Why does javascript not execute this block properly in this situation? - javascript

The function below was used in two .php documents. This code works perfectly in the first but in the second document it only executes the first two assignment statements in the (mode=="on") condition.
In the first document "popoutfg" is an iframe found in the parent window.
In the 2nd document "popoutfg" is an iframe found within another iframe located in the parent window.
So basically the problem is in the 2nd one it only executes these two: temp1.style.visibility="visible"; and
temp2.style.visibility="visible"; .
Please and thank you! =3
function popout(mode, links, width, height, paddingh, paddingv)
var temp1 = document.getElementById("popoutfg");
var temp2 = document.getElementById("popoutbg");
if(mode == "on")
temp1.style.visibility = "visible";
temp2.style.visibility = "visible";
temp1.style.width = width;
temp1.style.height = height;
temp1.style.left = paddingh;
temp1.style.right = paddingh;
temp1.style.top = paddingv;
temp1.style.bottom = paddingv;
temp1.src = links;
if(mode == "off")
temp1.style.visibility = "hidden";
temp2.style.visibility = "hidden";

temp1.style.width = width;
Invalid Argument error suggests that you are not setting the width parameter legitimately. If this doesn't help let me know the value you saw in alert and we will try to further investigate.


How to assign Javascript Image object to existing Img element of JSP

JSP code is written as below,
< img src='<%=imageURL%>' id='advt-image-top' border='0' alt=''" /><br/>
Where the value of imageURL is like,
(Sample URL which fetches random advertisement image from Ad-Server)
Now, same JSP page contains javascript-code like below:
$(document).ready(function() {
var imgAd = new Image();
imgAd.src = '<%=imageURL%>';
imgAd.onload = function(){
if((this.width == 1 && this.height == 1)){
Above javascript code checks - if image returned from ad-server is of size 1x1, then it should be replaced with default-image.
Problem is, above entire code-snippet executes "imageURL" twice in order to fetch one image from ad-server : one to check whether image-returned-from-ad-server is of size 1x1 and other during tag execution.
How can I optimize above code so that "imageURL" is executed only once?
How can I assign Image() object of javascript (after 1x1 validation is passed) to JSP's 'advt-image-top' element?
Thanks in advance.
You just need a minor adjustment to your javascript code, there is no need to create an Image:
$(document).ready(function() {
var imgAd = document.getElementById('advt-image-top');
imgAd.onload = function(){
if((this.width == 1 && this.height == 1)){
However, the image might get loaded before the document ready fires and lose the onload event, so you might want to load the default url in your tag:
< img src='img/default_top.jpg' id='advt-image-top' border='0' alt=''" /><br/>
...and apply the remote url by code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var imgAd = document.getElementById('advt-image-top');
imgAd.onload = function(){
if((this.width == 1 && this.height == 1)){
EDIT: probably the best way is to remove the img tag altogether from the jsp and write everything with javascript. Supposing that the image is contained in an element with id "container":
$(document).ready(function() {
var imgAd = new Image();
imgAd.onload = function(){
if((this.width == 1 && this.height == 1)){
#dipanda, Thanks for your comments. Helped me solve my problem.
var $imgObj = $("<img/>",{src:"<%=imageURL%>"});
var imgJS = $imgObj[0];
if(imgJS.height == 1 && imgJS.width == 1){
if($("#advt-image-top")!=null && $("#advt-image-top")!=undefined){

Cannot remove a div in Javascript

I'm trying to remove a div in Javascript but 'its not working. I get no error in my console yet the function does get called.
I don't understand what I have done wrong, so I'm hoping someone can explain. This is how it works:
function menu_load(type){
document.getElementById(type).onclick = function(){ menu_unload(type); }
var width = 100;
var height = 100;
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.id = 'menu';
d.className = 'menu';
d.style.width = width + 'px';
d.style.height = height + 'px';
function menu_unload(type){
alert('test'); //this displays
var div = document.getElementById("menu");
div.parentNode.removeChild(div); // doesn't remove the div
document.getElementById(type).onclick = menu_load(type);
window.onload = function(){
Is there any mistake here that I have missed? I just can't work out the problem.
Your code works for me if I correct the following line:
document.getElementById(type).onclick = menu_load(type);
Which incorrectly calls menu_load() and tries to assign the result to .onclick. It should be like you did in the other function
document.getElementById(type).onclick = function() { menu_load(type); };
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/MCZza/
To be honest I don't know why this fixes it, since your code wasn't actually a syntax error, but because it called menu_load() it recreated the div just removed. and the .removeChild() line should happen first, but anyway...

Picture is not switching with JavaScript

I have my code set so when you click the picture switches, and then a menu pops up. (I haven't finished the menu yet). But when I click on the picture, it is not changing. Can you tell me how to fix my code thanks.
I can't get jsfiddle to work so here is my website http://spencedesign.netau.net/singaporehomemenu.html
And the troubling code is:
function showMore() {
if (more.style.display != "none") {
more.style.display = "none";
else {
more.style.display = "block";
imgs = Array("more.png", "less.png");
var x = 0;
function change() {
document.getElementById("bob").src = imgs[++x];
if (x == 1) {
x = -1;
if (!imgs[x + 1]) {
x = -1;
(yes I have all of the appropriate body and html tags, I just thought it wasn't needed to demonstrate my problem) Thanks for your time!
Your problem is that you don't have an ID called bob. So when you try to call:
document.getElementById("bob") ...
This is null.
You need to set the image you want to change to have an id called bob (Why you've called it bob though?)
As Lee said, you missed giving an ID to the img. Also, you closed your change() function a little early, so it would never get to the second if.
function change() {
document.getElementById("bob").src = imgs[++x];
if (x == 1) {
x = -1;
//} Moved from here
if (!imgs[x + 1]) {
x = -1;
working here: edited jsfiddle

Javascript if/else statement using image src as condition

I have a voting script with an arrow system (upvotes and downvotes).If user clicks upvote, the arrow changes to the green arrow, meaning vote registered. If they click again, I want the arrow to revert back to the original image. However, using my code, it changes the image on the first like, but doesn't revert back on a second click.
if (like.src = 'vote_triangle.png') {
like.src = 'vote_triangle_like.png';
} else {
like.src = 'vote_triangle.png';
Use a more lenient if statement like:
if (like.src.indexOf('vote_triangle.png')!=-1) {
like.src = 'vote_triangle_like.png';
} else {
like.src = 'vote_triangle.png';
I know it's a very old thread, but I would like to add my findings here for future reference.
I found the following code wasn't working:
function swapImage() {
var element = document.getElementById("myImage");
if (element.src == "image1.png") {
element.src = "image2.png";
} else {
element.src = "image1.png"
Showing alerts containing the element.src taught me it contained the full path to the image in my local machine. Thus, the if statement had been always evaluated to false.
To fix that in a logical manner, what I did was get the attribute of the element, as the following code shows.
function swapImage() {
var element = document.getElementById("myImage");
if (element.getAttribute("src") == "image1.png") {
element.src = "image2.png";
} else {
element.src = "image1.png";
By using the function getAttribute("attributeName"), I was able to retrieve the path contained in the src relatively to the project directory.
I would suggest, instead of using img soruce as conditional statement, use a global variable, change its state once the upvote is clicked by say +1 and for downvotes -1.
//when 0, show upvote image, make it a global by declaring before any function
var UpVote = 0;
//when upvote clicked, when greater than 0, show down vote img
UpVote = UpVote +1 ;
//conditional logic for img source
if(UpVote > 0){
like.src = 'vote_triangle.png';
like.src = 'vote_triangle_like.png';

Body onload in Javascript

I had written one JS in asp.net. I had called that from body onload, but the JS doesn't get called where I have put my debugger. What could be possible reasons for this? I'm developing website in dotnetnuke.
The JS I have written is syntactically and logically correct.
<script type="text/javascript">
var displayTime, speed, wait, banner1, banner2, link1, link2, bannerIndex, bannerLocations, bannerURLs;
function initVar() {
displayTime = 10; // The amount of time each banner will be displayed in seconds.
speed = 5; // The speed at which the banners is moved (1 - 10, anything above 5 is not recommended).
wait = true;
banner1 = document.getElementById("banner1");
banner2 = document.getElementById("banner2");
//link1 = document.getElementById("link1");
//link2 = document.getElementById("link2");
//banner1 = document.getElementById("banner1");
//banner2 = document.getElementById("banner2");
banner1.style.left = 0;
banner2.style.left = 500;
bannerIndex = 1;
/* Important: In order for this script to work properly, please make sure that the banner graphic and the
URL associated with it have the same index in both, the bannerLocations and bannerURLs arrays.
Duplicate URLs are permitted. */
// Enter the location of the banner graphics in the array below.
//bannerLocations = new Array("internet-lg.gif","jupiterweb.gif","jupitermedia.gif");
bannerLocations = new Array("image00.jpg", "image01.jpg", "image02.jpg", "admin_ban.bmp");
// Enter the URL's to which the banners will link to in the array below.
bannerURLs = new Array("http://www.internet.com","http://www.jupiterweb.com","http://www.jupitermedia.com");
function moveBanner() {
banner1.style.left = parseInt(banner1.style.left) - (speed * 5);
banner2.style.left = parseInt(banner2.style.left) - (speed * 5);
if(parseInt(banner1.style.left) <= -500){
banner1.style.left = 500;
bannerIndex = (bannerIndex < (bannerLocations.length - 1)) ? ++bannerIndex :0;
banner1.src = bannerLocations[bannerIndex];
//link1.href = bannerURLs[bannerIndex];
wait = true;
if(parseInt(banner2.style.left) <= -500){
banner2.style.left = 500;
bannerIndex = (bannerIndex < (bannerLocations.length - 1)) ? ++bannerIndex :0;
banner2.src = bannerLocations[bannerIndex];
//link2.href = bannerURLs[bannerIndex];
wait = true;
} else {
wait = false;
setTimeout("moveBanner()", displayTime * 1000);
<body onload="initVar(); moveBanner();">
I ran your code. Both methods executed without me having to make any modifications to the posted code. Is there possibly some other code that is overwriting the onload method?
The DotNetNuke best practice for binding to the "onload" property in JavaScript is to hook into JQuery's ready() method:
jQuery(document).ready( function() {
// put your code here
DotNetNuke 4.9.x and later ship with the jQuery JavaScript library included.
Have you edited DNN's Default.aspx? Otherwise, there isn't any way for you to have access to the body tag to add the onload attribute like you show.
How are you injecting this script? Are you using a Text/HTML module, are you using the Page Header Text setting for the page, are you adding it directly to the skin, have you written a custom module, or something else?
Instead of using the onload attribute on the body tag, I would suggest wiring up to that event in the script itself. If you're using any code to inject the script, you can ask DNN to register jQuery or a ScriptManager (for ASP.NET AJAX) so that you can use those libraries to wire the event up easily. If you can't guarantee that those are on the page, use the following:
function addLoadEvent(func) {
var oldonload = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
window.onload = func;
} else {
window.onload = function() {
if (oldonload) {
addLoadEvent(function () {
I don't know much about asp.net but if you can put javascript code in your page, then you can try this alternative:
window.onload = function()
// any code here
This is the same as what you put in body tag.
The CSS left property takes a length, not an integer. You must have units for non-zero lengths. (Even when setting it using JavaScript!).

