Google maps javascript issue - javascript

I am seeing something I don't understand when using the Google map API. I have the following code to pull the viewport...
var bounds = map.getBounds();
var viewport = {
top: bounds.getNorthEast().lat(),
right: bounds.getNorthEast().lng(),
bottom: bounds.getSouthWest().lat(),
left: bounds.getSouthWest().lng()
Turns out that returns...
57.220445088498764 {
toJSON : function(key) { return this.valueOf(); } }
Can someone explain to me what this is? I don't completely understand js prototypes, but based on my limited understanding a js prototype is a function attached to an instance of an object. Since a number is an object, has Google placed a prototype function called 'toJSON' on all objects it returns?
How can I get rid of that so I end up with simply the number 57.220445088498764?
I am attempting to use the json2.js JSON.stringify, and it isn't giving proper JSON back because of this weird function.

In Javascript everything is an Object** - even Numbers. This means that we can add methods to anything - even numbers. Try this in Firebug or the Chrome inspector:
Number.prototype.hello = function() { alert("Hello, world!"); }
var x = 2;
Even though x is a number, it can still have methods. By adding a method to the prototype for Number, we ensure that all numbers have that method. Of course, normal numbery things will still work too:
var y = x + 2;
window.console.log(y); // Will output 4.
This seems to be used by the Maps API to add a toJSON method to numbers for convinience. It isn't a great design strategy in my opinion, but it's also harmless. Your number will continue to act just like a number should, so you can safely ignore the toJSON method.
** Except the things that aren't, like number or string literals.


Flash/Animate CC Tween Formatted Number

I'm using Animate CC (the erstwhile Flash CC) to do some ads that I'm exporting in HTML5 format (<canvas> and CreateJS stuff). They're working quite nicely overall.
I have a formatted number, in a Static Text box, like so: 5,000,000 and I want to tween it to, say, 20,000, over the course of 30 frames. I want to tween the same text to 5,000 and 1,000,000 and so on throughout the course of my scene.
In my limited Animate CC experience, I've managed to avoid using any Javascript, but I imagine that I will need to now. So, my question: how do I do this?
My thoughts on ways of doing this:
Since I'm using CreateJS, which has the TweenJS library as part of it, maybe I can just use that for tweening? Make little Actions at different points of my timeline? Not sure how all that works, and a lot of the references online are for ActionScript 3 or even AS2. Sample code would be appreciated.
If I do get into Javascript, there's the question of how I would do the number formatting. I could tween the number as 5000000 -> 20000 and on each frame update insert commas, that's one way of doing it. But to make matters more complex, these ads are going to be translated, and different locales come into the mix. So in English you get 5,000,000 and in German would you have 5.000.000, of course.
Since we're talking Javascript in the browser, I'm aware of the method Number.prototype.toLocaleString() which does the following:
The toLocaleString() method returns a string with a language sensitive
representation of this number.
That seems like it would do the trick, but then I have to worry about browser compatibility and what happens if I don't specify a locale. Ideally, since the German ads would only be displayed to people who had a German locale on their browser/OS, I could just call the method without any locale specified, and it would read it off the user's computer. I suppose it's possible to have the scenario where a German person is seeing an English ad, but I'm not that worried about it.
However, on the MDN page for toLocaleString() it has this big warning about earlier versions of FF defaulting to Western Arabic digits, so it makes me doubt the use of the method entirely.
Finally, I have the interesting fact that the translators will almost certainly take 5,000,000 and convert it into 5.000.000 for German. So it may be possible to avoid the use of toLocaleString() since I'll already have localized text. So if it were possible to write a simple Javascript function that could tween arbitrarily formatted numbers, I think that would do the trick. Perhaps:
Take the starting number and rip formatting out of it, save it
Tween the number
On each frame update, inject the formatting back into it
Probably not that hard from a JS perspective, but where I get stumped is how the heck I would do this in Animate/Flash and/or with CreateJS/TweenJS?
As far as tweening a formatted number using TweenJS, you can just tween a non-formatted number, and on "change", create a formatted version to do what you need:
createjs.Tween.get(obj, {loop:true})
.to({val:10000}, 4000)
.to({val:0}, 4000)
.on("change", formatNumber);
function formatNumber(event) {
// Round and format
var formattedNumber = (obj.val|0).toLocaleString();
Here is a simple fiddle:
Although Lanny gave some good data, I wanted to lay out exactly what I ended up doing to get this working.
First, you need to get a reference to the object you're going to be tweening in some way. When you make an Action in Flash and write Javascript, this is bound to the Stage, or to the MovieClip or Graphic that you're editing:
You can access objects using their instance names which are defined in Flash on the Properties of the object, once you've placed it on the Stage. Some sources online said that it was based on the symbol name or some such, but I haven't found that to be the case.
// Get a reference to the object you want to tween
var obj = this.anInstanceName;
Note that, if you want to access something that's inside a MovieClip, you will need to give your MovieClip on the stage an instance name, and then go inside the MovieClip and give an instance name to your target object. Then you can just walk down the hierarchy:
// Get a reference to the nested object you want to tween.
var obj = this.movieClipInstanceName.nestedInstanceName;
Now you can tween any numeric property of the object in question. For me, because I wanted to tween the text, I set an additional property on the object and tweened that, then formatted and copied it over into the text property as I went along.
It was useful to be able to specify how many frames the tween lasted, rather than the milliseconds, so I passed the useTicks flag.
obj.counter = 0;
createjs.Tween.get(obj, {useTicks: true})
.to({counter: 100}, 30) // <- 30 frames, this number is ms without useTicks
.on("change", formatNumber);
function formatNumber(event) {
obj.text = obj.counter.toLocaleString();
The above is generally applicable. Otherwise, here's the working code that I ended up using. It should be able to be dropped into a Flash Action in an HTML5 Canvas project and just work.
// Figures for tweening
var textStart = "2,000";
var textEnd = "6,000,000";
// Locate our target text box
var target = this.myTextBox; // replace "myTextBox" with your instance name
// Get our formatting data and so on
var data = this.getFormatData(textStart);
// Set up the text box
target.number = data.number;
target.text = textStart;
// Get the raw number we're tweening to
var endNumber = this.getFormatData(textEnd).number;
// Create the tween
createjs.Tween.get(target, {useTicks: true})
.to({number:endNumber}, 30)
.on("change", format);
//Formatting function, gets called repeatedly for each frame
function format(event) {
var rounded = Math.round(target.number);
var formatted = formatNumber(rounded, data.format);
target.text = formatted;
// Takes "###,###,###" or somesuch
// Returns a raw number and a formatting object
function getFormatData(formattedNumber) {
var toString = "" + formattedNumber; // in case it's not a string
var reversed = toString.split('').reverse(); // get a reversed array
// now walk (backwards) through the array and remove formatting
var formatChars = {};
for (var i = reversed.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
var c = reversed[i];
var isnum = /^\d$/.test(c);
if (!isnum) {
formatChars[i] = c;
reversed.splice(i, 1);
// get the actual number
var number = parseInt(reversed.reverse().join(''));
// return the data
var result = {number: number, format: formatChars};
return result;
// Takes a raw number and a formatting object and produces a formatted number
formatNumber(number, format) {
var toString = '' + number;
var reversed = toString.split('').reverse();
var index = 0;
while (index < reversed.length) {
if (format[index]) {
reversed.splice(index, 0, format[index]);
var finished = reversed.reverse().join('');
return finished;
This fiddle demos the formatting and has a bit more of an explanation in the comments.
There are other ways of doing this, for sure, such as toLocaleString(), but this fit my exact requirements. Hopefully it'll help someone else.

Restricted JavaScript Array Pop Polyfill not working

I'm creating a few specific functions for a compiler I'm working on, But certain restrictions within the compiler's nature will prevent me from using native JavaScript methods like Array.prototype.pop() to perform array pops...
So I decided to try and write some rudimentary pseudo-code to try and mimic the process, and then base my final function off the pseudo-code... But my tests seem to fail... based on the compiler's current behavior, it will only allow me to use array.length, array element assignments and that's about it... My code is below...
pop2 = function(arr) {
for(var w=undefined,x=[],y=0,z=arr.length;y<=z;y++){
return w;
Arr = [-1,0,1,2];
// Testing...
console.log(pop2(Arr)); // undefined... should be 2
console.log(Arr); // [-1,0,1,2]... should be [-1,0,1]
I'm trying to mimic the nature of the pop function but can't seem to put my finger on what's causing the function to still provide undefined and the original array... undefined should only return if an initial empty array is sent, just like you would expect with a [].pop() call...
Anyone have any clues as to how I can tailor this code to mimic the pop correctly?
And while I have heard that arr.splice(array.length-1,1)[0]; may work... the compiler is currently not capable of determining splice or similar methods... Is it possible to do it using a variation of my code?
Thanks in advance...
You're really over-thinking [].pop(). As defined in the specs, the process for [].pop() is:
Get the length of the array
If the length is 0
return undefined
If length is more than 0
Get the item at length - 1
Reduce array.length by 1
Return item.
(... plus a few things that the JavaScript engine needs to do behind the scenes like call ToObject on the array or ensure the length is an unsigned 32-bit integer.)
This can be done with a function as simple as the one below, there's not even a need for a loop.
function pop(array) {
var length = array.length,
if (length > 0) {
item = array[length - 1];
array.length -= 1;
return item;
I'm assuming that the issue with the compiler is that Array.prototype.pop isn't understood at all. Re-reading your post, it looks like arrays have a pop method, but the compiler can't work out whether the variable is an array or not. In that case, an even simpler version of this function would be this:
function pop(array) {
Try that first as it'll be slightly faster and more robust, if it works. It's also the pattern for any other array method that you may need to use.
With this modification, it works:
pop2 = function(arr) {
for(var w=undefined,x=[],y=0,z=arr.length;y<=z;y++){
if(y+1<z) {
} else {
return w;
Arr = [-1,0,1,2];
// Testing...
console.log(pop2(Arr)); // 2
The problem now is to remove the last element. You should construct the original array again without last element. You will have problems with this because you can't modify the original array. That's why this tasks are maded with prototype (Array.prototype.pop2 maybe can help you)

Javascript - Array of prototype functions

I'm a javascript newbie so I'm writing ugly code so far sometimes due to my lack of experience and how different it is to the languages I'm used to, so the code I'll post below works, but I'm wondering if I'm doing it the right way or perhaps it works but it's a horrible practice or there is a better way.
Basically, I have a little dude that moves within a grid, he receives from the server an action, he can move in 8 directions (int): 0:up, 1: up-right, 2: right... 7: up-left.
the server will send him this 0 <= action <= 7 value, and he has to take the correct action... now, instead of using a switch-case structure. I created a function goUp(), goLeft(), etc, and loaded them in an array, so I have a method like this:
var getActionFunction = actions[action];
However, what to set all this up is this:
1) create a constructor function:
function LittleDude(container) {
this.element = container; //I will move a div around, i just save it in field here.
LittleDude.prototype.goUp() {
//do go up
LittleDude.prototype.actions = [LittleDude.prototype.goUp, LittleDude.prototype.goUpLeft, ...];
//In this array I can't use "this.goUp", because this points to the window object, as expected
LittleDude.prototype.doAction = function(action) {
var actionFunction = this.actions[action];
actionFunction(); //LOOK AT THIS LINE
Now if you pay attention, the last line won't work.. because: when i use the index to access the array, it returns a LittleDude.prototype.goUp for instance... so the "this" keyword is undefined..
goUp has a statement "this.element"... but "this" is not defined, so I have to write it like this:;
so my doAction will look like this:
LittleDude.prototype.doAction = function(action) {
var actionFunction = this.actions[action];; //NOW IT WORKS
I need to know if this is hackish or if I'm violating some sort of "DO NOT DO THIS" rule. or perhaps it can be written in a better way. Since it seems to me kind of weird to add it to the prototype but then treating it like a function that stands on its own.
What you are trying to do is one of the possible ways, but it is possible to make it more simple. Since object property names are not necessary strings, you can use action index directly on prototype. You even don't need doAction function.
LittleDude = function LittleDude(container) {
this.container = container;
LittleDude.prototype[0] = LittleDude.prototype.goUp = function goUp() {
console.log('goUp', this.container);
LittleDude.prototype[1] = LittleDude.prototype.goUpRight = function goUpRight() {
console.log('goUpRight', this.container);
var littleDude = new LittleDude(123),
action = 1;
littleDude[action](); // --> goUpRight 123
littleDude.goUp(); // --> goUp 123; //NOW IT WORKS
I need to know if this is hackish or if I'm violating some sort of "DO NOT DO THIS" rule. or perhaps it can be written in a better way.
No, using .call() is perfectly fine for binding the this keyword - that's what it's made for.
Since it seems to me kind of weird to add it to the prototype but then treating it like a function that stands on its own.
You don't have to define them on the prototype if you don't use them directly :-) Yet, if you do you might not store the functions themselves in the array, but the method names and then call them with bracket notation:
// or make that a local variable somewhere?
LittleDude.prototype.actions = ["goUp", "goUpLeft", …];
LittleDude.prototype.doAction = function(action) {
var methodName = this.actions[action];
this[methodName](); // calls the function in expected context as well

Extremely annoying JavaScript array/object error

Basically, I am rewriting part of one of my web applications. I had a script that would collapse some or all panels of the interface at once, and another to code them.
However, my old functions looked really ugly, and were annoying to type and not powerful enough:
function collapse_all()
function expand_all()
Now I have this:
function panel() //first variable in argument is collapse or expand, all others are panels to act on
var panels = panel.arguments
alert(typeof panel.arguments)
var mode = panels.shift() //here's my problem
if(mode=="collapse") {mode="none"}
if(mode=="expand") {mode=""}
var items = panels.length
for (i = 0;i < items;i++) {document.getElementById(panels[i]).style.display=mode}
I have a problem though. Firebug tells me panels.shift() is not a function. With some Googling I managed to find out that panel.arguments isn't an array but an object, so I can't use array methods on it. I'm just really confused as to how I could either convert the object into an array or find another workaround, as I know next to nothing about JavaScript objects. Some example code would be highly appreciated.
You can convert the arguments object into an array like this:
var argsArray =;
What this does is use the slice method common to all arrays via Array.prototype to create a genuine Array object from the array-like arguments. call() (a method of all functions) is used to call this slice method with a this value of arguments and no parameters, which has the effect of copying all of the elements of this into a new array. This may seem devious or hacky but it is actually designed into the language: see the note at the bottom of section of the ECMAScript 3rd Edition spec.
Also, within a function you are provided the arguments object as a variable, so you don't need to access it as a property of the function object as you are doing. In your case, just use arguments rather than panel.arguments.
You could keep it much simpler (cleaned up your formatting, semi-colons, etc.):
function panel()
var panels =;
var displayMode = (panels[0] == "collapse" ? "none" : "");
for (var i = 1; i < panels.length - 1; i++)
document.getElementById(panels[i]).style.display = displayMode;
Also, if you're rewriting your application, it might be a good time to consider using things like jQuery. You could assign each one of your panels a certain class name, and reduce your code to something like this:
function panel(hide)
$('.className').css({ display: (hide ? 'none' : '') });
which you could use like so:
panel(true); // or
Or, because now it's so syntactically simple, you might as well just create two separate functions so that your code is straightforward and you know exactly what it's going to do from the function names alone:
function showPanels() {
$('.className').css({ display: '' });
function hidePanels() {
$('.className').css({ display: 'none' });
And finally, if you don't worry about doing it via CSS, you could really shorten your script to this, which can't be any clearer:
function showPanels() {
function hidePanels() {

javascript get function body

I have a function e.g.
var test = function () {alert(1);}
How can I get the body of this function?
I assume that the only way is to parse the result of test.toString() method, but is there any other way? If parsing is the only way, what will be the regex to get to body? (help with the regex is extremly needed, because I am not familiar with them)
IF(!!!) you can get the toString(), then you can simply take the substring from the first indexOf("{") to the lastIndexOf("}"). So, something like this "works" (as seen on
var test = function () {alert(1);}
var entire = test.toString(); // this part may fail!
var body = entire.substring(entire.indexOf("{") + 1, entire.lastIndexOf("}"));
print(body); // "alert(1);"
2015 update
Upon revisiting the state of function decompilation, it can said that it's generally safe in certain well-considered use cases and enviroments (e.g: Node.js workers with user defined functions).
It should be put in the same bucket as eval, which is a powerful tool that has its place, but should only be used on rare occasions. Think twice, that's my only advice.
The conclusions from Kangax's new research:
It's still not standard
User-defined functions are generally looking sane
There are oddball engines (especially when it comes to source code
placement, whitespaces, comments, dead code)
There might be future oddball engines (particularly mobile or unusual
devices with conservative memory/power consumption)
Bound functions don't show their original source (but do preserve
identifier... sometimes)
You could run into non-standard extensions (like Mozilla's expression
ES6 is coming, and functions can now look very different than
they used to
Minifiers/preprocessors are not your friend
"function decompilation" — a process of getting
string representation of a Function object.
Function decompilation is generally
recommended against, as it is a
non-standard part of the language, and
as a result, leads to code being
non-interoperable and potentially
#kangax on comp.lang.javascript
Simplest Use-Case
If you just want to execute the body of the function (e.g. with eval or using the Worker API), you can simply add some code to circumvent all the pitfalls of extracting the body of the function (which, as mentioned by others, is a bad idea in general):
'(' + myFunction + ')()';
I am using this trick in this Worker-related JSFiddle.
Complete Function Serialization With Accurate Stacktrace
I also wrote a more complete library that can:
Serialize any kind of function to string
Be able to send that string representation anywhere else, execute it with any custom arguments, and be able to reproduce the original stacktrace
Check out my CodeBuilder code here.
Note that much of the code takes care of making sure that we get an accurate stacktrace, wherever we execute the serialized function at a later point in time.
This fiddle demonstrates a simplified version of that logic:
Use JSON.stringify to properly serialize the function (that comes in handy when, e.g., we want to make it part of a bigger serialization "data package").
We then wrap it in one eval to un-escape the "JSON-ish"-escaped string (JSON does not allow functions + code, so we must use eval), and then in another eval to get back the object we wanted.
We also use //# sourceMappingURL (or the old version //# sourceMappingURL) to show the right function name in the stacktrace.
You will find that the Stacktrace looks Ok, but it does not give you the correct row and column information relative to the file that we defined the serialized functions in, which is why my Codebuilder makes use of stacktracejs to fix that.
I use the CodeBuilder stuff in my (now slightly dated) RPC library where you can find some examples of how it is used:
serializeInlineFunction example
serializeFunction example
buildFunctionCall example
extending #polygenelubricants' answer:
using: .toString()
var y = /* olo{lo} */
/* {alala} */function/* {ff} */ x/*{s}ls{
}ls*/(/*{*{*/)/* {ha-ha-ha} */
it's a function
return 'x';
// }
By indexOf and lastIndexOf:
function getFunctionBody(fn) {
function removeCommentsFromSource(str) {
return str.replace(/(?:\/\*(?:[\s\S]*?)\*\/)|(?:([\s;])+\/\/(?:.*)$)/gm, '$1');
var s = removeCommentsFromSource( fn.toString() );
return s.substring(s.indexOf('{')+1, s.lastIndexOf('}'));
return 'x'
used: rm comments from js source
This code provides the body when using ES6 arrow functions like var testFn=(q)=>q+1;
function getFunctionBody(test){
var entire = test.toString(); // note: not safe-guarded; this part may fail like this!
return entire.substring((entire.indexOf("{")+1)||(entire.indexOf("=>")+2), entire.lastIndexOf("}")!==-1?entire.lastIndexOf("}"):entire.length);
//testing/showcase code
var tests = [
function () {alert(1);},
()=>{return 1;},
for (var i=0;i<tests.length;i++){
I originally submitted this code as an edit to polygenelubricants accepted answer, but it was rejected as the changes were considered to be too drastic.
var fn1 = function() {};
var fn2 = function() { alert("lol!"); };
Function.prototype.empty = function() {
var x = this.toString().match(/\s*function\s*\w*\s*\(.*?\)\s*{\s*}\s*;?\s*/);
return x != null;
alert(fn1.empty()); // true
alert(fn2.empty()); // false
Solução proposta pelo Paulo Torres no grupo A.P.D.A. no facebook.
you can try this functiion:
function extractFunctionBody(fn) {
var reg = /function \((.*)\)[ ]?{(.*)}$/g;
var match = reg.exec(fn.toString().replace(/\n/g, ";"));
if (match){
return match[2];
} else {
return "";
Try this:
test.toString() will hold your entire declaration.
/{(\s*?.?)?}/g will match everything between your braces

