PhoneGap on iPhone wont load external scripts - javascript

I am currently writing a simple application using PhoneGap (iOS) and running it in the simulator. The problem is that external URLs seem to refuse to load. For example using a CDN for jQuery
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src=""></script>
Will not make $/jQuery available. The same problem is happening for weinre when trying to use it. Is there something I need to change to enable this to work?

Have you added the domains of the external links to the ExternalHosts entry in PhoneGap.plist ?
There is a fairly new whitelisting system in PhoneGap that is causing a bit of confusion with external links
From - :
"Also, the latest code has the new white-list feature. If you are referencing external hosts, you will have to add the host in PhoneGap.plist under the "ExternalHosts" key. Wildcards are ok. So if you are connecting to "", you have to add "" to the list (or use the wildcard "*" which will match subdomains as well)."


can externally loaded website access cordova javascript

I have a website in place and I would like to load it into a webview giving the site a native feel.
Now, this is fairly simple to do using window.location='url' but when the site loads the javascript on the site is not able to access plugin apis. So it seems the site is running within a sandbox... unable to access cordova apis.
Is there a way to provide an externally loaded website access to the cordova apis?
I load my external site using <content src="http://myurl"/> in my config.xml
Yes, you can do it. Upload all the cordova.js and plugin files from the project to your server, then in the pages on your server just include it. Be sure to keep them in the same relative folders as they are in the project.
<script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>
(Note that I have done this on versions 3 to 5, but not in 6 yet.)

Cordova - Access device functionality from remote HTML

I have a Cordova application that waits for the deviceready event and, when that event fires, sets the window.location.href to a remote site, say, From that page, I have several links to other pages - say page1.html and page2.html. I want to put a button in page1.html that calls Cordova's navigator.notification.vibrate function.
I have the above set up and everything appears to work, except that navigation.notification is undefined when I click the button in page1.html to try to get the device to vibrate. I have copied cordova.js onto and am referencing it from page1.html. Do I have to include other javascript source files on Will this approach ever work?
Would it work if instead of changing the window location I were to get the content by AJAX and put the content in a div container in the index.html page that underlies the Cordova app?
This is all on iOS if that matters. I included the dialogs and vibration plugins only. I am receiving the deviceready event in the Cordova app and successfully redirecting to the remote site. Please let me know if there are other factors which I need to take into consideration. Thanks.
UPDATE 1: I got vibration working from the Cordova app's local index.html by using navigator.vibrate instead of navigator.notification.vibrate. Changing this on the remote site did not help. I also tried including copies of vibration.js, Cordova.js and cordova_plugins.js from the remote page - still no luck.
UPDATE 2: I found in the Cordova docs where what I'm asking about is discussed: Invoking Cordova JavaScript functions from a remotely-loaded HTML page (an HTML page not stored locally on the device) is an unsupported configuration. This is because Cordova was not designed for this, and the Apache Cordova community does no testing of this configuration. While it can work in some circumstances, it is not recommended nor supported. There are challenges with the same origin policy, keeping the JavaScript and native portions of Cordova synchronized at the same version (since they are coupled via private APIs which may change), the trustworthiness of remote content calling native local functions, and potential app store rejection.
The display of remotely-loaded HTML content in a webview should be done using Cordova's InAppBrowser. The InAppBrowser is designed so that JavaScript running there does not have access to the Cordova JavaScript APIs for the reasons listed above. Please refer to the Security Guide.
Based on this, it sounds possible but like we'd be out on our own. Still, if anybody is successfully doing this, we'd like to give it a try.
I thinhk what you are looking for is a push notification. There is a plugin for this.
You need a task running on your app though.
Hope this is helpfull.

Dynamically load index.html in Phonegap Application

I am beginner to phonegap. I want to create layout inside index.html which is driven by javascript and also having cordova to use apis in app. I am able to run hard coded index.html but I want to run as a live site inside phonegap and also want to use cordova plugins inside my live site.
Can anybody help me or any idea to how I use live site or dynamic html through javascript?
Thanks in advance,
Vijay Barnwal
You can load a live website by any of these 3 methods:
Embed an HTML iframe <iframe src=""></iframe>, for this to work, you will need to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing on your device and on your web server. Read Cordova 3.5.0 Whitelist Guide and for server, I want to add CORS support to my server.
Use metatag to redirect the user to the desired URL.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=" />
If you still need to use all the Cordova functions and plugins, the only way to do it is by loading the website using AJAX into a <div> tag. Read: Ajax/jQuery - Load webpage content into a div on page load? Note: You still need to enable CORS for this to work.

I am using javascript to load some html page in another html page. Its working fine in Mozilla Firefox but not working in Google Chrome and IE10

I wrote code for dropdown Menu and want to insert that code in other html files.
DropDown Menu code.
For inserting the above HTML code into other HTML files I am using this code:
<script src="jquery-2.0.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div id="topdiv">
Basically I want to declare my DropDownMenu code at one location so that if I make changes in menu code than I don't have to edit every HTML file that has the DropDown.
The above code is working in Firefox but nothing is shown in Chrome and IE-10.
Are you working locally on your machine, without any webserver? Chrome does not allow loading files via AJAX from your file system (see bugreport).
You may use XAMPP or something similar to serve your files via a local webserver.
If you are on Windows, XAMPP is probably the easiest way to get your local webserver up and running:
On Mac, you may also use MAMP
You may also force Chrome to allow local file access on Windows if you are starting it with --allow-file-access-from-files, more information in this stackoverflow question
For what it's worth, I have code that uses jQuery().load() to inject content into a page, and it work just fine.
If this is static content that is meant to be a standard part of your page, then the other answers/comments saying to do it on the server are probably right; stuff like that is generally better to be included on the server, because it will make your site perform a lot better than doing it on page load via Javascript. (in fact, loading a static menu this way is likely to give your site a noticable performance problem when users load the page; be warned!).
However in general the technique of dynamically adding content to a page using Javascript is perfectly valid, and commonly used, so I'll answer the question based on that.
There's nothing that I can see that's specifically wrong with the minimal example you provided, except for a missing Doctype, so I'm going to guess that's probably your issue:
If you don't have a doctype, the browser will render the page in Quirks mode. And jQuery is not designed to work in quirks mode.
Solution: Add the following line to the top of your code and try it again:
<!DOCTYPE html>
You may also want to check that IE isn't showing your page in compatibility mode as well, because that might also cause problems. If it is, you could also add an X-UA-Compatible meta tag to your page's <head> section to force IE into standards mode:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
Finally, if you need to support IE8 or earlier, you should switch from jQuery v2 back to the latest release of jQuery v1 (currently 1.10.2), as jQuery v2 does not work with IE8 and earlier.
Hope that helps.
The issue you are having is not due to anything wrong with your code, but with security policies of modern browsers. Here's what happens on your development machine:
Your browser loads your local HTML file.
Your browser executes the javascript, which tries to access a file on your machine.
Your browser says, "NO!" Because this is a huge security error - without this policy websites could read through every file on your hard drive or silently send copies of any of your private information to their servers, just because you visited a site with javascript enabled. BAD!
There are some ways to try to tell your browser "No, it's ok, I want to allow this..."...but you know, this has become exceedingly difficult as it often silently breaks with new browser versions. I've slammed my head against the wall way too often, so I might suggest you skip trying to make your browser OK with what you are trying to do.
Now, why does this work on a live site? Here's what happens.
Your browser loads a website.
Your browser executes the javascript.
The script asks for a file to be loaded/accessed from a website.
Your browser says..."well, we're already on this website, so sure! Load all the files you want from that web server!" And your browser kindly gets the file, and returns it to your script, where you can painlessly include the HTML to your hearts content.
To make this work on your development machine, you have ultimately 3 choices:
1) Upload the files to a web server, then do your testing there.
2) Make your own "localhost" web server. You then access your site with something like localhost/index.html - etc. This is just enough to prevent the browser from shutting down your file load requests, because you are requesting an HTTP operation, note a FILE operation.
3) Try to force your browser to allow these requests. Details vary by browser, some browsers won't let you do this at all, and I've given up on doing this myself.
The hidden 4th choice is using HTML5 File System features, but with such poor support for technology I suggest you not even try it - the bug you are facing is purely with your development machine, so changing the technology you are using purely for a minor development convenience seems silly.
Severin provides links to the excellent XAMPP and MAMP software packages, which are the easiest way of getting yourself a good development localhost server.

PhoneGap external hosts wildcard

I'm using a js library inside a PhoneGap application for iPhone. I don't know what other external sites my js library contacts, so I need a way of whitelisting all connections, just for testing. How do I do that?
My app just silently fails, it doesn't continue from where the library is initiated.
(when I run the app in a browser it works perfectly)
Try setting the value of the ExternalHosts property in Phonegap.plist to *
i think you need to add the domain names to PhoneGap.plist file or Cordova.plist.
And your App is running fine in browser. So in Browser source-code you can check-out for the external links present in your code.
Which ever file you want to access/link through internet, that server domain you need to add in plist file. suppose i have added jquery like this
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
now i need to add in PhoneGap.plist-> ExternalHosts array as string.

