knockout: accessing the View Model through an iframe? - javascript

The app I'm building requires the use of iframes for wysiwyg text editing, and these iframes need to be wired up to the viewModel, but I'm finding that this clashes with knockout... or at least knockout seems not to apply bindings when I try to access them through the parent object.
Here's some code...
<script type="text/javascript">
ko.applyBindings(parent.model.project, $('#root')[0]);
<ul id="root" data-bind="template: {name: function(){return type()},
foreach: populate() }"></ul>
<script id="document" type="text/html">
<li class="draft" draft="${draft()}" data-bind="css: {expanded: $data.expanded}">
<span data-bind="click: function(){parent.model.project.expand($data, 'draft')}">
${ordinal(draft())} Draft
<img src="icons/close-black.png"
data-bind="click: function(){parent.model.project.deleteDraft($data)},
css:{ only: function() {parent.model.project.drafts > 1} }"/>
<ul data-bind="css: {expanded: $data.expanded},
template: {
name: 'draft',
foreach: $data.draftItems,
<script id="draft" type="text/html">
{{if $}}
<li class="${name}">${name}</li>
OK, this isn't a wysiwyg text editor, but it still illustrates my point.
Now the thing is, when I wrote this it worked perfectly. I had the part of viewModel that all the bindings refer to defined in a js file accessed only by this html... but I need the same ViewModel to be accessed by the parent window, as I would with a wysiwyg editor for toolbar buttons and other external controls, so I moved that part of the viewModel to the file where the rest of it was defined... and now it doesn't work!
In the external file that I had previously I was still accessing the parent view model using parent.model, but now not having direct exclusive access to that model it doesn't seem to work. The thing is though that I can access the view model with console.log, I can document.write from it too, it fires off events back to the viewModel, and my view updates initially, but after that initial one it no longer updates.
Is there a way to solve this?

iframes won't inherit bindings from parent elements.
You can't make it work that way, as iframes really are separate pages within another page.
Each iframe will need to have its own view model. If that viewmodel needs to come from another view model, you'll need to share that data via global JS objects or message passing or some other mechanism.


Mixing Vue.js into existing SSR website?

Is it possible/viable to use Vue to create components that get instantiated onto custom tags rendered by e.g. a PHP application? Some kind of "custom elements light"?
It "works" if I mount the Vue instance onto the page root element, but - as far as I understand - Vue uses the whole page as a template in this case. And I imagine this could be a performance issue and cause trouble if other javascript code messes with the DOM.
The goal is to progressively replace legacy jQuery code. Is there an common approach for this problem?
Edit: Nesting these components is also a requirement. A simple example would be nested collapsibles.
Edit 2: Some fiddles to illustrate the problem.
A working solution based on riot.js:
<div id="page">
<!-- This is supposed to show "This is a test." twice. -->
<script type="riot/tag">
<p>This is a test.</p>
Two approaches using Vue.js:
<div id="page">
<!-- This is supposed to show "This is a test." twice. -->
<script type="text/x-template" id="test-template">
<p>This is a test.</p>
Vue.config.ignoreCustomElements = ['test'];
// This won't hit the nested <test> element.
new Vue({
template: '#test-template',
// This does, but takes over the whole page.
Vue.component('test', {
template: '#test-template',
new Vue({
el: '#page',
You do not have to use whole page as Vue instance scope. It is more than ok to for example, use #comments-container as scope for comments component which will be nested somewhere on your page.
You can have multiple VueJS instances on one page.

Data binding (AngularJS) inside JS

I'm trying to use data binding inside a <script>.
<ol class="breadcrumb"></ol>
<div class=heading><h2>{{}}</h2>
$(".breadcrumb").append('<li> Ledige stillinger</li>');
$(".breadcrumb").append('<li><a href=#!/categories/{{current.keyname}}>{{}}</a></li>');
My result is:
Ledige stillinger (this is ok!) / {{}} (here should it be the name, it works inside h2)
What am I doing wrong?
my answer would be to use AngularJS as it is intended and 1-way bind your DOM to the model values.
if there are multiple elements with the "breadcrumb" class then add these to a collection in your controller's scope and use ng-repeat directive to render them all out then append the "li" tags to this template.
Please see this plunkr example:
look at app.js and the following markup:
<ul class="breadcrumb">

Use a variable set to ng-click to change template

Let's say I have a list of links and I want each of them to change the DOM on the current page
using ng-click and templating, how would I do that?
Edit: I guess what I am trying to understand is how to move as much of the logic away from the .html file and into my app.js file. I'm a little new to JS and Angular and don't know where or how to pass "active" to choose what I'd like to place inside
For example:
Where the active element displays only what template is set to the active one.
ie; the template associated with foo1 is displayed, and then if foo2 is clicked the template for foo2 replaces foo1
I am not sure what is the implementation of <active>, but you can use ng-include to implement what you are expecting
<active ng-include='active'></active>
Now create a client side or server side template with the name which matches variable active defined on scope and corresponding template would get loaded
A template definition could be like
<script type="text/ng-template" id="foo1">
<!-- html template for foo here-->
See ng-include documentation.
You could use ng-show/ng-hide. Basically something like this.
<div ng-show="foo1">
<p> This will only show when foo1 is true on your scope.
<div ng-show="foo2">
<p> This will only show when foo2 is true on your scope.
<div ng-show="foo3">
<p> This will only show when foo3 is true on your scope.
Also if you're wanting to keep the logic of the active = 'foo1' just change up the logic in the ng-show. Usually you want to keep logic out of the view though, so move that to your controller.

AngularJS dynamically set param of ngInclude based on route

I'm trying to dynamically include a template into my index.html. The general structure of index.html is:
<header ng-controller="Main">
<!-- global stuff -->
<section ng-include="moduleName + '/views/menubar.html'">
<!-- module-based stuff -->
<div id="view" ng-view></div>
Sample URL<app_name>/index.html#/<module_name>[/method_name]
I can't figure out how to update $scope.moduleName when the route changes. My trouble is two-fold:
The header's controller is Main, not the controller associated with the view, so I can't? update $scope.moduleName from the view's controller (because Main and the view's controller are siblings).
In Main, I tried setting a $scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess',…), but apparently it is not notified of route changes.
I've thought of setting up a $rootScope.$on listener (as described in SO#15355346) for the route change and broadcasting down to children, who then emit back up their route, which is broadcasted back down so it is available to Main. But that seems heinous.
And I would really prefer to keep the header outside of ng-view.
EDIT I noticed that $route.current.scope has an object named with module_name (possibly because the name of the controller associated with the route's module_name is the same). I'm wondering if I might be able to somehow use the name of that object…
It's hard to say what's wrong in your code without the full picture. Things you show look fine to me.
Please see this plunk I've created to display the ability to do it. Take note that you also can extend route objects with custom properties, like moduleName here:
$routeProvider.when('/page1', {
template: 'one',
controller: 'one',
moduleName: 'firstModule'

How do I reliably determine if parent template item empty or not in jquery template?

I'm using jQuery templates to build a tree. It works very well so far, but I came across an issue when trying to determine if an item is at the root level or not.
I use a template similar to that of render tree items:
<script id="tree-row-tmpl" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<div class="row ${NodeType}">
{{if expanded}}
{{tmpl($data.chidren || []) "#tree-row-tmpl"}}
Now in the link click handler I try to determine root node using:
It turned out the root tmplItem.parent is not null (as I expected), but contains an object with two properties: {data:{}, key:0}.
I see that I can check item.parent.parent or one of the properties which exist in regular tmplItem and missing in the root object. But this seems like a kind of hack for me - I'd prefer finding an "official" way of verifying a tmplItem whether it's empty or valid.

