Is it viable to make cross-domain ajax requests within iframed content? - javascript

I have an application on one domain which needs to get data from an application on another domain.
I would like to use an iframe based cross domain ajax tool such as porthole.js to implement the following:
My application loads a page on the other server in an iframe.
A message is sent using porthole to the iframe.
The page on the other server checks to make sure the calling url is valid, and reads in the url of the ajax request it will make from the message.
The remote page then uses the passed url to make an ajax request.
The results are passed back to my application.
This solution lets me use the remote json data without systematically altering all of the services, which are built and managed by another team. If it doesn't work, I would work with them to use a system that uses porthole.js or jsonp for cross domain scripting.
The point that concerns me, though, is step 4. Does this count as an ajax call from the remote document inside the iframe, which would be able to make ajax calls against it, or does it count as a call from the outer window, which can't use ajax to call that domain?

Jeez, just use CORS. It's a one-line change to the web-server config.


javascript capture and tamper http requests

Is there a way with javascript on a page to tamper http requests done by other scripts (on same page)? The other scripts can be from external domains.
Let's say on a page X a script loaded from an external domain performs an http get like GET is it possible that a previously loaded script in the same page X can capture this request, and tamper with it so it becomes GET
In jquery i can achieve this by wrapping the ajax get post methods. But is this possible for plain javascript, no frameworks, working across all page and client's http requests?
It seems to me that for this to be done, the script must be able to override something very deep in the core. If i have to guess i would say it's not possible by design and because of security. What do you think?
p.s. no proxies, no external tools.
No you can't capture the HTTP request going out of your app, once it has gone out of your app.
However, there is one work around possible
if you want to alter some parameters before it goes of your app,
All the other request from your website are AJAX requests
They are invoking your custom method, say customAjax() which can
alter the parameters of the actual request that will go out.

Get any page with AJAX

I'm new to AJAX and I have what I think is a simple question. I know you can create a page that will respond to an AJAX call. Is it possible to just get any page with an AJAX call?
So I mean to say, can I do anything with an AJAX call that I could do with a URL?
Thanks for all the responses! Really helped clarify!
Yes and no.
AJAX is a powerful mechanism by which you can retrieve and/or load data into the DOM in a flexible manner. You can do things like grab the content of another page and display all or portions of it on your page. There is a catch however.
Due to security reasons, you cannot depend on being able to make an AJAX call in a cross-domain manner unless the server on the other domain is properly configured. This is known as Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). You can read more about that here -
Alternatively, some servers will expose API's that work with JSONP (JSON with Padding), which is a sort of workaround for the Same Origin Policy (SOP) that normally prevents cross-domain requests of this nature. In JSONP, the remote endpoint in essence wraps the response in a javascript function. You can read more about JSONP here -
You are limited to requests within the same domain, unlike a normal URL. There are ways around it using CORS or JSONP in that case.
One example is that you can't use AJAX to upload or download files. One workaround for this is to target the upload or download to a hidden iframe and poll that frame for a response. Update: it seems some support for this is part of HTML 5 (see
A second example is navigating the user to another page. You can load a second page and replace the contents of the window with it, but the URL will still be the original page (the "refresh" and "back" features of the browser will behave accordingly).
A third is cross-domain requests. AJAX calls are limited to the domain the page originated from.

How to solve this weird cross domain issue?

Basically my application is in a social network where in my application's page they create an iframe with their (not mine) URL to "renderer" which then takes (don't ask how) my code (html, js) and places in the body tag of this iframe.
Since I need to be able to run the iframe's JavaScript functions I decided not to create an another iframe with my application URL, but with ajax calls just load my application's content in the body of their iframe. This way I could be able to run their JavaScript functions. If I would create my iframe within their iframe then I couldn't run them because of the cross domain stuff, right?
However when I perform ajax calls with jQuery to my application they are performed from the social network (since the iframe is their, just my body code) and thus no session cookies which are saved on my application domain are available for the ajax calls from this iframe.
What I think is I need to create an iframe (dooh) within the social network's iframe, but how to overcome the cross domain issues to access the JavaScript functions in the parent iframe?
P.S. Sorry for the long explanation. Wanted to make it clear for everyone.
There is no way to read a cookie from another domain.
Either the AJAX is failing because you are using XHR and you are getting blocked by the Same Origin Policy. Or, you are using JSONP, and the cookie is not being set.
If you are using XHR, switch to JSONP.
Using JSONP you won't be able to set cookies. JSONP just loads a script by setting the src of a script tag, and cookies can't be set in this way (nevermind that they can't be set from another domain).
You'll have to manage state manually by passing the session id with each JSONP request.

How to request from a different server URL using JavaScript

I need to send some of my data into another server. Actually to post into facebook. So here i already have an API which works by an URL.
So if i set the parameters from the URL and if i try it in web browser it works. But when i try it as a AJAX call it do not work. (Because its not hosted in the same server as my web pagers are).
Is there any way to send this URL in the background??
You cannot. For security reasons, Javascript can't initiate requests to sites in different domains.
The only way to do that would be query your own server and have it query the external API, and then respond to your page.
You will have to write a proxy routine on your own domain that communicates with your JS on the one hand and with third party domain (Facebook) on the other.
I created a iframe dynamically. It seems working.

Cross Domain Limitations With Ajax - JSON

When requesting (ht|x)ml with ajax you can only send requests to the same domain. But if you request JSON you can send it to any domain. Why?
I'm told it's for security but why would a website do something malicious via ajax rather than just directly if that makes sense.
Check out this wikipedia article.
The reason why JSON is 'safe' is because you have to pass it through a callback. The remote site will run return JSON and your javascript library will not just run it blindly but try to pass it to a function you specify, like jsonpCallback( response ). Since you aren't running the remote code directly much more is under your control and all is mostly well in the world.
The reason it's called JSONP has actually little to do with JSON itself. Doing a cross-domain ajax request is as simple as adding the <script src="></script> tag to your HTML web page; this is the base concept of JSONP and cross-domain ajax.
What happens is that the data.js file is interpreted by JavaScript. This gives us the ability to get data from that data.js file (which is located on another domain), if for example it loads a function that is available in the current scope.
Here is an example of why someone would hack an AJAX request.
Injecting JSON directly in your page is not secure at all.
You offer to the loaded scripts full access to the resources in your page(data, cookies, logic).
If the injected code is malicious, it can run actions on your server, post back data to their server(POST is allowed cross domain, not the response but your data are sent anyway), etc...
We're building a web app that makes a heavy use of cross domain accesses.
To solve this problem, we came with a rather simple JSONP sandboxing solution.

