Google Maps Loading Issue - javascript

There are few locations that are not loading in satellite view what could be the reason behind it?
If i use the same lat,lng and try opening it in it happens to load but why not in my app.
Suggest me how can i overcome this ? I have to make sure that is loads in my app.

you might be zoomed in too far. try zooming out and see if the tiles show. Some area do not have map data for all the zoom levels.


Antialising in KML layer in Google Maps API

I have a map created in My Maps, and I wand to embed it in a website, however I'd like to have InfoWindows on marker click instead of the default side panel, and change the description a bit.
From what I found, the only way to do so is to use a regular Google Maps API and add my data onto it with a KML layer. This is working, however, the icons (the pins) are highly pixelated and look terrible. When using the same map via embed (or simply opening it) they are OK.
Would really appreciate any help with the issue. Probably there is another way of adding a custom map to an API-powered map?
The answer I've come up with is: no way to achieve what I'm looking for.
When exporting KML layers, Google scales all icons to 32X32 px, and then scales them up (kml file contains scale 1.1 directive). Even if you change the scale, the files remain 32X32, so it does not help; you need to create another files, in other words: the kml exported from Google is not usable if you have custom png icons.
I ended up using regular markers instead of KML layer.

google maps is not loading in properly

I have been working on this website and I have tried to include a google maps in the contact page. Unfortunately, the maps doesn't render properly, and when I navigate in the maps, it still doesn't work or load in content properly. I have found out that if I re do my script, so that the google maps is the first thing appearing on the screen, the map actually loads in correctly, but that doesn't really suit my design-wishes that much :)
I have looked for solutions on this, and tried to reload the map when I open the contact page, but it still doesn't seem to work. My log doesn't show any errors or anything, so I can't seem to figure it out.
If anybody has an idea of how to solve this, it would be amazing!
I think, once you are done with displaying the contact div, you need to call the resize event on google map.
var map = new google.maps.Map(selector, mapOptions); //Initialising map.
var currCenter = map.getCenter(); //Get the center location of the map
google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize'); //Trigger resize
map.setCenter(currCenter); //Setting the center in resized map.
Should be easy. Make sure you call this code after your contact div is loaded/resized/animated completely.
Let me know if it works.

How to overlay Longitude & latitude markers on JPG map?

I need to be able to show markers (polygons) on a few maps that are JPG's that are various zoom level looks at same thing.
I would normally use google maps for this, but I cannot rely on the mobile device having access to the internet when needed, thus need to use a locally stored set of JPG's and overlay the items on it, preferably with some sort of interaction such as click/touch for more detail popup/modal.
Has anybody made anything similar to this that uses the GEO location but not the internet of a mobile device, and locally stored long/lat details? Can you give me any pointers?
Use CATiledLayer for displaying and overlaying marks.Here is a nice tutorial

JS library for image dragging, scrolling and zooming + markers on pictures like google maps

I'm looking for a google maps like js library just for a image. The features i need are simple: Drag, Scroll, Zoom and most important are markers (eventually vectors). But instead of a map I want to have one picture in the background.
Description of what the library should do: Think as it would be a map-similar situation. In this web app I want to have a image (e.g. a treasure map, map of a building) like the tiles in google maps. The image should be moveable and zoomable. Overlayed over the pictures should be markers. Markers can be as simple as letters (a,b,c), symbols, pointers, div elements... The markers are fixed to the image, positioned relative to its size (zoom) and position like on google maps. drag n drop support is needed for user interaction. While editing the resource a user may drop a new marker onto the map or move/delete an existing one. If the user is not in the editing mode the markers may funktion as tooltips or links. Also if clicking an link outside the "image", the image should scroll to the right position, to show the searched result on the "image"-map. The App should also work on mobile devices.
Has anyone already seen such a tool or is interessted in helping to develop it?
Regards Manuel
How about openlayers?
It has a similar interface to google maps but allows you to customize the tiles/map and markers and doesn't rely on google's servers.
You can use custom layers with Google Maps - so you could replace the entire map with your own tiles (image). Simple example is here: or something more complicated

google maps api v3 - how to display image thumbnails inside bubble?

I have some thumbnails with gps info that I want to pass to a javascript google maps instance. I can get the points to draw on the map, center and zoom to fit, and I can replace the markers with the thumbnails.
This is close, but I'm looking for something that I can style (border, size, etc) and show more of a precise location, like a popup bubble like in google maps business search.. I've looked at the chart library, but that doesn't seem to be anything more than text and their icons.
I also like the way the panoramio (when you turn on photos in a google map) will scale the majority of images down and deal with zooming.. are there public libraries or functions we can use that do this stuff?
Something like this? Its using an InfoWindow to display the picture when you click on the pin.
You can view the source on that at and check the reference on InfoWindows at

