Javascript site search on CD-ROM site without copy-and-paste? - javascript

Newbie here.
I want to create a site search for my offline website which will be on a CD.
Is it possible to use javascript to index the html pages automagically without me having to copy-and-paste every page into the script?
Thanks in advance for any assistance/guidance.

No, with Javascript it's not possible to read files on the hard disc.
But you could use another language to automatically generate the index.


Need ScriptReferenceProfiler.dll or alternate

I improving site performance and for that, I try to Bundle or combine ScriptResource.axd and Webresource.axd but before combine to I need to know javascript file reference name which is used by ajax control toolkit in web form
like this
I need ScriptReferenceProfiler.DLL to get a reference of the javascript file which is used in ajax toolkit on the web page.
do you have any idea to get this dll file
I go through this tutorial
Or if you have any alternate solution please let me know
The file you looking and reference from the link you add was here :
I can not find it now so I uploaded for you here, both source code and binaries.

Get the HTML source code of a web page on JavaScript

I'm building an application and I need to get the html code source of a web page in order to parse it (this web page is not on my server).
I'm coding in Javascript and I can't find a way to do it, I know there is a way to do it in Python (with requests library) and I want basicaly the same thing in Javascript.
Does someone know how to do this ?
Try this

Fully javascript generated site seo

The index.html includes only a div where all the html generated by Javascript.
I know that one of the ways is to redirect search bots to an onother html. I read this on an old post and i want to know if is the best way and one or two tips for this.(not how to redirect)
The site is build in Tumult Hype so i cant place content on html.
If you redirect the search bot to a diffrent document then this is considered cloaking and may harm your ranking in google.
Yes, google is able to execute JS. But you should not dynamically generate the content on your site, it will hurt your rankings. One could use some kind of prerender.
Edit: of course you can dynamically generate content, but the main content should not be using dynamic javascript.

PDF forms get online content

Would it be possible to use the inbuilt Javascript in adobe pdf forms to get contents/scrape a web page?
When I googled if Javascript could do this there where CSP errors,
but pdf forms does not have this as far as I know.
As you suspected, it is not possible to achieve this with Acrobat's Javascript extensions.
There are a number of third party tools that can convert a website to a pdf. If you also need to build a form, rather than just convert a webpage, you could write a program that would leverage a third party conversion tool, then build the form using Acrobat's Interapplication Communication API reference. If you're more comfortable with Javascript, you could even use the PDDoc's JSObject to build the form with Javascript.
You could use the wkhtmltopdf tool to get the HTML Content of a website and save it to a PDF
Then you can simply run
wkhtmltopdf google.pdf to get the Content of and save it to the PDF "google.pdf".
It is possible. Check out the methods of Net.HTTP found in the "JavaScript for Acrobat API Reference". You might find a more recent version of the reference here.

newbie question about javascript embed code?

I am a javascript newbie. I am trying to write a requirements document, and need some help describing what I am looking for. We want our application to generate a javascript snippet like this:
<script src=""></script>
This will load a web form.
So my question is:
- How does a single script load an entire web form? Is this a JSON?
- What is this called? Is this a cross browser javascript?
- Can anyone point me in the direction of learning more about what this is?
Thank you for your help!
The javascript file is just hosted on an external site. It appears to be dynamically generated, so feel free to use some fancy words ;) But basically, you just include it here, as if it was on your own site.
You could say "The application will generate the required script-tags to include dynamically generated javascript file from an external, third-party site".
Offcourse you need to take special cautions for cases when the include won't work, because the other site is not reachable (site is down, DNS does not work, file is moved on other webserver, your application is on an intranet/behind a proxy/firewall...). Why can't you copy their file and mirror it locally? Or use a reliable Content Delivery Network, like Google or Amazon.
There are many names for this type of inclusion. The most common being widget.
What does it actually do:
take an id of some sort as parameter
use the id to fetch some specific data (most likely from a database)
generate some js and html based on the id/data
usually this involves iframes of some sort.
To use a script rather than an html iframe has multiple advantages
you can change what is actually delivered to the users browsers without changing the include
you can resize the iframe to fit certain predefined sizes
you can inject the necessary things into the page the widget is included (of course you need to make sure this is sanctioned)
We use this all the time and we never regreted it.
If you don't want to build the widget infrastructure yourself you can always use one of the widget providers like widgetbox:
With those you are up and running in no time.
This is typically called a script include.
Google have lots of these types of items, and even they call them by many names,
widgets, custom javascript, snippets, custom code, etc. It really depending on who you are writing for... I would go with "cross platform embeddable javascript code" meaning that it would need to load all its dependancies. Also specify which browsers need to be supported and what should happen is the user has javascript turned off.
Actually since we are talking unique IDs, you will need 2 parts probably, the user/site unique "cross platform embeddable javascript code" and whatever serverside code to support it. Basically this is an API that is accessed using your own javascript widget. Feel free you point to examples in your requirements document, programmers love examples.

