Help filling parent container space dynamically dependent on content - javascript

Check this jsFiddle
I want the numbers to take up all the blue space in the jsFiddle. The numbers can change, so I dont think this is possible to solve in css. The "days" value can be a 3 or 4 digit number, so when the days changes from say 2 to 3 digits I need it to re-calculate margins etc to fill up the container(blue box). By fill up the parent I mean that there should not be any empty space to the left or right of the numbers.
What is the best approach for this problem?

If you don't mind counting on javascript then FitJS might help you, it's a jquery plugin that sizes text to the width of its container. Though you might need to tweak the html a bit.

You can try to use text-align:justify and display:inline-block with a helper to make he preceding items to justify:
So, with different numbers it would look like:
And if you'll need ie7- support, don't forget to fix inline-block in it adding in conditional comments
to the blocks where you want the inline-block to be fixed.


Two columns text block with an image

I need some help...
How should I do the markup of a layout with two images and a block of text divided in 2 columns with different width, where the 2nd column starts lower than the first one because of one of those images? Here is a sketch of my layout:
I hope I described my problem explicitly enough.
P.S.: Is it possible actually?
CSS3 has a solution, but it is not standard yet and won't work in older browsers here is a link
Possibly the best idea is to use javascript somehow. Put all the text in the first column and test the height then move portions of the text over to the next column until you have equal columns or until the first column is at a desired height.
Another method is to have predefined proportions eg(2/3 in the first column and 1/3 in the second). Then split the text based on the proportions using character count. This won't be exact and you could use a method similar to the one above to find exact width based on overflow properties, but the characters should average out to be the correct length.
This method is pretty simple and would look like
var txt='Column text...';
var len=txt.length;
var chars=Math.floor(len*.67);
//Assuming you want 2/3 of the text in the first column
//Notice that this could split in the middle of a word so you would need to do
//some checking for the nearest space and the change the break to there.
//Also you could then use the previous method to adjust it if you want something really accurate

What characters will a TextArea wrap at, other than spaces?

I'm working on the latest version of my plugin, Textarea Line Counter ( To make it even more accurate, I want to identify regions of text that wrap because they are too large to fit on the line (like a sequence of repeated characters).
I'm assuming that browsers only wrap text at spaces. Are there any other characters that lines can be wrapped at? Thank you,
Looks like it depends on the browser, my Opera wraps also on e.g. + % ? $ / ( [ { } \ ° ! ¿
Safari/Chrome on ¿ ? too
(guess there are lots more)
Nice idea for a plugin. Fighting the accuracy issues is going to be a challenge.
There's not a universal catch all for the way textarea is going to handle a string (other than line breaks at spaces), or using word-wrap.
IE produced a break with . , () {} ?, but not with / * = +
In this example, textarea seems to have that "special" feeling like a td
Based on all your advice, I have created a solution. It is rather large, and in fact I think I will make it into a separate plugin, as well as including it in my Textarea Line Counter. It works like this:
Create a div to act as a container, and set the font to something monospaced (i.e. every character is the same width)
Create a span within the container, and place a single letter.
Take the width measurement of the span (which will be the width of the letter, once margins, padding, and some other CSS attributes are cloned)
Create another div within the container and clone its CSS attributes. Set it's width to be two times the width of the letter found in step 3, and record its height.
To test if a character will cause a wrap, set the text of the div to: A[some character]A. [some character] is a character you are trying to test.
Test the height of the div. If it is larger than the height found in step 4, the text has wrapped.
I'm looking forward to releasing this plugin. Thank you again for all your advice.
some browsers will break inside words if the word is longer than the col width,
otherwise they break on spaces.
I notice some browsers set this by default- you can, too in most bowsers with:
textarea{word-wrap: break-word}
you can be sure it is not set by using textarea{word-wrap: normal}

Get string length in pixels with JavaScript

Let's say I have the string "Hello". This string is obviously five characters in length, but what is its length in pixels? Is there an easy way to determine this length in JavaScript? I have thought of a solution where an extra div would have to be displayed to the user, but this way seems hacky and complicated.
In the bigger picture, I am trying to determine how many spaces would be necessary to fill that length of the string. As you can probably tell from above, I think the best option would be to simply measure the length of the string and a single space character from the user's perspective and calculate how many spaces should replace the text based off of that. This is going to be displayed in an HTML input text, by the way.
You can determine the number of pixels the container of the string. You can do this by creating a hidden element in the DOM, setting the inner HTML to the string and then asking for the width.
I don't think their is a good, easy way to do that, except computing the length of a container. The width depends on the font-size, the font, the letter-spacing, it will be different depending on the browser etc...
I've used this to determine the text length in pixels (jQuery syntax):
var txtLen = $(<selector>).text().length * $(<selector>).css('font-size').slice(0,-2);
where selector is whatever you use to target the specific element. Adjust where needed (if the font-size is not set in px).
For example:
var txtLen = $('table td').text().length * $('table td').css('font-size').slice(0,-2);
Real-life use of this was when I needed to determine whether to show the tooltip on a td with a fixed width - if td is wider than its contents, there is no need to show the tooltip.
Things stated in Robin's answer still apply.

How to regulate height of LIs?

I have a UL where the LIs are boxes. I want the boxes to all be the same size, but sometimes the boxes are one line, and other times they're two. how do i add an extra empty line in the LI if the content is only one line? I'm assuming this will be some sort of javascript?
Without seeing any of your HTML markup, you could use CSS height or min-height properties. The latter will only work in the latest browsers, e.g. not IE6.
You should just give them all a certain 'height' or 'min-height' attribute instead of trying to fix a height that is automatically rendered to them.
Try posting some of your html so we can help you more though...
Maybe this could suffice?
line-height: 2em

Limit displayed length of string on web page

I'm looking for a technique (javascript, CSS, whatever ???) that will let me control the amount of a string that is displayed. The string is the result of a search (and therefore not initially known). A simple Character count approach is trivial, but not acceptable, as it needs to handle proportional fonts. In otherwords if I want to limit to say 70 pixels then the examples below show different character counts (9 and 15) both measuring the same:-
Welcome M...
Hi Iain if I've ...
If you look at Yahoo search results they are able to limit the length of title strings and add ellipsis on the end of long strings to indicate more.
(try wireless+keyboard+and+mouse to see an example of Yahoo achieving this)
Any Ideas?
Perhaps the CSS property overflow: hidden; can help you, in conjuntion with width.
Using a span with fixed width, overflow-x:hidden and white-space:nowrap would be a start.
To get the elipsis in a cross browser scenario will be difficult. IE has text-overflow:elipsis but that is non-standard. This is emulated with -o-text-overflow in Opera. However mozilla doesn't have this. The yahoo Javascript APIs handle this.
Yahoo does this server-side, the truncation and elipsis ('...') is returned in the HTML. Presumably this is done on a character count, and if thats not an option for you then server-side is out.
Other than overflow: hidden I'm not sure CSS can help you here. You could measure the width of the containing element using Javascript, and truncate the text based on that. This could be used in conjunctin with overflow:hidden; so the text elements don't just resize all of a sudden, but you may have to extract the text and add a temporary element onto the page somewhere to do the measurement. Depending on the number of elements to truncate this might not work very well.
Another slightly hacky option is to measure the width of an element containing the letter 'W', then do a character count and truncate if (char_count * width_of_w) > desired_width.
You can use text-wrap: none; to stop text wrapping onto new lines, although this is a CSS3 property and last I checked was only supported by IE (imagine my shock when I found that one out!).
For a cross-browser pure-CSS solution, take a look at Hedger Wang's text-overflow:ellipsis prototype, here:
In CSS: .class-name{
width: 5em;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis; }
Hope it can help you.

