How can I save multiple divs as an image? - javascript

I'm trying to build an interface for the user, so he can choose or pick colored eyes, skin, etc., of a model. I'm really on my way with divs and CSS. I'm using Ajax for loading images into the divs.
My problem is that I need to offer a option to the user so he can save the image as a JPEG or PNG file.
Looking around, I found canvas HTML5 stuff on Stack Overflow, but it's not compatible with Internet Explorer,
Create an Image of a DIV in JavaScript (GIF/PNG)
How can I save div as image at client side where div contains one or more than one HTML5 canvas elements?
I need help to find something compatible with all browsers.
I also found this JavaScript code:
button = document.createElement("img");
button.src = ""
But I don't know much about the createElement method.
I know CSS, but JavaScript is beyond my knowledge.

You cannot do this on the browser, you must do it on the server.
see: Convert web page to image

You want to take screenshot of the browser? Well, there are lot of ways you could try, but all of them would be browser-specific. The most reliable would be to just tell the user to make a screenshot with the OS. On a Mac it's Command-Shift-4, then space; on a PC, it it's ALT-PrtScr, I think.

I believe you could do that with HTML canvas and some JavaScript: Canvas2Image : Saving Canvas data to image file.


screenshot of html file on iPhone to photo library

I have an app on the iphone which will display on the screen an html file containing text and an image. I manipulate this html file with javascript and when I'm done I would like the user to be able to take a screen shot but would like it to be done automatically, without pressing the home and power buttons. Is the some javascript or jQuery that, once the final screen is displayed on the phone, automatically takes a screen shot and places it into the photo library on the phone? Thanks.
Short answer: No. Longer answer: Kinda, but not really.
As far as I know, you cannot make iOS take a screenshot nor even download an image through Javascript or similar. However, I guess you could try to draw the DOM in a canvas and then use canvas.toDataURL() (link) to convert it into an image. You could then instruct the user to hold down their finger on the image to bring up the save dialogue and save it to their device.
As I said, not really a pretty solution, but perhaps something you could experiment with if you really need this feature.
Edit: I did a fast Google search and found this javascript library that should make it a bit easier to do what I described above.

Are there any good Javascript/Jquery thumbnail script equivalents to TimThimb (PHP)?

For those unaware of TimThumb, it will take any image, of any size or dimension and create a thumbnail on the fly to any desired size. The beauty of it is that it really works on any dimension you feed it through a combination of either resizing the image, cropping or zoom cropping the image.
Ive been searching for jscript equvalents but they either require the user to actually mask out the thumbs manually (looking for a script that automatically does it to images) or the scripts can't handle images in a different aspect ratio.
Thanks for any leads on this!
It is impossible to do this only with client-side javascript. PHP has GD, ImageMagick libraries which create the new image (actual thumbnail) and javascript alone can't do this, as it is client side script, it can't create files.
So the answer is: There is no any.
As #papirtiger pointed out you can still do it with server-side javascript (such as node.js).
Please see this link
It depends.
You can use CSS or Javascript for simple image scaling.
There are tons of available plugins to this.
I doubt that there is one that does the guesstimation exactly the same as timthumb.
If you are going resize a large amount images on the page it will really hurt performance.
Another alternative is to several fixed size "layouts" (960, 320) etc and have the server generate thumbs for each.
You can than use javascript to load the appriate size.
If you really need to rescale the file:
Use external webservice to resize the image.
Most of them take a url and return a resized image:""&height="...
If you have TimThumb running on your server you can set up a simple API to allow you to call your own service.
othrwise see Image resizing web service for a few alternatives.

What is the most efficient way to store an image? HTML/CSS/JS

I am going to have a lot of images and trying to find the most efficient way of storing these images to keep the page snappy.
So far I have thought of just the two ways: load with javascript eg picture = new Image(); picture.src = "file.jpg"; and append / remove to the page as necessary, or load into <img> and set display:none.
Are there other options? what is considered the best way to do this?
The best way for a photo gallery (if thats what you are building) is usually to have several sizes of the images, at least two:
a smallish size that is highly compressed and thus have a small footprint: this is the image you load into grids and display in a page where there are multiple images
a larger image with lower compression and higher image quality - this is the one you show when people want to see details.
Since people most often come to the detailed image from a page where the small/fast loading version has already been shown, and thus is already in the browsers cache, you do a little trick and have instant photos, without preloading anything.
It goes like this:
On the details page you show the highly compressed small image in an image tag that has the dimension of the larger detailed version. You then load the larger detailed version in the background using new Image() with an onload event attached that changes the source of the image tag with the small compressed version to the large detailed version.
It looks great, works fast and users will love you ;)
PS: the best way to store images is the browsers cache, not js or the DOM, so if you truly wish to preload images, which is generally a bad practice (tho it can be necessary sometimes), make the browser fetch them for you in the background by including a css file that references them in styles that aren't applied to visual areas of your site.
I'm not sure about "efficient", but the most logical way would be not use the JavaScript to load an image (useless if you have JavaScript disabled) or to set the image as hidden via the display property (likewise, and the browser will probably just load the image anyway).
As such, a sensible suggestion would be to use boring old paging and display 'n' images per page. However, to bring this up to date, you could use "lazy" (a.k.a. "deferred") loading and load additional page content via Ajax as the user scrolls. However, it's key that this gracefully degrades into the standard "paged" behaviour if JavaScript is disabled, etc.
The perfect example of this in operation is Google's image search, and if you search here on StackOverflow you see a discussion of possible implementations, etc.
It's better to use javascript the way that you have it and then add it to the DOM as you need, as opposed to first adding it to the to the DOM and then hiding it because DOM manipulation is much slower and you may not use some images

Bicubic-ly Resize Images with Javascript

Is there a way to resize the actual image using JavaScript? I'm not talking about modifying the DOM to get the browser to resize the image. I actually want to resize the image's pixel data and then display that.
Basically my problem is: Firefox completely fails at downsizing images with delicate features because it only has Nearest Neighbor and Binlinear. Every other browser -- even IE -- has Bicubic support. There's talk of this being included in the near future but that talk has been going on for over a year.
I don't mind downloading the full sized images because I want them downloaded anyway. When the user hovers over the small version of an image, the large version immediately appears elsewhere on the page. If I did server-side resizing I'd have to download BOTH copies of the images which would result in even more traffic. If there's no other workaround then this is what I'm going to have to do... I just don't want to.
It is possible. You get a image on the same domain, write to canvas, then manipulate pixel data from there (complicated, but possible I'm sure), and then either use that or output as png/gif/jpg... BUT... I don't think you will find it will better way to preserve delicate features that CSS.

Javascript - Visual Representation of Element as an Image

This is a long shot but I've seen things which might make it posssible.
I have a div, which is filled with images. Album covers if you must know. And I want to allow users to download this as an image. So they could use it as something like a desktop background.
So is this possible? Get this visual representation of an element and display it as an image?
Basically you can't do that. At least crossbrowser. But if it is not critical. You can try <canvas>
check here
Assuming I understand the question...If you know the position of the images in the div, you could concatenate the images together server side into a single image. Then just have a button users can click on that will call the function to assemble and download this image.
From what I understood from your question you can use an
tag for this. The user can view the image in the browser and can save it to their hard drive.
from your description each of the image inside will be a different album cover, so combining these into a single image won't a good idea.
You could possibly do the rendering serverside. By this I mean that you could generate the HTML and kind of "screenshot" it on the server. The result would nearly always be at least slightly different from what the user sees, but depending on your requirements it might be enough.
There are various tools to do this, for example wkhtmltoimage, which is a sister project of wkhtmltopdf and can be found at

