How to make popup window in Liferay? - javascript

How to make popup window in Liferay?
This my code. It's like in Liferay Wiki.
var popup = new Liferay.Popup( {
header: 'our title',
modal:true, width:500,
xy: ['center', 100],
url: '/my_file.jsp',
urlData: { winowState : 'LiferayWindowState.EXCLUSIVE'}
} );
What is missing?
PS: I'm trying to put it working in Liferay 6.0

On top of sandeepnair85's answer, to AJAX in content form your URI, you'll have to add the following code:
<aui:script use="aui-dialog">
function showPopup(){
var dialog = new A.Dialog({
centered: true,
modal: true,
width: 200,
height: 200
}).plug(A.Plugin.IO, {
uri: ''
More details on how the A.Plugin.IO plugin works can be found here:

Hi can you try this code. Its a simple example on how to create popup in liferay usin AUI
<aui:script use="aui-dialog">
function showPopup(){
var dialog = new A.Dialog({
centered: true,
modal: true,
width: 200,
height: 200,
bodyContent: "My First popup"


Jquery .load() works locally but not on the server

I am not quite sure what is causing the issue here. I am trying to load a view into a Jquery dialog using the .load() function. On my local machine everything works fine, but on the server the URL that ends up being created is not correct because it is adding the parameter to the URL twice.
The links are dynamic from a webgrid which is where the #item.GrouperIDForLookip comes from.
<div id="groupersDialog"></div>
<a id="GrouperField_#item.GrouperIDForLookup" class="grouper">Groupers</a>
$(".grouper").on("click", function () {
var id = $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1];
autoOpen: true,
width: 1000,
height: 600,
resizable: true,
draggable: true,
title: "Groupers",
model: true,
show: 'slide',
closeText: 'x',
dialogClass: 'alert',
closeOnEscape: true,
open: function () {
//Load the Partial View Here using Controller and Action
$('#groupersDialog').load('/Home/_Groupers/?GroupIDForLookup=' + id);
close: function () {
On my local machine everything works fine and the URL for the load works. But on the server when running it the URL that ends up being created is %2fHome%2f_Groupers%2f%3fGroupIDForLookup%3d2&GroupIDForLookup=2 which doubles the GroupIDForLookup gives me a GET 404 (page not found).
Does anyone happen to know what would cause this to happen? If you need more code just let me know.
Please update the URL in the load function in the below code.
<div id="groupersDialog"></div>
<a id="GrouperField_#item.GrouperIDForLookup" class="grouper">Groupers</a>
$(".grouper").on("click", function () {
var id = $(this).attr("id").split("_")[1];
autoOpen: true,
width: 1000,
height: 600,
resizable: true,
draggable: true,
title: "Groupers",
model: true,
show: 'slide',
closeText: 'x',
dialogClass: 'alert',
closeOnEscape: true,
open: function () {
//Load the Partial View Here using Controller and Action
'#URL.Action("_Groupers", "Home")?GroupIDForLookup' + id);
close: function () {

I can't close dialog in jointJS

Here is and a screenshot I uploaded for you I have edited my post, according to your advice in comments, posting my updated version of my code.I enclose in /**/ my original post for helping you.
/*In jointJS I try using a `ui.dialog` to delete all my graph with the following code:
var dialog = new joint.ui.Dialog({
width: 400,
title: 'Create new process',
content: '<b>Cleanup current drawing?</b>',
closeButton: false,
buttons: [
{ action: 'ok', content: 'OK' },
{ action: 'cancel', content: 'CANCEL' }
dialog.on('action:ok', this.graph.clear, this.graph);
dialog.on('action:cancel', dialog.close, dialog);;
After pressing OK button I successfully delete my graph but my dialog still remains without being able to delete it.
Any help please? */
Here is my updated code which unfortunately still doesn't work as expected. I remind you that in this dialog form which displays an OK and Cancel button I want the following ones:
1)When pressing OK I want to :
a)Delete my current graph And
b)Close my dialog
2)When pressing Cancel I want to:
Close my dialog (Which in my initial version worked successfylly with dialog.close)
openNew: function() {
// By pressing Create New Process button, a popup form asks for
//our confirmation before deleting current graph
var dialog = new joint.ui.Dialog({
width: 400,
title: 'Create new process',
content: '<b>Cleanup current drawing?</b>',
closeButton: false,
buttons: [
{ action: 'ok', content: 'OK' },
{ action: 'cancel', content: 'CANCEL' }
//Since in 'action:ok' of dialog.on the 3rd parameter is used in the
//callback of multi_hand we must pass dialog and graph both together.To do so
//we enclose them in an object named together and we pass it instead
together= {dialog : dialog, graph : this.graph};
//Since jointJS supports assigning multiple events for same handler
//BUT NOT multiple handlers for the same event we create function multi_hand
multi_hand: function (together)
dialog.on('action:ok', multi_hand, together);
dialog.on('action:cancel', dialog.close, dialog);;
By using this new code my joinjtJS project crashes unexpectedly.
How will I make OK button work please?
The third argument in dialog.on is the context passed into the callback function (2nd argument). It says, what is bind to this in the callback function.
In your example is not clear where the graph is defined, if it is really this.graph. However, you can simply do it like in the following example, without passing the context:
var graph = new joint.dia.Graph;
var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({
el: $('#paper'),
width: 650,
height: 400,
model: graph,
linkPinning: false
var r = new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({
position: { x: 50, y: 50 },
size: { width: 100, height: 40 },
var dialog = new joint.ui.Dialog({
width: 400,
title: 'Confirm',
content: '<b>Are you sure?</b>',
buttons: [
{ action: 'yes', content: 'Yes' },
{ action: 'no', content: 'No' }
dialog.on('action:yes', function() {
dialog.on('action:no', dialog.close, dialog);;
if the graph is defined on this:
dialog.on('action:yes', function() {
}, this);
I solved my problem this way and I just want to share it with all of you as a reference.
openNew: function() {
var dialog = new joint.ui.Dialog({
width: 400,
title: 'Create new process',
content: '<b>Cleanup current drawing?</b>',
closeButton: false,
buttons: [
{ action: 'ok', content: 'OK' },
{ action: 'cancel', content: 'CANCEL' }
dialog.on('action:ok', this.graph.clear, this.graph);
dialog.on('action:ok action:cancel', dialog.close, dialog);;

Jquery Dialog box scrolls to a link, how to keep it at the top

I have a dialogbox that shows the contents of an HTML file.
In this file there is a href link at the bottom.
Now everytime the dialog is shown, it automatically scrolls to that link and sets focus to it.
How can I set the scroll position back to the top after the dialog shows?
Here is the jquery code:
<script type="text/javascript">
title: 'Frequently asked questions',
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
show: 'puff',
hide: 'puff',
open: function() {
var e1 = $(this);
var scrollY = this.scrollHeight;
e1.parent().queue(function(next) {
resizable: false,
closeOnEscape: true,
width: '650',
height: '500',
minWidth: '500',
minHeight: '500'
As you can see, I tried with the open: function... stuff, but that doesn't do the trick.
Did I miss something?
Found the solution:
I removed the scrollY variable and replaced it for 0 (zero).

Popup window using Javascript

i am trying to open a page in popup using ModalDialog.
Issue: The popup window get closed before it gets loaded.
function ShowPopup(id, rowIndex) {
var options = {
title: "Add User Account",
width: 750,
height: 800,
url: "/sites/Main/sitepages/Home.aspx"
this.btnAccOk.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:ShowPopup(0,0);");
function ShowPopup(id, rowIndex) {
var options = {
title: "Add User Account",
width: 750,
height: 800,
url: "/sites/Main/sitepages/Home.aspx"
return false;
this.btnAccOk.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ShowPopup(0,0);");
Try above code.i have made few changes

Where is the buildObject() method of the Shadowbox?

Where is the buildObject() method of the Shadowbox?
The api says there is a buildObject() but it's missing from my download.
I downloaded it from the below link with the JQuery adapter and selected the first 3 check boxes:
Has anyone had any luck with this?
I achieved what I needed without the buildObject method:
function ShowLoginPage() {{
content: "Login.aspx",
player: "iframe",
type: "iframe",
height: 175,
width: 301,
options: {
onOpen: login_shadowboxOpen,
onFinish: login_shadowboxFinish,
onClose: login_shadowboxClose,
modal: true

