How can I iterate over this Javascript object? - javascript

I have the object:
var IOBreadcrumb = function () {
this.breadcrumbs = [];
this.add = function(title, url) {
var crumb = {
title: title,
Lets say I add 3 items to breadcrumbs:
How can I iterate over this and print out the title, and the url?

You could add an each method:
var IOBreadcrumb = function IOBreadcrumb() {
this.breadcrumbs = [];
this.add = function(title, url) {
var crumb = {
title: title,
this.each = function(callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.breadcrumbs.length; i++) {
And use it like this:
var ioBc = new IOBreadcrumb();
ioBc.each(function(item) {
console.log(item.title + ' ' + item.url);

add a method
print = function(){
for (var i = 0; i < this.breadcrumbs.length; i++) {
var current = this.breadcrumbs[i];
console.log(current.title, current.url);
to your IOBreadcrumb object, and then just invoke it

Jason's answer is almost there. The only improvement is that there is no need to implement your own each function if you're using jquery.
var ioBc = new IOBreadcrumb();
$.each(ioBc.breadcrumbs, function(item) {
console.log(item.title + ' ' + item.url);
At the very least you should use $.each from your each function if you don't want callers to access breadcrumbs directly
this.each = function(callback) {
$.each(this.breadcrumbs, callback);


JavaScript array has elements but length is zero

I've done some searching around the web and nothing seems to solve my problem. I have the following jQuery code:
function youtube_data_parser(data) {
//---> parse video data - start
var qsToJson = function(qs) {
var res = {};
var pars = qs.split('&');
var kv, k, v;
for (i in pars) {
kv = pars[i].split('=');
k = kv[0];
v = kv[1];
res[k] = decodeURIComponent(v);
return res;
//---> parse video data - end
var get_video_info = qsToJson(data);
if (get_video_info.status == 'fail') {
return {
status: "error",
code: "invalid_url",
msg: "check your url or video id"
} else {
// remapping urls into an array of objects
//--->parse > url_encoded_fmt_stream_map > start
//will get the video urls
var tmp = get_video_info["url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"];
if (tmp) {
tmp = tmp.split(',');
for (i in tmp) {
tmp[i] = qsToJson(tmp[i]);
get_video_info["url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"] = tmp;
//--->parse > url_encoded_fmt_stream_map > end
//--->parse > player_response > start
var tmp1 = get_video_info["player_response"];
if (tmp1) {
get_video_info["player_response"] = JSON.parse(tmp1);
//--->parse > player_response > end
//--->parse > keywords > start
var keywords = get_video_info["keywords"];
if (keywords) {
key_words = keywords.replace(/\+/g, ' ').split(',');
for (i in key_words) {
keywords[i] = qsToJson(key_words[i]);
get_video_info["keywords"] = {
all: keywords.replace(/\+/g, ' '),
arr: key_words
//--->parse > keywords > end
//return data
return {
status: 'success',
raw_data: qsToJson(data),
video_info: get_video_info
function getVideoInfo() {
var get_video_url = $('#ytdlUrl').val();
var get_video_id = getUrlVars(get_video_url)['v'];
var video_arr_final = [];
var ajax_url = "video_info.php?id=" + get_video_id;
$.get(ajax_url, function(d1) {
var data = youtube_data_parser(d1);
var video_data = data.video_info;
var player_info = data.video_info.player_response;
var video_title = player_info.videoDetails.title.replace(/\+/g, ' ');
var fmt_list = video_data.fmt_list.split(',');
var video_thumbnail_url = video_data.thumbnail_url;
var video_arr = video_data.url_encoded_fmt_stream_map;
//create video file array
$.each(video_arr, function(i1, v1) {
var valueToPush = {};
valueToPush.video_url = v1.url;
valueToPush.video_thumbnail_url = video_thumbnail_url;
valueToPush.video_title = video_title;
$.each(fmt_list, function(i2, v2) {
var fmt = v2.split('/');
var fmt_id = fmt[0];
var fmt_quality = fmt[1];
if (fmt_id == v1.itag) {
valueToPush.fmt_id = fmt_id;
valueToPush.fmt_quality = fmt_quality;
return video_arr_final;
function getUrlVars(url) {
var vars = {};
var parts = url.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m, key, value) {
vars[key] = value;
return vars;
function fillInOptions(ytOptions) {
var ytFill = ytOptions;
//ytFill.forEach(function(i,v) {
var ytdlOptions = $('#ytdlOptions');
ytFill.forEach(function(i,v) {
ytdlOptions.append(new Option(v.fmt_quality, v.fmt_id));
return true;
function showYTDLLoader() {
$('#ytdlInput').fadeOut(1000, function() {
var options = getVideoInfo();
if (fillInOptions(options) == true) {
//do rest
function showYTDLOptions() {
return true;
function startDownload() {
function hideYTDLLoader() {
function animateCSS(element, animationName, callback) {
const node = $(element);
function handleAnimationEnd() {
node.animationend = null;
if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
node.animationend = handleAnimationEnd();
When my button is clicked, I call showYTDLLoader() which gets an array of objects from the YouTube API that looks like this:
"video_url": "",
"video_title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger on Son-in-law Chris Pratt, Pranking Sylvester Stallone & Terminator’s Return",
"fmt_id": "22",
"fmt_quality": "1280x720"
"video_url": "",
"video_title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger on Son-in-law Chris Pratt, Pranking Sylvester Stallone & Terminator’s Return",
"fmt_id": "18",
"fmt_quality": "640x360"
But when I try and loop through each entry with fillInOptions(), my loop is never completed because the length is apparently zero. However, when I dump the array using console.log() it tells me the length is 2, and displays the above. I need to be able to add each option to my dropdown.
UPDATE: Added full code, sorry!
It looks like your .forEach() is the root of the problem. The parameters of a forEach are currentValue, index like this: array.forEach(function(currentValue, index) {}); but it looks like you're using them in the opposite way
Try rewriting that iteration to this:
ytFill.forEach(function(v, i) {
ytdlOptions.append(new Option(v.fmt_quality, v.fmt_id));
Notice the difference in the order of v and i in the parameters.

Javascript OOP private functions

I would like to create a constructor which can be instantiated with a json file which then is used by some private functions which in the end pass their results to a public function of the prototype. Is this the right approach?
Here more specific code:
function queryArray(json){
this.json = json;
//init qry template with default values
function qryInit() {
var qryTemplate = {
//some stuff
return qryTemplate;
//generate array of request templates
function qryTempArray(json){
var template = qryInit();
var qryTempArray1 = [];
for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++){
'SearchIndex': json[i].SearchIndex,
'Title': json[i].Title,
'Keywords': json[i].Keywords,
'MinimumPrice': json[i].MinimumPrice,
'MaximumPrice': json[i].MaximumPrice,
'ResponseGroup': template.ResponseGroup,
'sort': template.sort
return qryTempArray1;
//function for finally building all the queries
queryArray.prototype.qryBuilder = function(){
var qryTempArray1 = [];
qryTempArray1 = qryTempArray(this.json);
//other stuff
If I call the qryBuilder function on an Object, I get an error
in the function qryTempArray at the json.length in the for loop (undefined).
Why that?
As the code is written above, I'm surprised you even get to the loop. It would seem you'd get undefined when you called qryBuilder();
I would expect something along the lines of the following to work.
function queryArray(json) {
var self = this;
self.json = json;
//init qry template with default values
self.qryInit = function() {
var qryTemplate = {
//some stuff
return qryTemplate;
//generate array of request templates
self.qryTempArray = function(json) {
var template = self.qryInit();
var qryTempArray1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
'SearchIndex': json[i].SearchIndex,
'Title': json[i].Title,
'Keywords': json[i].Keywords,
'MinimumPrice': json[i].MinimumPrice,
'MaximumPrice': json[i].MaximumPrice,
'ResponseGroup': template.ResponseGroup,
'sort': template.sort
return qryTempArray1;
return self;
queryArray.prototype.qryBuilder = function() {
var qryTempArray1 = [];
qryTempArray1 = this.qryTempArray(this.json);
return qryTempArray1;
var q = new queryArray([{
'SearchIndex': 0,
'Title': 'foo',
'Keywords': 'testing',
'MinimumPrice': 20,
'MaximumPrice': 40

A Javascript function which creates an object which calls the function itself

I am trying to make an angular service that returns a new object.
That's fine and good and works. new MakeRoll() creates an instance. But self.add, near the end also calls new MakeRoll() and that doesn't create an instance when I call add like I think it should.
I'm probably doing this all wrong but I haven't been able to figure it out.
var services = angular.module('services', []);
services.factory('Roll', [function() {
var MakeRoll = function () {
var self = {};
self.rolls = [];
self.add = function(number, sizeOfDice, add) {
var newRoll = {};
newRoll.number = number || 1;
newRoll.sizeOfDice = sizeOfDice || 6;
newRoll.add = add || 0;
newRoll.rollDice = function() {
var result = 0;
var results=[];
for (var i = 0; i < newRoll.number; i++) {
var roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * newRoll.sizeOfDice) + 1;
result += roll;
newRoll.results = results;
newRoll.result = result;
newRoll.Roll = new MakeRoll();
return self;
self.remove = function(index) {
self.rolls.splice(index, 1);
self.get = function(index) {
return self.rolls[index];
return self;
return new MakeRoll();
angular service is designed to be singleton to accomplish some business logic, so don't mix up plain model with angular service. if you want to have more objects, just create a constructor and link it in service to be operated on.
function MakeRoll() {
angular.module('service', []).factory('Roll', function () {
var rolls = [];
return {
add: add,
remove: remove,
get: get
function add() {
// var o = new MakrRoll();
// rolls.push(o);
function remove(o) {
// remove o from rolls
function get(o) {
// get o from rolls

How to iterate anonymous function inside each function in Knockout viewmodel

I am building a Knockout viewmodel. The model has some fields like dateFrom, DateTo, Status and so forth. In addition, there is a list of invoices.
The invoices have some pricing information, which is a price object. My main object also have a price object, which should iterate all the invoice objects and find the total price.
My problem is the following:
The code runs smooth, until I add the following in my view:
<label data-bind="text:totalPrice().price().priceExVat"></label>
Here I get an:
TypeError: $(...).price is not a function
Which refers to my:
exVat += $(ele).price().priceExVat;
I don't understand it, because in my each function, I should have the element. The element have a price() function, so why would it not work? Is it some scope issue?
My viewmodel:
function invoice(invoiceDate, customerName, pdfLink, status) {
var self = this;
self.pdfLink = pdfLink;
self.print = ko.observable(0);
self.customerName = customerName;
self.status = status;
self.pdfPagesCount = function () {
return 1;
self.invoiceDate = invoiceDate;
self.price = function () {
return new price(1.8, 2.1);
function price(exVat, total) {
var self = this;
self.currency = '€'; = total;
self.priceExVat = exVat;
self.vatPercentage = 0.25;
self.vatAmount = self.exVat -;
self.priceExVatText = function() {
return self.priceExVat + ' ' + self.currency;
var EconomicsViewModel = function (formSelector, data) {
var self = this;
self.dateFrom = data.dateFrom;
self.dateTo = data.dateTo;
self.invoices = ko.observableArray([
new invoice('05-05-2014', 'LetterAmazer IvS', "","not printed"),
new invoice('05-05-2014', 'LetterAmazer IvS', "", "not printed")
self.totalPrice = function () {
var exVat = 0.0;
$(self.invoices).each(function (index, ele) {
exVat += $(ele).price().priceExVat;
return price(exVat, 0);
From what I read, totalPrice is actually a price object, you don't need to put a .price():
<label data-bind="text:totalPrice().priceExVat"></label>
Sorry, there were also problems on your javascript:
self.totalPrice = function () {
var exVat = 0.0;
$(self.invoices()).each(function (index, ele) { //<-- add () to self.invoices to get the array
exVat += ele.price().priceExVat; //<-- remove useless jQuery
return new price(exVat, 0); //<-- add 'new'
Check this fiddle
To answer robert.westerlund's comment, you could remove $().each and replace with ko.utils.arrayForEach or even simpler use a for loop:
var arr = self.invoices();
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
exVat += arr[i].price().priceExVat;
Updated fiddle

How to count duplicate array elements? (javascript)

I'm trying to make an XML based menu with JavaScript, XML and jQuery. I've been successful at getting the categories of the menu, but haven't been able to generate the items in the categories.
My script is as follows, and later in this thread, I've asked for suggestions for this code:
var animalsXMLurl = '';
$(function() {
url: animalsXMLurl, // name of file you want to parse
dataType: "xml",
success: function parse(xmlResponse) {
var data = $("item", xmlResponse).map(function() {
return {
id: $("animal_id", this).text(),
title: $("animal_title", this).text(),
url: $("animal_url", this).text(),
category: $("animal_category", this).text().split('/'),
var first_item = category_gen(data, 0);
var categnumber = new Array();
for (i = 1; i <= data.length; i++) //for splitting id, and getting 0 for category_number (1 or 2 or 3...and so on)
categnumber[i] = data[i].id.split('_');
for (j = 1; j <= data.length; j++) //appending via a function.
var data_text = category_or_animal(data, categnumber, j);
function category_or_animal(d, catg, k) {
var catg1 = new Array();
var catg2 = new Array();
var catg1 = d[k].id.split('_');
if (d[k - 1]) {
var catg2 = d[k - 1].id.split('_');
if (catg1[0] != catg2[0])
return category_gen(d, k);
} else
return '</ul>' + animal_gen(d, k);
function category_gen(d, z) {
var category_var = '<li class="w-nav-item level_2 has_sublevel"><a class="w-nav-anchor level_2" href="javascript:void(0);"><span class="w-nav-title">' + d[z].category + '</span><span class="w-nav-arrow"></span></a><ul class="w-nav-list level_3">';
return category_var;
function animal_gen(d, z) {
var animal_var = '<li class="w-nav-item level_3"><a class="w-nav-anchor level_3" href="animals/' + d[z].url + '"><span class="w-nav-title">' + d[z].title + '</span><span class="w-nav-arrow"></span></a></li>';
return animal_var;
}, error: function() {
console.log('Error: Animals info xml could not be loaded.');
Here's the JSFiddle link for the above code:
In the above code I need some alterations, with which I think the code might work, so I'm asking for suggestions:
Here's the function that's calling separate functions with arguments to generate the menu in above code:
function category_or_animal(d, catg, k) {
var catg1 = new Array();
var catg2 = new Array();
var catg1 = d[k].id.split('_');
if (d[k - 1]) {
var catg2 = d[k - 1].id.split('_');
if (catg1[0] != catg2[0])
return category_gen(d, k);
} else
return animal_gen(d, k) + '</ul>';
At the if(catg1[0] != catg2[0]) it checks if the split string 1_2 or 1_3 is equal to 1_1 or 1_2 respectively. By split, I mean the first element: 1 .... if you have a look at the xml: [ :: Animals XML :: ], you'll see that the animal_id is in the format of %category_number% _ %item_number% ... So I need to create the menu with CATEGORY > ITEM (item=animal name)
Now if I could return category_gen() + animal() with animal(){ in a for loop for all the matching category id numbers} then maybe this could be complete! But I don't of a count script for conditioning the for loop (i=0;i<=count();i++)...
Would anyone know of how to get this script functioning?
Hard to tell what the provided JSFiddle is trying to do.
This is my best stab at it. I used JQuery to parse the XML out into categories and generate lists of items.
"use strict";
var animalsXMLurl = '';
$(function () {
var $menu = $('#menu');
url: animalsXMLurl, // name of file you want to parse
dataType: "xml",
success: handleResponse,
error: function () {
console.log('Error: Animals info xml could not be loaded.');
function handleResponse(xmlResponse) {
var $data = parseResponse(xmlResponse);
function parseResponse(xmlResponse) {
return $("item", xmlResponse).map(function () {
var $this = $(this);
return {
id: $this.find("animal_id").text(),
title: $this.find("animal_title").text(),
url: $this.find("animal_url").text(),
category: $this.find("animal_category").text()
function createMenu($data) {
var categories = {};
$data.each(function (i, dataItem) {
if (typeof categories[dataItem.category] === 'undefined') {
categories[dataItem.category] = [];
$.each(categories, function (category, categoryItems) {
var categoryItems = categories[category];
function createList(categoryItems) {
var $list = $('<ul>');
$.each(categoryItems, function (i, dataItem) {
return $list;
function createItem(dataItem) {
return $('<li>').text(dataItem.title);
You can solve this without using any for/while loop or forEach.
function myCounter(inputWords) {
return inputWords.reduce( (countWords, word) => {
countWords[word] = ++countWords[word] || 1;
return countWords;
}, {});
Hope it helps you!

