Extjs 4.02 - Custom component needed - javascript

I am trying to create a custom container but can't figure just how to do it.
I need it to look like this:
(don't pay attention that it is RTL, this is only a sketch to get started)
where the orange fonts are the title of the page that I would like to be an H1 element.
It has a simple search and an advance search that pops open when the little arrow next to the search button is clicked.
1) What should I extend for that ?
2) How can I implement different advance search forms for different pages ?
3) how can I place a setter for the title that controllers can interact with and manipulate the dom ?
basically any advice will be good as I need a start point.

There are lots of ways of doing this, but this is what I would do.
I'm not sure about the "advanced forms for different pages" can you go into mre detail about that? Are you looking to autogenerate a search form somehow?
Extend Ext.form.Panel, and use a table layout for the fields
See: http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0/#!/api/Ext.layout.container.Table
use a "tbar" on the panel instead of setting "title". you can place the search combo, tbfill, then a tbtext for the "title". As a convenience you can override the setTitle function of the panel to manipulate this tbtext field instead of the normal behavior. Something like this:
Ext.define('MyApp.view.MyForm', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
type: 'table',
columns: 4,
tableAttrs: {
style: {
width: '100%'
//overridden setTitle
Ext.getCmp(this.id + "_search_combo").setText(title)
//rest of combo config here
this.tbar = tbar:[{
id:this.id + "_search_combo"
//prevent default title behavior
delete this.title

I would suggest you to just extend from Ext.panel.Panel itself, and hijack the dom for all those customized items, add in search bar, etc. If you do not want any of the fancy stuff from Ext.panel.Panel, you can also extend it from Ext.Component, or Ext.container.Container (to contains more components), and even the lowest Ext.util.Observable.
It seems like you might need to extend a few Ext.menu.Menu and defines some different set of input boxes, so that you could benefit from creating a floated menu (if that's what you want). Or if you have time, you can even just extend from Ext.Component and build your own customized component, or even lower, Ext.util.Observable.
The setter? It will be in the extended component in (1) then :)
All of these serve as rough opinions. They could be different depends on your requirement.


Tabulator context menu won't show

I have a problem with Tabulator.js library. I am usig version 4.8, I would like to use context menu feature, but I am unable to make it work. When I use code from documentation (see bellow) browser default context menu is replaced by nothing (nothing shows up). I was not able to find answer to this. Is here someone with similar experience? I have tried three different browsers,but behavior appears to be same in every one of them.
rowContextMenu: [
label:"Hide Column",
action:function(e, column){
label:"Move Column",
action:function(e, column){
Unfortunately the example is in error. The rowContextMenu action function does not provide a Column component. It provides a Row component.
If you want to manipulate a column you will need to setup Column Menus. Start by looking here and scroll down to see the other options - http://tabulator.info/docs/4.8/menu#header-menu.
For Rows look at Row Context Menus - http://tabulator.info/docs/4.8/menu#row-context
Unfourtunately, it was all my mistake, I surely did update tabulator js version but forgot to change CSS file, so menu was working right but was shown as div without styling on the bottom.

widget column bug in ExtJS 6.2.1

I have a treepanel with a widget column. The widget column is defined like so:
xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
width: 80,
dataIndex: 'slider',
widget: {
xtype: 'slider'
onWidgetAttach: function(col, widget, rec) {
So, the task is to show or hide slider widget, depending on the type of the node. If it is a leaf node, then the widget should be visible, otherwise it should be hidden. The way I do it is through onWidgetAttach method. But this is what I get as a result:
Please, pay attention to some leaf nodes that do not have a widget. Unfortunatelly, I can not provide a reproducible example, because of the random nature of this bug. If, for example, I refresh the panel multiple times, then in some rows widgets appear, and in some others disappear. It behaves just like a random number generator. So, what may be wrong with that and how can I fix it?

How to get access to the view? | Ext.js 6

Currently I am learning ext.js 6 and I have a quastion to ask.
I want to build a tree-like menu and from examples I know how to build all kinds of trees. But how can I change a view when user clicks on different leefs in a tree? I know I need controller(viewcontroller) and handlers to work with events (onClick and such) but how to render views from there?
Thank you.
You need to use add() function for that:
add( component ) : Ext.Component[]/Ext.Component
Adds Component(s) to its parent.
You need to pass the view to be rendered as parameter
Eg. Adding a formpanel & button directly to the view port:
Im my application (its use ExtJS 4 actually, but I guess idea is the same) I do something like this:
var viewport = Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
alias: 'widget.viewport',
layout: 'border',
items: [
// Its my main menu, displayed on all pages
xtype: 'panel',
itemId: 'mainPanel',
layout: 'fit',
region: 'center'
And on menu item click I remove any content from main panel and add new one, like this:
// remove previous page from main panel,
// think about `abort()`ing all ajax requests, clear intervals and so on along with this
// `currentInterface` is any component that is one of the pages of my application
Also you can take a look at Ext.util.History and on menu click add new token to history and on history change event open application page like described above.

Implementing a hyperlink within a dojo datagrid

This is my first time working with datagrids so please forgive anything that is unclear.
I have json text that is being implemented in a dojo datagrid (dojox.grid.DataGrid).
var jsonStore = new dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore({ url: "xAgent.xsp"});
var layout = [
{cells:[ [
{field:'firstname', name:'First'},
{field:'lastname', name:'Last'},
{field:'policy', name:'Policy'},
{field:'lastaccessed', name:'Last Accessed'}
] ], noscroll:false
grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
store: jsonStore,
structure: layout,
rowsPerPage: 50,
autoHeight: 50
}, '#{id:gridNode}');
The grid itself is created perfectly fine and all data is displayed as desired, but I would like for one of the fields (the 'policy' field to be specific) to link towards another page. I need to include the information within the 'policy' field when I redirect as the policy number will be used in the next page.
In other words, I want all of the policy fields within my table to have their own unique external link that will contain the policy number from that respective field. The easiest way I can think of doing that is by changing the layout variable that feeds into the DataGrid's structure parameter, but there might be an easier way. If anyone has any ideas I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance.
You can use formatter to create links, dojo buttons etc inside the grid.
Formatter is a JavaScript function that is called which returns the value to be shown in the cell. The value from the data store is passed as a parameter to the function. The returned value that is inserted into the page can be any legal HTML or even a dijit widget.
So in your case, add a formatter to policy column
{field:'policy', name:'Policy', formatter: createLink},
Then define the function with necessary external link. For example:
function createLink(data){
return (""+data+"");
Reference: http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.10/dojox/grid/DataGrid.html#id3

SDK 2.0: Change date field row size without losing edit

I'm creating a rally grid for portfolio items using the 2.0 SDK, and including the "PlannedEndDate" field. This is really nice, because it brings up a calender editor if somebody wants to edit the field.
But I want to make the PlannedEndDate smaller than the standard width. But, when I do that, I loose the nice editing feature and other defaults. How do I change the width, but not loose all the other nice defaults?
I'm changing columnCfgs From:
{ dataIndex: 'PlannedEndDate', width: 35, text:'Planned End' }
Do I need to use some fancy xtype or something?
If you add this to your PlannedEndDate column config it should work:
editor: {
xtype: 'rallydatefield',
format: Rally.util.DateTime.getUserExtDateFormat(),
validateOnChange: false
We hope to do some refactoring around the way columns are handled in the grid to make things like this easier.

