead, like this:
<div id="target">
<div id="second">
<button onclick="replace_text();">
<script type="text/javascript">
function replace_text() {
var target = document.getElementById('target');
var second = document.getElementById('second');
target.innerHTML = second.innerHTML;
In that case your second text will be indexed by Google.
Of course you better use any js framework like jQuery or Mootools.
Mootools example:
<div id="target">
<div id="second">
<button id="button">
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
$('button').addEvent('click', function(){
$('target').set('html', $('second').get('html'));

Javascript is not searched, see googles answer:

I found a good article about hide/display content only with CSS. It's working without Javascript:


Change the content of a specified position with jquery

I feel uncomfortable having to create elements scattered everywhere and change them one by one when variable is changed.
<div class="element-1"></div>
<div class="element-2"></div>
var e1= "";
var e2= "";
e1= "this is content of element-1";
e2= "this is content of element-2";
$("value of e1").change(function(){
$("value of e2").change(function(){
Can I do something like it only with js or jQuery?
And {{e?}} is binding with e?. It show e?'s value and change everywhere e? changes. Thanks.
Use mustache and place your {{varibles}} in the template then pass data to them.

Copy/Clone div content to another div

I need to copy content from div1 and paste/append it to div2 by click. Then if I change content in div1 and click the button again the content should go to div3 without changing the content in div2. This is what I found so far.
<script src=""></script>
<div id="div1">
<p>Hello world</p>
<button onclick="$('#div2, #div3').html($('#div1').html());">Copy</button>
<div id="div2"></div>
<div id="div3"></div>
Because I assign value it would paste the same in both divs and I have no idea how to do it separately. I guess some loops will be needed.
Is it possible and if it is could somebody give me some ideas or links to read materials. Thanks in advance!
You can use a variable to store the number of the div element and then increment it accordingly. (Here I am assuming only div2 and div3 are there)
Since you have not mentioned how the value of div1 is going to update. I am manually doing it using $('#div1').html("New Value"); inside the function add().
<div id="div1">
<p>Hello world</p>
<button onclick="add()">Copy</button>
<div id="div2"><p>div1 Placeholder</p></div>
<div id="div3"><p>div2 Placeholder</p></div>
<script src=""></script>
var n = 2;
function add(){
$('#div1').html("<p>New Value</p>");
Try running the snippet. Clicking the button once will put the value of div1 to div2 and then it changes the original content of div1 to New Value. Again if you click the button, the new value of div1 i.e., New Value will be put to div3.
Though this will also try to update div1 again to New Value, which won't make any change. It would be better if you write some other ways to update the div1 element.
Take care of the <p> tag if you want it to be retained. Well, that also depends on the way you update the value of div1.
To append you can use $('#div'+n).append($('#div1').html());
I wrote a little help code to get you started. So what i did was to move the logic to a function which iterate a variable i (which can only take the value 2 and 3). This does not check if the text has changed and will overwrite div2 and div3 in turns on every click (remove if test if you only want to do it once).
<div id="div1">
<p>Hello world</p>
<button onclick="copyPaste()">Copy</button>
<div id="div2"></div>
<div id="div3"></div>
<script src="">
var i = 2;
function copyPaste() {
//add logic to check if text has changed before executing next line
if(i < 3) i = 2;
Using a script tag with javascript code as in Saif's answer is perfectly valid (you only should be careful not to overwrite the global var used to keep count). To be more inobtrusive the click event could also be added in the script tag.
As another possibility with the opposite approach, you could do all in the the button attributes, using jQuery's data. The count is here stored in an attribute in the button, but it could also be stored in the original div #div1. The code:
<script src=""></script>
<div id="div1">
<p>Hello world</p>
<button onclick="$('#div' + $(this).data('targetdiv')).html($('#div1').html()); $(this).data('targetdiv', $(this).data('targetdiv') + 1);" data-targetdiv="2">Copy</button>
<div id="div2"></div>
<div id="div3"></div>
Some important notes about data: using data to change the value doesn't update the DOM attribute itself, because once the value is retreived from the attibute, jQuery uses an internal javascript code to keep the value. There's no real need to udate the DOM, but if you really want it to, you can use attr instead of data. But if you use attr, never mix it with calls to data, as the latter won't see the DOM updates after the first time it has retreived the value (because it uses the value stored in the internal javascript cache instead of reading the DOM attribute).

How to print the content of a div that changes based on a foreach statement?

I have an ArrayList named conversations_client, I want to be able to get the value of conversation[6] for each div.
Each one the the media div represent a conversation.
Here is a part of my code :
<c:forEach var="conversation" items="${conversations_client}" >
<div class="media">
<div class="media-left">
<input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="selected-conv">
<div class="media-body">
<h4 class="media-heading">${conversation[0]}</h4>
<span class="hidden">${conversation[6]}</span>
I had first tried to use this code :
<script type="text/javascript">
var text = $(this).text();
But it would print not only conversation[6] but others as well since they're all inside the div with class media.
Then I tried this :
<script type="text/javascript">
var text = $('.hidden').text();
But it would print the same id for all divs, which is the id of the first one.
How can I do that? and would it be better to wrap those media divs with tags to be able to use a specific action for each one of them? because I am displaying all conversations, then once the user will click on one them I'll have to recover its id to be able to display the messages of that specific conversation and it isn't advisable to write Java code inside of jsp.
Thank you :)
Use find from current element.
var text = $(this).find('#hidden').text();
You are using loop to repeat the markup. It's not good to use ID hidden multiple times as per W3C standards. ID should be unique and should be used once in the page.
Use class instead of id for multiple usages. In this case class="hidden"
Better change <span id="hidden">${conversation[6]}</span> to <span class="hidden">${conversation[6]}</span>
Also change JS to find .hidden
var text = $(this).find('.hidden').text();

How to replace a <p> tag in an html file using Javascript

In an Html file that I have, there is a paragraph tag that basically looks like this:
<p class="col-sm-8 form-control-static wordwrap">
The contents of this paragraph are grabbed from a textarea that a user fills out and the value of this textarea is grabbed via jquery and filled into this element.
The output looks like this: Hey What's Up
This paragraph tag ignores the newlines within the paragraph, so the paragraph displays all on one line. Due to the format and layout of the project, I can't necessarily change the html source. I was wondering if there was a way to change this exact element to be:
<pre class="col-sm-8 form-control-static wordwrap">
using only javascript. Is this possible? This is so my output will keep the newlines.
I think you are looking for something like this. you tagged jquery so I used that but this could be done in vanilla js too.
I linked to a onkeyup event if you wanted to change to use the button only if you wanted
function updateContent() {
$('#update').on('click', function(e){
// add other stuff here
// for only the click event
$('#source').on('keyup', updateContent);
button {
#source {
<script src=""></script>
<textarea id="source" placeholder="Update content and click 'update'">new content
add line breaks and <p>html markup</p>
<button id="update" >Update</button>
<p id="p1">THIS WILL CHANGE!</p>
It is very simple and has been asked before... BUT here it is, using DOM:
document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML = "<p>This</p><p>Has</p><p>Changed!</p>";
<p id="p1">THIS WILL CHANGE!</p>
So your piece of code you need is:
document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML = "New text!";
This is simpler, easier and more browser friendly than using <pre> tags. Therefore, I would highly recommend you to use this instead.

Loop through multiple elements from an Iframe

I have content loaded into a hidden iframe on a page and I'm wanting to loop through multiple elements on a page and get text using jquery.
Here is my current code:
$('#myiFrame').contents().find('div.air').each(function (index) {
It only seems to find the one div with the class of 'air', although there is two divs on the page. How is my code wrong ?
Edit: I should say their are two 'div.air' on the page not under the same parent.
HTML it something like :
<section id="blah">
<div class="air"> text here </div>
<section id="blah2">
<div class="air"> text here </div>
Worked out my own answer:
var foo = $(this).html();
//do your Stuff here

