Does Themeroller no longer support ui-checkboxes? - javascript

I downloaded the latest jQuery UI from their Themeroller site wanting to implement ui-checkboxes and cannot "seem" to find any reference or examples for it any longer.
Here is an online example of what I was hoping to implement
This is all I have found to be available (...and I hate this)
Did it go away?
And if so, why?
The version is I downloaded was jquery-ui-1.8.16 (I downloaded the entire thing). I searched all the CSS files with no mention of the tag ui-checkbox. just struck me as odd.

According to that I have found, that particular plugin was broken past the 1.7.2 version of jquery, so it is broken. However, someone did make a version (not sure how compatible it is with the newest versions) that is compatible with 1.8.5. That can be found here

I don't think it's part of the official jquery-ui package. Is it this plugin?


How does jQuery Migrate plugin look for old code?

Just a conceptual question. Does the migrate plugin search through the javascript files pulled in by the browser? Or does the migrate plugin only look through code that is being executed by the server?
I need to use the jquery migrate plugin to update my code to the latest version of jquery. I'm trying to replace all instances of code stripped away in previous version and replace it with the latest ones.
From jQuery migrate docs:
Upgrading libraries such as jQuery can be a lot of work, when breaking changes have been introduced. jQuery Migrate makes this easier, by restoring the APIs that were removed, and additionally shows warnings in the browser console (development version of jQuery Migrate only) when removed and/or deprecated APIs are used.
That way you can spot and fix what otherwise would have been errors, until you no longer need jQuery Migrate and can remove it.
Does it look through your files? No. It only warns when deprecated methods have been called from within your code

Is $.browser absent from jquery-migrate?

I have to run someone else's old JS code which is using $.browser. I've search and found a lot of answers like "it's deprecated, use jquery-migrate". So I've included jquery-migrate, however $.browser doesn't seem to exists in that library.
Am I doing something wrong? is there anything special to have that object back
I'd prefer not to mess with the existing code since it's not mine.
After more digging I found there is actually 2 versions of the migrate library, using the "old" one helps keeping an old code running a little longer...

Pdfmake.js issue with mozilla browser(latest version)

I have adopted the pdfmake.js library into my angular js project for generating PDF's.Its implemented well and works very fine with google chrome(all versions) and mozilla(only some versions).
In mozilla latest version (50.0.0),can't generate Pdf. and there is no error in the console. I have searched long time for the solution of this problem.
I couldn't find out and couldn't fix my self.
If any one encountered this problem and know the solution of this issue, please just share it with me.
I was going through same issue. this is the issue is related with the version of pdfmake you are usng.
Try this version.
It is more stable and performance wise its much more better.

ReCaptcha does not load / show in IE but works perfectly in Chrome and safari

On I implemented a captcha at the bottom. But does not seem to work in Internet Explorer.
It also looks like that IE does not like to load HTTPS because i do not see that this file is loaded in the developer tools (Network) When i change it to HTTP it seems to load the javascript but still nothing shows up.
Any ideas are welcome
I checked the website in my Chrome, Mozilla, IE, and Yandex browsers and it worked pretty well. Sometimes the browsers have something about the compatibility.
There is a good documentation in google's recaptcha website. Check the following link and apply the steps under the section "reCAPTCHA isn't displaying properly on Internet Explorer, what do I do?"
The link is: Google reCAPTCHA website
I can't find nearest possible issue,
I don't rely much on dealing browser specific without encourage the user to update their browser.
Since the implication may not only issue like this.
Based on SO question,
we won't and we can't agreed all of that. Which if we decide support IE we should drop IE older than 11 now on.
Which also proper and diligent decision that you take, base on microsoft official documentation
Which i want to highlight is when we decide browser support we also should take care of the browser ecosystem.
That you probably can upgrade the jquery version from 2.1.0 to 2.1.4 which from semantic versioning it's just the patch, that hopefully doesn't break your code.
But futhermore you should include upgrade the minor patch to your working schedule which suit your need and priority.
Frankly i can't find the glance on the change log, so i can't guarantee that this work.
But personally this is better than repetition same debugging process that the result is uncertain.
Action step:
Make sure follow installation recapcha properly.
Which display mode you choose to display the widget ?
Its also have different behaviour.
Recaptcha doc already notice that automatic render is the easiest way. Use this if you don't, but more importantly change this display mode if this
can fix your issue.
It possible jquery bug, but be aware directing it. (Possibilities unreported, not yet fixed, fixed on certain version).
3 Most possible nearest bug for me 1764, 3041 since it will render through iframe
Fixed on certain version :
Work on your code with jQuery changelog
Work on your code, while upgrading it. (have draw back on it's own).
Not yet Fixed.
seek out on jquery issue
seek out on bug
Issue and Bug are differs.
Follow framework or lib specific for re
Unreported and Untracked
It's a bit hard to recaptcha since

How should one link to a jQuery library: always link to the latest library or not?

What happened is that we have a page that was previously working then all of sudden some scripts no longer work (for some reason). We figured out that we needed to use the latest jQuery library to fix the problem.
So we were thinking to just link to so that it's always updated.
However, we are also aware that if we will always use the latest jQuery library, the new version might cause some problems on other older scripts.
What is the best way to link the jQuery library then to minimize these types of issues?
Save the stable version of the library to your local/server and link to it. That's all.
It is a bad idea to link to
Jquery latest version always available in,
For Latest Min Jquery, use
To get latest jquery from other hosts, follow

