Getting class name from div - javascript

I want to retrieve the class name of the last child element (class last div new3) in .find_class, but my code gives me class select3. How can I fix it?
<div class="find_class mediumCell">
<div class="new1 old1">
<div class="select1"></div>
<div class="new2 old2">
<div class="select2"></div>
<div class="new3 old3"><!-- I want to get this div's class name 'new3' -->
<div class="select3"></div>
var find = $('div.find_class div:last').attr('class');

Use the child selector (>):
var find = $('div.find_class > div:last').attr('class');
See also: MDN - CSS Selectors



jquery clone a link (once per div)

I have a set of divs, and need to clone the link from the top and insert into the last div (mobile-link). It is either cloning the links from all of the divs, and then inserting all of them at once, or if I use :eq(0), it's putting the first link into all of the divs.
<div class="course">Accounting</div>
<div class="start-date">1-1-2017</div>
<div class="credits">4</div>
<div class="location">Online</div>
<div class="mobile-link"></div>
<div class="course">Business</div>
<div class="start-date">1-1-2017</div>
<div class="credits">3</div>
<div class="location">Online/Campus</div>
<div class="mobile-link"></div>
$(".course a:eq(0)").clone().appendTo(".mobile-link");
What do I need to change to make this work properly?
You need to process each anchor separately:
$(".course").each(function() {
var myLink = $(this).find('a').clone();
Demo fiddle
Append method can take a function as argument, and here it is appending to the each .mobile-link first <a> from his previous .course div
return $(this).prevAll('.course:first').find('a:first').clone();
Check the below snippet
$(".mobile-link").append(function(i) {
return $(this).prevAll('.course:first').find('a:first').clone();
<script src=""></script>
<div class="course">Accounting
<div class="start-date">1-1-2017</div>
<div class="credits">4</div>
<div class="location">Online</div>
<div class="mobile-link"></div>
<div class="course">Business
<div class="start-date">1-1-2017</div>
<div class="credits">3</div>
<div class="location">Online/Campus</div>
<div class="mobile-link"></div>
I beleive that you should use last (If I understood question correctly):
var lastDiv = $(".mobile-link").last();
$(".course a:eq(0)").clone().appendTo(lastDiv);
Here is jsfiddle: fiddle

Hide parent div if child div is missing

Is it possible at all to hide a parent div if there is a child div missing?
In the example below I would like to hide the parent div of "#live-sessions" if some of the divs are missing such as .views-content and .views-row.
This is what it looks like when the divs are there:
<div id="live-sessions">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-3">
<h3 class="session-title">Sessions Live Now</h3>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<div class-"view-display-id-live_sessions">
<div class="views-content">
<div class="views-row">
<div class="views-row">
This is what it looks like when the divs are missing:
<div id="live-sessions">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-3">
<h3 class="session-title">Sessions Live Now</h3>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<div class-"view-display-id-live_sessions">
I tried using the :empty selector with the parent method, but my child div contains some blank lines so it doesn't think it's empty. Also I would like to hide the parent of the parent of the empty div.
You have a typo in your html:
should be
you can try the following jQuery code:
if ($(".view-display-id-live_sessions").html().trim() == '') {
jqVersion demo
Use jQuery has() in a negative if test -
There isn't a one-line-query for this. Following code would do the trick:
$('#live-sessions .row').each(function(idx, row) {
if ($(row).find('.views-content').length == 0) {
If you want to keep using jQuery, you could instead do:
if ( ! $(".view-display-id-live_sessions").children().length ) { /* your logic */ }
Note that there's a syntax error in your code:
<div class-"view-display-id-live_sessions">
Should be
<div class="view-display-id-live_sessions">
If you understand your question:
First you need to check the number of .views-row divs. If the length is zero hide the parent div.
if ($('.views-row').length < 1)
Good Luck.
You need to trim the blank spaces, correct a typo and test for the text within the div -
class="view-display-id-live_sessions" // note the equals sign after class
The code to do the hiding (EDIT re-read problem again):
var liveSessionsText = $.trim( $('.view-display-id-live_sessions').text() );
if(0 == liveSessionsText.length) {
The div with class="row" is the parent of the parent of view-display-id-live_sessions.

How to change muitl divs the display which have some special id?

I has some div as follows
<div id="span1"></div>
<div id="span3"></div>
<div id="span5"></div>
<div id="span7"></div>
There is "span" in the id, How to show or hide them by jquery ?
you can put the selectors of the ones to hide in an array and join then with a comma:
var tohide = [
or, add a common class to each:
<div class="tohide" id="span1"></div>
<div class="tohide" id="span3"></div>
<div class="tohide" id="span5"></div>
<div class="tohide" id="span7"></div>
This should do the trick, if I understand the question correctly.
That said, a much BETTER approach would be to put a class on all the elements you want to manipulate with the same code then use the class to hide the elements as a group.
<div id="span1" class"span"></div>
<div id="span3" class"span"></div>
<div id="span5" class"span"></div>
<div id="span7" class"span"></div>
This is much cleaner.

JQuery: How to find out how many children an element has?

How can I use jQuery to find out how many children an element has?
Say I have the following structure:
<div id="container">
<div id="column1">
<div id="asset1"></div>
<div id="asset2"></div>
<div id="column2">
<div id="asset1"></div>
<div id="asset2"></div>
I want to find out how many children the div element: container, has. In this case it would return 2...
Use children and length:
Use the direct children selector (>) and the length property:
$('#container > *').length
Example -

selecting span value inside div

Let's say I have
<div id="1">
<span id="name">Josh</span>
<div id="quote">Run</div>
<div id="2">
<span id="name">Mark</span>
<div id="quote">Run</div>
How would I select the name between the span tags from the first div?
var name = $('#name').html();
Firstly, id's have to be unique in an html document. So,ideally, you need to change those id's within the div to a class. Secondly, id's cannot begin with a numeric, so you need to change your div id's to start with a letter or underscore.
With that in mind, given this structure:
<div id="one">
<span class="name">Josh</span>
<div class="quote">Run</div>
<div id="two">
<span class="name">Mark</span>
<div class="quote">Run</div>
you would be looking for:
var name = $('#one .name').html();
id's should be unique across a page. You should change the name and quote id's to a class, which do not have to be unique.
<div id="1">
<span class="name">Josh</span>
<div class="quote">Run</div>
<div id="2">
<span class="name">Mark</span>
<div class="quote">Run</div>
You could then select via:
$('#1 .name')
You should also bare in mind that id's should not start with a number (except in HTML5)
var name = $("#1 span").html()
var name = $('#1 #name').html();
this should work for you:
$("#1 span").text();
You have some problems with your HTML though. You should not have any duplicate IDs in your HTML, they must be unique. ID shouldn't start with a number either.
You can view the fiddle here:
you can select the first span tag content of your div #1 this way as well :
var name = $("#1 span:first").html();
Adding #1 before #name would select the first div
var name = $('#1 #name').html();

