How to create AJAX semi-synchronous behaviour - javascript

I spent the better part of last month beating my head against the wall before I came up with an easy way to dynamically load, and chain together HTML canvas classes which are stored on the server, but, obviously, initialized on the client (harder than it sounds when the ordering is important in an asynchronous environment).
I was wondering if someone could help me find a way to load simple javascript scripts. Lets define a load('foo.js') function which instructs the client to load script foo.js from the server and execute it as javascript code.
Given the three files, stored on the server:
a = 10;
b = a + 10;
c = b + 10;
If the client issues the command load('C.js'); what's the easiest/most reliable way to implement this. One idea I had was to scan the code serverside and return all the scripts at once. This requires the minimal amount of php requests. However, if the client has already requested C.js before, the script should exist client side, and this would be inneficient, especially if C.js and all its dependent files are large. Another option I considered was to wrap all of these serverside scripts in an object like so, for C.js above:
depenencies: ['B.js'] ,
code : 'c.age = b.age + 10;'
I just don't know how to 'pause' execution of script C.js after the load('B.js') statement, and then resuming it after B.js has been loaded.
EDIT Thanks to redsqaure for suggesting yepnope and requirejs. Unfortunately, I do not like them for several reasons. For one, requirejs is difficult (I am sure I will come under criticism for this one). My main gripe with this is that, if it is so difficult to learn, I might as well recreate it myself, learning it in the process, AND having greater control over it. Second, it requires you to change your style of writing. Switching to Dojo and having to use dojo.declare("ClassName", [ParentA,ParentB], {...}); to declare classes is one thing, but wrapping every snippet of code in require(['A','B',...], function(){}); is another. Finally, I don't know how simple it will be to instruct where to look for files. I want the user to be able to define a 'PATH' variable server side, and have the search occur in each of the folders/subfolders of the 'PATH'

Depends on how optimized you want it to be. Either you can go the route of synchronous XHR or use a callback (async and recommended). If you were to go the second route your code would look something like:
// Say C.js is dependent on A.js and B.js..
load(["A.js","B.js"], function() {
// code goes here
Taking a second look after you feedback what you want is somewhat possible, but would be brittle and hard to write in javascript. Below i have a sample/untested implementation of a dependency loader where a file can only have one call to load("file.js") possible. This would be more complex for multiple possible dependencies. Also I'm assuming these files are coming from the same domain.
// Usage: load("A.js")
// A.js -> B.js -> C.js
window.load = (function() {
var loaded = {};
return function(str, /* internally used */ callback) {
if(!loaded[str]) {
loaded[str] = true;
$.get(str, function(data) {
var matches = data.match(/load\(['|"](.*)["|']\)/);
if(matches.length > 1) { // has deps
window.load(matches[1], function() {
if(!!callback) callback();
} else { // no deps

Why not look into a script loader like yepnope.js or require.js


Starting with RequireJS, communication between modules

I am an ActionScript 3 developer who is just making his first way in building a large-scale JavaScript app.
So I understand modules and understand that AMD is a good pattern to use. I read about RequireJS and implemented it. However, what I still don't understand is how to achieve Cross-Module communication. I understand that there should be some kind of mediator...
I read articles and posts and still couldn't understand how to implement it simply.
Here is my code, simplified:
require(["Player", "AssetsManager"], function (player, manager) {
define(function () {
function parseXml(xml)
// NOW HERE IS THE PROBLEM -- how do I call AssetsManager from here???
return {
loadXML: function () {
define(function () {
var arrDownloadQueue = [];
return {
queueDownload: function(path) {
Any "for dummies" help will be appreciated :)
Thank you.
To load up modules from another modules that you define(), you would simply set the first parameter as an array, with your module names in it. So let's say, in your code, you wanted to load Player.js into AssetsManager.js, you would simply include the string Player in the array.
This is simply possible because define's abstract implementation is equivalent to require, only that the callback passed to define expects a value to be returned, and that it will add a "module" to a list of dependencies that you can load up.
define(['Player'], function (player) {
//... Your code.
However, if I can add to it, I personally prefer the use of require inside of the callback passed to define to grab the dependency that you want to load, instead of passing parameter to the callback.
So here's my suggestion:
define(['Player'], function () {
var player = require('Player');
And this is because it's much more in tune with CommonJS.
And this is how main.js would look like formatted to be more CommonJS-friendly:
require(["Player", "AssetsManager"], function () {
var player = require('Player');
var manager = require('AssetsManager');
But the CommonJS way of doing things is just a personal preference. My rationale for it is that the order in which you input the dependency names in the array might change at any time, and i wouldn't want to have to step through both the array and the parameters list.
Another rationale of mine (though, it's just pedantic), is that I come from the world of Node.js, where modules are loaded via require().
But it's up to you.
(This would be a reply to skizeey's answer, but I don't have enough reputation for that)
Another way of solving this problem without pulling in Player's AssetManager dependency via require is to pass the AssetManager instance that main.js already has around. One way of accomplishing this might be to make Player's loadXML function accept an AssetManager parameter that then gets passed to parseXml, which then uses it. Another way might be for Player to have a variable to hold an AssetManager which gets read by parseXml. It could be set directly or a function to store an AssetManager in the variable could be used, called say, setAssetManager. This latter way has an extra consideration though - you then need to handle the case of that variable not being set before calling loadXml. This concept is generally called "dependency injection".
To be clear I'm not advising this over using AMD to load it in. I just wanted to provide you with more options; perhaps this technique may come in handier for you when solving another problem, or may help somebody else. :)

How can I combine my JavaScript files and still have my callbacks wait for a ready state?

I have lots of functions and event handlers that are split across multiple javascript files which are included on different pages throughout my site.
For performance reasons I want to combine all of those files into 1 file that is global across the site.
The problem is I will have event handlers called on elements that won't necessarily exist and same function names.
This is an example of a typical javascript file...
if (e.which == 13) {
return false;
function checkMap() {
// code
function loadMap() {
// code
I would need to seperate this code into an object that is called on that specific page.
My thoughts are I could re-write it like this:
(function($) {
$.homepage = {
checkMap: function(){
// code
loadMap: function(){
And then on the page that requires it I could call $.homepage.checkMap() etc.
But then how would I declare event handlers like document.ready without containing it in it's own function?
First of all: Depending on how much code you have, you should consider, if serving all your code in one file is really a good idea. It's okay to save http-requests, but if you load a huge chunk of code, from which you use 5% on a single page, you might be better of by keeping those js files separated (especially in mobile environments!).
Remember, you can let the browser cache those files. Depending on how frequent your code changes, and how much of the source changes, you might want to separate your code into stable core-functionality and additional .js packages for special purposes. This way you might be better off traffic- and maintainance-wise.
Encapsulating your functions into different objects is a good idea to prevent unnecessary function-hoisting and global namespace pollution.
Finally you can prevent calling needless event handlers by either:
Introducing some kind of pagetype which helps you decide calling only the necessary functions.
checking for the existence of certain elements like this if( $("specialelement").length > 0 ){ callhandlers}
to speed up your JS, you could use the Google Closure Compiler. It minifies and optimizes your code.
I think that all you need is a namespace for you application. A namespace is a simple JSON object that could look like this:
var myApp = {
homepage : {
showHeader : function(){},
hideHeader : function(){},
animationDelay : 3400,
start : function(){} // the function that start the entire homepage logic
about : {
You can split it in more files:
MyApp will contain the myApp = { } object, maybe with some useful utilities like object.create or what have you.
Homepage.js will contain myApp.homepage = { ... } with all the methods of your homepage page.
The list goes on and on with the rest of the pages.
Think of it as packages. You don't need to use $ as the main object.
<script src="myapp.js"></script>
<script src="homepage.js"></script>
Would be the way I would use the homepage object.
When compressing with YUI, you should have:
<script src="scripts.min.js"></script>
Just to make sure I've understood you correctly, you have one js file with all your code, but you want to still be in control of what is executed on a certain page?
If that is the case, then the Terrific JS framework could interest you. It allows you to apply javascript functionality to a module. A module is a component on your webpage, like the navigation, header, a currency converter. Terrific JS scans the dom and executes the js for the modules it finds so you don't have to worry about execution. Terrific JS requires OOCSS naming conventions to identify modules. It's no quick solution to your problem but it will help if you're willing to take the time. Here are some more links you may find useful:
Hello World Example:
Blogpost on using:
I would use something like YUI compressor to merge all files into one min.js file that is minified. If you are looking for performance both merging and minifiying is the way to go.
Javascript input files: jquery.js, ads.js support.js
run yui with jquery.js, ads.js, support.js output it into min.js
Javascript output files: min.js
then use min.js in your html code.

How to manage dependencies in JavaScript?

I have scripts that needs to wait for certain conditions to be met before they run - for example wait for another script to be loaded, or wait for a data object to be created.
How can I manage such dependencies? The only way I can think of is to use setTimeout to loop in short intervals and check the existence of functions or objects. Is there a better way?
And if setTimeout is the only choice, what is a reasonable time interval to poll my page? 50 ms, 100 ms?
[Edit] some of my scripts collect data, either from the page itself or from Web services, sometimes from a combination of multiple sources. The data can be ready anytime, either before or after the page has loaded. Other scripts render the data (for example to build charts).
[update] thanks for the useful answers. I agree that I shouldn't reinvent the wheel, but if I use a library, at least I'd like to understand the logic behind (is it just a fancy timeout?) to try and anticipate the performance impact on my page.
You could have a function call like loaded(xyz); at the end of the scripts that are being loaded. This function would be defined elsewhere and set up to call registered callbacks based on the value of xyz. xyzcan be anything, a simple string to identify the script, or a complex object or function or whatever.
Or just use jQuery.getScript(url [, success(data, textStatus)] ).
For scripts that have dependencies on each other, use a module system like RequireJS.
For loading data remotely, use a callback, e.g.
$.get("/some/data", "json").then(function (data) {
// now i've got my data; no polling needed.
Here's an example of these two in combination:
// renderer.js
define(function (require, exports, module) {
exports.render = function (data, element) {
// obviously more sophisticated in the real world.
element.innerText = JSON.stringify(data);
// main.js
define(function (require, exports, module) {
var renderer = require("./renderer");
$(function () {
var elToRenderInto = document.getElementById("#render-here");
$("#fetch-and-render-button").on("click", function () {
$.get("/some/data", "json").then(function (data) {
renderer.render(data, elToRenderTo);
There are many frameworks for this kind of thing.
I'm using Backbone at the moment
Friends have also recommended knockout.js
Both of these use an MVC pattern to update views once data has been loaded by a model
[update] I think at their most basic level these libraries are using callback functions and event listeners to update the various parts of the page.
model1.loadData = function(){
$.get('', function(response){;
I've used pxLoader, a JavaScript Preloader, which works pretty well. It uses 100ms polling by default.
I wouldn't bother reinventing the wheel here unless you need something really custom, so give that (or any JavaScript preloader library really) a look.

Auto-load/include for JavaScript

I have file called common.js and it's included in each page of my site using <script />.
It will grow fast as my sites functionality will grow (I hope; I imagine). :)
Lets example I have a jQuery event:
$('#that').click(function() {
For the moment, I have that one_of_many_functions() in common.js.
Is it somehow possible that JavaScript automatically loads file one_of_many_functions.js when such function is called, but it doesn't exist? Like auto-loader. :)
The second option I see is to do something like:
$('#that').click(function() {
That not so automatically, but still - includes wanted file.
Is any of this possible? Thanks in an advice! :)
It is not possible to directly auto-load external javascripts on demand. It is, however, possible to implement a dynamic inclusion mechanism similar to the second route you mentioned.
There are some challenges though. When you "include" a new external script, you aren't going to be able to immediately use the included functionality, you'll have to wait until the script loads. This means that you'll have to fragment your code somewhat, which means that you'll have to make some decisions about what should just be included in the core vs. what can be included on demand.
You'll need to set up a central object that keeps track of which assets are already loaded. Here's a quick mockup of that:
var assets = {
assets: {},
include: function (asset_name, callback) {
if (typeof callback != 'function')
callback = function () { return false; };
if (typeof this.assets[asset_name] != 'undefined' )
return callback();
var html_doc = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var st = document.createElement('script');
st.setAttribute('language', 'javascript');
st.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
st.setAttribute('src', asset_name);
st.onload = function () { assets._script_loaded(asset_name, callback); };
_script_loaded: function (asset_name, callback) {
this.assets[asset_name] = true;
assets.inlude('myfile.js', function () {
/* do stuff that depends on myfile.js */
Sure it's possible -- but this can become painful to manage. In order to implement something like this, you're going to have to maintain an index of functions and their corresponding source file. As your project grows, this can be troublesome for a few reasons -- the 2 that stick out in my mind are:
A) You have the added responsibility of maintaining your index object/lookup mechanism so that your scripts know where to look when the function you're calling cannot be found.
B) This is one more thing that can go wrong when debugging your growing project.
I'm sure that someone else will mention this by the time I'm finished writing this, but your time would probably be better spent figuring out how to combine all of your code into a single .js file. The benefits to doing so are well-documented.
I have created something close to that a year ago. In fact, I have found this thread by search if that is something new on the field. You can see what I have created here:
My project are, almost 100% OOP. So, I used this fact to focus my solution. I create this "Class" with the name "New" what is used to, first load and after instance the objects.
Here a example of someone using it:
var objSquare = New.Square(); // Square is loaded and after that instance is created
objSquare.x = objBox.width / 2;
objSquare.y = objBox.height / 2;
var objSomeExample = New.Stuff("some parameters can be sent too");
In this version I am not using some json with all js file position. The mapping is hardcore as you can see here:
New.prototype.arrMap = {
CanvasBox: "" + window.MAIN_PATH + "CanvasBox",
CanvasBoxBehavior: "" + window.MAIN_PATH + "CanvasBoxBehavior",
CanvasBoxButton: "" + window.MAIN_PATH + "CanvasBoxButton",
// (...)
But make this more automatic, using gulp or grunt is something what I am thinking to do, and it is not that hard.
This solution was created to be used into the project. So, the code may need some changes to be able to be used into any project. But may be a start.
Hope this helps.
As I said before, this still is a working progress. But I have created a more independent module what use gulp to keep it updated.
All the magic que be found in this links:
A special look should be in this lines of the
# Create an instance of the object passing the argument
instaceObject = (->
ClassElement = (args) ->
window[args["0"]].apply this, args["1"]
ClassElement:: = (window[arguments["0"]])::
objElement = new ClassElement(arguments)
return objElement
This lines allows me to initialize a instance of some object after load its file. As is used in the create method:
return instaceObject(#packageName, arguments)

Advice for order in big javascript file

I started creating a javascript file in Sublime Text with a few lines and a few functions, but over days passed the file was growing and growing and now it has around 600 lines with about 40 functions.
So I keep scrolling up and down for writing or reading code. And I think that that it's not a good workflow. How can i be more organized with javascript code. Is there a technique that professionals use for that, or a tool?
600 lines is not so much, yet. What you can do is namespace your code (separate it according to functionality). For example:
Lets say you have a js file with a bunch of functions
function formatDate(date){ ... }
function calcAge(birthdate){ ... }
function removeAccents(string){ ... }
function resizeImage(img){ ... }
... and many more ...
You can go ahead and separate functions by category, in this case we could group all the functions that deal with dates. All the ones that deal with strings and the ones that handle images.
// we create a global namespace, on main.js
var MyCoolProject = {};
// then we include string.js, and put all the string functions here
MyCoolProject.string = {
removeAccents: function(string){ ... }
// on date.js, we put all date functions = {
formatDate: function(date){ ... },
calcAge: function(birthdate){ ... }
// so on with image.js
MyCoolProject.img = {
resizeImage: function(date){ ... }
This way you have several smaller files that handle a specific kind of logic and you would call your functions like this:
function doSomethingAwesome(str){
var awesomeString = MyCoolProject.string.awesomize(str);
You also benefit by having more maintainable code and avoid collisions. Collisions happen when you include another script that happens to have a function with the same name as yours. If this happens, only the last included function will be executed. By namespacing your code you prevent this.
Keep in mind
You will have more files, this means more <script> tags in your html in which sometimes the order matters! You should eventually use build tools like grunt or gulp to concatenate and minimize all the js into one single scripts.js file. This way you have full control over your code during development. But once in production your site will make only one request for a js file which should make your site load faster.
Also, the namespacing method used here is my personal preference but in js you can achieve the same behavior through other patterns like prototypes, closures, commonjs, etc so you could research these and see which one fits your personal preference. There is not one better than the other, just one that will serve as a tool to make you build it faster and better.

