javascript / omniture - how to clear all properties of an object (s object) - javascript

I'm using omniture and tracking various properties to the "s" variable for tracking. The example code I'm following calls a function called s.clearVars() after each tracking event. But I get an error saying that clearVars is not a valid function. Does anyone know what I'm supposed to call to clear the tracking object? Or how to clear all properties from a javascript object.

Don't clear the entire s object, it contains a lot of functions that are listening to dom events and if you clear those, you'll lose a lot of functionality. I'm guessing you just want to clear all of the custom variables that you are populating on the page (props, evars, events, products, etc). The s.clearVars function is a "plugin" that Omniture consulting wrote that clears all of these values for you. You could contact your Omniture Account manager and ask him for the code, he may or may not give it to you, depending on whether he wants to sell you some consulting hours or if he knows what you are talking about, or you could do this yourself with a couple of simple loops:
function ClearVars(){
for (var i=0; i < 75; i++) {
svarArr = ['pageName','channel','products','events','campaign','purchaseID','state','zip','server','linkName'];
for (var i=0; i < svarArr.length ; i++) {
Please note I haven't tested the code. Just shot it from the hip.

Small Correction to Vector Frogs (amazing) code.
The second for loop need to have i=0 to clear out the pageName variable.
Great Script V_FRog!

this will reset the entire object as per your original request:

I think the best answer for how to clear the properties off of a JS object is to just create a new object all together.
Check out this post: How to quickly clear a Javascript Object?
s = {};


Getting deformation object in spark ar environment

I am trying to get deformation object to change it properties by JS, but I cannot even get it by any Spark module.
Spark AR have sample project with face distortion deformation.
You can even see in tutorial, that there is some morph object attached, which called faceDistortionPack. This object is located in assets, and I tried to get it by different ways in script, but couldn't make it. I want to write some js logic to manipulate deformations.
const Scene = require('Scene');
const Diagnostics = require('Diagnostics');
const faceMesh = Scene.root.find('facemesh_distortion');
Diagnostics.log(faceMesh); // FaceMesh:
Diagnostics.log(faceMesh.deformation); // null
Diagnostics.log(faceMesh.find('faceDistortionPack')); // Exception...
// ....
I want to get 'faceDistortionPack' object to access it properties, like 'nose_z', so I can change them by JS.
Although this is a pretty old question I thought I'd answer anyway if anyone struggles with this and comes across this thread.
First of all: There's an amazing collection of helpful tips, tutorials, snippets etc. called Spark AR Community. There you can find a GitBook with an alternative, better indexed and better working version of the official script object reference. I recommend using it if you're lost in the official reference or it's not working which happens quite often. There you can see, that the BlendShapesMesh, mentioned in the previous answer is deprecated as of Spark AR v85+, so that won't help anyone. ()
So, what you are trying to achieve, if I understand it correctly, is to access the faceMesh's Blendshapes and change their value through script. What you need to do is this:
Follow the instructions in this Tutorial:
After you applied the Blendshapes, mess around a bit with adjusting the Blendshapes, so you understand what's happening.
Add a script to your assets. You're gonna want to access the faceMesh-Object's Blendshapes' weight Property through script. That can be done by using the getBlendshapes()-Method of the Mesh-Class.
Here's a code example:
//Require Modules
const Scene = require('Scene');
const Diagnostics = require('Diagnostics');
const Reactive = require('Reactive');
//Enable async/await [part 1]
(async function () {
//Load Assets as Promise
const loadAssets = await Promise.all(
Scene.root.findFirst("faceMesh0"), //Put name of your facemesh here, default is faceMesh0
const faceMesh = assets[0]; //Assign the facemesh from the assets-Array of the promise to a variable you can work with better
const faceMeshShapes = faceMesh.getBlendShapes(); //Access all Blendshapes of the faceMesh-Object and store them in an Array
What you have now is a variable called faceMeshShapes, that's an object with an array of Blenshapes in it. You can console log it with Diagnostics.log(faceMeshShapes) and see that there's an array called "_value" in it, that's filled with all Blendshapes as objects, that have a weight-Property, which specifies the weight of the Blendshape with a scalarValue. You can consolelog this Value by converting it with the pinLastValue()-Method of the scalarValue-Class and you can assign different values by binding it to a custom value, that you convert to a scalarValue by using the val()-Method from the Reactive-Module.
Here's an example:
Diagnostics.log(faceMeshShapes._value[0].weight.pinLastValue()); //console log the Value of the weight property's scalarValue of the Blendshape that's stored at the index 0 of the _value-Array
faceMeshShapes._value[0].weight = Reactive.val(0.5) //set the weight to 0.5
Diagnostics.log(faceMeshShapes._value[0].weight.pinLastValue()); //console log the changed value of the weight property
So basically, that's how you can access every Blendshape's weight. The index should be according to the order in which they are listed in spar AR studio, beginning with 0 for the first BlendShape. Now you can do lots of things with this value, like binding it to an animation that animates it from 0-1 or to the mouth-openess using the face-tracking module and so on.
Last but not least, don't forget any semicolons and close all brackets.
})(); // Enable async/await [part 2]
P.S.: It can really help sometimes to understand what's happening and how to access stuff, by console logging a list of all properties of an object. Especially since the spark AR documentation is pretty weak on that part (and pretty weak in general). You can use the following function from MDN to do that. It's nothing fancy, but it does the job and has saved me a couple of times already :)
function listAllProperties(o) {
var objectToInspect;
var result = [];
for(objectToInspect = o; objectToInspect !== null;
objectToInspect = Object.getPrototypeOf(objectToInspect)) {
result = result.concat(
return result;
The link you posted isn't live any more.
I'm guessing the below links are more relevant now for others looking into this. I animated a series of blendShapes, and these links were useful. Basically cycling through the weights of each blendShape.

How to know what objects were added to window by the current page code?

When I visit some page, like an SPA, I know some objects are added to window by its code.
Is there a way to know what are native browser objects/methods, and which were added by the app?
calling the window variable basicly give you an overview from all the content inside of it. I guess if you want to known how much functions it currently includes you could do something like:
Object.keys(window).length; //or just Object.keys for the names
To known if new functions have been added to the window object need to known the number of keys their where before they where included or just by knowning the static number. To just give some example. Here on stackoverflow the window object only contains 246 keys. However on something like google I counted 1597 keys. So it really depends on the app you are using.
So what you could do is write a function that checks if the amount of keys have been increased and when that happends taking out the key and moving it into a array inside the function.
That just what I get from your question.
I think you are looking for Mutation Observers. With them you can listen for newly added or removed DOM elements. I believe you also get notified of attribute and text changes.
Here is a link to a short article about them. Mutation Observers
Hope this helps!
Suppose you have two separate tabs. One that doesn't add anything to window (which is hard to find), one that have added some properties.
have both open.
in the clean one do :
a = Object.keys(window);
copy the result and move that to the tab that have added some properties to window. then do a = JSON.parse(<Ctrl + v>)
and b = Object.keys(window)
and finally :
c = b.filter(p=>a.indexOf(p)=== -1)
now c contains names of all properties that have been added to window object by that tab;
Firefox Developer Edition does that by default :
a screenshot of how it works
Note that window's default properties are separated in a different property (called [default properties])

Javascript, HTML, and iFrames

We have a web based type application which controls workflows for my place of business. Setting up how each user interacts with the application (Basically a web page) is a pretty straight forward process. We have the option of adding iframes into the layout.
I have written a very basic bit of javascript which sits inside an onChange function (part of the program) the script just calculates some numbers together and returns the value in a field.
What I am trying to do is get that total sum into an iframe instead of a form/element (?)
I understand this isn't very clear but is hard to go into great detail for company policy reasons.
Information is taken and calculated
for (var i = 0; i < grid.contentWindow.GetRowCount(); i++)
Numof = grid.contentWindow.GetSingleColumnValue(i, 'info').replace(re, "");
total = parseFloat(Numof) - total;
And is printed out into a pre created field using
CF_SetFieldValue("Printed_Field", dec_ToDecimalValue(total.toString(), 2));
Question is: how do I get the information to print in the iframe instead of "Printed_Field"?
Sorry for the lengthy and randomish post. any help would be much appreciated.
Edit: I guess at the most simplest question - How do I get the information in the forms into the inframe instead? (To be displayed in a table)
That depends on how CF_SetFieldValue is defined. By the looks of it there's a lot of very strange and probably superfluous functions that get in the way of easy-to-read-and-understand code.
Probably what you need is something like grid.contentDocument.getElementById('Printed_Field').value = dec_ToDecimalValue(total.toString(),2);

Prototype injection, google maps api

I need to catch the event of getting back suggestions for google maps autocomplete. I know it is undocumented, but doing some research I found that it could be down via some prototype hacking.
<input type='text' id='myInput'>
<script src=""></script>
function catcher(key) { console.log(key); }
function MyProto() {}
MyProto.prototype = new google.maps.MVCObject();
MyProto.prototype.changed = catcher;
var gAuto = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(
document.getElementById('myInput'), ['geocode']);
// one of two should be commented
//gAuto.__proto__.__proto__.changed = catcher; // every key, including 'predictions'
gAuto.__proto__.__proto__ = MyProto.prototype; // only 'types', '0', and 'place' when selected
JSFiddle link: (check the console)
Check the last two lines. When setting 'changed' function directly on MVCObject prototype (first one, commented), everything works great and I can catch key 'predictions' in the 'catcher' function. The problem is that catcher needs to be different if, for example, I need to have two instances of autocomplete on my page. So when I'm trying to inject custom object in autocomplete's prototype chain (last line) everything fails. Is there any way to solve this?
EDIT: working version, thanks to Sajid :-)
UPDATE: Completed the code, maybe it will be helpful to anyone
In the second line, you are replacing the entire prototype of the MVC object with an instance of the MVC object, and depending on how the thing is initialized, this will likely not work at all. The first like replaces one function, though in the process it completely breaks that function since you don't call its superclass version, so you are not extending, you are really clobbering. To not clobber, you need to do:
(function() {
var oldChanged = gAuto.__proto__.__proto__.changed;
function catcher(key) {
// call old version, and make sure to maintain this reference correctly, key);
// do your stuff here
gAuto.__proto__.__proto__.changed = catcher;
One simple solution is that each object has an idea of this mentioned above. So changed has a reference to this, which will refer to the object being used as the caller's target (except in specific situations that are a bit out of scope here). But basically:
var x = new MVCObject();
x.changed('hi') // this === x
So if your two versions need to do different things, you can check which this the changed method was called from and react appropriately.

pulling an array of objects

I currently have a validation script that has a selection of <input> elements stored in objects with properties such as "id", "type" "isRequired" and"isValid". I currently have this setup() function that does the following:
function setup(obj) {
obj.getElement().onkeyup = function() {validate(obj)}
In order to run this setup() function on all of my input objects I need to execute the following addEvents() function
function setEvents() {
I'm helping create a system that has multiple pages of nothing but forms so I'd prefer if I didn't have to type this for each object. Is there a way I can collect an array of all the objects that are based on a specific object template? This way I could loop through the array and apply a setup to each object in a single function. If not, are there alternatives?
(p.s. I've been asking so many object-oriented(oh, I crack myself up sometimes) questions lately because this is my first time messing with objects)
the object template I'm referring to looks something like this:
function input(id,isRequired,type) { = id
this.isRequired = isRequired
this.type = type
this is then followed by a
firstName = new input('firstName',true,'alpha')
As I said in my comment, you could add the element to an array when you create it:
var inputs = [];
var firstName = new input('firstName',true,'alpha');
This is not ver convenient yet. But you could create another object which manages all this:
var InputManager = {
elements: [],
create: function(/* arguments here */) {
var n = new input(/* arguments here */);
return n;
setup: function() {
for(var i = this.elements.length; i--;) {
(function(obj) {
obj.getElement().onkeyup = function() {validate(obj)};
with which you can do:
var firstName = InputManager.create('firstName',true,'alpha');
// etc.
Something along these lines. I think this would be a quite object oriented way. If you have a collection of objects, you often have another object which handles the functions that should be performed on all those objects.
As with most javascript questions, the easiest way to do this is with a library such as jQuery. If you have a unique way to differentiate these objects with a css selector (e.g., they all have the class "validate" or they're the only input[type="text"] fields on the page or something), then you can do a simple selection like $('.validate') to get an array of all these objects. You can get this array using javascript of course but it's a tad more complicated. Once you have the array you can loop over the elements or you can do a simple bind like $('.validate').change(validate); which will call the validate() method whenever a dom element with the class 'validate' changes.
Edit: So obviously I don't know the entirety of what you're trying to accomplish, but if you're new to web programming, just note also that no matter what you're doing on the client side (ie in the browser), all validation should also be done on the server side. Javascript validation is generally used to just be user-friendly and not to actually validate your inputs, since I could easily just turn javascript off or redefine validate as function validate() {} and bypass javascript validation for whatever reason.
2nd Edit: So I'm not sure if this answer was 100% what you're looking for but it's good to know regardless.
Judging by your examples you are not using jQuery. And for that reason alone, I'm going to up vote you. On the same note, after you get really comfortable with JS and how you can do things, really consider using a framework or saving your scripts so you don't have to reinvent the wheel for each project.
You can actually use the DOM to your advantage!
All the forms in your page can be referenced with document.forms[index]. Alternatively you can also reference a named form with document.formName.
Look at this jsfiddle for an example using the latter.
Reading your update and the fact that you needed a way of creating the input objects and setup the validation. I updated my fiddle with a different approach.
Used the id to hold the validation info regarding the element then the addValidation function reverts the id to it's basic form so you can still use it normally throughout your application.
The only requirement is that you addValidation the first thing after page load. So the ID get revamped first.
The solution is also JS safe, meaning if the user doesn't have JS, apart from no validation, no other things will happen.
I think your problem is that the obj in the onkeyup scope is undefined.
function setup(obj) {
//obj is desired
obj.getElement().onkeyup = function() {validate(obj) //obj is undefined because onkeyup is the new scope of this function
instead you could do this:
function setup(obj) {
obj.getElement().onkeyup = function() {validate(this)

