Javascript: How to access a public variable in the same class? - javascript

I recently started programming JavaScript and thought everything would be good...
Well today I faced a problem I can't solve on my own.
My tutorial/ learning project has a class called model. In this class there are several private and one public variable. This variable is of type CustomEvent:
function Model(){
* Array in which the questions are stored
var questions=new Array();
var db;
var valuesSplit="*";
var tableName="quests";
this.myEvent=new CustomEvent("my event");
So as you can see "myEvent" is public and can be called from outside. In this case it is an event which can be subscribed (this is done outside this class by other objects that want to listen) and it can be fired (this is done in the same class). And this is my problem.
How can I access myEvent within the model class?
I tried:
But I always get "myEvent is not defined".

Probably the first thing to say is: JavaScript doesn't have classes. The sooner you stop thinking of "JavaScript classes," the better off you'll be. :-) JavaScript has OOP, but not the kind with classes. Your Model function is called a constructor function.
You can access myEvent from any code that has a reference to the object created by new Model, which includes code in your constructor (via this — e.g., the way you're setting it up) and any function called with this referring to that object (or, of course, "externally" via someObjReference.myEvent).
So probably is what you want, but the code you're calling it from doesn't have the right this value. That's because in JavaScript, this is controlled entirely by how a function is called, not where the function is defined as it is in some other languages. See my blog articles Mythical methods and You must remember this for more details, but I've done a somewhat truncated discussion below.
Here's an example of a fairly standard way to set up a constructor function with useful methods that all instances share:
function Foo() {
this.myEvent = new CustomEvent("my event");
} = function() {;
// Usage:
var f = new Foo();; // Fires the event indirectly, via the code in `bar`; // Fires it directly
Note that that only works if bar is called with this referring to an object with a myEvent property. It's easy to call bar with this set to something else entirely:
document.getElementById("someID").onclick =;
When the click occurs, the bar function gets called, but this does not refer to an object created via Model. (It will refer to the element with the id "someID" instead.) And so this line in bar;
...will fail.
If you're used to class-based languages, you can see how this is totally different from, say, Java, C#, or C++. In those langauges, this inside bar will always refer to an object created via new Model. Not so JavaScript, which is both awkward and powerful.
This flexibility of functions (not being bound to any particular object) is one of the biggest things to get used to, and take advantage of, in JavaScript. The other is how functions are closures, which is powerful but not complicated.
So if this is set by how a function is called, how do you do that? There are two ways:
Call the function by referencing it from an object property in the same expression as the call. That's an awkward way of saying do this:
var f = new Foo();; // <== The key bit
f["bar"](); // <== Also works
The expression does two things, which interact: The first thing it does is retrieve the property bar of the object referenced by f, and get that property's value (which is a function reference). Then it calls that function (because of the ()). The way JavaScript works, because you did those two things in the same overall expression, the interpreter sets this to f during the call to bar for you. But note this key distinction:
var f = new Foo();
var b =;
b(); // <== Different!
Now when the bar function gets called, this will not be set to f (it'll be set to the global object, which is window on browsers), because we've separated the property retrieval from the function call.
Alternately, you can use the built-in features of JavaScript function objects, their call and apply functions. call and apply do exactly the same thing, the only difference between them is how you supply the arguments for the function. Example:
var f = new Foo();, 2): // <== Calls `bar` with `this` === `f` and passing in
// the arguments 1 and 2
var b =;, 1, 2); // <== Does the same thing as, 2)
var args = [1, 2];
b.apply(f, args); // <== Does the same thing as, 2)
E.g., call and apply allow you to set what this should be explicitly when you call the function. The only difference between them is that call accepts the arguments to give the function as further arguments to call, and apply accepts them as an array.

If you want to use myEvent in a non public function in your Model than you have to create another reference to the myEvent which isn't using the this reference of your Model. Because the this in another function is something else than in your Model function. The easiest way to bypass this problem is if you define a new variable in your Model:
var that = this;
Then you can call your myEvent like:

The myEvent member should be visible both in the inner & outer scope of the object :
function Model(){
this.myEvent = 'some value';
this.canAccessEvent = function(){
return 'myEvent' in this;
var m = new Model();
// access from outside :
// access from inside :
alert('Model can access the even? ' + m.canAccessEvent());
However, it is very possible that your new CustomEvent function doesn't exist or does not return a valid object making your myEvent variable to be undefined. I suggest you attribute some other value to the myEvent property and see if it is defined. If it is defined, then the problem lies in your CustomEvent function.


Can you get the property name through which a function was called?

I've done a lot of searching and some playing around, and I'm pretty sure the answer to this question is no, but I'm hoping a JavaScript expert might have a trick up his sleeve that can do this.
A JavaScript function can be referenced by multiple properties, even on completely different objects, so there's no such thing as the object or property that holds the function. But any time you actually call a function, you must have done so via a single object (at the very least, the window object for global function calls) and property on that object.
(A function can also be called via a function-local variable, but we can consider the function-local variable to be a property of the activation object of the scope, so that case is not an exception to this rule.)
My question is, is there a way to get that property name that was used to call the function, from inside the function body? I don't want to pass in the property name as an argument, or closure around a variable in an enclosing scope, or store the name as a separate property on the object that holds the function reference and have the function access that name property on the this object.
Here's an example of what I want to do:
var callName1 = function() { var callName = /* some magic */; alert(callName); };
var obj1 = {'callName2':callName1, 'callName3':callName1 };
var obj2 = {'callName4':callName1, 'callName5':callName1 };
callName1(); // should alert 'callName1'
obj1.callName2(); // should alert 'callName2'
obj1.callName3(); // should alert 'callName3'
obj2.callName4(); // should alert 'callName4'
obj2.callName5(); // should alert 'callName5'
From my searching, it looks like the closest you can get to the above is, but that won't work, because that only returns the name that was fixed to the function object when it was defined, and only if it was defined as a named function (which the function in my example is not).
I also considered that maybe you could iterate over all properties of the this object and test for equality with arguments.callee to find the property whose value is a reference to the function itself, but that won't work either (in the general case), because there could be multiple references to the function in the object's own (or inherited) property set, as in my example. (Also, that seems like it would be kind of an inefficient solution.)
Can this be done?
Short answer:
No, you cannot get "the property name" used to call your function.
There may be no name at all, or multiple names across different scopes, so "the property name" is pretty ill defined.
arguments.callee is deprecated and should not be used.
There exists no solution that does not use arguments or closure.
Long answer:
As thefourtheye commented, you should rethink what you are trying to do and ask that instead in a new question. But there are some common misconceptions, so I will try to explain why you cannot get the "simple property name".
The reason is because it is not simple.
Before we go ahead, let us clarify something. Activation Objects are not objects at all.
The ECMAScript 5.1 specification calls them Environment Records (10.2.1), but a more common term is Scope chain.
In a browser the global scope is (often) the window object, but all other scopes are not objects.
There may be an object that you use to call a function, and when you call a function you must be in some scope.
With few exceptions, scopes are not objects, and objects are not scopes.
Then, there are many names.
When you call a function, you need to reference it, such as through an object property. This reference may have a name.
Scope chain has declarations, which always have a name.
A Function (the real function, not reference) may also have a function name - your - which is fixed at declaration.
Not only are they different names, they are not (always) the "the property name" you are seeking.
var obj = { prop : function f(){} }, func = obj.prop;
// "obj" and "func" are declarations.
// Function name is "f" - use this name instead of arguments.callee
// Property name is "prop"
func(); // Reference name is "func"
obj.prop(); // Reference names are "obj" and "prop"
// But they are the same function!
// P.S. "this" in f is undefined (strict mode) or window (non-strict)
So, a function reference may comes from a binding (e.g. function declaration), an Object (arguments.callee), or a variable.
They are all References (8.7). And reference does have a name (so to speak).
The catch is, a function reference does not always come from an object or the scope chain, and its name is not always defined.
For example a common closure technique:
(function(i){ /* what is my name? */ })(i)
Even if the reference does have a name, a function call (11.2.3) does not pass the reference or its name to the function in any way.
Which keeps the JavaScript engine sane. Consider this example:
eval("(new Function('return function a(){}'))()")() // Calls function 'a'.
The final function call refers the eval function, which refers the result of a new global scope (in strict mode, anyway), which refers a function call statement, which refers a group, which refers an anonymous Function object, and which contains code that expresses and returns a function called 'a'.
If you want to get the "property name" from within a, which one should it get? "eval"? "Function"? "anonymous"? "a"? All of them?
Before you answer, consider complications such as function access across iframes, which has different globals as well as cross origin restriction, or interaction with native functions (Function.prototype.bind for example), and you will see how it quickly becomes hell.
This is also why arguments.caller, __caller__, and other similar techniques are now all deprecated.
The "property name" of a function is even more ill defined than the caller, almost unrealistic.
At least caller is always an execution context (not necessary a function).
So, not knowing what your real problem is, the best bet of getting the "property name" is using closure.
there is no reflection, but you can use function behavior to make adding your own fairly painless, and without resorting to try/catch, arguments.callee, Function.caller, or other strongly frowned-upon behavior, just wasteful looping:
// returning a function from inside a function always creates a new, unique function we can self-identify later:
function callName() {
return function callMe(){
for(var it in this) if(this[it]===callMe) return alert(it);
//the one ugly about this is the extra "()" at the end:
var obj1 = {'callName2':callName(), 'callName3':callName() };
var obj2 = {'callName4':callName(), 'callName5':callName() };
//test out the tattle-tale function:
obj1.callName2(); // alerts 'callName2'
obj2.callName5(); // alerts 'callName5'
if you REALLY want to make it look like an assignment and avoid the execution parens each time in the object literal, you can do this hacky routine to create an invoking alias:
function callName() {
return function callMe(){
for(var it in this) if(this[it]===callMe) return alert(it);
//make an alias to execute a function each time it's used :
Object.defineProperty(window, 'callNamer', {get: function(){ return callName() }});
//use the alias to assign a tattle-tale function (look ma, no parens!):
var obj1 = {'callName2': callNamer, 'callName3': callNamer };
var obj2 = {'callName4': callNamer, 'callName5': callNamer };
//try it out:
obj1.callName2(); // alerts 'callName2'
obj2.callName5(); // alerts 'callName5'
all that aside, you can probably accomplish what you need to do without all the looping required by this approach.
works on globals or object properties
requires no repetitive key/name passing
uses no proprietary or deprecated features
does not use arguments or closure
surrounding code executes faster (optimized) than
a try/catch version
is not confused by repeated uses
can handle new and deleted (renamed) properties
doesn't work on private vars, which have no property name
partially loops owner object each access
slower computation than a memorized property or code-time repetition
won't survive call/bind/apply
wont survive a setTimeout without bind() or a wrapper function
cannot easily be cloned
honestly, i think all the ways of accomplishing this task are "less than ideal", to be polite, and i would recommend you just bite the coding bullet and pass extra key names, or automate that by using a method to add properties to a blank object instead of coding it all in an object literal.
Sort Of.
It depends on the browser. (Chrome=OK, Firefox=Nope)
You can use a factory to create the function, and a call stack parsing hack that will probably get me arrested.
This solution works in my version of Chrome on Windows 7, but the approach could be adapted to other browsers (if they support stack and show the property name in the call stack like Chrome does). I would not recommend doing this in production code as it is a pretty brittle hack; instead improve the architecture of your program so that you do not need to rely on knowing the name of the calling property. You didn't post details about your problem domain so this is just a fun little thought experiment; to wit:
JSFiddle demo:
Runnable snippet: (scroll down and click Run code snippet)
function getCallerName(ex) {
// parse the call stack to find name of caller; assumes called from object property
// todo: replace with regex (left as exercise for the reader)
// this works in chrome on win7. other browsers may format differently(?) but not tested.
// easy enough to extend this concept to be browser-specific if rules are known.
// this is only for educational purposes; I would not do this in production code.
var stack = ex.stack.toString();
var idx = stack.indexOf('\n');
var lines = ex.stack.substring(idx + 1);
var objectSentinel = 'Object.';
idx = lines.indexOf(objectSentinel);
var line = lines.substring(idx + objectSentinel.length);
idx = line.indexOf(' ');
var callerName = line.substring(0, idx);
return callerName;
var Factory = {
getFunction: function () {
return function () {
var callName = "";
try {
throw up; // you don't *have* to throw to get stack trace, but it's more fun!
} catch (ex) {
callName = getCallerName(ex);
var obj1 = {
'callName2': Factory.getFunction(),
'callName3': Factory.getFunction()
var obj2 = {
'callName4': Factory.getFunction(),
'callName5': Factory.getFunction()
obj1.callName2(); // should alert 'callName2'
obj1.callName3(); // should alert 'callName3'
obj2.callName4(); // should alert 'callName4'
obj2.callName5(); // should alert 'callName5'

why is this private method in a constructor?

I'm a bit puzzled by this coding pattern I've run into even though I've been studying up on 'this.' The following (simplified) code shows the pattern:
var MyConstructor = function MyConstructor() {
this._handlers = {
action: this.handleAction.bind(this)
MyConstructor.prototype.start = function(someObj) {
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this._handlers.action); //<--here
MyConstructor.prototype.handleAction = function() {
//do stuff
module.exports = MyConstructor;
My question is, why is the private method in the constructor required? Is this pattern avoid some common problem? Could the line commented //<--here simply be:
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this.handleAction);
No, they are different. The difference is in context, which means the value of this within the function.
this.handleAction passes the function to on without any context. There is no value of this specified. The value will be determined when the function is executed. It is very likely that the value will not be the a MyConstructor object, so this.start, for instance, will not refer to the right object, or indeed perhaps any object at all.
The solution is to bind context. This sets the context forever, so this will always refer to the right value. You see this line of code:
action: this.handleAction.bind(this)
This means that, when the code later refers to this._handlers.action, it will be sending the function to on with the appropriate context, so this will always point to the correct value.
The difference between the following lines
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this.handleAction.bind(this));
this.someObj.on(’some event’, this.handleAction);
... is that the first handleAction will run with this being the instance of MyConstructor, while the second will run in whatever context the event handling mechanism decides. If it is something like this, it will run with this being the global object:
function on (a, callback) {
callback(); // callback is run with this as the global object
// UNLESS it was bound to something else
The 'private' _handlers property is just an object that holds references to callbacks bound to the instance. If you were to call bind twice, two functions would be created. The _handlers property makes it so that a single bound function is created which can be used as a handler for any number of events.

Javascript Object : Literal Vs Constructor [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Literal notation VS. constructor to create objects in JavaScript [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
For creating Javascript object, we can use Literal or Constructor way;
In Constructor way, we say;
function myObj(){
this.myProp1 = "abc";
this.myProp2 = "xyz";
In literal way, we say;
var myObj = {
My question is when declaring properties, why there is a difference like why do we use "this.myProp1" in case of Constructor way and not use "this" in Literal way ?
The key difference between the two is in how they are intended to be used. A constructor, as its name suggests, is designed to create and set up multiple instances of an object. An object literal on the other hand is one-off, like string and number literals, and used more often as configuration objects or global singletons (e.g. for namespacing).
There are a few subtleties about the first example to note:
When the code is executed, an anonymous function is created and assigned to myObj, but nothing else happens. methodOne and methodTwo don't exist until myObj is explicitly called.
Depending on how myObj is called, the methods methodOne and methodTwo will end up in different places:
Since no context is supplied, the this defaults to window and the methods will become global.
var app1 = new myObj():
Due to the new keyword, a new object is created and becomes the default context. this refers to the new object, and the methods will get assigned to the new object, which subsequently gets assigned to app1. However, myObj.methodOne remains undefined.
This calls my myObj but sets the context to be another object, yourApp. The methods will get assigned to yourApp, overriding any properties of yourApp with the same names. This is a really flexible method that allows multiple inheritance or mixins in Javascript.
Constructors also allow another level of flexibility since functions provide closures, while object literals do not. If for example methodOne and methodTwo rely on a common variable password that is private to the object (cannot be accessed outside the constructor), this can be achieved very simply by doing:
var myObj = function(){
var variableOne = "ABCD1234";
this.methodOne = function(){
// Do something with variableOne
this.methodTwo = function(){
// Do something else with variableOne
alert(variableOne); // undefined
alert(myObj.variableOne); // undefined
If you wanted to make variableOne exposed (public) you'd do:
var myObj = function(){
this.variableOne = "ABCD1234";
this.methodOne = function(){
// Do something with variableOne
this.methodTwo = function(){
// Do something else with variableOne
alert(variableOne); // undefined
alert(myObj.variableOne); // ABCD1234
When defining something literally, the object is being built directly in the code. It doesn't exist yet until it is complete. At that point, this would have no meaning (not that there is any need for it either).
To understand this in the object creation function, first realize that this is special in JavaScript. Whenever you call a function, you can pass anything you want to be this. In general, things like event handlers will pass the event-causing DOM object to be passed as this. In your code, you do this as:[, param0, param1]);. When you use the new operator, such as var mything = new SomeThing();, JavaScript is essentially doing something like:
var mything = {};;
this in this case is going to be mything in your function.

What object is being returned by .responseXML()?

I am trying to create a prototype/class that inherits from the object that is returned by a specific function. But I dont know what that object's name is?
For the instance var xhr = XMLHttpRequest(); what object is returned by xhr.responseXML;? Is it XMLDocument? Or maybe XMLDOM?
Also if I create the object var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); and call xmlDoc.load("xmlFile.xml" ); will it return the same type of object as xhr.responseXML;?
I am trying to do the following:
function XMLHandler()
this.xmlFile = "defaultXML.xml";
// Make XMLHandler inherit from Javascript object
XMLHandler.prototype = new XMLDocument();
XMLHandler.prototype.constructor = XMLDocument;
You shouldn't include unrelated questions in the same post. To address your second question about declaring a function within a "class":
Your first syntax, declaring it within the constructor, will pointlessesly overwrite myClass.prototype.publicFunct to point to a newly created function every time the constructor is called. That is, you will be creating an extra copy of the function with each call to the constructor, with myClass.prototype.publicFunct always pointing to the most recently created copy - or undefined until the constructor has been called at least once. Don't do this.
Your second option is simply invalid syntax in JavaScript.
Your third syntax is prefered. This will add the function to the prototype once.
Remember: JavaScript doesn't have classes as such, though you can sort of simulate them if you think it is worth the bother.
I can tell by your recent questions that you are thinking like Java, which this is not.
First question:
responseXML is different for each browser. Firefox gives a nsIDOMDocument, IE gives an IXMLDOMDocument and Webkit browsers depend on the responseType setting but will probably be Document. Since you cannot predict what it will be stop trying to extend it. In most cases the type isn't made available by the browser's API so javascript cannot extend it anyway.
Moreover, since JavaScript's inheritance is not class based you are forced into doing this:
XMLHandler.prototype = new XMLDocument();
...which simply does not work for your purpose. Any instance of XMLHandler will be built on an unrelated, empty document and not the document returned by responseXML. You have to use a wrapper here.
Second Question:
Of your 3 methods the first is equivalent to the last but more wasteful because it repeatedly sets the same function to the same prototype. The second is nonsensical, the syntax is broken. These are your real options:
// Instance method, every instance is given a copy of the function upon "new"
function MyClass()
this.publicFunct = function()
alert("public function");
// Prototypal method, only one copy of the function shared by all instances
function MyClass()
MyClass.prototype.publicFunct = function()
alert("public function");
// Shorthand method, same as prototypal but handy for several members at once
// It prevents MyClass from being a descendent of another type
function MyClass()
MyClass.prototype = {
// A colon is only acceptable in object notation
publicFunct: function()
alert("public function");
I would go with a prototypal method for efficiency unless you need to selectively add functions to a class. Your use of "public function" (also "class") seems like another symptom of an OOP background, there aren't any private functions in JavaScript so "public" has no place, all member functions are public. If at some point you do need a private function you can fake the effect with a closure.
(function() {
// Assignments are mostly global
MyClass = function() {};
MyClass.prototype.publicFunct = function()
// These statements affect local scope
var foo = 'bar';
function privateFunct()
alert("public function");
})(); // These extra brackets cause the contents to be executed immediately
Having said that it is rare to need private functions and all JavaScript is visible anyway so it's not secret really. The above could be thwarted like this:
thief = {};;
// privateFunct is called by publicFunct in the context of the thief
You might as well accept that functions are public. You can go a step further and give up on classes altogether. Objects are just objects that happen to have some functions and those functions can even be shared with completely different objects.

Difference between a constructor and an Object

I definitely need some light on this.
What's the diference between:
var MY_APP = function(){
this.firstMethod = function(){
this.secondMethod = function(){
var MY_APP = {
firstKey: function(){
secondKey: function(){
besides the obvious fact that one is a Function and the other an Object, what are the differences in code flow, prototypes, patterns... whatever, and when should we use the first or the second?
I'm so spaced out in this area that i'm not sure if i'm correctly explaining the doubt, but further info can be given if you ask.
The key difference between the two is in how they are intended to be used. A constructor, as its name suggests, is designed to create and set up multiple instances of an object. An object literal on the other hand is one-off, like string and number literals, and used more often as configuration objects or global singletons (e.g. for namespacing).
There are a few subtleties about the first example to note:
When the code is executed, an anonymous function is created and assigned to MY_APP, but nothing else happens. firstMethod and secondMethod don't exist until MY_APP is explicitly called.
Depending on how MY_APP is called, the methods firstMethod and secondMethod will end up in different places:
MY_APP(): Since no context is supplied, the this defaults to window and the methods will become global.
var app1 = new MY_APP(): Due to the new keyword, a new object is created and becomes the default context. this refers to the new object, and the methods will get assigned to the new object, which subsequently gets assigned to app1. However, MY_APP.firstMethod remains undefined. This calls my MY_APP but sets the context to be another object, YOUR_APP. The methods will get assigned to YOUR_APP, overriding any properties of YOUR_APP with the same names. This is a really flexible method that allows multiple inheritance or mixins in Javascript.
Constructors also allow another level of flexibility since functions provide closures, while object literals do not. If for example firstMethod and secondMethod rely on a common variable password that is private to the object (cannot be accessed outside the constructor), this can be achieved very simply by doing:
var MY_APP = function(){
var password = "GFHSFG";
this.firstMethod = function(){
// Do something with password
alert(password); // Woops!
this.secondMethod = function(){
// Do something else with password
alert(password); // undefined
alert(MY_APP.password); // undefined
The first is a function, the second is an object literal. Since Functions in JS are first class objects, a function can have properties on it, just like any other object can.
Typically, if you want to create a "class" that you might be familiar with from classical inheritance languages, you would do something like
function MyClass() {...}
as is documented here
To answer the question posed in your edits, you would use them both in different situations. Object literals are used to pass configurations around. A typical usage pattern would be a method that accepts an object literal like so
length: 10,
height: 10,
text: 'some text'
and so on.
You could use something similar to your first example when creating a namespace. Javascript has some interesting language features in that you can have so-called "self-invoking functions" that are of the form:
var myApp = (function(){
var firstMethod = function() {...}
the motivations behind doing something like this are detailed here
You can also investigate the differences via your favorite javascript debugging console. In firebug and chrome, I did the following:
var ol = {}; ol.prototype;
var fn = function(){}; fn.prototype;
the first line prints undefined, the second returns a prototype with a constructor of 'function'
The constructor can be reused as is, the object literal would need to be repeated or wrapped in a function to be reused.
Example of wrapping the object literal in a function:
function MY_APP() {
return {
firstKey: function(){
secondKey: function(){
The object created using the constructor will have it's constructor property set to the constructor function. However, as you used an anonymous function assigned to a variable instead of a named function, the constructor will still be nameless.
Other than that, there isn't really any differences. Both create anonymous functions that are assigned to the properties of the object, so the resulting objects are the same. You can compare this to assigning named functions to the properties, or using prototype functions, both having the difference that each function only exists once instead of being created over and over for each object.
There is some confusion in JavaScript regarding the difference between a function and an object.
In the first case,
var MY_APP = function() { this.v = 7; ... }
function MY_APP(x) { this.v = x; ... }
a function is declared, not an object. In MY_APP, this refers to the global object.
Meaning that calling the function MY_APP(7) will assign v globally to the value of 7. (and in your case the function firstMethod would be declared globally).
MY_APP(3); // The global variable v is set to 3
MY_APP(4); // The global variable v is overwritten and set to 4
To use MY_APP as an object, it needs to be instantiated, for instance
var obj1 = new MY_APP(3);
var obj2 = new MY_APP(4);
will have obj1.v to be 3, and obj2.v to be 4.
Note you can also add methods using the prototype keyword (instead of this.firstMethod...)
MY_APP.prototype.firstMethod = function () { ... }
In the second case
var MY_APP = { ... };
an object, one object, is created and its name is MY_APP. The this keywords refers to that object, MY_APP.

