Json object in jquery can't be read? - javascript

I am trying to read the finance info from the google page into a json object.
Code is below:
try {
alert(data);//var jsondata = data;
//jsonobj = $.parseJSON(jsondata);
} catch(e) {
However I keep getting this error all the time on firebug
invalid label
"id": "4052464"
Is there any way this info can be read. My ultimate goal is to create a windows 7 gadget that doesnt use server side scripting and can be used from any Windows 7 system.
Appreciate all the help.

Response isn't valid JSON (response is prefixed with //), so jQuery won't be able to parse it correctly anyway.
To solve change &jsoncallback=? to &callback=?
$.getJSON("http://finance.google.com/finance/info?client=ig&q=NSE:GOLDBEES&callback=?", function(data) {

The response from Google has two leading /'s, making the response invalid JSON... for some reason.
Because of this, you cannot use jQuery.getJSON, as it expects a JSON response. Instead, you should use jQuery.get, and parse the JSON yourself after removing the two leading slashes.
jQuery.get('http://finance.google.com/finance/info?client=ig&q=NSE:GOLDBEES&jsoncallback=?', function (string) {
var validJson = string.slice(2);
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(validJSON);
// use obj
Two additional points:
No JSONP is being used, so you don't need the jsoncallback=? in your request URL
The Windows Sidebar has been retired, so you cannot publish you finished gadget to the official gallery.


Parsing JSON from a file path is not working properly

I am trying to parse a list of JSON files iteratively. Using PHP I have managed to compile the list of JSON files in a directly into a a single JSON object. Now I would like to parse each of these objects and output a property from each of them in HTML. I am sure that the JSON I am initially passing works. Any ideas? here is the error and the function.
for(var i = 2; i < Object.keys(jsTrips).length; i++){
var data_file = "http://localhos:8080/trips/" + jsTrips[i];
var currTrip = JSON.parse(data_file)
document.getElementsByClassName(i).innerHTML = currJSON.start_time;
ignore the missing t in localhost. The problem persists even when the typo is fixed
Thanks in advance!!
The Javascript object jsTrips is formatted like this:
{2: name.json, 3:name.json, 4:name.json}
The the JSON files named in jsTrips are formatted like this:
{start_time: some start time, coords: [{lat: ##, long: ##}, {lat: ##, long: ##}...], end_time: some end time}
To address the error you see:
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: Unexpected character at Line 1 Column 1
The JSON.parse() method parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string. You are feeding it a URL when it is expecting [ or { as the first character. So h causes a Syntax Error.
Assuming you define the Object jsTrips someplace in your code, and this is a more basic object, I would suggest the following:
console.log("Start jsTrips");
var i = 0;
$.each(jsTrips, function(k, v){
if(i >= 2){
$.getJSON("http://localhos:8080/trips/" + v, function(data_file){
$("." + i).html(data_file.start_time);
This code also assumes there are HTML Elements with attributes like class="2". It would be better to update your Post with an example of the Objects and an example of the JSON being returned.
Now, if the Index of the Object is the class name, then it might look more like:
$.getJSON("http://localhos:8080/trips/" + v, function(data_file){
$("." + k).html(data_file.start_time);
Again, need to know what you're sending and what you expect to get back.
jQuery.getJSON() Load JSON-encoded data from the server using a GET HTTP request.
See More: https://api.jquery.com/jquery.getjson/
Now using JSONP method via $.getJSON(), this will help address CORS:
$(function() {
var jsTrips = {
2: "file-1.json",
3: "file-2.json",
4: "file-3.json"
console.log("Start jsTrips");
$.each(jsTrips, function(k, v) {
var url = "http://localhos:8080/trips/" + v;
console.log("GET " + url);
$.getJSON(url + "?callback=?", function(json) {
$("." + k).html(json.start_time);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
As you can see, this builds the new URL from your jsTrips as expected. You can get the start_time from the JSON directly. You don't need to parse it when JSON is expected.
In regards to the new CORS issue, this is more complicated. Basically, you're not calling the same URI so the browser is protecting itself from outside code.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell a browser to let a web application running at one origin (domain) have permission to access selected resources from a server at a different origin. A web application makes a cross-origin HTTP request when it requests a resource that has a different origin (domain, protocol, and port) than its own origin.
An example of a cross-origin request: The frontend JavaScript code for a web application served from http://domain-a.com uses XMLHttpRequest to make a request for http://api.domain-b.com/data.json.
For security reasons, browsers restrict cross-origin HTTP requests initiated from within scripts. For example, XMLHttpRequest and the Fetch API follow the same-origin policy. This means that a web application using those APIs can only request HTTP resources from the same origin the application was loaded from, unless the response from the other origin includes the right CORS headers.
See more: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS & https://www.sitepoint.com/jsonp-examples/
If you are unable to change the port being used for the target JSON files, which I suspect is creating the CORS issue, you can consider using JSONP method versus GET method. Comment and let me know if this is the case, and I can update the answer. Example included in update.
Hope that helps.
This will not probably be a complete answer, because I don't really understand the question. But maybe it will help.
You told us you compiled in PHP one file from several JSON files, in general, if you have object in JSON file, it will look like { ...some key-values here... }, if you have array there, it will be [ ...some key-values here... ].
So when you compile several files with objects into one, you'll get {...some key-values here...} {...some key-values here...} and JSON does not know how to parse those, it will throw error:
console.log(JSON.parse('{"key": "value"}{"key": "value"}'))
This will work just fine, only one object there:
console.log(JSON.parse('{"key": "value"}'))
So, if for some reason you really need to compile several JSON files into one, there is a solution - to make such resulting file with new lines as separators. Than in JS you can split your file by new line, and parse each line without issues.
Like so:
const arrayOfJSONs = Array(10).fill(null).map((_,i) => JSON.stringify({key: i, keyXTen: i * 10}))
// then you join them in one big file with \\n new lines as separators
const oneBigFile = arrayOfJSONs.join("\n");
console.log("oneBigFile:\n", oneBigFile)
// on the client you get your one big file, and then parse each line like so
const parsedJSONs = oneBigFile.split("\n").map(JSON.parse)
console.log("parsedJSONs\n", parsedJSONs)
JSON.parse take string input
Javacript fetch
for(var i = 2; i < Object.keys(jsTrips).length; i++){
var data_file = "http://localhos:8080/trips/" + jsTrips[i];
fetch(data_file).then((res) => res.json())
.then((currJSON) => {
// document.getElementsByClassName(i).innerHTML = currJSON.start_time;
// update your DOM here
JQuery $.getJSON
for(var i = 2; i < Object.keys(jsTrips).length; i++){
var data_file = "http://localhos:8080/trips/" + jsTrips[i];
$.getJSON(data_file, (currJSON) => {
// document.getElementsByClassName(i).innerHTML = currJSON.start_time;
// Update DOM here

Retrieving JSON data using the value of a variable

Hello. I'm currently working on a small project and have the following issue that I can't seem to solve alone. I have attempted to search for a solution, with no luck. Admittedly, it doesn't help that I'm fairly new at JavaScript/jQuery, so I'm unsure of the "correct" search terms!
I have a JSON file that contains the following code:
var draft = {
"title": "Title",
"subtitle": "Subtitle",
"image": "/image.jpeg",
I'm then retrieving the JSON data with the following line:
Based upon what the application is required to achieve - is there a way to access the JSON data using the value of a variable in place of "draft"? I have an AJAX function that is pulling the file name and extension of the JSON file, and then the following line of code that is refining the file name down to one word by removing the slashes, numbers, hyphens, and file extension:
var fileNameRefined = fileName.replace("/", "").replace(/\d+|-/g, "").replace(".json", "");
As a result, the "fileNameRefined" variable will contain the value "draft". This outputs to the console as expected. That said, it won't work with the JSON. I was hoping that the following lines of code would work in the exact same way:
fileNameRefined["title"]; // var fileNameRefined = draft
Unfortunately, the resulting data is returned as "undefined". I'm assuming the application is treating the name of the variable as a string as opposed to passing the variable's value? I'm not sure.
Does anybody have a solution to this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, all.
Could be done, SHOULDN'T be done.
Use JSON (This is JS object you presented) and its API. Here is example for jQuery, there are similar examples for other libs/frameworks.
I would always go with fw or lib here for a clear Ajax API over writing it yourself in vanilla.
Here is get JSON example in fiddle (not written by me):
json get fiddle
function getSuccessOutput() {
complete: function (response) {
error: function () {
$('#output').html('Bummer: there was an error!');
return false;
As for JSON api you will be interested in parsing the response using JSON.parse()
var obj = JSON.parse('{ "name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York"}');

How to retrieve JSON data located in a different file

I have 6 json files in the same directory as my index.htm. Each json structure has saved game data in it. I want to let the user choose a file and load its associated json data structure. How can I go about retrieving that data?
I tried using
var myjson = new Object();
$.getJSON("myJSON.json", function(json) {
myjson = JSON.stringify(json);
This gives me an XMLHttpRequest error (cross-origin request not supported).
Your execution is fine -- though like the comments on your post suggest, you need to change the protocol you're using. Really just load the HTML page using instead of file://home/website/mypage.html and you can likely keep your javascript the same.
Aside from this, you might want to consider the data in your myJSON.json file. I noticed if the JSON data contains function definitions then it will cause $.ajax() or in this case $.getJSON() to throw a parse error.
So this will not work
"json" : function () {
"hello" : 432
But this will work
"json" : "5",
"hello" : 432

Google Script: JSON.parse fails for no apparent reason

I have this function in google script that fetches a JSON from the web, but it fails when i try to execute it, citing:
SyntaxError: Unexcpected character in string: '\''
function getTheFeed(url){
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var json = response.getContentText();
var Jdata = JSON.parse(json);
Jdata = json;
return Jdata;
I've tested the URL, by importing it in a string and doing JSON.parse on it, and i get no errors in Google Chrome.
Any other ideas?
UPDATE: After doing Logger.Log turns out the JSON is being cut after 8KB of response. Nothing conflicting at the place the request ends...
Still looking for a response...
Try to use alert(url) and see what you really get.
It could be an escaping issue which sometimes browsers handle properly when you enter it directly in the address bar.
Different browsers have different limits. But generally the limit is around 2,000 characters for the GET method of a URL.
What is the character limit on URL

AJAX responseXML

i have a problem regarding the responseXML of ajax..
I have this code from my callback function:
var lineString = responseXML.getElementsByTagName('linestring')[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
However, the linestring can only hold up to 4096 characters max.. the remaining characters are rejected.
I dont know what to use to get all the values that the lineString
returns. its quite a big data thats why I thought of using the responseXml
of AJAX, BUT turned out it still cannot accomodate everything.
My linestring consists of lines from a logfile which I concatenated and just
put line separator. I need to get this data in my form so that is why after reading from the php, i send it back via AJAX
Do you have suggestions guys.
XML adds a lot of extra markup for most ajax requests. If you are expecting some kind of list with data entities, sending them in a JSON format is the way to go.
I used JSON to get quite huge arrays with data.
First of all, JSON is just Javascript Object Notation meaning that the Ajax Request would request a String which will actually be evaluated as a Javascript object.
Some browsers offer support for JSON parsing out of the box. Other need a little help. I've used this little library to parse the responseText in all webapps that I developed and had no problems with it.
Now that you know what JSON is and how to use it, here's how the PHP code would look like.
$response = [
"success" => true, // I like to send a boolean value to indicate if the request
// was valid and ok or if there was any problem.
"records" => [
$dataEntity1, $dataEntit2 //....
echo json_enconde($response );
Try it and see what it echos. I used the php 5.4 array declaration syntax because it's cool! :)
When requesting the data via Ajax you would do:
var response
,xhr = getAjaxObject(); // XMLHttp or ActiveX or whatever.
xhr.open("POST","your url goes here");
xhr.onreadystatechange=function() {
if (xhr.readyState==4 && xhr.status==200) {
try {
response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
} catch (err) {
response = {
success : false,
//other error data
if(response.success) {
//your data should be in response
// response.records should have the dataEntities
JSON parsing needs a little help via JSON2 library
PHP can send maps as JSON
Success boolean is widely used as a "successful/unsuccessful" flag
Also, if you're into jQuery, you can just set the dataType : "json" property in the $.ajax call to receive the JSON response in the success callback.

