trying to create simple Slide show method in Javascript - javascript

I have been trying to create a basic JavaScript snipped to slide images forward and back on a webpage when links are clicked.
Here is my js code in the <head> section of the webpage:
<script type="text/javascript">
//if browser does noe support getElementbyId then exit
var step = 1;
if ( !document.getElementById ) {
var src = 'images/gallery_images/image'+step+'.jpg';
document.getElementById('photos').src = src;
function slideForward()
//files are named as image1, image2....
var src = 'images/gallery_images/image'+step+'.jpg';
document.getElementById('photos').src = src;
function slideBack()
var src = 'images/gallery_images/image'+step'.jpg';
document.getElementById('photos').src = src;
I bind the 2 functions for moving backwards using onclick in a tag like:
<a onclick="slideBack()">
<img src="images/gallery_06.jpg" alt="" name="left" width="26" height="90" id="gallery_06" />
<a onclick="slideForward()">
<img src="images/gallery_07.jpg" alt="" name="right" width="27" height="90" id="gallery_07" />
Any suggestions on what I am missing? Nothing is being returned.


Load and play a gif with javascript onclick event

On my website I have three images 1.png, 2.png and 3.png. When I click on 1.png, I want the animated gif 1a.gif to be loaded and shown/updated in the img tag located in <div id="container">. When I click on 2.png, 2a.gif should be displayed (while 1a.gif vanishes) and so on... This is my code:
<img src="1.png" onclick="document.getElementById('img').src = '1a.gif'" />
<img src="2.png" onclick="document.getElementById('img').src = '2a.gif'" />
<img src="3.png" onclick="document.getElementById('img').src = '3a.gif'" />
<div id="container">
<img id="img" src="1a.gif" />
It is working, however unreliable (tested with firefox and chrome)! When I refresh the html page and click on 1.png, than on 2.png ... suddendly at one point only the first frame of the animated gif is shown. I have to click on the same image (1,2 or 3.png) again in order to make the gif run. Why? I am looking for a light weight javascript solution without jquery. I am just asking myself why the gif is not played properly once I click on the image.
As a side note: It would be nice to show a loading image while the gif (5 MB) is loading. I failed to achive that using css:
#container {background:url('loading.png') no-repeat; }
In this case the loading image doesn't show up at all. Probably because I am updating directly from one (e.g. 1a.gif) to another (e.g. 2a.gif).
Showing it right before loading the gif did not help as well:
<img src="1.png" onclick="document.getElementById('img').src = 'loading.png';
document.getElementById('img').src = '1a.gif'" />
There are many ways of implementing this kind of thing, but to keep in line with how you're doing it, you'll want to hook into the onload event of the img.
Note that in this snippet, I don't have access to your GIFs, so I'm using the service, which is pretty fast, so you don't see the "loading" for very long.
window.onload = function() {
var img = document.getElementById('img');
var container = document.getElementById('container');
var showImage = function showImage() { = "inline"; = "";
img.addEventListener('load', showImage);
img.addEventListener('error', showImage);
var thumbs = document.getElementsByClassName('thumb');
for (var i = 0, z = thumbs.length; i < z; i++) {
var thumb = thumbs[i];
var handler = (function(t) {
return function clickThumb() { = "url('')"; = "none";
img.src = t.dataset['image'];
thumb.addEventListener('click', handler);
<img src="1.png" class="thumb" data-image="" />
<img src="2.png" class="thumb" data-image="" />
<img src="3.png" class="thumb" data-image="" />
<div id="container">
<img id="img" class="main" />
This happens bacause the second img is not loaded yet!
I suggest you to put the 2 img in 2 different divs and the use javascript to hide/show the entire div!

javascript image slider hyperlinks

I am working on a website and my client wants an image slider where each slide links to a different page on the site. I would prefer if this were to stay in Javascript as I cant seem to wrap my head around jquery. Here is my code
Javascript code in the header
`<script type="text/javascript">
var img1 = new Image()
var img2 = new Image()
var img3 = new Image()
var img4 = new Image()
HTML 5 and Javascript in the body
<div class="content">
<div id="slide">
<div class="slide_container">
<img src="DowntownEventNew.jpg" name="slide" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var pic =1
function slides() {
if (!document.images)
document.images.slide.src=eval("img" +pic+".src")
if (pic < 4)
pic =1
Use a plugin like Nivo Slider (that way you don't really need to develop the jQuery from scratch), and then wrap the image in an anchor tag <a>:
<div id="slider">
<img src="images/thing.jpg" alt="No Link" />
<img src="images/thing2.jpg" title="Link!" />

Javascript multiple slideshow

I have created an HTML file which uses java script to display images randomly displayed in 3 div tags. On click the images move left or right. It works fine until I use single slideshow in the page, but creates problem when I try multiple slideshows on the same page.
Here is the code for one slide show :
currentIndx = 2;
MyImages=new Array();
imagesPreloaded = new Array(4)
for (var i = 0; i < MyImages.length ; i++)
imagesPreloaded[i] = new Image(120,120)
/* we create the functions to go forward and go back */
function Nexter()
if (currentIndx<MyImages.length-1){
else {
alert("In nexter else")
document.leftimg.src = document.middleimg.src
document.middleimg.src = document.rightimg.src
document.rightimg.src = imagesPreloaded[currentIndx].src
function Backer()
if (currentIndx>0)
alert("In Backer If");
currentIndx = MyImages.length-1
alert(MyImages.length +"else");
document.rightimg.src = document.middleimg.src
document.middleimg.src = document.leftimg.src
document.leftimg.src = imagesPreloaded[currentIndx].src
/*###### function to reload the images and text when refresh is pressed ##### */
function setCurrentIndex()
<body onload="setCurrentIndex();automaticly()">
<!-- start of form for image slide show ####################### -->
<div id ="left" style="float:left">
<a href="#" onclick="Backer()" ><img src="1images2.jpeg" width="265" height="262"
border="0" name="leftimg"></a>
<div id ="middle" style="float:left">
<a href="#" onclick=""><img src="1images3.jpeg" width="265" height="262"
border="0" name="middleimg"></a>
<div id ="right" class="compimg" style="float:left">
<a href="#" onclick="Nexter()" ><img src="1images4.jpeg"
width="265" height="262" alt="" border="0"name="rightimg"></a>
<!-- end of form for image slide show ####################### -->**
Any suggestions...
You haven't wrapped your script in any javascript class(object) so all variables you are using have global scope(page level). I guess your variables are over written if you try to use it multiple time.
You can get better answer if you post HTML markup of how you are trying to create multiple slideshow in single page...

javascript code is only working with mozzila firefox?

On my website, I have an image viewer. Every time the user click the left or right button the url of the page will be changed aromatically. The image src uses a specific number from the url of the current page (the only number in the url). Below I have provided the code I am using. The code is working perfectly, but it is only working on mozilla firefox. How can I fix it in order to make it work for all browsers. The problem on the other browsers is that the image do not show up.
<img src="" id="image" >
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('image').src ="Images/"+location.href.match(/\d+/)+".jpg";
var url = location.href;
function nextImage() {
return(url.replace(/(\d+)(\.html)$/, function(str, p1, p2) {
return((Number(p1) + 1) + p2);
function prevImage() {
return(url.replace(/(\d+)(\.html)$/, function(str, p1, p2) {
return((Number(p1) - 1) + p2);
<img border="0" src="Assets/Left.png" />
<img border="0" src="Assets/Right.png"/>
What you should do is
<a href="#" id="prevImageControl">
and in the javascript block do
prevImageClick = function()
window.location.href = prevImage();
var prevImageControl = document.getElementById('prevImageControl');
prevImageControl.addEventListener('click', prevImageClick);
repeat for nextImage()
You need to change these:
<img border="0" src="Assets/Left.png" />
<img border="0" src="Assets/Right.png"/>
To onclick events.
<img border="0" src="Assets/Left.png" />
<img border="0" src="Assets/Right.png"/>
Or better still, put them into functions.
you have a double r in document.wrriteln

Issue in js onmouseover to change pictures.

I use this code to make a onmouseover change pictures. but in IE it works, in firefox it shows wrong, where is the problem? And can anyone add a onmouseout function that return to the first picture for me? Thanks.
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeimage(rel){
<img src="img1.jpg" id="image" />
<a onmouseover="changeimage('img1.jpg')" rel="img1.jpg">img1</a>
<a onmouseover="changeimage('img2.jpg')" rel="img2.jpg">img2</a>
<a onmouseover="changeimage('img3.jpg')" rel="img3.jpg">img3</a>
you can use:
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeimage(rel)
var img = document.getElementById("image");
img.setAttribute("orig", img.src);
function SetOriginal()
var img = document.getElementById("image");
img.src = img.getAttribute("orig");
<img src="img1" id="image" />
<a onmouseover="changeimage('img1')" onmouseout="SetOriginal()" rel="img1">img1</a>
<a onmouseover="changeimage('img2')" onmouseout="SetOriginal()" rel="img2">img2</a>
<a onmouseover="changeimage('img3')" onmouseout="SetOriginal()" rel="img3">img3</a>
to return to the original image.
I tested this on firefox(3.6.12) and it is working

