Is there a way to detect mouse press in jQuery? - javascript

I want to add a class to a link when it is clicked, but I can't use:
$('a.someLink').click(function() {
// code
since click seems to detect when a user clicks and lets go of the mouse clicker on an element. I need to add the class as soon as the user has clicked on the element, even before he lets ago of the mouse clicker and after he lets go I need the class to be removed.
Basically I'm trying to mimic css's active state on links:
How can this be done?

mousedown() would be what you are looking for in the jQuery docs

You can use $('a.someLink').mousedown(function() { //code }); instead

$('a.someLink').mousedown(function() {

With $('a.someLink').mousedown() you can add the class, and then with $('a.someLink').mouseup() you can remove it.

Try mousedown which is triggered even before click event.
$('a.someLink').mousedown(function() {
// code


jquery mouseenter do this, mouseleave do that, click do this and stop mouseenter/mouseleave events

I am trying to have an image attribute source replaced on mouse enter mouse leave event. And when clicked, the image should stay as active. I need the mouseleave event to stop after clicking has been made. So far the mouseeleave still continues after clicking, switching back the image , here is the code below:
How can I achieve that?.
Just turn off the mouseleave when you click with:
A quick solution seems to be to add a class on click, and then check for the presence of that class on mouseleave; if it's there, do nothing.
#j08691's answer is probably easier to maintain, especially if you're using a recent version of jQuery (1.7 or higher).
You can turn off the mouseleave handler inside the click handler by using off:
jQuery('.paypal').click(function() {
jQuery('.paypal').css('opacity', '1');

Change Div Class on click takes multiple clicks before it works

I used the methods in this question:
change div class onclick on another div, and change back on body click
So here's my jQuery function:
jQuery('.checkbox_wrapper').on('click', function(e){
However it doesn't seem to be working properly. It takes multiple clicks before the class changes.
See my jsfiddle:
I cut it down to the bare essentials thinking it might be conflicting javascript, but even with the single function it takes multiple clicks before the class actually changes. Because the production environment has 1 click toggle a hidden checkbox, multiple clicks is not reasonable.
Could someone help me figure out what's causing this issue?
The click function fires twice, once for the image, and once for the input, as both will bubble to the parent element, and firing twice reverts the classes again (proof).
Just target the image instead, as that is what you're really trying to click, not the parent :
jQuery('.deck_card img').on('click', function (e) {
jQuery(this).closest('div').parent().toggleClass('not_selected selected')
i guest you need the checkbox checked together with the toggling of your div.
$(document).ready(function(e) {
$('.checkbox_wrapper').on('click', function(e){
var checked = $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]').is(":checked");
Your code is triggering click event twice. So use .preventDefault()
This makes the default action of the event will not be triggered.
$('.checkbox_wrapper').on('click', function(e){
e.preventDefault(); // prevent the default action to be
}); // triggered for next time
Check this JSFiddle
try this
jQuery(document).on("click",'.checkbox_wrapper', function(e){
Multiple Clicks are getting triggered because you are using class selector. You need to use not to exclude extra elements :
jQuery("div.checkbox_wrapper :not('div.checkboxdiv')").on('click', function(e){
.toggleClass('not_selected selected')
Here is a FIDDLE.

change div class onclick on another div, and change back on body click

Let me define the problem a little bit more:
i have
<div class="contact">
<div id="form"></div>
<div id="icon"></div>
i want onclick on #icon, to change the class of .contact to .contactexpand( or just append it).
Then i want that the on body click to change the class back, but of course that shouldnt happen when clicking on the new class .contactexpand, and if possible that clicking on icon again changes the class back again.
I tried numerous examples and combinations but just couldn't get the right result and behavior.
Check this: Working example
Let's go step by step
I want onclick on #icon, to change the class of .contact to .contactexpand( or just append it). […] and if possible that clicking on icon again changes the class back again.
You want to use the toggleClass() method to achieve this. Simply:
$('#icon').on('click', function(e){
Then i want that the on body click to change the class back
You will have to make sure that body removes contactexpand class and adds contact. At this point I would just give the container element an id (or class if you prefer), just to make things simpler. Then what you do is pretty simple:
$('body').on('click', function(e){
but of course that shouldnt happen when clicking on the new class .contactexpand.
This is the step that the other answers missed, I think. Since everywhere you click, you also click on the body element, you will always trigger the click event on the body, hence removing the contactexpand class and adding the contact one.
Enter event.stopPropagation(). This method will make sure that the events doesn't bubble up the DOM, and will not trigger the body click.
$('#thisdiv').on('click', function(e){
Working example
You can add a class to parent element like the following code.
$(".contact #icon").click(function(){
var element = $(this).parent(".contact");
I like to the jQuerys toggleClass function like so:
Or you could use addClass('className') and removerClass('className') if you would like to apend it rather than toggle it :)
Here is an example:
You can also add an onclick event to the body of the page and use hasClass('className') to see whether or not to toggle the class when the body is clicked. You could use something like this (Although I havent tested this bit!):
if( $('#contactbox').hasClass('contactexpand') ){
You can do this
$('body').on('click', function(event) {
if ($('id') == 'icon') {
} else {
Check out this jsfiddle
var $contact = $('.contact');
$contact.find('#icon').click(function(e, hide) {
$contact[hide ? 'removeClass' : 'toggleClass']('contactexpand');
$(document).on('click', function(e) {
if (e.srcElement === $contact[0]) return;
$contact.find('#icon').trigger('click', true);

Prevent icon inside disabled button from triggering click?

Trying to figure out proper way to make a click event not fire on the icon of a disabled link. The problem is when you click the Icon, it triggers the click event. I need the selector to include child objects(I think) so that clicking them triggers the event whenever the link is enabled, but it needs to exclude the children when the parent is disabled.
Links get disabled attribute set dynamically AFTER page load. That's why I'm using .on
Demo here:(New link, forgot to set link to disabled)
<div class="container">
<div class="hero-unit">
<h1>Bootstrap jsFiddle Skeleton</h1>
<p>Fork this fiddle to test your Bootstrap stuff.</p>
<a class="btn" disabled>
<i class="icon-file"></i>
$('.btn').on('click', ':not([disabled])', function () { alert("test"); });​
I feel like I'm not using .on right, because it doesn't take the $('.btn') into account, only searching child events. So I find myself doing things like $('someParentElement').on or $('body').on, one being more difficult to maintain because it assumes the elements appear in a certain context(someone moves the link and now the javascript breaks) and the second method I think is inefficient.
Here is a second example that works properly in both enabled/disabled scenarios, but I feel like having to first select the parent element is really bad, because the event will break if someone rearranges the page layout:
Don't use event delegation if you only want to listen for clicks on the .btn element itself:
$('.btn').on('click', function() {
if (!this.hasAttribute("disabled"))
If you'd use event delegation, the button would need to be the matching element:
$(someParent).on('click', '.btn:not([disabled])', function(e) {
Or use a true button, which can really be disabled:
<button class="btn" [disabled]><span class="file-icon" /> Test</button>
Demo, disabled.
Here, no click event will fire at all when disabled, because it's a proper form element instead of a simple anchor. Just use
$('.btn').on('click', function() {
if (!this.disabled) // check actually not needed
this.diabled = true;
var that = this;
// async action:
setTimeout(function() {
that.disabled = false;
}, 1000);
.on('click', ':not([disabled])'
^ This means that, since the icon is a child of the button ".btn", and it is not disabled, the function will execute.
Either disable the icon, also, or apply the event listener only to the <a> tag that is your button, or use e.stopPropagation();
I would suggest using e.stopPropagation();, this should prevent the icon from responding to the click.
That doesn't seem to work for me ^
Disabling the icon, however, does.
I would prefer to add the event using delegation here as you are trying to base the event based on the attributes of the element.
You can add a check condition to see if you want to run the code or not.
$('.container').on('click', '.btn', function() {
if( $(this).attr('disabled') !== 'disabled'){
Check Fiddle
You're not using the selector properly.
$('.btn').not('[disabled]').on('click', function () {
See it live here.
$('.container').on('click', '.btn:not([disabled])', function () {
I think what you need is:
Basically something like the following should work
$('.icon-file').on('click', function(event){event.stopPropagation();});
You may want to add some logic to only stop bubbling the event when the button ist disabled.
not sure, but this selector should work:
$('.btn:disabled .icon-file')

jQuery and modifiying a class

I have the following and it works as it lets me control the the background color of a button. However, I do not have any control over when the button is hovered on.
Is there a way to modify the hover class or effect what happens to the button when it gets a hover?
Try the following.
var button = popUpDialog.parent().find('button:contains("Save")');
}, function(){
You can unbind the hover event for the button which will keep the class from being added in the first place:

