How to render a javascript variable in an HTML attribute using jQuery - javascript

Using the following code:
<div class="whatever" addthis:title="Hi, your name is [firstName]"></div>
If I have a JS variable like this
var name = John
How would I replace the "[firstName]" with my JS variable in the first code snippet using jQuery?
It's ok if I need to set the attribute using jQuery to begin with like:
$('.whatever').attr( 'addthis:title', 'Hi, your name is [firstName].' );

Simply run replace on your string...:
var name = 'John';
$('.whatever').attr('addthis:title', function(i, attr){
return attr.replace('[firstName]', name);
P.S. Are you sure you want an attribute addthis:title, not simply title? That's invalid HTML! If you want to create your own attributes, prefix them with data-:
<div class="whatever" data-addthis-title="Hi, your name is [firstName]"></div>

Did you try it? Your example code contains all the pieces you need.
var name = "John";
var element = $('.whatever');
var newAttrValue = element.attr('addthis:title').replace(/\[firstName\]/, name);
element.attr('addthis:title', newAttrValue);


Javascript Replace all but what is inside of title=""

I have this text
var test = "<span data-toggle="tooltip" title="2Test">1TEST</span>";
I don't rely not sure what I am doing and could need some help. This is what I tried:
test = test.replace(/<span data-toggle="tooltip" title="|">[^>]*>/gi, "");
The test variable should only return the value inside of "title".
I agree with #Biffen you shouldn't really parse HTML with regex! But if you must do it, try this...
var test = "<span data-toggle='tooltip' title='2Test'>1TEST</span>";
var result = test.match(/title='([^']+)'/)[1];
console.log(result); //2Test
You don't need to parse HTML to get the title attribute, instead you can access title attribute from HTML DOM.
Create a temporary container with createElement, then set inner html with your html string, lastly traverse to first child which is the span and get the title attribute that you want.
var test = "<span data-toggle='tooltip' title='2Test'>1TEST</span>";
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = test;
var title = el.firstChild.getAttribute('title')
console.log(title) //2Test

get html from a variable by id

i have a variable name value in my javascript code that contain html data.i want to get the data inside form specific id that is inside #myDiv
var value="<div >
<p class="">Hi</p>
<div id="myDiv">
You should create a DOM element, then traverse up to it and get html() or .text()
var value = '<div >\
<p class="">Hi</p>\
<div id="myDiv">\
<script src=""></script>
If you need to get parent element, then use
alert($('<div />', {html: value}).find('#myDiv').html())
How about you do like this?
var variable = "stuff n things";
document.getElementById( 'myDiv' ).innerHTML = variable;
Thats the native way :)
if you want to get the data you just do like this:
var variable = document.getElementById( 'myDiv' ).innerHTML;
That will give you the markup of whats inside the div.
Or use document.querySelector("#myDiv") to get the first match on the selector.querySelectorAll returns array.
You can use the HTML of the value variable to create an jQuery object. From this object you can search for the element with the id, and get its HTML content:
var html = $(value).find('#myDiv').html();
console.log(html); //sgdhsagdhaghdhsajdgasjcjzjcg
Or a pure javascript implementation:
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = value;
var html = el.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML;
console.log(html); //sgdhsagdhaghdhsajdgasjcjzjcg
Using plain Javascriptuse:
Using jQuery:
There are Two ways- Angular way-
var elem = angular.element(value);
var innerDive=elem[0].getElementById('myDiv');
var text= angular.element(innerDive[0]).innerText;
var text= $(value).find('#myDiv').text();

Get the tag name of a form input value

How does one get the .tagName of a value passed in an HTML form input? This is to check whether the value that has been passed is an 'iFrame'. The input is to only accept iframes
For example:
<input type="text" id="iFrame">
<button id="butt">Push</button>
document.getElementById("butt").onclick = function(){
var iframe = document.getElementById("iFrame").value;
I think you are looking for
var iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iFrame")
I perhaps did not ask the question in the best way, initially.
I wanted to check if the value passed in the input field was an "iframe" (the input is to only accept iFrames). Since .value returns a string and not an HTML tag, getting the tag name through basic methods would not work. I needed another way.
For anybody else who needs a quick solution, this is how I managed to do it:
document.getElementById("submit").onclick = function(){
var iframe = document.getElementById("iFrame").value;
var check1 = iframe.match(/iframe/g);
var check2 = iframe.match(/frameborder/g);
var check3 = iframe.match(/http:/g);
var check = check1.length + check2.length + check3.length;
if (check === 4) {

jQuery selector by form index and input name

Take the following page with two forms with different classes but each form has an input with the same name.
<form class='first_form'>
<input name='test' value='1' />
<form class='second_form'>
<input name='test' value='3'/>
I can get the form index and I know the name of the input but I do not know the index of the input.
Is there a way to chain a selector with the form index and the input name to get the value?
I have tried chaining but nothing seems to work
var inputName = 'test';
Var formIndex = 1;
$('*[name="' + inputName + '"]' +' ' + '$("form").eq(' + formIndex + ')').val();
var formIndex=0;
var inputName="txtbox";
vall= $("form:eq("+ formIndex+") input[name= "+ inputName +" ]").val();
your order was wrong
Untested, but could you do:
$('form:nth-of-type(1) input[name="test"]').val();
$("form:nth-child("+formIndex+") input[name='"+inputName+"']").val();
You could do in a more clever way:
var fieldName = 'test';
var formId = '.first_form'
$('form'+formId+' input[name='+fieldName+']).val()
Instead of index, use named selectors, like id or class. It will help you in the future find the correct form (when you will have more than 5, it will be hard to count witch one you are looking at :) )
But that is too complex:)
I would propose something like this:
var currentForm = $('form'+formId);
currentForm//here you can put a log into console if element has not been found and find that bug sooner.
You can access the form's element directly within the DOM using either of:
You can then reference an input element by name using:
Then just wrap it in $(...) to get yourself a jQuery collection. In your case:
var inputName = 'test',
formIndex = 1;
I imagine this is by far the most performant way, and it's readable too.
To add a little detail, document.forms is an HTMLCollection of all HTMLFormElements within a document. And given any HTMLCollection or HTMLFormElement you can access named elements within them as properties.

Javascript handle 2 data attribute

I need to use data attribute in my html
<div id="userlist" data-user="A.A.M"></div>
then I need to alert the data-user
I used
var userlist = document.getElementById("userlist");
var show = userlist.getAttribute("data-user");
My question is how to handle many data-user in the html like
<div id="userlist" data-user="A.A.M"></div>
<div id="userlist2" data-user="A.A.M2"></div>
to alert A.A.M and A.A.M2
Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad English.
You could select your elements by attribute.
$("div[data-user]").each(function() {
var user = $(this).data("user");
If you have multiple attributes per element (<div data-user='something' data-another='another'></div>), you can also access those in the same way:
$("div[data-user]").each(function() {
var user = $(this).data("user");
var another = $(this).data("another");
alert(user + ", another: " + another);
you know how to alert 1, alert 2:
alert at the same time:
var data1 = document.getElementById("userlist").getAttribute("data-user");
var data2 = document.getElementById("userlist2").getAttribute("data-user");
var data = data1 +"\n" + data2; //"\n" can be other separators you like
if you have many of them, you can use jQuery:
add this in your , before any other js code.
<script src=""></script>
then :
Calling getElementById on both should work. If you want to iterate you can try to use getElementsByTagName or getElementsByClassName. If you want to select any arbitrary element with the attribute data-user, you can either use querySelectorAll, or check out jQuery, and use $("[data-user]") as a selector.
Does that answer your question?

