how to add jde components plugin in an eclipse - javascript

I need to add jde component plugin in an blackberry eclipse.I have already used the following link in my eclipse:
But am getting the error as:
'installing software' has encountered a problem.An error occurred while collecting items to be installed.
Please tell me the solution.

That happened with me so many times that I stopped using that update site. Instead, try downloading the component package directly from:

The answer may be simple: Perhaps Windows installs it's updates (and only one installation process can be run at one time), or some other installations or processes may interrupting you.
Try just restart you system and retry your installation.


Serving a project in Ember using `ember s` triggers file changed

So, I am serving an Ember using ember s command. Even though I do not make any changes to the code I keep seeing the entry file changed <fileName> in the server startup log, this makes the server start process really slow. I am using Windows 11, however this happened in windows 10 also, ember-cli version 3.8.3.
There is an issue raised in github with no solution - This is the only mention of this issue I could find.
Hope someone has a solution to this.

Debugger not working in visual studio

My debugger stopped working as expected in Visual Studio Community 2015 (Update 1).
The solution I'm working on has the following architecture:
"Query" project - written with angularjs 1.4
"Login" project - written with angularjs 1.4
More back-end projects - written with c#/web-api
I run the Query project, it checks for session and redirect to Login. After the login is successful it makes another redirect back to the Query url.
Until yesterday I had no issues debugging the whole solution from VS directly.
Now the behavior is that the first time I run the "Query" project, my breakpoints get hit. After coming back from Login, no breakpoint is hit.
Both client-side projects are hosted using IIS Express.
Things I tried until now:
clean, build, rebuild the solution;
attaching to process from VS. I attached to all IIS Express processes but with no luck;
closing VS and deleting my bin and obj folders from all projects;
restarting the machine;
Also good to mention that I have set in web.config:
<compilation debug="true"></compilation>
Any hint or idea is highly appreciated.
After trying more different solutions, the only thing that worked in my case was to unload/reload the project.
Also, now the breakpoints that I set before the application runs are no longer getting hit, but if I set them after the application started then they work fine.
I can suggest some Stack Overflow answers related to this issue, maybe it helps:
New project and just importing the files into it: Upgrade to Visual Sudio 2015 and now can't hit break points in debuging
Manual check of the Symbol Load Information: Fixing "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document."
Incorrect configuration selected in the debug menu: Visual Studio breakpoints not being hit
In my case (Vs2019) the Microsoft Symbol server was causing the issue.
It was not being able to attach Local IIS.
Enabling only the NuGet Symbol server and disabling the Microsoft worked for me

Cordova cordova.plugins is undefined on win8 but not on iOS

I'm using the plugin fileopener2 and to use it, I must call;
When I run this on iOS, everything works perfectly. However, when I run the app on win8, I get an error telling me that cordova.plugins is undefined. Also, I double checked that, after 'ondeviceready' is fired, I console.log the value of cordova.plugins and it indeed returns an undefined value. Can anyone point me as to how I can fix this issue?
For Cordova Windows8 applications (or all applications built with Visual Studio), if your plugin is a custom one (I would assume it's not part of the org.apache...), you have to manually add it. Go to the config file in your www through visual studio. You will see three tabs: Core/Custom/Installed. Go to Custom, go to your cordova project, then in the plugins, find your custom plugin and add the folder of the plugin and voila, it will work!
If you are running into a problem with the plugin not working for a specific platform but working correctly for other platforms, first verify the plugin supports that platform. If the platform is supported, you should contact the plugin author which can generally by done by filing an issue at their GitHub site.
Projects created using Visual Studio 2015 are standard Cordova CLI projects. They author may not have Visual Studio, but should be able to reproduce your problem using the command line if you provide them the Cordova version you used (4.3.0 is the default as of VS 2015 RC) and good repro code.

Access my Firefox plugin under root

i recently build a Firefox plugin that scans fingerprint using FireBreath framework. the problem is when i run the test on the plugin in normal mode, the plugin run perfectly but doesn't allow me to use my usb scanner as i need root access . Now , when i start Firefox as root, i can't find the plugin among the plugins list on Firefox . i finally tried to copy my plugin file "" to /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/ . that added my plugin to the list on Firefox but when i try to access it , Firefox get freeze . thanks for your help.
The different plugin install locations are document here.
If you install them per-user (~/.mozilla/plugins), you need to install them for every user you want to use them as (i.e. also install them for root), although you can also install them globally as you found out.
For the freezing, it's impossible to tell what the problem is without more information.
I recommend to file a bug with a stack trace (either crash report id if you can get it to crash while frozen or manually using the alternative methods).

The JavaScript language service has encountered an error and has been shut down

Suddenly I receive this error message:
The JavaScript language service has encountered an error and has been shut down.
There is no intellisense in javascript!
What to do?
In my case I have:
Latest VS 2013 Upd.3
Latest Web Essential 2013
Latest ReSharper 8.2.1
Sometimes I see this errors on opening first JS-file after running the solution. I have spent about 2 days on it. Removing Web Essentials helps (also clean the AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\Extensions folder:
"WebEssentials" folder - it will contain file WebEssentials2013.pkgdef
Then I have tried reset all VS settings and it helped. For a month) Today I have updated solution from the GIT via VS Git Tools (commit contained a lot of JS and CSS changes) and have seen it AGAIN!!!
New solution steps:
Export VS settings.
Reset VS settings
Restart VS.
Check if now it has no any errors.
Import all VS settings EXCEPT Options => TextEditor.
Turn on line numbers for all languages (and if you have some other custom settings - them too)
I don't know who is to blame but I have the fresh Windows 8.1 + fresh VS 2013.
The newest solution steps:
Open the CurrentSettings.vssettings file.
string from the file
The latest solution steps:
Since I have the laptop with the new clean system w\o this issue I have done the following:
Backed up the PC level ReSharper settings and reset all of them
Reset VS settings with export current one
Restored the PC level ReSharpe settings
Restored the VS exported settings except Options => TextEditor => JS and JS Specific
I have restarted the VS several times and don't see the error now.
Try this solution:
"I was able to fix it: Uninstalling Snippet Designer and deleting the Code Snippets folder on C:\Users\USER\Documents\Visual Studio 2012"
Taken from:
I got this after accidentally copy-pasting a large chunk of HTML into a JavaScript file. Removing said HTML & restarting VS resolved the problem.
In my case, I have Visual Studio 2013 and a Node.js project which is weirdly set up. I just created an empty one and then copied angular-seed into it. So things are not as expected by VS, I guess. I was getting the same error as in the question.
I did not want to uninstal the snippet designer, so I did two things:
I made sure all the snippets in JavaScript folder had shortcuts defined (manually modified xml files) (it was mentioned on the same page Andrea provided link for) - this alone did not help.
I noticed that JavaScript Language Service output widow had a message in it complaining about missing _references.js file. I added the file manually and added only one line to it:
/// <autosync enabled="false" />
Visual Studio stopped complaining about the service failing then. I don't know if fix 2 alone does solve the issue.
ps: I decided to add this info here because this question comes first on Google search for the error. I know it is an old one...
I encountered this issue when I opened a solitary html file.
My workaround is to first open a Solution that contains a web project and then to open a JS file within it. After this, my solitary html file opens without error.
Remove Developer Assistant extension. Work for me

