close Shadowbox from inside iframe using 2 methods - javascript

I have already searched SO for similar questions, and none of the methods worked for me.
I have a shadowbox which opens on the click of an as so:
This works fine and my forms work best with this method (ie I can close my forms easily using
Problem.. I have a page which ajax's in data, and I wanted to load a shadowbox for these "future" elements, I thought of doing this by using the jquery delegate function.
// Open our form manually
$('body').delegate("#video-form-edit", "click", function(e){
var url = $(this).attr('href'); // Our URL{
content: url,
player: "iframe",
height: 400,
width: 510
// If I want to close ^ this ^ shadowbox, how do i do it?
// window.parent.Shadowbox.close(); // Doesnt work
The problem is that I can't close the form that is opened using the delegate method using the above "externally" loaded shadow box,
Is their a better way of doing this? How do I close a shadowbox loaded using the delegate methods.
I keep getting error Cannot call method 'close' of undefined.
Right well, since no answer, I've found I can use:
parent.window.location = parent.window.location.href;
To redirect to the parent window, Although this is not what Im looking for, it could be a solution for someone.

Duh.. I can't believe no one got it!, 18 Hours later..
I needed to Change the ID to a class
Change $('body').delegate("#video-form-edit", "click", function(e){
To ----->$('body').delegate(".video-form-edit", "click", function(e){
And also in my ahref.
Now everything works as normal in all my shadowbox, for all elements now or future.


href target _blank not working properly - not opening link in new tab , javascript handling the event diferently

I'm having a problem with a href target _blank on my website.
I cannot determine why it is not opening the link in a new tab, in the section: LATEST PROJECTS > Boranito skat and others, in fact, is instead opening the link in the same tab... can someone explore my website and tell me what is happening and how to solve it? I think it does have to be something with the JS but I am not able to find the problem in the Javascript code since I am a javascript rookie and cannot understand properly what the javascript code here does...
from what I have understood due to previous google and StackOverflow research and behavior watching, it is because javascript is handling the event target _blank in a different way, in fact, javascript here is being used for website change( i mean every click you do on the menu, some divs appears, some divs disappears and it is being handled by 3 js classes), already examined the JS files, clicked right-click, used element inspector> elements> event listeners>click event to see which JS files are being triggered while clicking...
see here detailed image
as you can see, two javascript archives are executing while doing the click event:
1: `jquery.pagepiling.min.js. //// 2: animsition.js`
3: scripts.js
so apparently both javascript classes are handling the events: on click, but since I am a newbie in javascript I cannot understand how to handle this or even understand what the JS does to the website ( i am just tinkering with the given template to try to understand it and to customize it better, (and hence, make the target _blank work properly( as exposed before, while clicking the link, it opens the link in the same page) so I come here for some support of you
Here is the code snippet for you to be able to locate easily inside my website the code while using the code explorer in chrome:
<a href="project-detail.html" target="_blank" class="project-box">
<div class="project-box-inner">
<div class="project-category">House Design</div>
however, will leave the javascript source files here since I am requested to give all possible details here to avoid users being in the need of accessing , here are all the 3 javascript classes handling all the template events which I don't know what they do:
(since I am not able to attach the source code of the javascript classes, I will attach a link for each js file so you could check it, thanks in forward.....
Thank you in advance.
Your script (scripts.js) on line 13 toggle animsition's feature for links: linkElement: "a.project-box". This will add an handler to every a element with a project-box class. The handler is the following code (I've commented for your understanding):
function(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // prevent the default behavior for links (prevent the behavior you want)
var $self = $(this);
var url = $self.attr('href'); // get the url of the link
if (event.which === 2 || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey || navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf('WIN') !== -1 && event.ctrlKey) {
// open the link in a new tab ONLY IF I clicked on it with the middle mouse button or with Ctrl/Cmd pressed, '_blank');
} else {
// Else do the animation and open the link in the same tab, $self, url);
To fix your problem, you can either
Change the way you setup Animsition, be aware that it can modify other links/behaviors in your site
Change the class of your link so it is not matched as the linkElement of your Animsition's setup. For example: remove the class of the a element (it will affect the styling) and you will see that the link opens in a new tab.
You can find the handler's code in the devtools -> your link element -> handlers -> click.

Trying to load another html page into a div using jQuery. I looked at other posts but mine still isn't working

Please have a look. EDIT: here is a link to a fiddle for the entire code:
This is a section of the jQuery (everything above it seems to be working fine). I am trying to get portfolio.html to show up in the #portfolio div (which is not visible until you click the link for it). The portfolio.html is in the same folder in the directory so I don't think I have to worry about the link.
I have a div set up for it in the html as
<div id="portfolio">ooh blah dee</div>
In the jQuery I also tried:
Have you considered using IFrames? If I understand your issue correctly you can simply change the display of the element on action using something like .toggle()
example: JSFiddle
As far as the current code, i would really need to see some more info as your code appears, at a simple form anyway, correct. Can you provide your file structure, or the results from the networking tab in dev tools when you run the event? Or even give this a shot on your .load():
$( "#portfolio" ).load( "portfolio.html", function() {
alert( "Load was performed." );
However it's important to remember that .load() is an ajax call so everytime you run your display method you're rendering a view via ajax instead of that one time iframe.
Hmm, the problem might be that the #portfolio_link element is created in the DOM after you attempt to attach the event listener. This could be solved by attaching the event listener to the 'body' tag and filtering down to any click events on children matching the '#portfolio_link' DOM selector.
Try this:
$('body').on('click', '#portfolio_link', function(){
Jquery works in chain.
Also try first to load and then hide.
Can you use Firebug or Chrome devoper tools to see
what is happening with DOM?

Fancybox link to display another fancybox

Sometimes it makes sense to have a link within a fancybox to launch another fancybox (or load content within the current one).
Say, you have a fancybox error message on login. You also have a "email me my password" widget that works via a fancybox. You may want to combine the two to say (in a fancybox):
Bad password!
Forgot my password!
Unfortunately, this will not work. I considered adding the following js:
$('#fancybox-content a').live('click', function(){
Surprisingly, this sort of worked: You have to click on the link twice and then the right thing happens. Ugh.
Finally, I found a hacky ugly work-around (it works!):
$('#fancybox-content a').live('click', function(){
var href = $(this).attr('href'); //assume there is a selector inside href
$.fancybox($(href).html()); //find the html manually and load
What is the right way to accomplish this?
This is i how i solved this problem in my projects:
$('a.fancybox').live("click",function(event) {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
$.fancybox({href: href})
In this way you can add fancybox to any current un future A elements with .fancybox class so you don't have to define new events after opening fancybox.
Version 2 is already using "live", so using class names - `$(".fancybox").fancybox();' - would also work on elements loaded using ajax
You should be telling elements to open a Fancybox from within your plugin.
Somewhere you have the following ->
That's a very basic function to open a Fancybox, and not only that, but it will also what to open based on the href of the element. You don't need to do any leg work here.
So if you have ->
Forgot my password!
Simply add an ID, such as 'x' for simplicity ->
<a id="x" href="#forgot-password">Forgot my password!</a>
Then, enable the Fancybox plugin for this element.
//this is for our new container to fire
That should be all you need.

'onbeforeunload' Fires Twice

I want to send an ajax request when a user leaves a page or closes the window.
Here is my code inside :
<script type="text/javascript">
function sendajax(){
url: "someurl",
data: mydata,
async : false
<script type="text/javascript">
When the event occurs the event fires twice.
Why does in happen?
I know I can prevent it by adding a variable var ajaxSent=true; but may be there is a cleaner way to do it?
I replaced the sendajax function content with some other code (without sending ajax) and found out that ajax is not the one causing the problem. It still enters the function twice.
Based on the code in your edit and comments, it looks like it could simply be caused by the broken link you are clicking to leave the page.
Given the following code:
function doSomething() { console.log('onbeforeunload fired'); }
window.onbeforeunload = doSomething;
link A
link B
If I click on link A, I get two console log entries, if I click on link B I only get one.
It looks like it could be a quirk of how the browsers handle their internal "This web page has not been found" pages, causing your page to be refreshed and closed again before showing the message, leaving you with two occurrences of the onbeforeunload event.
I had the same problem and it took a while to understand and resolve, sharing the case details:
There was a custom JS within our template that manipulated the menu.
It caused the unload to fire twice, only when clicking on the menu links, not on other links, and only in IE/EDGE.
We eventually stopped the propagation on these links and the problem was resolved.
$('.SELECTOR a[href^="http://"]').on('click', function(e){
It's a specific bug in your application, therefore you won't find too much information on google.
You could try the following code:
<script type="text/javascript"><br>
window.onbeforeunload=function sendajax(){<br>
url: "someurl",<br>
data: mydata,<br>
async : false<br>
or you can define sendajax() {} at some place and the use it like onbeforeunload = "sendajax()" not as onbeforeunload = "function () { sendajax() }"
beforeUnload is cancellable
I know this post is quite old but from the Chrome Pagelifecycle API documentation, browsers can occasionally partially unload pages to save resources. beforeUnload is not reliable to make sure that the page is closed. This especially happens on android devices when the screen is locked.
There is a jsfiddle that I found somebody wrote that you can test out Keep the screen locked for 5-10 minutes on Chrome android and you'll see that beforeUnload is fired without even closing the tab.
$(document).ready(function() {
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', showLoader);
var showLoader = function() {
Agree with AlonMichaeli's concept.
In my application there was anchor tag wrapped with in a div together with couple of spans. When Anchor was clicked on a dirty page, there was couple of 'Leave site' notifications.
It worked fine if any other part of menuItem (div or spans) are clicked.
So in custom javascript method I've added stopped propagation and preventDefault only if anchor tag is clicked. Somehow in this case preventDefault is necessary.
function menuItemClicked(event: JQueryEventObject) {
var item = $(;
if (".anchor-item")) {
href = item.closest(".anchor-item").attr("href");
if (!event.ctrlKey && href) {
window.location.href = href;

Prevent an exception with jQuery UI Tabs

I am adding some custom tabs to a jquery ui tab control.
$("#tabs").tabs("add","#tabContent0","CLICK ME TO CHANGE PAGE",0);
Yes this is a bit of a hack, but it is exactly what i need and provide a nice way to give links back to previous parent pages.
jquery throws the following exception: "jQuery UI Tabs: Mismatching fragment identifier."
This is thrown on the line which appears to attempt to make the tab container visible in jquery ui (exact line wont help as is minified and custom build from official site).
Obviously im just redirecting but jquery has additional code to select the tab (which doesnt exist). In internet explorer, if the user has script errors enabled they will see the exception be thrown just before the window location changes, which I just cant have happen.
I cant put try catch around this code because it is the code inside jquery ui that throws the exception.
Is there anyway I can prevent this exception being thrown or achive the same thing but a different way without having to modified jquery ui ?
Edit: I am now wondering if there is a way to override the on click event hook placed on the element by jquery .. its definitely doing something there i cant see.
Edit: I have to log off now but I have made some progress, if someone can just help me get the right URL, using this code it prevents the exception, but redirects me to "http://myurl/undefined"
$('#tabs').bind('tabsselect', function(event, ui) {
if(ui.index<2) //ignore this will change to get current tab count -1 (so the end tab is left as it is
window.location=$('#'"href"); //attr href is undefined, how do i use properly to get the right url
return false;
It works OK for me in Chrome and IE8.
I also tried this code and it worked:
$("#tabs").tabs("add","#tabContent0","CLICK ME TO CHANGE PAGE",0);
$('a[href="#tabContent0"]').click(function() {
Instead of changing href attribute, I add a handler on the click event of the new tab. This will make the tab to be switched and then the location changed.
From the jQuery UI docs:
select: function(event, ui) {
var url = $.data(, 'load.tabs');
if( url ) {
location.href = url;
return false;
return true;
Though, jQuery's tabs, uh, method, ought to support passing in a selector for the tabs and panels so you could just make things links, instead of having to kick against the pricks.

