Fill in a text field with a file system path - javascript

I have an HTML form and one the pieces of data we are collecting is a folder location. Right now the users have to manually input the path. I've been asked to make this easier. My thought was to provide a file input field, and have the user select a file in the needed folder, and then use javascript to parse the full file system path, and populate the other field. The product owners seemed to like that idea.
Since I have been trying to come up with some javascript to do this, and haven't been very successful. Any recommendations?

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How to secure and validate data uploads to GitHub Pages site?

I have a GitHub pages site where I'm hosting a project. It allows users to export their data from localStorage as stringified JSON object into a .txt file. They can then import their data back from that .txt file, which will store its contents into localStorage.
Having them paste the file contents into a text box is an option, but since I'm intending this to be a single-page application for use on mobile devices, that's not an ideal user experience.
How do I make sure they aren't uploading malicious, incorrect, or unusable data?
As far as security goes, I'm not sure how much of a risk this even is, since GitHub Pages only hosts static pages, and I'm not dealing with any sensitive data in any way. Still, it feels like I should be doing something other than just accepting plaintext files.
The first thing that comes to mind for validating the data is to use regex or another formulaic way to check object contents. The data is organized as an object of objects; all child objects will have the same keys with different values, and the number of objects can vary. I also plan to build in a way to handle empty file uploads, where it defaults to setting localStorage to {}.

Web visitor data storing without database/server

I have a research project which is focusing on understanding user's curiosity and connecting to Free WIFI including remote areas where internet is poor here.
To do this, we developed simple webpages with the first as a Visitor's form where we need a user/visitor to enter their data and let it be retrieved, saved or viewed later as user logs. We want to do this by simply having a Router and a Flash disk where the webfiles and data storing system will be...No server!
Is this very possible with Javascript, xml and or any other languages anyone has ever done this? That is except Javascript's LocalStorage which in this say, the user will be the one to have his/her own data.
This is an unusual request really. I agree a relational DB would be the best choice. Of course you can just save to text file (xml or not) and later use that file in Excel or so. That would be my choice.
You can probably store data with LocalStorage, and allow user to save data by exporting a .JSON or .CSV or something like that.
You can give the user a file to download by doing a on a Data URI containing the text of the JSON or CSV:

Posting file to PHP $_FILES from localStorage

It's surprisingly hard to find a definitive answer to this, I'm 95% sure what I'm trying to achieve is impossible, but here goes:
I have a multipart/form-data upload form. A user selects a file, but has to be logged in before he can post the form. The user can log in via Twitter. If he does so after selecting a file, due to the redirect to/from Twitter, the file input will be empty.
I have a PHP script using the $_FILES array to move the uploaded file to its final destination. (A solution to my problem would be to save the file to a temporary folder before redirecting to Twitter, but I currently can't set that up).
I can store the selected file in localStorage using the FileSystem API (at least in modern browsers). But I obviously can't put that back in the input element. Now I'm at a loss: is there any way to get that file from my localStorage into the PHP $_FILES array?
Login to Twitter via ajax. This way you will stay on your current page and the file input will stay filled.

Save key stroke events to spreadsheet +timings

As part of my college dissertation I am trying to test out how usable several different types of number entry keyboard interfaces are. To do this I need to record each key press my participants make and the timings of each key press. It is not enough just to record what they submit on a form as I need to monitor how many errors they see and correct also. I am hoping to somehow write this information to a .csv/spreadsheet to analyse after the experiments.
My supervisor suggested creating a webpage and using javascript for this but unfortunately I am a total beginner. My knowledge is limited to HTML. Could somebody please help me or suggest a place where I could find more information on this subject? I have been searching the web for the last couple of days with very little luck. Essentially I want to do something like in this example except to write it to an external file on my computer and with the inclusion of timings for the key presses.
Many thanks,
A desperate student.
You cannot write JavaScript directly to a file. You could instead send the data to the server to save a file in the .csv format to a specified location. Alternatively you could output the data in a format which copies easily into excel.
I suggest setting up a Node.js server and using jQuery+AJAX to send the data to your server via POST request then saving a .csv file on the server.

html: price listing based on email

I am building a website for a customer who may not be very computer literate. This person knows how to use email. How can I build a website (purely html, javascript) where he can email his latest prices and the website automatically updates itself. I dont think he would be literate enough to FTP file some where. Is it possible?
How to build a secure login page and redirect to order page using only javascript and html?
How to create secure administrative section on javascript/html only website?
I would advise you to create a nice admin web interface, and teach him how to use it. Or, agree some kind of Excel format for product prices, and teach the steps of uploading a csv file. Doing things by email would complicate things in my opinion.
As in the website receives the email as data input? That's probably not going to work very well. Also, if the client is as you imply, expect those emails to be poorly formatted, filled with typos, etc. It's not a very good data entry medium by any means.
The ideal solution would be to build an admin page into the website where the client can enter the information in as controlled a manner as possible, validating the information on the spot rather than through an email (would the server send a reply email for invalid data? that would get infuriating quickly). A simple and intuitive UI should be able to overcome any computer literacy issues he may have.
I don't think this can be done purely in HTML/Javascript. It would need a server component. You would have to set up some sort of POP3 or IMAP listener that polls a mail server for correctly formatted email then dumps that into a database to update the site. Certainly not trivial.
I would build an administration portion of the site to allow the customer to log in and enter the matter how illiterate, they certainly can be trained. ;-)
You could make the mail your prices thing work by just regulary checking a specific mailbox (over POP3 for example).
But that's something you won't be able to do in only pure html / javascript (and consider this: you would also need to store the mailbox credentials in client side code then!)
Email is a store-and-forward, asynchronous transport. You can use it to transport:
plain text (the body of an email)
styled text (the html body of a MIME email)
attached files
But none of those options will work well in your use case. You'd have to try to parse the body of the email if you were looking in the body for update information. -- Bad idea
And if you're using email to transport ordered data such as csv or Excel files, uploading the files directly to the website would enable a much better user interface.
You shouldn't use Excel files either since it will be too complicated for your user--he'd need to get the column (field) names exactly right, the content cells would also need to be exactly right, etc. Eg I use an excel file for input on one of my systems and a constant problem is zip/postal codes since they look like numbers but can have significant leading zeroes. Few users know how to enter them...
Recommendation create a set of web forms in the administrative section of the website. Your customer will be happy and you'll be even happier due to lower volume of support calls.

